L: Musculoskeletal
Evaluation of Hypotonia Jin S. Hahn DEFINITIONS Muscle tone is the resistance of muscle to passive stretch. Hypotonia is a decreased tone in the limbs, trunk, or other skeletal muscles….
Anemia in the Neonatal Period
Anemia in the Neonatal Period Robin K. Ohls, Nader Bishara, Wendy Wong, and Bertil Glader INTRODUCTION The newborn period marks a time when red blood cell (RBC) indices change significantly….
Metabolic Acidosis in the Newborn
Metabolic Acidosis in the Newborn Kristina Cusmano-Ozog and Kimberly Chapman INTRODUCTION Metabolic acidosis in the neonate can be caused by several reasons, including increased acid intake from exogenous sources; increased…
Hyperalimentation and Monitoring
Hyperalimentation and Monitoring Kevin Pieroni and John Kerner INTRODUCTION Nutrition support plays a crucial role in the management of premature neonates. Parenteral nutrition (PN) especially has continued to have an…