Evidence-Based Medicine
BACKGROUND Print Section Listen KEY QUESTIONS How do the levels of evidence compare, ie. How do you utilize information from case reports vs. randomized controlled trials (RCTs)? What are meta-analyses,…
BACKGROUND Print Section Listen KEY QUESTIONS How do the levels of evidence compare, ie. How do you utilize information from case reports vs. randomized controlled trials (RCTs)? What are meta-analyses,…
BACKGROUND Print Section Listen The Institute of Medicine has defined “patient-centered care” as “providing care that is respectful of and responsive to individual patient preferences, needs, and values and ensuring…
INTRODUCTION Print Section Listen KEY QUESTIONS What frameworks are helpful when navigating ethical dilemmas in OB/GYN? What is the impact of patient pain and anxiety on standards of informed consent?…
INTRODUCTION Print Section Listen In an OB/GYN hospitalist practice, there are many challenging medical and billing situations routinely encountered. Coding and billing for these scenarios, documenting properly, submitting to third-party…
THE EVOLUTION OF THE OB/GYN HOSPITALIST MOVEMENT Print Section Listen OB/GYN hospitalists have mirrored the evolution of the first general hospitalists—the internal medicine and family practice physicians who focused their…
INTRODUCTION Print Section Listen In 1899, John Whitridge Williams succeeded Howard Kelly as the obstetrician-in-chief at the Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore, Maryland. Interestingly at that time, the departments were…
INTRODUCTION Print Section Listen The necessity for the obstetric/gynecologic (OB/GYN) hospitalist model, with its primary focus to care for and improve the welfare and outcomes of the female laboring patient,…
INTRODUCTION Print Section Listen KEY QUESTIONS What are the definitions of maternal levels of care? What are the benefits of regionalization of maternal care? What barriers prevent successful regionalization of…
BACKGROUND Print Section Listen KEY QUESTIONS How do you define hospital medicine? Describe the growth in Hospital Medicine and discuss how the growth has evolved What are different specialties in…
STARTING A SUCCESSFUL OB/GYN HOSPITALIST PROGRAM Print Section Listen The reasons that a hospital or healthcare system starts OB/GYN hospitalist programs generally fall into eight categories: It has experienced a…