Chapter 32 – Breast Abscess

Sep 30, 2020 by in GYNECOLOGY Comments Off on Chapter 32 – Breast Abscess

Abstract Most breast abscesses develop as a complication of lactation mastitis. The incidence ranges from 0.4 to 11 per cent of all lactating mothers. Lactational breast abscesses are most often…

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Chapter 33 – Pelvic Inflammatory Disease

Sep 30, 2020 by in GYNECOLOGY Comments Off on Chapter 33 – Pelvic Inflammatory Disease

Abstract Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) is a clinical syndrome caused by ascending spread of infection from the vagina and/or endocervix into the pelvis causing endometritis, salpingitis, parametritis, oophritis, tubovarian abscess…

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Chapter 28 – Parasitic Infestation: Protozoa

Sep 30, 2020 by in GYNECOLOGY Comments Off on Chapter 28 – Parasitic Infestation: Protozoa

Abstract The name ‘proto-zoa’ literally means ‘first animals’, and early classification systems grouped the protozoa as basal members of the animal kingdom. However, they were recognised as a discrete assemblage…

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Chapter 29 – Puerperal Sepsis

Sep 30, 2020 by in GYNECOLOGY Comments Off on Chapter 29 – Puerperal Sepsis

Abstract The World Health Organization defines puerperal sepsis as ‘infection of the genital tract occurring at any time between the onset of the rupture of membranes or labor and the…

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Chapter 27 – Malaria

Sep 30, 2020 by in GYNECOLOGY Comments Off on Chapter 27 – Malaria

Abstract Malaria is a life-threatening disease caused by the bite of the female Anopheles mosquito, which results in infection of the red blood cell. Malaria is a protozoal disease caused…

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Chapter 25 – Tuberculosis

Sep 30, 2020 by in GYNECOLOGY Comments Off on Chapter 25 – Tuberculosis

Abstract Tuberculosis (TB) is one of the top 10 causes of death worldwide and is believed to be nearly as old as human history. Tuberculosis remains the most common cause…

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Chapter 23 – Appendicitis in Pregnancy

Sep 30, 2020 by in GYNECOLOGY Comments Off on Chapter 23 – Appendicitis in Pregnancy

Abstract Appendicitis is the most common surgical emergency during pregnancy. It accounts for 25 per cent of surgeries for non-obstetric causes. The incidence is around 1/766 live births. Although it…

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