Sudden infant death syndrome

Jun 29, 2024 by in PEDIATRICS Comments Off on Sudden infant death syndrome

Introduction “And this woman’s son died in the night …” 1 Kings 3: 19 (∼950 B.C.) Authors’ note to the reader: This chapter describes and discusses the sudden and unexpected…

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Infant respiratory physiology during sleep

Jun 29, 2024 by in PEDIATRICS Comments Off on Infant respiratory physiology during sleep

Introduction Sleep is a vital process, characterized by decreased consciousness with inhibited motor activity and rapid reversibility. Respiratory physiology during sleep undergoes a multitude of maturational changes during childhood, especially…

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Skin Disorders inNewborn Infants

Sep 9, 2023 by in PEDIATRICS Comments Off on Skin Disorders inNewborn Infants

KEY POINTS 1. Neonatal skin matures with gestational age with increasing thickness, less permeability, and higher density of sweat and sebaceous glands. Keratinization begins at 24 weeks and matures near…

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Leadership and OrganizationalCulture in Healthcare

Sep 9, 2023 by in PEDIATRICS Comments Off on Leadership and OrganizationalCulture in Healthcare

KEY POINTS 1. All organizations, be it in healthcare or in any other sector(s) of society, strive for effective, potentially transformational leadership. 2. In any health-care system, infants receiving care…

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Organization of Neonatal Intensive Care

Sep 9, 2023 by in PEDIATRICS Comments Off on Organization of Neonatal Intensive Care

KEY POINTS 1. Neonatal intensive care units (NICUs) are organized for the clinical care of premature and critically ill newborn infants. 2. Healthcare centers require a well-considered structure to enable…

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