Pyloric Stenosis
Fig. 14.1 Drawing of the hypertrophic pylorus showing the dangerous place where the mucosa comes up as the muscular wall becomes suddenly thinner 14.7.1 Open Surgery If EMP has not…
Fig. 14.1 Drawing of the hypertrophic pylorus showing the dangerous place where the mucosa comes up as the muscular wall becomes suddenly thinner 14.7.1 Open Surgery If EMP has not…
Fig. 15.1 Transverse incision in the bulbus duodeni Fig. 15.2 First suture through the distal duodenum Fig. 15.3 Approximation of first suture from midway bulbus to superior edge of distal…
Support or manipulate pulmonary gas exchange Normalize alveolar ventilation (PaO2, PaCO2, and pH) Achieve and maintain PaO2 > 90 mmHg and peripheral Sat O2 > 95 % Increase lung volume…
Fig. 25.1 Genetic mechanisms of congenital hyperinsulinism (see text for details) Molecular genetic abnormalities have been identified in nine different genes which cause CHI: these include inactivating mutation of the…
Fig. 19.1 Embryo day 13 Fig. 19.2 Embryo day 28 The middle part of the primitive gut, or midgut, remains temporally connected to the yolk sac by the vitelline duct…
Fig. 30.1 Mucocutaneous pigmentation representative of Peutz–Jeghers syndrome (PJS) (Reproduced from Alawi 2013 [15]) Adenomas This type of polyps is usually associated with polyposis syndromes such as familial adenomatous polyposis…
Fig. 6.1 Summary of clinical nutrition management in pediatric digestive diseases. PN parenteral nutrition, * paralytic or mechanical ileus, ° obstruction, NEC necrotizing enterocolitis, EN enteral nutrition, ONS oral nutritional…
Fig. 8.1 Congenital stenosis of the distal third of the esophagus The radiologic appearance is morphologically similar in all cases of esophageal stenosis: an important esophageal dilation followed by a…
Fig. 12.1 Laparoscopic Nissen Rossetti fundoplication. Creation of the retroesophageal window (a), suture of the diaphragmatic crura (b), the fundus is brought around behind the esophagus to create a wrap…
Grade Endoscopic features Extent of lesions 0 No lesion 1 Erythema of the mucosa 2a Pseudomembranes Partial/noncircumferential 2b Ulcer/necrosis Partial/noncircumferential 3a Pseudomembranes Circumferential 3b Ulcer/necrosis Circumferential 4 Full-thickness changes/perforations Patients…