Ectopic pregnancy in a cesarean-section scar
Cesarean scar ectopic pregnancies may be difficult to diagnose and may result in uterine rupture or hysterectomy. Based on location and vascularity, especially in the presence of fetal cardiac activity,…
Cesarean scar ectopic pregnancies may be difficult to diagnose and may result in uterine rupture or hysterectomy. Based on location and vascularity, especially in the presence of fetal cardiac activity,…
In the roundtable that follows, clinicians discuss a study published in this issue of the Journal in light of its methodology, relevance to practice, and implications for future research. Article…
The article below summarizes a roundtable discussion of a study published in this issue of the Journal in light of its methodology, relevance to practice, and implications for future research….
Objective The purpose of this study was to evaluate the performance of the 12-hour urine protein >165 mg and protein:creatinine ratio >0.15 for the prediction of 24-hour urine protein of…
Objective We sought to determine the association of abnormal second-trimester serum analytes with early preterm preeclampsia. Study Design We conducted a retrospective study of 7767 subjects undergoing second-trimester serum aneuploidy…
Objectives This study aimed to determine whether administration of lamivudine to pregnant women with chronic hepatitis B in the third trimester is a cost-effective strategy in preventing perinatal transmission. Study…
Objective To determine whether survival is different in “early” (23 0/7 -23 3/7 weeks) vs “late” (23 4/7 -23 6/7 weeks) infants. Study Design Records of 126 consecutive liveborn infants…
Objective We sought to evaluate the association between placental histological abnormalities and birthweight discordance and growth restriction in twin pregnancies. Study design We performed a multicenter, prospective study of twin…
Objective The objective of the study was to determine whether perinatal nicotine exposure adversely affects cardiovascular health in adulthood. Study Design C57Bl/6J female mice were randomized to 200 μg/mL nicotine…
Objective The purpose of this study was to determine whether corticosteroid administration after 34 weeks of gestation is associated with improved neonatal outcome in the presence of fetal lung immaturity….