Breast Cancer
2Western General Hospital, Pathology Department, Edinburgh, UK Overview Carcinoma in situ is diagnosed when malignant cells remain within the basement membrane of the elements of the terminal duct lobular unit;…
2Western General Hospital, Pathology Department, Edinburgh, UK Overview Carcinoma in situ is diagnosed when malignant cells remain within the basement membrane of the elements of the terminal duct lobular unit;…
2Edinburgh Breast Unit, Western General Hospital, Edinburgh, UK Overview The number of women with carcinoma in situ continues to increase and comprises approximately 25% of all ‘malignancy’ detected through screening…
2King’s College London and Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust, London, UK Overview Prognostic factors are useful in guiding therapeutic decisions Axillary node metastasis, histological tumour grade and tumour…
2Genetic Medicine, St Mary’s Hospital, Manchester, UK Overview The incidence of breast cancer in the world continues to increase The most significant risk factor for breast cancer is increasing age…
Overview Breast cancer has a significant psychological impact All centres treating patients with breast cancer would benefit from access to applied psychologists and a well developed system of psychosocial support…
2Genetic Medicine St Mary’s Hospital, Manchester, UK3Queen Mary Hospital The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong Overview Improvements in our understanding of the aetiology of breast cancer have helped to…