Haemorrhagic Shock
‘It is clear that when patients are in this condition, trembling upon the very brink of destruction, there is but little time for you to think what ought to be…
‘It is clear that when patients are in this condition, trembling upon the very brink of destruction, there is but little time for you to think what ought to be…
‘The child was born about an hour before I came, and the midwife in attempting to bring away the placenta, had inverted the uterus; for upon examination, I found the…
Antepartum haemorrhage (APH) refers to bleeding from the genital tract after 20 weeks of gestation, which is 4−6 weeks below the lower limit of fetal viability. Establishing the cause of…
‘The dangerous efflux is occasioned by everything that hinders the emptied uterus from contracting … in these cases such things must be used as will assist the contractile power of…
There is no chapter in the history of obstetrics that is more central to the development of the clinical art of obstetrics than the invention and evolution of the obstetric…
‘If the feet of the child come foremost, you must take care to baptize them immediately …’ Paul Portal The Compleat Practice of Men and Women Midwives. London: J. Johnson,…
On Twins: ‘It is a constant rule, to keep patients, who have born one child, ignorant of there being another, as long as it can possibly be done’. Thomas Denman…
Caesarean section represents the most significant operative intervention in all of obstetrics. Its development and application has saved the lives of countless mothers and infants. On the other hand, its…
Uterine rupture is an uncommon but serious obstetric emergency associated with an increase in fetal and maternal mortality and morbidity. There are, however, wide variations in its incidence, its aetiology…
‘The delivery of the head with or without forceps may have been quite easy … time passes. The child’s face becomes suffused. It endeavours unsuccessfully to breathe. Abdominal efforts by…