The Extremely Low-Birth-Weight Infant

The Extremely Low-Birth-Weight Infant

Apostolos N. Papageorgiou

Ermelinda Pelausa

Lajos Kovacs


Astounding progress in technology, neonatal basic sciences, and evidence-based practices has translated to better overall clinical care and survival of newborn infants that, only a few decades ago, may not even have had a chance. Extremely low-birth-weight (ELBW) infants, defined as infants weighing less than 1,000 g at birth, now constitute a constant patient base in our neonatal intensive care units (NICUs); evidencing the reality of premature births, problematic pregnancies, and the continuing complex challenges of care at the limits of human viability.

ELBW infants are a nonhomogenous cohort classifiable into two subgroups: (a) infants who are extremely premature (EP), having been born at less than 28 weeks of gestation, and (b) infants of more advanced gestational age with intrauterine growth restriction, being small for gestational age (SGA) (see also Chapter 24). This distinction is important because of the different pathophysiologic processes at play in these subgroups, with potentially very different consequences on the developing fetus and neonate. Thus, accurate early ultrasound dating of the pregnancy (ideally, at 11 to 13 weeks of postmenstrual age) is crucial.

Over the past quarter of a century, we have also witnessed the survival of a new cohort of infants who weigh less than 500 g at birth, that is, below the weight limit that the World Health Organization had designated for reporting live births. These infants, referred to by some authors as “fetal infants” or “micropremies,” are rare occurrences but, nevertheless, have challenged the traditional limits of human viability. Although their care showcases the tremendous clinical and technologic progress achieved in recent years, their survival has also brought a substantial additional demand on human and financial resources, as well as major ethical dilemmas (see also Chapter 8). Since most of these infants are both EP and SGA, the long-term prognosis of the survivors has not been reassuring, which makes their management a hotly contentious issue (1,2).

In recent years, few medical specialties have demonstrated as much progress and success as has neonatology. With regionalization of perinatal care, improved technology, and better understanding of their pathophysiology and specific needs, the survival of ELBW infants has improved dramatically (3,4). In fact, in most perinatal centers in North America and Europe, neonatal deaths are uncommon for infants with birth weights above 1,000 g, in the absence of congenital anomalies. Recent reports demonstrate the improvement in overall perinatal and neonatal mortality and the increasing survival of ELBW infants over time. Our survival for the period 2008 to 2012 was as follows: 23 weeks = 50%, 24 weeks = 57%, 25 weeks = 75%, 26 weeks = 86%, and 27 weeks = 94%. Thus, the care of ELBW infants occupies an important part of the daily activities of all NICUs and contributes heavily to the cost of neonatal care (5).

As mortality has significantly decreased, concerns have been expressed regarding whether morbidity has followed the same rate of improvement (4,6,7,8,9). There is current evidence that for infants born weighing more than 750 g, the decline in morbidity is a significant one, although not parallel to the decline in mortality. However, for infants with birth weights less than 750 g, the long-term prognosis remains less favorable. Although the incidence of cerebral palsy (CP) and other physical impairments is relatively low, the incidence of later-appearing cerebral dysfunction is quite elevated, with requirement for additional resources to manage behavioral and school difficulties in later childhood. The aim of this chapter is to present a global approach to the care of ELBW infants, with emphasis on the problems and management issues particular to them. The major problems noted in ELBW infants are listed in Table 22.1. The reader is referred to the specific chapters in the textbook for a more comprehensive review of each problem.

Much of what is written in this chapter is based on our own experience in the management of ELBW infants, with appropriate reference to the most recent published data. We expect that our experience may be different from that of many in other parts of the world. It is important to appreciate that the Canadian health care system, which provides universal access to health care, emphasizes prevention and has a very successful antenatal referral policy, with the vast majority of very-low-birth-weight infants being born in a tertiary care perinatal center.


The accuracy of distinction between AGA and SGA infants born before 28 weeks of gestation became more precise only in recent years thanks to early pregnancy ultrasonography. In Canada, and particularly in the province of Quebec, systematic ultrasonography between 11 and 13 weeks of gestation has not only permitted the early detection and the potential for termination of major congenital anomalies but, at the same time, has provided a reasonably accurate dating of almost all pregnancies. Precise gestational age assignment, along with the birth weight of premature infants, has made it possible to relate specific problems, diagnoses, and prognoses to the degree of immaturity, and to recognize the implications of intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) at a very early gestational age. In our perinatal center, the incidence of SGA, defined as a birth weight beyond two standard deviations (SDs) below the mean for a given gestational age, has been 27.8% for infants born weighing less than 1,000 g (Table 22.2).

Although mortality rates of ELBW infants are declining, the incidence of these births has not changed significantly. It is estimated that the rate of live births for infants weighing 500 to 999 g in Canada is 0.4% (10). Factors that have long been recognized as being associated with prematurity include extremes of maternal age, socioeconomic status, low level of education, adverse social habits, maternal diseases, gynecologic infections, and, more recently, multiple pregnancies secondary to assisted reproductive technologies (11).

Significant predictors for the survival of ELBW infants are older gestational age, heavier birth weight, female gender, African American race, singleton birth, and the presence of mild-to-moderate fetal growth restriction (12). Tables 22.2 and 22.3 indicate the survival rate of infants born weighing less than 1,000 g in our institution between 2005 and 2011, analyzed by weight and gestational age. In our experience, infants born before 27 weeks of gestation with a birth weight beyond 2 SD below the mean are at a disadvantage compared to AGA infants of the same gestational age in terms of acute and chronic problems, the most striking complication being the higher incidence of retinopathy of prematurity (ROP) (13) (see also Chapter 51).

In terms of global epidemiologic evaluation of outcomes for ELBW infants, many factors contribute to the inaccuracy of data. A number of countries, and particularly some developing ones, do not keep statistics for infants born before 28 weeks of gestation. In other countries, when death occurs rapidly in the 1st day of life, or particularly in the delivery room, the death is not recorded as a neonatal death. Survival rates may be recorded at 7 days, at 28 days, or at time of discharge, without true distinction. Also, information originating from small private institutions may be inaccurate and difficult to control. National and regional data can also be seriously affected by the ratio of inborn to outborn infants and the number of EP infants who are resuscitated (see also Chapter 1).
Indeed, great variations do exist in terms of intervention and resuscitation in the delivery room between institutions and countries, and they reflect not only differences in the capacity of some institutions to manage newborns near the limits of viability but also differences in philosophy. Table 22.4 indicates recent survival rates as reported in different parts of the world. Tables 22.3, 22.5, and 22.6 indicate the survival, management, and complications of ELBW infants born in our center for the years 2005 to 2011.

TABLE 22.1 Major Problems in Extremely Low-Birth-Weight Infants


Respiratory distress syndrome

Respiratory failure


Air leaks

Chronic lung disease


Patent ductus arteriosus

Central nervous system

Intraventricular hemorrhage

Periventricular leukomalacia



Electrolyte imbalance

Acid-base disturbances

Renal failure


Retinopathy of prematurity




Feeding intolerance

Necrotizing enterocolitis

Inguinal hernias

Cholestatic jaundice

Postnatal growth restriction


Poor defense to infection


Perinatal infections

Nosocomial infections

TABLE 22.2 Population Profile of 273 ELBW Inborn Infants, Jewish General Hospital, McGill University, 2005-2011


Birth Weight (g)

Live Births # Infants























Gestational age (mean ± SD)

26.2 ± 1.8 wk

Birth weight (mean ± SD)

762 ± 143 g

Apgar 1 min (mean ± SD)

4.2 ± 2.2

Apgar 5 min (mean ± SD)

6.4 ± 2.2

SGA rate


Cesarean rate


Days in hospital in survivors (mean ± SD)

99 ± 40

TABLE 22.3 Survival Rate by Gestational Age of 262 Inborn Infants Weighing 500-999 g at the Jewish General Hospital, McGill University, 2005-2011

Gestational Age (Weeks)

Total Births




0 (0.0%)



37 (56.1%)



86 (79.6%)



61 (92.4%)



16 (94.1%)



3 (75.0%)

All ages


203 (77.5%)



With the advent of routine early ultrasonography, the gestational age is fairly well established on admission to the obstetrics unit for the vast majority of women presenting with premature labor, premature rupture of the membranes, or other problems diagnosed in the second trimester of pregnancy. Such patients need to be immediately placed in the charge of a specialist in maternal-fetal medicine (MFM) in order to coordinate the evaluation and management plans and to ensure appropriate communication and counseling. Based on the investigation for the causes of the problem at hand, the evaluation of the degree of cervical dilatation, the condition of the membranes, the presence or absence of chorioamnionitis, and the most recent evaluation of fetal well-being by ultrasonography, the MFM specialist can decide on the best course to be taken, ideally in consultation with the neonatologist, including an estimation of the likelihood of controlling labor with tocolysis to allow adequate time for antenatal corticosteroid therapy (21) and magnesium sulfate for neuroprotection (22).

The prospective parents need to receive accurate information regarding all facets of the proposed management, including the possible need for cesarean delivery, and information regarding the subsequent management of the newborn infant, including the potential risks related to both the degree of prematurity and the therapeutic interventions that may be necessary to keep the infant alive. Ideally, this information should be provided conjointly by both the MFM specialist and the neonatologist and should be based not only on general statistical information but also on the specific institutional experience with outcomes of newborn infants of similar gestational age. In our center, the neonatologist provides a written consultation on all patients admitted to the obstetric high-risk unit. We meet with the family, offer an extensive review of our experience with similar cases, and answer their questions regarding risks and outcomes. The father and mother are invited to visit the NICU and to familiarize themselves with the environment and the personnel.

The lowest gestational age at which resuscitation should be initiated has long been the subject of debate (see also Chapter 8). Guidelines are available from both the American and the Canadian Fetus and Newborn Committees (3,23,24). Based on our experience, we offer an optimistic opinion in terms of survival and potential morbidity for pregnancies of 25 weeks of gestation and over. Between 24 and 25 weeks, although we underline that the chances of survival are quite good, we also emphasize the increased risk of potential complications, such as intraventricular hemorrhage (IVH), periventricular leukomalacia (PVL), retinopathy of
prematurity (ROP), chronic lung disease (CLD), neurosensory impairments, and later school and behavioral difficulties. For pregnancies between 23 and 24 weeks of gestation, we describe the higher incidence of complications previously mentioned, and the lower survival rate; however, we also mention the possibility of intact survival or survival with minimal handicaps. Finally, for pregnancies below 23 weeks of gestation, we do not recommend intervention. For parents who request full intervention, we strongly advise that resuscitation will be undertaken only if the newborn has at least the degree of maturity predicted by dates and/or ultrasonography and if, in the judgment of the neonatologist present in the delivery room, the newborn has reasonable chances of responding to resuscitation. We always make it clear to the parents that initiation of resuscitation and subsequent treatments in the NICU do not preclude discontinuation of therapy if a major complication such as severe IVH is detected in the hours or days following birth. The presence of a staff neonatologist in the delivery room is an integral part of our protocol for the management of ELBW infants.

TABLE 22.4 Studies on Survival to Hospital Discharge of Extremely Premature Live-born Infants, Including Infants Not Resuscitated and Infants Who Died in the Delivery Room



# Live Births

≤22 Weeks

23 Weeks

24 Weeks

25 Weeks

CNN (14)







Express Group (15)







Itabashi et al. (16)







NICHD NRN, 2003-2007 (17)







EPICure 2, 2006 (18)







Markestad et al. (19)







Bolisetty et al. (20)







One of the most difficult questions that parents ask, and which our obstetrical colleagues continuously debate, is the safest route of delivery in the presence of either a breech presentation or evidence of fetal distress (25). In our institution, based on our own results, and as also recommended by the Canadian Pediatric Society (3), we advise cesarean delivery in such situations as of 25 weeks of gestation. Between 24 and 25 weeks, the decision is more delicate, and many factors have to be taken into consideration, particularly in view of the fact that many may require a classical incision. The decision to proceed with such an intervention is taken with a clear understanding by the parents of all the medical implications for both the mother and the infant. Finally, at less than 24 weeks of gestation, cesarean delivery is performed strictly for maternal indications, such as severe maternal blood loss or preeclampsia.

TABLE 22.5 Outcome of 262 Inborn Infants Weighing 500-999 g at the Jewish General Hospital, McGill University, 2005-2011

No. of Infants (n = 262)





Antenatal betamethasone



Cesarean section






Respiratory distress syndrome



Surfactant for respiratory distress syndrome



Drained pneumothorax



Pulmonary interstitial emphysema only



Intraventricular hemorrhage, all grades



IVH, grades III-IV



Patent ductus arteriosus



Surgical necrotizing enterocolitis






Another difficult management situation relates to ruptured membranes between 18 and 22 weeks of gestation, resulting in severe oligohydramnios, with the inherent risk of lung underdevelopment (26). Serial ultrasound studies can evaluate the degree of reaccumulation of amniotic fluid and allow for a better-educated decision regarding the advisability of continuing the pregnancy (27). However, in the vast majority of these cases, the outcome is very poor, and termination of pregnancy constitutes reasonable advice, particularly if rupture of membranes occurred before 20 weeks of gestation with poor reaccumulation of amniotic fluid.

Impending Delivery

The management of a patient with impending premature delivery should include the following: evaluation of gestational age by dates and/or early ultrasound, fetal size and position, condition of the fetal membranes, amniotic fluid volume, and evidence of chorioamnionitis and other obstetrical complications such as bleeding or preeclampsia. Vaginorectal cultures for the detection of group B
streptococcal colonization and initiation of therapy with penicillin or an appropriate alternative are also in order (28). In all patients from 23 weeks of gestation, we propose tocolysis, magnesium sulfate for neuroprotection, and the administration of two doses of 12 mg of betamethasone, given intramuscularly, 24 hours apart (21). We also monitor body temperature and changes in leukocyte count, keeping in mind the possible transient leukocytosis after the administration of betamethasone.

TABLE 22.6 Complications among 203 Survivors 500-999 g at the Jewish General Hospital, McGill University, from 2005-2011

No. of Infants (n = 203)





Oxygen 28 d



Oxygen 36 wk PCA



Home O2



IVH all grades



IVH grades III-IV



Periventricular leukomalacia






Retinopathy of prematurity all stages



≥ stage III












Patent ductus arteriosus



Closure with COXI









Surgical necrotizing enterocolitis



Days in hospital

100 ± 42

If a patient has fever or demonstrates other signs of chorioamnionitis, broad-spectrum antibiotics are initiated. In the presence of ruptured membranes, we use a combination of ampicillin and erythromycin and attempt to temporarily stop labor and administer steroids (29).

Delivery Room Management

The successful management of the ELBW infant begins in the delivery room (Table 22.7). A well-organized and equipped delivery room and the presence of a competent team headed by an experienced neonatologist are essential ingredients to the proper reception of these very fragile newborns. The basic principle guiding successful management is directed toward prevention of any physiologic deviation from normality, such as hypothermia, acidosis, or hypoxia. At the same time, it is important that each intervention during the resuscitation process be carefully adapted to the size and to the needs of the tiny infant. Brisk maneuvers, excessive positive pressure with bagging, or inappropriate administration of drugs and fluids may induce permanent central nervous system (CNS) or lung injuries.

It seems particularly inappropriate when high-risk mothers are referred to a tertiary care center for specialized perinatal care, to have their premature newborn infants cared for in the delivery room and during the critical first hours of their lives by unsupervised and inexperienced in-training personnel. Major decisions, such as whether to initiate resuscitation and for how long, often need to be made in extremely short periods of time and under heavy pressure for infants at the limit of viability. This can be done only by experienced personnel (3).

In our center, the birth of an ELBW infant is always attended by a neonatologist in addition to the pediatric house staff, an NICU nurse, and a respiratory therapist. Appropriate equipment is used according to the American Heart Association and American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) guidelines for neonatal resuscitation, with particular emphasis on temperature control, that is, radiant heater set at maximum temperature and prewarmed blankets (30).

TABLE 22.7 The First 60 Minutes of Life

  1. Expert resuscitation in the delivery room

  2. Good thermoregulation

    1. Keep the infant warm and in a plastic bag in the delivery room

    2. Provide high-humidity environment in the incubator

  3. Minimum handling and avoidance of brisk maneuvers

  4. Expert cardiorespiratory support

    1. Liberal use of nasopharyngeal CPAP

    2. Intubation only when response is poor, avoiding excessive ventilatory pressures

    3. Early administration of surfactant, when indicated. Rapid adjustment of ventilatory support

    4. Continuous monitoring of oxygenation with pulse oximetry

    5. Monitoring of blood pressure. Prudent administration of volume expanders

    6. Catheterization of umbilical vessels, when indicated

    7. Radiographic evaluation of lung pathology and position of catheters

  5. Early parenteral nutrition and antibiotics when indicated

  6. Parental information

During the initial steps of stabilization, the infant is immediately placed under a radiant warmer and in a polyethylene bag. After positioning and suctioning, most ELBW infants require immediate initiation of either continuous distending airway pressure or initiation of positive pressure ventilation with either a bag and mask or a T-piece resuscitator. Resuscitation is initiated using an inspired oxygen concentration of 30% to 40%, which is rapidly adapted to the infant’s condition and preductal oxygen saturation readings. We found that, for ELBW infants, ventilation is more effective if performed at a higher ventilatory rate than for the term infant. We use anesthesia bags and ventilate at a rate of 60 to 80 breaths per minute, adjusting the pressure to provide adequate bilateral air entry and chest wall excursion. For EP infants with poor chest expansion or persistent bradycardia, intubation in the delivery room may rapidly follow.

With proper ventilation, in our experience, rarely will an infant require chest compressions or epinephrine. The prognosis of ELBW infants requiring this extent of resuscitation is very guarded, particularly if their birth weight is below 750 g. Fluid resuscitation is reserved only for those infants in whom significant blood loss is suspected.

Even following optimal resuscitation, the Apgar scores of ELBW infants rarely exceed 6 or 7 in view of their decreased tone and reactivity, poor respiratory effort, and initially poor peripheral perfusion (31). The infant’s heart rate and oxygen saturation are thus the best measures of the effectiveness of resuscitation efforts.

The topic of delivery room management would not be complete without mentioning the ethical dilemmas faced by the neonatologist when parental and medical opinions regarding resuscitation differ, or when an ELBW infant is severely asphyxiated and requires prolonged resuscitation (see also Chapters 8 and 17). It is our view that reasonable parental opinions must be respected after full and honest discussion of the infant’s chances of meaningful survival.


Organization of the NICU

Care of ELBW and EP infants is best delivered by tertiary/quaternary level NICUs having the necessary expertise, personnel, resources, and environment. Medical and technologic advances in neonatal care require specialized expertise that is best provided by a well-coordinated and dedicated multidisciplinary NICU team. Professionals constituting the NICU team can be grouped as follows: (a) medical, such as physicians, nurse practitioners, nurses, pharmacists, nutritionists, and respiratory therapists; (b) developmental, such as social workers, occupational therapists, physical therapists, and lactation consultants; and (c) support, such as clerical staff, biomedical engineering, and environmental services. Experienced personnel with advanced knowledge and skills are the most competent to give the complex care required by ELBW and EP infants, to understand the vulnerable emotional state of the families, and to navigate the intricate medical and social interface experienced by the families and NICU team through the course of the prolonged and often challenging hospitalization of such fragile infants. The parents are crucial members of this NICU team, being the most important and constant influences on their infants’ lives in the NICU and after discharge. Collaborative partnerships empower families to become competent caregivers for their infants, with confidence and effective parenting skills, and embody the commitment to family-centered care in the NICU (32).

In the last decade, it has been recognized that the physical environment of the NICU is an essential component in the optimal delivery of the complex, intensive, and developmentally supportive care needed by fragile infants and their vulnerable families and, at the same time, in the support of the activities and well-being of the NICU staff (see also Chapter 2). Safe care with adequate space and lighting, noise control, infection control, as well as promotion
of staff interaction, communication, and appropriate workload are medical imperatives. Provision of comfort, privacy, and individualized care are important considerations for families (33).

Admission to the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit

Expert management in the delivery room and during the first hours after admission to the NICU is of paramount importance in order to prevent immediate and long-term complications in the ELBW infant. It is well established that the majority of cerebral injuries occur around the time of delivery or in the immediate postnatal period. Acute changes in cerebral blood flow may predispose the very fragile network of periventricular vessels to rupture. Hence, it is essential to handle these very fragile infants with extreme care, avoiding unnecessary disturbances, and preventing, rather than correcting physiologic deviations in acid-base balance, blood gases, blood pressure, or body temperature. Also, overly aggressive ventilation either in the delivery room or in the NICU may predispose to significant acute or chronic pulmonary problems such as hyperinflation and loss of elasticity of the alveoli, pulmonary interstitial emphysema (PIE), pneumothorax, and eventually CLD. The initiation of continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) or high-flow nasal cannula is the first approach. These are initiated in the delivery room and continued in the NICU.

The vast majority of our ELBW infants who require assisted ventilation are intubated in the NICU. Only in exceptional situations, when the infant does not respond to bag and mask ventilation, is intubation performed in the delivery room. We use the nasotracheal route and an endotracheal tube (ETT) of 2.5 mm diameter for ELBW infants. We believe that it is important to use a low-caliber ETT, even at the price of some leak around the ETT, in order to avoid subglottic trauma, strictures, and eventual stenosis.

In the vast majority of these infants, the umbilical vessels are cannulated. The arterial catheter is used for blood sampling or for invasive blood pressure monitoring. We favor the “high” position of the tip of the catheter, just above the level of the diaphragm. After each blood sampling, the catheter is flushed with a heparinized solution of 0.45% saline. We use the venous catheter to initiate parenteral alimentation pending the early planned insertion of a percutaneously inserted central venous catheter (PCVC), thus avoiding excessive handling and disturbance to the newborn infant during the first 24 to 48 hours of life. The tip of the catheter is positioned at the junction of the inferior vena cava and the right atrium, hence avoiding the liver.

Blood is analyzed for glucose, blood gases, hemoglobin, and leukocyte count. Intravenous alimentation is initiated at a rate of 65 to 85 mL/kg/d, and the infant is placed in a high-humidity incubator. Serum glucose levels are closely monitored, and the concentration of dextrose administered is adjusted accordingly. In very tiny babies, when more than 10% of the baby’s blood volume has been removed, we replace it with a transfusion of packed red blood cells. We attempt to minimize the number of donor exposures by collecting the blood in small packs, which may be used for up to several weeks (34). Parents who wish to donate blood to their infants may do so, as long as they are of a compatible blood group and are free of viral and other infections. Very sick infants receive 1:1 nursing care until their condition is stabilized, at which point the ratio of nurse to baby becomes 1:2.

A PCVC is inserted as soon as the baby’s condition has stabilized (35). As portal of entry, we favor the upper extremities of the infant, and we aim for the tip of the catheter to be in the superior vena cava, being careful to avoid intracardiac positioning, with its attendant risks of erosion into the pericardial space (36). In case of failure to properly position a central line, peripheral venous access is maintained. Parenteral nutrition (TPN) is introduced within the first hours of life. Electrolytes are measured between 12 and 18 hours of age. During the first 72 hours, the body weight is recorded every 8 hours, and fluid intake is adjusted accordingly. Incubators have incorporated scales, thus allowing recordings without excessive handling and disturbance of the newborn infant. They also provide a high level of humidity, hence substantially reducing fluid requirements.

In order to assist in prognostication, it is important to obtain a cranial ultrasound in the first 24 hours of life (37). This ultrasound needs to be repeated at least 1 week later, or as often as necessary, depending on the pathology detected on admission or deterioration of the infant’s condition compatible with CNS involvement. It is also important, before discharge from the hospital, to repeat the cranial ultrasound to evaluate the presence or absence of PVL (38). Ideally, this last ultrasound should be performed at 35 to 36 weeks of postmenstrual age.

Respiratory Support

The vast majority of ELBW infants will require some form of respiratory assistance in order to survive (see also Chapter 28). For vigorous infants, nasal CPAP, nasal ventilation, and high-flow nasal cannula are the preferred modes of support (39). Some controversy surrounds the timing and criteria for the initiation of assisted ventilation. Generally, infants requiring an Fio2 > 0.35-0.40 in the early hours of life, or those having a significantly elevated partial pressure of CO2 (Pco2), are considered good candidates for mechanical ventilation. With an increasing number of infants requiring only CPAP after birth, as supported by the most recent policy statement by the American Academy of Pediatrics (40), the number of infants receiving exogenous surfactant has declined.

The introduction of exogenous surfactant therapy has reduced significantly the mortality of all newborns suffering from respiratory failure secondary to respiratory distress syndrome (RDS), but its impact has been particularly important among the most premature infants (41). Administration of surfactant in these very tiny infants requires extra care, as rapid changes in lung compliance may not only damage the lungs by increasing the risk of overinflation and overdistention but also predispose to acute changes in ductal circulation that, in turn, could lead to both cerebral and/or pulmonary hemorrhage. With rapid improvement in oxygenation, persistent hyperoxia also may be detrimental to the eyes. Hence, the administration of surfactant should be performed by an experienced person, with close monitoring of ventilatory parameters and with rapid reduction of peak inspiratory pressures (PIP) and inspired oxygen concentrations. If necessary, a second dose of surfactant may be administered as soon as 6 hours after the first. In our experience, if the response to the second dose is not satisfactory, it is highly unlikely that the condition will improve with additional administration of surfactant. Most infants improve rapidly after the first dose, such that a second dose of surfactant is rarely ever administered. Natural surfactant preparations are practically the only ones used (42), although some of the newer synthetic surfactant preparations containing artificial peptides may be a good alternative (43). There have also been recent descriptions of nonintubated infants successfully receiving surfactant therapy using minimally invasive techniques, such as by instilling it via a small feeding catheter inserted into the trachea under direct visualization, followed by the administration of continuous distending airway pressure (44).

In initiating mechanical ventilation, it is imperative that minimal effective settings be used (45). Studies have shown that hyperventilation and overinflation of the lungs increase the loss of surfaceactive phospholipids (46). Also, overinflation predisposes to air leaks and particularly to PIE. The latter is a serious complication in the tiny infant and is a relatively frequent one. It is probably related to structural immaturity of the lungs, particularly to the relative lack of elastic tissue, which normally increases progressively throughout gestation (47). Also, the interstitium is larger in the more immature infant as a result of poor alveolarization. Although drainage of a pneumothorax may lead to rapid improvement, management of PIE is far more complicated. As lung compliance is reduced, there
is a need for increased PIPs to maintain adequate ventilation. This results in increased barotrauma to the small airways. Chorioamnionitis has been reported as a risk factor predisposing to PIE (48). The highest incidence of PIE in tiny infants has been observed when intrauterine pneumonia complicates RDS. Strategies to manage PIE include acceptance of higher levels of Pco2 and lower levels of pH, reduction of the positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP), increasing the expiratory time, positioning the infant on the affected side, selective intubation of the contralateral lung, and systemic corticosteroid therapy. The use of high-frequency ventilation appears to be the most effective therapy (49).

A variety of ventilatory strategies have been promoted to maintain satisfactory ventilation and to reduce the risk of complications, such as high PIP-low rates, low PIP-high rates, variation in the I:E ratio, variations in the flow, permissive hypercapnia, tolerance of lower pH, and, more recently, high-frequency ventilation and even ventilation via nasal prongs. In recent years, however, the general trend is to use the lowest possible PIP to achieve acceptable ventilation and oxygenation (50). Of course, the question is what is considered “acceptable.” Some neonatologists will tolerate a pH as low as 7.20 and a Pco2 as high as 65 mm Hg. Most centers also aim for PaO2 values between 50 and 70 mm Hg. Our PIPs rarely exceed 14 to 15 cm H2O, and we set the PEEP at 5 cm H2O, with initial rates of 65 to 70 per minute. We aim for oxygen saturation values between 85% and 93%, which is enough to abolish production of lactic acid and, at the same time, remains relatively close to intrauterine values. We believe that this modest degree of oxygenation offers the advantage of reducing the need for administration of elevated oxygen concentrations, thus minimizing lung toxicity, and may help to avoid retinal damage. Our incidence of CLD and ROP is shown in Table 22.6. We believe that by using the lowest possible PIP and, initially, a relatively rapid respiratory rate, we reduce overdistention and barotrauma and minimize the risk of lung injury. We also have observed that with initially higher respiratory rates, the tiny infant very rapidly stops fighting the mechanical ventilator, thus making the gas exchange smoother and possibly decreasing the incidence of air leaks. Relatively high respiratory rates also seem to be more physiologic for the very immature infant, as observed by Greenough et al. (51). For toilet of the airways, we use the Ballard closed suction circuit, thus avoiding disconnecting the infant from the ventilator (52). We suction sparingly during the first few days of life, when the volume of secretions is minimal. Analgesia/sedation is administered prior to nonemergent intubation and, in rare cases, may be required for infants who remain agitated while on mechanical ventilation, particularly for those on high-frequency ventilatory support.

As soon as the procedures of intubation and catheterization of the umbilical vessels are completed, we perform chest and abdominal radiography to assess the position of the ETT and the umbilical catheters and, at the same time, to evaluate the severity of lung pathology. Thirty minutes after the initiation of ventilation, we obtain an arterial blood gas and adjust the ventilatory parameters accordingly. We use the principle of “permissive hypercapnia,” aiming for a pH above 7.25 and a Pco2 between 45 and 55 mm Hg, but when the PIPs are elevated or in the presence of PIE, we tolerate Pco2 values up to 65 mm Hg as long as the pH is at least 7.20. Our ETTs are secured with tape to a NeoBar ETT holder (Neotech Products, Inc., Valencia, CA). We record the level at which the ETT was secured, thus avoiding the need to repeat a chest radiograph to evaluate the tube position when reintubation is required. Actually, we take very few radiographs, and we rely extensively on clinical assessment, blood gases, transcutaneous capnometry, and pulse oximetry. However, a chest radiograph will be taken if there is significant clinical deterioration or if there are concerns about the position of the ETT or the development of any form of air leak.

Avery et al. (53) reported in 1987 that the incidence of CLD varied between neonatal units (see also Chapter 27). The unit with the lowest incidence used CPAP much more frequently than did the other units. Epidemiologic data from 36 units in the Vermont-Oxford Trial Network also indicate large differences in the incidence of CLD, from 16% to 70% for infants weighing between 501 and 1,500 g (54). The incidence of BPD was lower in units allowing higher Pco2 values. More evidence of the association of CLD and Pco2 was provided by Kraybil et al. (55). Garland et al. (56) reported the highest incidence of CLD among infants with the lowest Pco2 before the administration of surfactant.

The concept of permissive hypercapnia for patients requiring mechanical ventilation gives priority to the prevention or limitation of severe pulmonary hyperinflation over the maintenance of normal ventilation. The principle consists of allowing the Pco2 to rise by minimizing ventilator pressures and tidal volume (57). Potential risks of high Pco2 values include increased cerebral perfusion, increased retinal perfusion, increased pulmonary vascular resistance, and reduction of pH. Based on epidemiologic observations, it appears that respiratory acidosis, unlike metabolic acidosis, is not associated with poor neurologic outcomes. Vannucci et al. (58) demonstrated similar findings in animal studies involving rats.

Several reports in the literature have expressed concern regarding potential side effects of low Pco2 values (59). Graziani et al. (60) reported that, along with other factors, marked hypocarbia during the first 3 postnatal days was associated with an increased risk of periventricular white matter injury in premature infants. The theoretical model of ischemic brain injury has been described by Wigglesworth and Pape (61). These authors hypothesize that cerebral blood flow could be decreased by several factors, including hypotension, hyperoxia, hypocarbia, and increased venous pressures. Concern also has been expressed in the literature about high-frequency ventilation, which may lead to low Pco2 values as a result of effective alveolar ventilation (62). However, the data regarding the development of PVL among infants managed with these devices remain controversial. Most authors agree, however, that for hypocarbia to be dangerous for the brain, it has to reach levels below 30 mm Hg. Our policy is to avoid Pco2 values below 40 mm Hg by first reducing PIP before reducing respiratory rates.

High-frequency oscillatory ventilation (HFOV) has been used in recent years in an attempt to reduce the incidence of early ventilatory complications and to prevent CLD. Published reports are often contradictory and, so far, there is no clear evidence that HFOV offers an advantage over conventional ventilation (63). HFOV, however, offers an advantage when treating infants with PIE or severe pulmonary hypertension (64).

More recently, the effects of patient-triggered ventilation with volume guarantee have been explored in the management of preterm infants (65). This technique calls for an automatic adjustment of the peak inspiratory pressure to ensure a minimum set mechanical tidal volume.

The timing of extubation of ELBW infants is very important, because they are prone to develop severe apnea, with the potential risk of cerebral injury. Nowadays, with early administration of surfactant and improvement in lung compliance and the early introduction of caffeine, rapid extubation and placement on nasal CPAP or nasal ventilation is possible in the majority of ELBW infants. However, some EP infants develop severe episodes of apnea and desaturation, frequently requiring reintubation. For this reason, for infants less than 750 g, we often favor a more progressive weaning process by maintaining them for a few extra days at a very low PIP of 10 to 12 mm Hg and rates of 20 to 25 per minute, while providing maximum intravenous and oral alimentation (66). Following extubation, the infant is placed on nasal CPAP or high-flow nasal cannula support, the latter of which has been used with increasing success in the last few years (67). This support is discontinued when the infant can maintain good oxygenation without significant apnea, bradycardia, and desaturations. If an infant on nasal CPAP shows signs of fatigue, manifested by recurrent apnea and retention of CO2, nasal ventilation is instituted prior to reintubation. In many circumstances, this approach provides the extra help that these tiny infants require to avoid reintubation (68).

Cardiovascular Support

Attention to clinical signs of cardiovascular stability is critically important; these include poor skin perfusion, with pallor and mottling, tachycardia, and low blood pressure. Continuous monitoring of the central blood pressure via an arterial catheter may provide better tracking of changes over time in the first days of life. As a rule of thumb, we aim for a mean blood pressure that is numerically slightly above the gestational age of the infant in weeks. We prudently observe a stable baby who is well perfused despite low initial measurements of blood pressure. In symptomatic infants, we cautiously use volume expansion with isotonic saline boluses and/or a continuous infusion of dopamine. The addition of hydrocortisone has also been found to be helpful in cases of persistent hypotension (69). If acute perinatal blood loss is suspected, a transfusion of packed red blood cells is given, avoiding rapid infusions to further curtail the risk of intracranial hemorrhage in these already at-risk ELBW infants. The use of point-of-care functional echocardiography may have potential benefits in clarifying the pathophysiology of a baby with cardiovascular instability at the bedside, thus offering more specific intervention and monitoring of the effectiveness of treatment (70).

The Patent Ductus Arteriosus

The predominant cardiovascular problem in ELBW infants is the presence of a patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) (see also Chapter 30). An active precordium, with bounding pulses and a widened pulse pressure, will often precede the auscultation of a murmur. Easily found in the first days of life by echocardiography, patency is to be expected in the ELBW infant, given the physiology of the premature ductus and its relative resistance to the vasoconstrictive effects of oxygen. Persistence of ductal patency is inversely related to gestational age, such that by day 7 of life, 98% of premature infants of greater than 30 weeks of gestation will demonstrate ductal closure, versus only 13% in infants of less than 24 weeks of gestation (71). In another study, spontaneous ductal closure in ELBW infants was reported to be 20% by day 3, 34% by day 8, and 37% by the time of discharge home (72). Active research to understand factors that modulate ductal patency has uncovered possible genetic factors, for example, genes encoding for prostaglandin-endoperoxide synthase 1 (PTGS1), prostaglandin-endoperoxide synthase 2 (PTGS2), and prostaglandin receptor (PTGER4) (73). Excessive fluid intake and late-onset sepsis have also been associated with persistence of the PDA (74). Exogenous surfactant administration may lead to earlier clinical signs of the PDA, due to the rapid drop in pulmonary vascular resistance with improvement in pulmonary function, leading to a left-to-right shunt (75).

Ideal management of the PDA in premature infants is currently a topic of hot debate, despite more than three decades of active study. The conventional strategy of medical treatment, specifically cyclooxygenase inhibitors (COXIs), with surgical closure as the alternative or adjunctive treatment, has been contested, as recent reviews and some meta-analyses failed to demonstrate benefits of treatment. Contrary to what was previously believed, surgical ligation of the PDA may be associated with increased odds of CLD, severe ROP, prolonged hospitalization, neurodevelopmental impairment, and mortality (76). As a result, a shift in the management of the PDA is taking place, and the approach has been more conservative.

Many infants still do benefit from medical or surgical treatment of the PDA. Indeed a much higher mortality was noted by Brooks et al. (77) with untreated persistent PDA. The risks of the left-to-right hemodynamically significant ductal shunt may be pulmonary over circulation (pulmonary edema, respiratory failure, CLD), pulmonary vascular resistance changes (pulmonary hypertension), and systemic hypoperfusion (IVH, necrotizing enterocolitis [NEC], renal failure, and metabolic acidosis). It remains to be determined how best to qualify the PDA as clinically significant, and then how and when to treat it.

Until these issues are resolved, neonatologists must deal with the reality of caring for a sick premature infant on a ventilator or with ongoing respiratory distress with a diagnosis of large PDA. Often, a clinically significant PDA is correlated to its size, although other variables may be contributing to the hemodynamics. A PDA may be considered significant, with more than 90% sensitivity and specificity, with a ductal diameter of 1.4 mm/kg/body weight, a left atrium-to-aortic root ratio of 1.4:1, a left pulmonary artery mean velocity 0.42 m/s, or a left pulmonary artery diastolic velocity 0.2 m/s (78).

When a large ductus is confirmed on echocardiogram, we review the infant for signs of clinical compromise, such as worsening cardiorespiratory status. If the baby is stable, we will observe the infant and follow the course carefully. We initiate supportive measures, such as judicious fluid management while maintaining good nutrition, diuresis if volume overload is seen, transfusion of packed red blood cells to keep the hematocrit above 0.4 (40%), and distending airway pressure as needed for optimal respiratory support. If the PDA persists or increases in diameter and the infant remains unstable and on a ventilator, pharmacologic closure with a COXI is commenced, as long as there are no contraindications for its use, such as renal failure, active bleeding, thrombocytopenia, or severe jaundice. Severe IVH is not a specific contraindication as long as there has been no recent progression of the bleed. We decrease fluid intake to 110 to 130 mL/kg/d prior to starting therapy. A protocol for surveillance of vital signs; urine output; twice-daily weights; and daily platelet counts, urea, creatinine, and bilirubin is followed during treatment. Enteral feedings are generally not withheld, although we often do not increase the feeding volumes until after treatment has been completed.

The favored COXI in Europe and North America is ibuprofen, as it appears to have a more favorable safety profile than does indomethacin (79

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May 30, 2016 | Posted by in PEDIATRICS | Comments Off on The Extremely Low-Birth-Weight Infant

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