Chapter 8 – Ambulatory Urodynamic Monitoring

Sep 17, 2020 by in GYNECOLOGY Comments Off on Chapter 8 – Ambulatory Urodynamic Monitoring

Abstract Conventional urodynamics (laboratory cystometry) is considered the ‘gold standard’ for measuring bladder function. However, it is a static short test, typically 20–30 minutes, and is considered ‘nonphysiological’. It involves…

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Chapter 6 – The Cystometrogram

Sep 17, 2020 by in GYNECOLOGY Comments Off on Chapter 6 – The Cystometrogram

Abstract Videocystourethrography (VCU), also known as videourodynamics, comprises synchronous radiological screening of the urinary tract during subtracted dual-channel filling and voiding cystometry [1]. Chapter 6 The Cystometrogram* Angie Rantell 6.1…

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Chapter 9 – Urodynamic Artefacts

Sep 17, 2020 by in GYNECOLOGY Comments Off on Chapter 9 – Urodynamic Artefacts

Abstract Data quality and documentation of variance are key for urodynamics studies to be valid, and symptoms must be reproduced to be able to make a diagnosis. Accurate reporting requires…

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Chapter 4 – Setting Up the Urodynamic Equipment

Sep 17, 2020 by in GYNECOLOGY Comments Off on Chapter 4 – Setting Up the Urodynamic Equipment

Abstract Urodynamic equipment varies in complexity and a range of urodynamics machines are available. The choice of system depends on operator requirements. The Buyers’ Guide: Urodynamic Systems by Centre for…

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Chapter 5 – Urodynamic Flow Rate Testing

Sep 17, 2020 by in GYNECOLOGY Comments Off on Chapter 5 – Urodynamic Flow Rate Testing

Abstract According to the International Continence Society (ICS) (2016), cystometry is the continuous fluid filling of the bladder via a transurethral catheter (or other route, e.g. suprapubic or mitrofanoff), with…

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Chapter 7 – Videocystourethrography

Sep 17, 2020 by in GYNECOLOGY Comments Off on Chapter 7 – Videocystourethrography

Abstract VCU offers a comprehensive evaluation of the lower urinary tract by combining both anatomical and functional assessments. Chapter 7 Videocystourethrography Smita Rajshekhar and Sushma Srikrishna 7.1 Introduction Videocystourethrography (VCU),…

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Chapter 12 – Urodynamic Terminology

Sep 17, 2020 by in GYNECOLOGY Comments Off on Chapter 12 – Urodynamic Terminology

Abstract The publication ‘United Kingdom Continence Society: Minimum Standards for Urodynamic Studies, 2018’ was commissioned by the UK Continence Society (UKCS), to replace the Joint statement on minimum standards for…

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