
Aug 7, 2016 by in PEDIATRICS Comments Off on Skin

24 Skin Chapter map Skin disorders are common in children. The infant’s skin with its thin epidermis and immature glands is particularly liable to infection and blistering. Birthmarks, rashes and…

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Disorders of the newborn

Aug 7, 2016 by in PEDIATRICS Comments Off on Disorders of the newborn

Definitions Low birthweight (LBW): <2500 g (7% of UK births) Very low birthweight (VLBW): <1500 g (1% of UK births) Extremely low birthweight: <1000 g Preterm: <37 weeks gestation (6%…

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Bones and joints

Aug 7, 2016 by in PEDIATRICS Comments Off on Bones and joints

23 Bones and joints Chapter map Concerns about bones and joints are common. This chapter reviews common variations in structure and posture, and the different causes of bone and joint…

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Emergency paediatrics

Aug 7, 2016 by in PEDIATRICS Comments Off on Emergency paediatrics

Early and skilled resuscitation saves lives. It is essential that all who work in health care are trained to recognize emergencies and to act appropriately. Training needs to be kept…

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Aug 7, 2016 by in PEDIATRICS Comments Off on Nutrition

12 Nutrition Chapter map Infant and child nutrition is the foundation stone of healthy development. Worldwide, the most important problem is malnutrition. In industrialized societies, the main problems are eating…

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Aug 7, 2016 by in PEDIATRICS Comments Off on Haematology

25 Haematology Chapter map Anaemia is quite common in childhood, and you should know the main differentials and be able to sensibly assess a patient. Coagulation disorders are less common,…

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Parents and children: listening and talking

Aug 7, 2016 by in PEDIATRICS Comments Off on Parents and children: listening and talking

Paediatric history-taking is vital because it usually holds the key to the diagnosis. Diagnosis involves a recurring cycle where you formulate and test hypotheses. As you collect more information about…

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Abnormal growth and sex development

Aug 7, 2016 by in PEDIATRICS Comments Off on Abnormal growth and sex development

13 Abnormal growth and sex development Chapter map Concerns about growth feature commonly in paediatric outpatient clinics, and sometimes result in admission. You need to be comfortable in assessing normal…

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Children and their health

Aug 7, 2016 by in PEDIATRICS Comments Off on Children and their health

1 Children and their health Chapter map Children under the age of 16 comprise 20% of the population of the UK and of most industrialized countries, but in many developing…

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