Genetics of gynaecological cancers

Nov 5, 2017 by in OBSTETRICS Comments Off on Genetics of gynaecological cancers

Gynaecological cancers accounted for 16.3% of all cancers and 13.9% of all cancer deaths in women globally in 2012. Cancer of the cervix is the most common gynaecological cancer, followed…

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Genetics of gynaecological disorders

Nov 5, 2017 by in OBSTETRICS Comments Off on Genetics of gynaecological disorders

From genomic imbalances associated with developmental abnormalities of the female genital tract to the molecular mechanisms underpinning endometriosis and uterine leiomyomatosis, new technologies have allowed the exploration of the genetic…

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Obstetric care in women with genetic disorders

Nov 5, 2017 by in OBSTETRICS Comments Off on Obstetric care in women with genetic disorders

The management of pregnant women who are themselves affected with genetic diseases is an increasingly relevant and important issue. Improvements in early diagnosis and management of genetic disease, as well…

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Chromosomal mosaicism in the fetoplacental unit

Nov 5, 2017 by in OBSTETRICS Comments Off on Chromosomal mosaicism in the fetoplacental unit

Cytogenetic prenatal diagnosis on chorionic villi (CV) can be complicated by the detection of “chromosomal mosaicism.” This is one of the main issues of first-trimester cytogenetic prenatal diagnosis as it…

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Microarrays in prenatal diagnosis

Nov 5, 2017 by in OBSTETRICS Comments Off on Microarrays in prenatal diagnosis

In prenatal diagnosis, chromosomal microarray (CMA) has not yet fully replaced conventional karyotyping but has rapidly become the recommended test in pregnancies with ultrasound abnormalities. In this review, we provide…

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Genetics of recurrent miscarriage and fetal loss

Nov 5, 2017 by in OBSTETRICS Comments Off on Genetics of recurrent miscarriage and fetal loss

Despite years of research, miscarriage, particularly when recurrent, continues to pose a medical challenge. An embryo chromosomal error is responsible for 50–60% of recurrent cases; however, up to 30–50% remains…

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