Management of borderline ovarian tumours

Nov 5, 2017 by in OBSTETRICS Comments Off on Management of borderline ovarian tumours

Approximately 3000 American women are diagnosed with borderline ovarian tumours annually. Borderline tumours are similar to other types of adnexal masses. Prognostic factors include the International Federation of Gynecology and…

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Hereditary Ovarian Cancer and Risk Reduction

Nov 5, 2017 by in OBSTETRICS Comments Off on Hereditary Ovarian Cancer and Risk Reduction

Mutations in BRCA1 and BRCA2 account for hereditary breast and ovarian cancer syndrome in a majority of families and 14% of epithelial ovarian cancer cases. Despite next-generation sequencing, other identified…

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Pathology of borderline and invasive cancers

Nov 5, 2017 by in OBSTETRICS Comments Off on Pathology of borderline and invasive cancers

Epithelial ovarian tumors are heterogeneous neoplasms primarily classified according to cell type. They are further subdivided into benign, borderline, and malignant (carcinomas), and this subdivision is very important as it…

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Epidemiology of epithelial ovarian cancer

Nov 5, 2017 by in OBSTETRICS Comments Off on Epidemiology of epithelial ovarian cancer

Globally, ovarian cancer is the seventh most common cancer in women and the eighth most common cause of cancer death, with five-year survival rates below 45%. Although age-standardised rates are…

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