Induction of Labour
‘The spontaneous onset of labour is a robust and effective mechanism which is preceded by the maturation of several fetal systems, and should be given every opportunity to operate on…
‘The spontaneous onset of labour is a robust and effective mechanism which is preceded by the maturation of several fetal systems, and should be given every opportunity to operate on…
‘By applying the ear to the mother’s belly; if the child is alive you hear quite clearly the beats of its heart and easily distinguish them from the mother’s pulse’….
‘Abnormal parturition, besides ending in death or recovery, not infrequently had a third termination in other diseases … a delay of only a few moments in the substitution of pulmonary…
‘When the child is grown big and the mother cannot continue to provide him with enough nourishment, he becomes agitated, breaks through the membranes, and incontinently passes out into the…
On the Qualifications of an Accoucheur ‘Those who intend to practice midwifery, ought first of all to make themselves masters of anatomy, and acquire competent knowledge in surgery and physic…
‘While in the later parts of this volume I have described the, at times, complex methods by which obstetric difficulties may be surmounted, I must from the outset make plain…
‘I look forward to the great advances in knowledge that lie around the corner, but I do sometimes wonder whether the vast sums of money now being spent on research…
‘You only know what you measure and what you cannot measure must be made measurable’. Gallileo Introduction From the available literature it is clear that intrapartum care is provided in…
Overview of Other Women’s Health Issues Many women see their obstetrics and gynecology (OB/GYN) health care provider as their only health care provider. It is true that some health insurance…
Systemic Hormonal Contraception Overview Combined Oral Contraceptive Pills Nuva Ring Ortho Evra Progesterone-Only Pills With the development of new delivery systems for systemic hormonal contraceptives, specifically NuvaRing and Ortho Evra…