Cervical Pregnancy
Fig. 12.1 A sagittal ultrasound image of a uterus with a cervical pregnancy My Management a. Perform a suction curettage immediately upon presentation. b. Perform a bilateral uterine artery…
Fig. 12.1 A sagittal ultrasound image of a uterus with a cervical pregnancy My Management a. Perform a suction curettage immediately upon presentation. b. Perform a bilateral uterine artery…
Fig. 13.1 Transvaginal ultrasound of the left ovary revealed an intraovarian gestational sac with yolk sac adjacent to suspected corpus luteum. (Reproduced with permission from The Journal of Minimally Invasive…
Fig. 19.1 Massive peritubal hemorrhage and large elongated chorionic villi displaying hyperplastic trophoblast (a), and cysterns with trophoblastic proliferation (b). Stroma exhibits prominent karyorrhexis (c). Immunohistochemically, p57kip2 nuclear stain was…
Fig. 15.1 Computed tomography (CT) of the abdomen and pelvis showing a 10-week fetus within the peritoneal cavity. The uterus is surgically absent My Management a. Admission for observation and…
Fig. 10.1 Transvaginal ultrasound examination revealed a normal intrauterine pregnancy of 8 weeks + 3 days. Transvaginal ultrasound image of 8 weeks + 3 days fetus The couple was very…
Fig. 2.1 Longitudinal view demonstrating regular thickened endometrium Fig. 2.2 Transverse view demonstrating intrauterine pseudosac and isthmic tubal pregnancy to the left of the uterus. (These two ultrasound pictures (Figs. 2.1…
Author (Ref) Watters et al. [6] Carter et al. [7] Duenas-Garcia et al. [8] Jaspan et al. [9] Hospital Cook Country Hospital, Northwestern University, Chicago, IL Medstar Washington Hospital Center,…
Fig. 1.1 a Ultrasonographic image of tubal ectopic pregnancy (EP) with both embryonic pole and yolk sac visible within the gestational sac. b Same tubal EP demonstrating cardiac activity using…
Fig. 3.1 An early intrauterine gestation sac misclassified as a pseudosac My Management A. I agree with the management above B. I would proceed to laparoscopy as the hCG…
Fig. 5.1 Unruptured ampullary ectopic pregnancy seen by laparoscopy Fig. 5.2 Linear salpingostomy reveals the products of conception inside the fallopian tube, seen by laparoscopy Clinical Pearls/Pitfalls The discriminatory hCG…