GnRH Antagonist in Ovarian Stimulation

Jun 8, 2017 by in GYNECOLOGY Comments Off on GnRH Antagonist in Ovarian Stimulation

Fig. 10.1 Structure of the native GnRH and GnRH antagonist Fig. 10.2 Neuroendocrine axis. LH luteinizing hormone, FSH follicle stimulating hormone GnRH antagonists suppress gonadotropin secretion by competing with GnRH…

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Jun 8, 2017 by in GYNECOLOGY Comments Off on Hyperprolactinemia

Little prolactin Macroprolactin Secretion is pulsatile Dimers, trimers or polymers/ or structural modification Biologically active form Poor or no biological action Monomer, molecular wt. 23 kDa Molecular wt. 50–150 kDa…

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Oral Ovulogens in IUI and IVF

Jun 8, 2017 by in GYNECOLOGY Comments Off on Oral Ovulogens in IUI and IVF

Fig. 5.1 Standard plan of OI and follicular monitoring in first cycle 5.6 Classes of Oral Ovulogens (Table 5.1) Table 5.1 Oral ovulogens: mechanism, dosage, success, and adverse effects Ovulogen…

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Ovarian Stimulation in Cancer Patient

Jun 8, 2017 by in GYNECOLOGY Comments Off on Ovarian Stimulation in Cancer Patient

© Springer India 2015Surveen Ghumman (ed.)Principles and Practice of Controlled Ovarian Stimulation in ART10.1007/978-81-322-1686-5_34 34. Ovarian Stimulation in Cancer Patient Sohani Verma1   (1) Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, IVF Centre, Indraprastha Apollo Hospitals, Sarita Vihar,…

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Ovarian Stimulation Protocols in Fertility Preservation

Jun 8, 2017 by in GYNECOLOGY Comments Off on Ovarian Stimulation Protocols in Fertility Preservation

Fig. 33.1 Conventional and random-start antagonist IVF protocols for cancer patients undergoing fertility preservation. COS can be started with spontaneous menses (a) or with menses following luteolysis induced by GnRH…

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Luteinizing Unruptured Follicle

Jun 8, 2017 by in GYNECOLOGY Comments Off on Luteinizing Unruptured Follicle

4. Dhont M, Serreyn R, Duvivier P. Ovulation stigma and concentration of progesterone and estradiol in peritoneal fluid: relation with fertility and endometriosis. Fertil Steril. 1984;41:872–7.PubMed 5. Dmowski WP, Rao…

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Premature Rise of Progesterone During Ovarian Stimulation

Jun 8, 2017 by in GYNECOLOGY Comments Off on Premature Rise of Progesterone During Ovarian Stimulation

© Springer India 2015Surveen Ghumman (ed.)Principles and Practice of Controlled Ovarian Stimulation in ART10.1007/978-81-322-1686-5_25 25. Premature Rise of Progesterone During Ovarian Stimulation R. K. Sharma1   and Arti Kapoor1 (1) IVF & Reproductive Medicine, Institute of Reproductive Medicine…

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