11 Obesity prevention in secondary schools

Aug 4, 2016 by in PEDIATRICS Comments Off on 11 Obesity prevention in secondary schools

Summary and recommendations for practice Stakeholders such as parents, schools, teachers and peers can be involved in stimulating activity and improving dietary patterns. Communities are a strong advocates in leading…

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8 Evidence of the influence of home and family environment

Aug 4, 2016 by in PEDIATRICS Comments Off on 8 Evidence of the influence of home and family environment

Summary and recommendations for practice This chapter explores the influences of the physical, social-cultural and economic environment on children’s eating behavior and physical activity. Socialization refers to the process by…

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9 Obesity prevention in early childhood

Aug 4, 2016 by in PEDIATRICS Comments Off on 9 Obesity prevention in early childhood

Summary and recommendations for practice Early childhood is a critical period for obesity prevention. However, prevalence in preschool children is increasing. Early childhood settings (home, day care, kindergartens) have an…

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