Necrotizing Enterocolitis (Case 31)

Jul 18, 2016 by in PEDIATRICS Comments Off on Necrotizing Enterocolitis (Case 31)

Chapter 72 Necrotizing Enterocolitis (Case 31) Jane S. Lee, MD, MPH Case A 14-day-old, 750-g, 27-weeks’ gestation infant receiving enteral feedings of standard preterm formula develops bilious gastric aspirates and…

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Anemia (Case 15)

Jul 18, 2016 by in PEDIATRICS Comments Off on Anemia (Case 15)

Chapter 45 Anemia (Case 15) Hal C. Byck, MD Case A 15-month-old girl with pneumonia is noted to have a hemoglobin level of 8 g/dL. Differential Diagnosis Speaking Intelligently When evaluating…

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Fever and Rash (Case 13)

Jul 18, 2016 by in PEDIATRICS Comments Off on Fever and Rash (Case 13)

Chapter 43 Fever and Rash (Case 13) Kate L. Fronheiser, MD Case A 2-year-old boy presents with a 3-day history of fever and a rash “all over.” Differential Diagnosis Speaking…

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The Growth-Restricted Infant

Jul 18, 2016 by in PEDIATRICS Comments Off on The Growth-Restricted Infant

Chapter 70 The Growth-Restricted Infant Christiana R. Farkouh, MD, MPH Medical Knowledge and Patient Care Background and Definition Intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) represents a deviation and reduction in the expected…

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Follow-Up Care of the Premature Infant

Jul 18, 2016 by in PEDIATRICS Comments Off on Follow-Up Care of the Premature Infant

Chapter 71 Follow-Up Care of the Premature Infant Jane S. Lee, MD, MPH Medical Knowledge and Patient Care Technologic advances in perinatal care have led to an improvement in survival…

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The 18- and 24-Month Well Child Visits

Jul 18, 2016 by in PEDIATRICS Comments Off on The 18- and 24-Month Well Child Visits

Chapter 22 The 18- and 24-Month Well Child Visits Mario Cruz, MD Speaking Intelligently The 18-month-old has relatively well-developed gross motor skills and is actively developing fine motor skills with…

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Difficulty Breathing (Case 14)

Jul 18, 2016 by in PEDIATRICS Comments Off on Difficulty Breathing (Case 14)

Chapter 44 Difficulty Breathing (Case 14) Rachel Wohlberg Friedberg, MD , Suzanne Swanson Mendez, MD Case A 26-month-old presents with respiratory distress, tachypnea, and hypoxia. Differential Diagnosis Speaking Intelligently The…

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Neonatal Hypoglycemia (Case 30)

Jul 18, 2016 by in PEDIATRICS Comments Off on Neonatal Hypoglycemia (Case 30)

Chapter 67 Neonatal Hypoglycemia (Case 30) Jennifer R. Miller, MD Case A full-term infant born 90 minutes ago has a blood glucose level of 38 mg/dL. The mother is a 33-year-old…

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Weight Gain (Case 10)

Jul 18, 2016 by in PEDIATRICS Comments Off on Weight Gain (Case 10)

Chapter 39 Weight Gain (Case 10) Sandra Gibson Hassink, MD, FAAP Case A 9-year-old has gained 20 pounds in the past year, with a body mass index (BMI) greater than…

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