37: Rheumatologic conditions

Aug 7, 2016 by in PEDIATRICS Comments Off on 37: Rheumatologic conditions

Evaluation of arthritis/arthralgia History Check the nature of onset – is it acute or insidious? Acute onset monoarticular arthritis associated with fever is septic until proved otherwise. Check the timing…

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23: Dermatologic conditions

Aug 7, 2016 by in PEDIATRICS Comments Off on 23: Dermatologic conditions

Vesiculobullous rashes Vesicles are usually caused by infections (herpes simplex virus (HSV), varicella zoster virus (VZV), enterovirus, tinea, scabies or impetigo) or contact dermatitis. Also, consider drug reactions and erythema…

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25: Endocrine conditions

Aug 7, 2016 by in PEDIATRICS Comments Off on 25: Endocrine conditions

Type 1 diabetes mellitus Diagnosis Diagnosis is made by either: Random blood glucose >11 mmol/L, or Fasting blood glucose >7 mmol/L. Note: There is no need for oral glucose tolerance…

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1: Medical emergencies

Aug 7, 2016 by in PEDIATRICS Comments Off on 1: Medical emergencies

Cardiorespiratory arrest Cardiorespiratory arrest may occur in a wide variety of conditions that cause hypoxaemia or hypotension, or both. Examples include trauma, drowning, septicaemia, sudden infant death syndrome, asthma and…

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14: Developmental delay and disability

Aug 7, 2016 by in PEDIATRICS Comments Off on 14: Developmental delay and disability

Developmental surveillance Developmental surveillance is a flexible continuous process of skilled observation as part of providing routine health care. It should occur opportunistically whenever a child comes into contact with…

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12: Sleep problems

Aug 7, 2016 by in PEDIATRICS Comments Off on 12: Sleep problems

Sleep physiology Sleep is a major challenge to the respiratory system, because it causes changes in respiratory mechanics and control of breathing leading to: Decreased ventilation. Decreased functional respiratory capacity…

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24: Ear, nose and throat conditions

Aug 7, 2016 by in PEDIATRICS Comments Off on 24: Ear, nose and throat conditions

Upper respiratory tract infections The average child has 4–12 upper respiratory tract infections (URTIs) a year, the peak incidence being between 1 and 6 years. Risk factors include exposure to…

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2: Poisoning and envenomation

Aug 7, 2016 by in PEDIATRICS Comments Off on 2: Poisoning and envenomation

Poisoning Background Poisoning during childhood occurs mainly among 1–3 year-olds and tends to follow the ingestion of one of a wide variety of agents improperly stored in the home. It…

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18: The death of a child

Aug 7, 2016 by in PEDIATRICS Comments Off on 18: The death of a child

Before death Often the death of a child can be anticipated. Although hospital admission is frequently necessary, most children and families wish to spend as much time as possible at…

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9: Immunisation

Aug 7, 2016 by in PEDIATRICS Comments Off on 9: Immunisation

Vaccination technique It is important to minimise anxiety, distress and pain associated with injected immunisations. Use age-appropriate pain-reduction techniques; refer to chapter 4, Pain, p. 61. These might include: –…

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