The Placenta as the Mirror of the Foetus
Fig. 1.1 Spiral arteries of the decidua capsularis. The arterial wall, without the action of the trophoblast, preserves the myometrial layer. The lumen is very narrow Fig. 1.2 Decidua in…
Fig. 1.1 Spiral arteries of the decidua capsularis. The arterial wall, without the action of the trophoblast, preserves the myometrial layer. The lumen is very narrow Fig. 1.2 Decidua in…
Fig. 17.1 William Halsted, he performed truncal blocks with cocaine injections, but he died as cocaine addicted Fig. 17.2 James Leonard Corning (1855–1923), he was an American neurologist, mainly known…
Fig. 2.1 Recent extensive subamniotic haemorrhage due to a fracture of the amniochorial vessels (pseudo-Breus mole) A short cord is a risk in that it can provoke unexpected foetal death…
Fig. 18.1 Junker inhaler Fig. 18.2 Nicaise. Chloroform anaesthesia Fig. 18.3 Ombredanne inhaler and Ricard inhaler Fig. 18.4 Robert Macintosh 18.2 Introduction Obstetric anaesthesia is considered by many to be…
Fig. 13.1 Laparotomy aspect after cesarean. Patient with one cesarean and one cesarean scar pregnancy treated with methotrexate, embolization, and curettage. Spontaneous pregnancy 5 months after second pregnancy. Although clinical…
Fig. 19.1 Hysteroscopic appearance of cesarean scar defect The estimated incidence of cesarean scar defect (CSD) ranges between 24 and 56 % [10]. This incidence varies considerably depending on the…
Fig. 14.1 Diagram of a low-segment cesarean delivery based on Munro Kerr description (From Munro Kerr [12]) Fig. 14.2 Diagram showing the double-layer closure of the uterine incision based on…
Fig. 22.1 Uterine atony during cesarean section: postpartum hemorrhage (PPH) was usually defined as a maternal blood loss ≥500 mL after vaginal birth or ≥1,000 mL after delivery PPH can…
Fig. 10.1 Old diagram of different types of obstetrical forceps Fig. 10.2 The original Chamberlen forceps found at Woodham Mortimer, Essex (By Sheikh et al. [4]) The vacuum extractor was…
Fig. 4.1 Proportion of dichorionic twins (upper curve) and monochorionic twins (lower curve) among all pregnancies in Slovenia between 1987 and 2012 (Adapted with permission from Tul [134]) Despite this…