Considerations for Nonmelanoma Skin Cancer: Clinical Presentation

Feb 26, 2018 by in GYNECOLOGY Comments Off on Considerations for Nonmelanoma Skin Cancer: Clinical Presentation

© Springer International Publishing AG 2018Keith A. Delman and Viraj A. Master (eds.)Malignancies of the Groin 7. Considerations for Nonmelanoma Skin Cancer: Clinical Presentation Matthew C. Perez1  , Carrie Luu2  , Amod A. Sarnaik2   and Jonathan S. Zager2   (1) Department of Surgery, Emory University…

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Complications of Inguinal Lymphadenectomy

Feb 26, 2018 by in GYNECOLOGY Comments Off on Complications of Inguinal Lymphadenectomy

Series Year Patients (n) Overall complication rate (%) Wound infection (%) Wound dehiscence + necrosis (%) Lymphocele (%) Lymphedema (%) Johnston et al. [8] 1984 67 82 14 50 9…

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Surgical and Anatomic Considerations of Malignancies Affecting the Groin: Consideration for Melanoma

Feb 26, 2018 by in GYNECOLOGY Comments Off on Surgical and Anatomic Considerations of Malignancies Affecting the Groin: Consideration for Melanoma

© Springer International Publishing AG 2018Keith A. Delman and Viraj A. Master (eds.)Malignancies of the Groin 6. Surgical and Anatomic Considerations of Malignancies Affecting the Groin: Consideration for Melanoma Alexander C. J. van Akkooi1   (1) Department of Surgical Oncology,…

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Epidemiology of Diseases of the Groin

Feb 26, 2018 by in GYNECOLOGY Comments Off on Epidemiology of Diseases of the Groin

© Springer International Publishing AG 2018Keith A. Delman and Viraj A. Master (eds.)Malignancies of the Groin 2. Epidemiology of Diseases of the Groin Michael Lowe1   (1) Division of Surgical Oncology, Department of Surgery, Emory University School…

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