Psychological Difficulties and Mental Ill-Health Associated with ART

Aug 25, 2017 by in GYNECOLOGY Comments Off on Psychological Difficulties and Mental Ill-Health Associated with ART

© Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2017Kanna Jayaprakasan and Lucy Kean (eds.)Clinical Management of Pregnancies following ART10.1007/978-3-319-42858-1_3 3. Psychological Difficulties and Mental Ill-Health Associated with ART Neelam Sisodia1   (1) Perinatal Psychiatric Service, Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust,…

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Screening for Fetal Abnormalities

Aug 25, 2017 by in GYNECOLOGY Comments Off on Screening for Fetal Abnormalities

© Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2017Kanna Jayaprakasan and Lucy Kean (eds.)Clinical Management of Pregnancies following ART10.1007/978-3-319-42858-1_7 7. Screening for Fetal Abnormalities Alec McEwan1   (1) Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology (Queens Medical Centre Campus), Nottingham University Hospitals…

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