Bisphosphonates in Pediatric Burn Injury

Sep 26, 2016 by in PEDIATRICS Comments Off on Bisphosphonates in Pediatric Burn Injury

Fig. 7.1 Changes in total body bone mineral content (BMC) at discharge (2 months) and at 6 months post-burn, expressed as a percentage of baseline (admission) values. Data are shown…

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Pediatric Maxillofacial Conditions and Drugs

Sep 26, 2016 by in PEDIATRICS Comments Off on Pediatric Maxillofacial Conditions and Drugs

Fig. 11.1 Panoramic radiograph of a 31-year-old male patient with giant cell tumors of the right maxilla and mandible (arrows). The lesions are associated with root resorption of the adjacent…

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Newer Adult Bone Drugs

Sep 26, 2016 by in PEDIATRICS Comments Off on Newer Adult Bone Drugs

Class Drug Route of administration Timing Mechanism of action Antiresorptive Denosumaba Subcutaneously Twice yearly Decreases bone resorption by inhibiting RANKL Osteoanabolic PTH(1-34) (teriparatide)b Subcutaneously, transdermal, chip Daily, weekly Increase bone…

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Bisphosphonates in Osteogenesis Imperfecta

Sep 26, 2016 by in PEDIATRICS Comments Off on Bisphosphonates in Osteogenesis Imperfecta

Fig. 5.1 Molecular structure of bisphosphonates. The generic bisphosphonate structure (left) with two phosphonate groups binding to a central carbon atom. Modern bisphosphonates have a hydroxyl group and specific nitrogen-containing…

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Growth Hormone and Bone

Sep 26, 2016 by in PEDIATRICS Comments Off on Growth Hormone and Bone

Fig. 8.1 Stimulation and action of intrinsic GH. GH is secreted in the pituitary gland and stimulated by hypothalamic hormones, such as GHRH and ghrelin, and is suppressed by somatostatin….

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Conclusion: Whither (or Wither?) the Pharmacology of Pediatric Bone?

Sep 26, 2016 by in PEDIATRICS Comments Off on Conclusion: Whither (or Wither?) the Pharmacology of Pediatric Bone?

Gordon L. Klein (ed.)Bone Drugs in Pediatrics2014Efficacy and Challenges10.1007/978-1-4899-7436-5_13 © Springer Science+Business Media New York 2014 13. Conclusion: Whither (or Wither?) the Pharmacology of Pediatric Bone? Gordon L. Klein1   (1) Department Orthopaedic Surgery and Rehabilitation, University…

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Drug Development for Pediatric Diseases with Bone Loss

Sep 26, 2016 by in PEDIATRICS Comments Off on Drug Development for Pediatric Diseases with Bone Loss

Fig. 3.1 Current model of osteoblast differentiation from stem cell. Ihh is the initiator of endochondral ossification. The Runx2-expressing bipotential progenitors can differentiate into either osteoblast or chondrocyte. Then cells…

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