Case of a Girl with Painful Periods, Pain with Bowel Movements, and Dyspareunia

Feb 26, 2018 by in GYNECOLOGY Comments Off on Case of a Girl with Painful Periods, Pain with Bowel Movements, and Dyspareunia

Fig. 7.1 Algorhythm for diagnosis and treatment of endometriosis. Abbreviations: NSAIDs nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, CHT combination hormone therapy (oral contraceptive pills, estrogen/progestin patch, estrogen/progestin vaginal ring, norethindrone acetate, medroxyprogesterone acetate),…

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Case of a Girl with a Secret

Feb 26, 2018 by in GYNECOLOGY Comments Off on Case of a Girl with a Secret

© Springer International Publishing AG 2018Hina J. Talib (ed.)Adolescent Gynecology 1. Case of a Girl with a Secret Nadia L. Scott1   and Elizabeth M. Alderman2 (1) Division of Adolescent Medicine, Department of Pediatrics, The Children’s Hospital at…

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Case of a Girl with Irregular Periods, Acne, and Hirsutism

Feb 26, 2018 by in GYNECOLOGY Comments Off on Case of a Girl with Irregular Periods, Acne, and Hirsutism

Androgen Excess-Polycystic Ovary Syndrome Society (AE-PCOS Society) National Institute of Health/National Institute of Child Health and Human Development Criteria (NIH/NICHD) Rotterdam criteria Includes:  • Biochemical and/or clinical hyperandrogenism Includes:  • Biochemical and/or…

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Case of the Girl with Abdominal Pain

Feb 26, 2018 by in GYNECOLOGY Comments Off on Case of the Girl with Abdominal Pain

Fig. 5.1 Management of postmenarchal patient presenting with abdominal pain Back to the Case It was recommended that the patient follow up with gynecology in 8 weeks to confirm resolution of the…

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