Neonatal Apnea and the Foundation of Respiratory Control

Neonatal Apnea and the Foundation of Respiratory Control

Mary Elaine Patrinos

Although many aspects of the regulation of breathing in humans and mammals have been explored in the past century, more questions have yet to be answered. Breathing results in the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide between the lungs and the environment while maintaining homeostasis and control of blood pH. Energy-consuming breathing movements do occur in utero. Maturation of breathing is a continuous process that bridges fetal and neonatal life. Especially for premature infants, immature fetal breathing responses result in irregular respiratory effort, apnea, bradycardia, and hypoxemia.

Fetal Breathing

Fetal breathing activity has been described in many species and is present very early in gestation. Breathing activity in the human fetus can be detected using ultrasound by 11 weeks’ gestation. Although the placenta is the site of gas exchange in utero, fetal breathing movement (FBM) is important for lung growth and development. Moreover, decreased diaphragmatic activity has been associated with pulmonary hypoplasia. FBM has also been shown to significantly increase fetal cardiac output and blood flow to a number of vital organs including the heart, brain, and placenta. FBM changes from early continuous movement that seems to originate from the spinal cord to a phasic pattern that occurs only during rapid eye movement (REM) in the third trimester with total cessation of breathing during non-REM sleep, possibly secondary to descending inhibitory pontine input to the medullary rhythm-generating center. The mechanisms underlying loss of phasic FBM and the establishment of continuous breathing after birth are not clear. However, several factors have been implicated, including serotonin, γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA), corticotrophin-releasing factor, and prostaglandins.2

Fetal hypercapnia increases the incidence and depth of FBM only during REM sleep, without affecting breathing frequency. This response is present from 24 weeks’ gestation, and CO2 sensitivity increases with advancing gestational age. In contrast, fetal hypocapnia causes a decrease or disappearance of FBM, which implies that a baseline CO2 level is essential for the presence of FBM. Although the fetus lives in a relatively hypoxemic state (Pao2 23-27 mm Hg), oxygen delivery in utero is adequate because it matches oxygen consumption and allows for fetal activity and growth. Unlike adults, the fetus responds to hypoxia with a decrease in breathing activity. The cause of this hypoxic ventilatory depression in utero appears to be central in origin. Brainstem transection or lesions in the lateral upper pons allow acute hypoxemia to stimulate FBM even in the absence of the carotid bodies. This is consistent with the concept that hypoxic depression is the result of descending pontine or suprapontine inhibition. Unlike the fetal breathing response to hypercapnia, the hypoxic response is logical in the sense that an increase in fetal respiratory activity in response to hypoxia would be counterproductive.

Postnatal Development of Respiratory Control

Although better developed than the fetal pattern, breathing in the neonate is still immature. This immaturity manifests in almost every aspect of respiratory control, from peripheral afferent input, to central respiratory output and respiratory muscle responses. There seems to be an overriding inhibitory influence of central origin in the control of breathing in the neonate. This is manifested by a decreased response to CO2, a paradoxic response to hypoxia, an exaggerated reflex apnea, and irregularities of breathing pattern manifested by periodic breathing, apnea, and tachypnea. The origin of this inhibitory effect on neonatal breathing could be secondary to increased inhibitory pathways, decreased excitatory pathways, or a combination of both.

Neonatal Breathing Pattern

Neonatal respiratory activity is characterized by irregularity with spontaneous changes in the breathing pattern alternating among eupnea, apnea, periodic breathing, and tachypnea. Respiratory frequency, often inversely proportional to body weight, may be quite variable in the preterm infant. Periods of slow respiratory frequency in the human neonate are secondary to prolongation of expiratory time (TE), whereas inspiratory time (TI) remains relatively unchanged during development. Extreme prolongation of TE results in respiratory pauses and apnea, which occur frequently in preterm and, to a lesser extent, in term neonates. The incidence of central apnea decreases with advancing gestational age, occurring in almost all infants weighing less than 1000 g at birth or less than 28 weeks’ gestation. At 43 to 44 weeks’ corrected gestational age, the incidence of apnea is comparable to that of a term neonate. Paradoxical inward movement of the rib cage during inspiration is especially common in preterm infants. The mechanism behind this paradoxical movement is related to a combination of a highly compliant rib cage and diminished intercostal muscle tone opposed by diaphragmatic contraction. The effort required to produce a tidal volume during these paradoxical movements is substantially greater than during “normal” breathing, which further hinders an already immature respiratory system.

Hypercapnia and Acidosis

Small increases in arterial Pco2 resulting in central acidosis increase ventilation dramatically. The ventilatory response to CO2 is the net result of activation of both peripheral and central chemoreceptors. The contribution of the peripheral chemoreceptors, mainly through the carotid body, is 10% to 40% of the total hypercapnic response. Central chemoreceptors originally thought to be confined to the ventrolateral medulla have also been found to be widespread in the brainstem, including the retrotrapezoid nucleus, the region of the nucleus tractus solitarius, the region of the locus coeruleus, the rostral aspect of the ventral respiratory group, and the medullary raphe.28 Other sites of chemoreception include the fastigial nucleus of the cerebellum and the pre-Botzinger complex. The ventilatory response to CO2 is impaired in preterm infants relative to term newborns and adults; however, it increases with advancing postnatal and gestational age. It has been demonstrated that, unlike adults, preterm infants and newborn animals are not able to increase their respiratory rate in response to CO2, but tidal volume increases appropriately.1 Possible mechanisms for this impaired response to CO2 include changes in the mechanical properties of the lung, maturation in the peripheral or central chemoreceptors, or changes in the central integration of chemoreceptor or other neuronal signals. Multiple studies have indicated a central origin for the attenuated CO2 response in preterm babies, in particular those with apnea. However, a cause-and-effect relationship between apnea of prematurity and the attenuated response to CO2 has not been clearly established, and both might simply represent facets of a decreased respiratory drive.


Unlike adults who express a sustained response to hypoxia, the neonatal hypoxic ventilatory response is biphasic with an initial increase in ventilation that lasts 1 to 2 minutes, followed by a decline that falls below baseline ventilation in preterm infants (Figure 75-1). This late decline has been traditionally termed hypoxic ventilatory depression. Although the increase in tidal volume is sustained, breathing frequency decreases during hypoxic exposure, hence the biphasic response. The increase in ventilation occurs through activation of peripheral chemoreceptors located primarily in the carotid body and is eliminated by carotid body denervation. During development, the initial rise increases while the late depression decreases with advancing postnatal age; however, in one study, hypoxic ventilatory depression persisted in convalescing preterm neonates at 4 to 6 weeks of age.27 Several mechanisms have been postulated to explain the pathogenesis of late respiratory depression, including a time-dependent decrease in carotid body stimulation, hypocapnea secondary to the initial hyperventilation, and a decrease in metabolism. Increasing evidence, however, suggests a central origin for hypoxic ventilatory depression, probably through interaction of multiple neurotransmitters, including adenosine, GABA, and endorphins, or through descending inhibitory pontine tracts. Consistent with these findings is the observation that a progressive decrease in inspired oxygen concentration causes a significant flattening of carbon dioxide responsiveness in preterm infants (Figure 75-2).

Laryngeal and Pulmonary Afferent Reflexes

Stimulation of the laryngeal mucosa, either chemically (water, ammonium chloride, or acidic solutions) or mechanically, causes inhibition of breathing and apnea in neonates and newborn animals. This reflex-induced apnea, known as the laryngeal chemoreflex (LCR), is usually associated with glottic closure, swallowing, bradycardia, and hypotension, and has been shown to undergo maturational changes with age. Although it may serve a protective function, preterm infants express an exaggerated LCR as evidenced by prolonged apnea response to instilling saline in the oropharynx. The mechanisms underlying such maturational change in reflex-induced apnea are not known, but seem to be related to a decrease in central neural output or a dominance of inhibitory pathways. The inhibitory neurotransmitters adenosine and GABA have both been implicated where blockade of GABAA receptors prevented and activation of adenosine A2A exaggerated the LCR.3

Lung afferents play an important role in regulating respiratory timing and may play a role in apnea of prematurity. Stimulation of pulmonary stretch receptors through increasing lung volume causes shortening of inspiratory time, prolongation of expiratory time, or both. This reflex is known as the Hering-Breuer reflex. The decrease in respiratory frequency and prolongation of expiratory time following institution of nasal continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) is mediated through activation of this reflex. This probably serves to prevent lung overdistention on CPAP. The Hering-Breuer deflation reflex is activated on deflation of the lung and results in inspiratory augmentation. However, unlike term infants, preterm infants are less likely to initiate breathing and tend to have respiratory pauses on deflation of the lung, thus making them less likely to recover from an apnea event.

Neurotransmitters and Neuromodulators

There are limited data regarding the balance of excitatory and inhibitory neurotransmitters during development of respiratory control. Because invasive studies cannot be performed in newborn infants, most studies on the relationship of neurotransmitters to respiratory control are based on the effect of these substances or their inhibitors on the breathing responses to hypoxia, hypercapnia, and reflex apnea in animal models. The most widely studied neurotransmitters in relation to disturbances in control of breathing include adenosine, GABA, prostaglandins, endorphins, and serotonin.

GABA is the major inhibitory neurotransmitter in the central nervous system (CNS). It has been implicated in the attenuated ventilatory responses to hypoxia, hypercapnia, and LCR. Blocking GABAA receptors prevented hypoxic ventilatory depression and the decrease in breathing frequency in response to CO2, and attenuated the LCR. Both structural and functional differences in GABAA receptors have been observed during development. GABAA receptors are hetero-oligomers assembled from five subunits. During embryonic and early postnatal development, the brainstem has a much higher GABAA receptor density than does the adult brainstem and the “mix” of GABAA receptor subunits differs from that in adults. Therefore, GABA has the potential to play a key role in the vulnerability of preterm infants to disturbed breathing, including apnea of prematurity. Of interest is the observation that GABA may switch from an excitatory to inhibitory neurotransmitter during the transition from fetal to neonatal life.

Adenosine is a product of ATP that is ubiquitous to most brain tissue as well as the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). Adenosine is known to depress neural function and respiration, and its level has been shown to increase during hypoxia in brain tissue, CSF, and plasma. Furthermore, adenosine antagonists reversed hypoxic depression in anesthetized newborn piglets. The role of adenosine in apnea of prematurity is suggested by the ability of the methylxanthines, theophylline, and caffeine, which are nonspecific adenosine receptor inhibitors, to decrease the incidence of apnea of prematurity. However, the exact mechanism and location of action of adenosine, as well as the interaction of adenosine with other neurotransmitters, remain to be identified. Adenosine receptors may be inhibitory (A1) or excitatory (A2B). An interaction between adenosine and GABA in the regulation of breathing has been documented. Blockade of GABAA receptors abolished the inhibition of phrenic activity and the exaggerated LCR induced by adenosine A2A agonist. Furthermore, A2A receptors were found to co-localize on GABAergic neurons in the medulla oblongata of both piglets and rats. These data suggest that the mechanism of action of methylxanthines in the prevention of apnea of prematurity is through central blockade of either inhibitory A1 receptors or excitatory A2 adenosine receptors on GABAergic neurons.3 In either case, respiratory inhibition is diminished.

Exogenous endorphin and enkephalin analogues have been shown to produce a consistent decrease in respiration in fetal and neonatal animals. Endorphin levels are elevated in the human neonate at birth, and endogenous opioids were found to modulate the hypoxic ventilatory response in newborn infants and animals. Furthermore, the opioid antagonist naloxone produced an improvement in apnea and periodic breathing in infants in whom β-endorphin–like immunoreactivity in the CSF was elevated. Although these data support a role for opioids in respiratory control in neonates, the effect of anesthesia in such studies and the interaction of opioids with other inhibitory neurotransmitters need to be clarified. Infusion of prostaglandin E1 (PGE1) produces respiratory depression in 12% of infants during treatment for congenital heart disease. Prostaglandin E1 has been shown to decrease and indomethacin has been shown to enhance phrenic activity in newborn piglets.

Although the involvement of serotonin in respiratory control is well established, the nature of this involvement is complex. Both activation and inhibition of breathing have been described with different doses and, routes of administration. The different responses may owe, in part, to the effect on different subtypes of serotonin receptors preferentially expressed on respiratory neurons. Serotonin has been implicated as a regulatory factor in the production of apneusis. Blocking 5-HT1A receptors has been shown to reverse apneustic breathing, which might result during hypoxia or ischemia. There is increasing evidence to suggest an important role for serotonergic neurons in the raphe nuclei in maturation of central chemoreception. This has been highlighted by findings in cohorts of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) victims (Japanese, African-American, and white) in whom there was a significant positive association with the presence of a homozygous gene that encodes for the long allele of the 5-HT transporter promoter (5-HTT), as well as the long allele itself. In both studies, SIDS victims were more likely than control subjects to express the long allele of 5-HTT, as well as to miss the short allele of 5-HTT.41 Therefore, it is possible that a delay in maturation of serotonergic neurons or overexpression of the long allele for 5-HTT in the arcuate nucleus as well as in other respiratory groups might contribute to a failure of arousal and inadequate respiratory response to a life-threatening event. There is increasing evidence that this may be the underlying mechanism in the pathogenesis of SIDS.

Neonatal Apnea

Definition and Epidemiology

Apnea has traditionally been defined as the cessation of breathing for greater than 15 to 20 seconds. Shorter events (<15 seconds) may also be identified as apnea if accompanied by oxygen desaturation and bradycardia. Standard bedside monitoring or impedance monitoring in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) detects central apnea and bradycardia, but is unable to detect apnea caused by airway obstruction. Prolonged desaturation episodes in the absence of apnea or bradycardia, both in healthy preterm infants and more frequently in infants with chronic lung disease, might represent obstructive apnea, hypoventilation, or intrapulmonary right-to-left shunting. Although the significance of such episodes is unclear, the long-term consequences of apnea, bradycardia, and hypoxemia remain a concern. Recurrent hypoxemia has been associated with retinopathy of prematurity, necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC), and periventricular leukomalacia.

Apnea is traditionally classified into three categories: central, obstructive, and mixed (both central and obstructive components). Central apnea is characterized by total cessation of respiratory effort with no evidence of obstruction. In obstructive apnea, the infant tries to breathe against an obstructed upper airway, resulting in chest wall motion without nasal airflow. Mixed apnea consists of obstructed respiratory effort usually following a central pause (Figure 75-3) and is probably the most common type of apnea. The site of upper airway obstruction is mostly in the pharynx; however, it may also occur at the larynx and possibly at both sites. It should be emphasized that these three patterns of apnea appear to form a continuum in which airway obstruction may also be involved in purely central events and vice versa.33

The incidence of apnea of prematurity is inversely related to gestational age and occurs in the vast majority of infants less than or equal to 28 weeks’ gestation. Apnea may occur from the first day of life in infants without RDS but may be delayed for several days in infants with RDS. Although the precise incidence of apnea depends on the diagnostic criteria employed, the frequency and duration of apnea decreases with advancing postnatal age. Apnea is not exclusively confined to preterm babies. Healthy term infants may also have apnea exceeding 20 seconds on home monitoring.34


Apnea of prematurity is a developmental disorder that reflects physiologic rather than pathologic immaturity of respiratory control (Table 75-1). However, despite major advances in our understanding of the control of breathing over the last decade, the exact mechanisms responsible for apnea in premature infants have not been clearly identified. This is understandable in view of the limitations of studying human infants and the lack of an animal model that exhibits spontaneous apnea. Therefore, most of our knowledge is derived from both physiologic studies in preterm infants and studies in immature animals. Immaturity of respiratory responses in preterm infants affects all levels of respiratory control, including central and peripheral chemosensitivity, as well as inhibitory pulmonary afferents. This immaturity is manifested by impaired ventilatory responses to hypoxia and hypercapnia, and an exaggerated inhibitory response to stimulation of airway receptors. Although a direct relationship has not been demonstrated between a disturbed respiratory control mechanism and the occurrence of apnea in preterm infants, strong associations are very well established. Histologically, immaturity of the preterm brain is manifested by a decreased number of synaptic connections, dendritic arborizations, and paucity of myelin. Functionally, auditory evoked responses are impaired in infants with apnea when compared with matched preterm control subjects, indicating a delay in brainstem conduction time. Interestingly, this delay improves after treatment with aminophylline, signifying a functional rather than an anatomic immaturity.

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