White Matter Damage and Encephalopathy of Prematurity

White Matter Damage and Encephalopathy of Prematurity

Petra S. Hüppi and Pierre Gressens

Brain injury in the premature infant is composed of multiple lesions, principally described as germinal matrix intraventricular hemorrhage (IVH), posthemorrhagic hydrocephalus (PHH), and periventricular leukomalacia (PVL). With the reduction of the incidence of IVH and PHH, the third entity now appears to be the most important brain lesion127,151 determining the neurodevelopmental outcome of premature infants. Periventricular leukomalacia has classically been described as a disorder characterized by multifocal areas of necrosis, forming cysts in the deep periventricular cerebral white matter, which are often symmetrical and occur adjacent to the lateral ventricles. These focal necrotic lesions correlate well with the development of spastic cerebral palsy in VLBW infants. With the advances in neonatal care and the survival at increasingly low gestational ages, a large number of VLBW infants are now seen with mild motor impairment and often considerable cognitive and behavioral deficits,143 which may relate to a more diffuse injury to the developing brain.

This chapter presents the current concepts of brain injury to the immature brain, which has been termed encephalopathy of prematurity, summarizing the old and new neuropathologic findings, mechanisms of pathogenesis through animal models,85 and the characteristics of this type of lesions in modern neuroimaging.

Neuropathology of White Matter Injury

Historical View

Congenital encephalomyelitis was the term first used by Virchow in 1867 to describe a disease in newborns who demonstrated pale softened zones of degeneration within the periventricular white matter at autopsy. Microscopically, these lesions were characterized by glial hyperplasia with the presence of foamy macrophages and signs of tissue destruction with necrosis. Interestingly, Virchow related the disease to acute infection, as many of the cases were seen in infected mothers.150 Clinically, he suggested that these lesions might be related to a disease described earlier by Little,95 in which the patients suffered from spasmodic limb contractures, diplegia, and mental retardation, occasionally with an additional epileptic condition. Parrot, in 1873, first linked the pathologic entity to premature birth and proposed that the lesions were caused by a particular vulnerability of the immature white matter, as a result of nutritional and circulatory disturbances resulting in infarction.121 Much later, Rydberg again proposed a hemodynamic etiology with a reduction of cerebral blood flow to the vulnerable regions of the immature white matter.132 Banker and Larroche in 1962 first introduced the term periventricular leukomalacia to define this characteristic lesion they found in 20% of autopsies of infants deceased prior to 1 month of age. They described the macroscopic and microscopic neuropathology in more detail.11

Periventricular Leukomalacia

Macroscopic Neuropathology

The topography of the lesions was uniform, primarily affecting the white matter in a zone within the subcallosal, superior fronto-occipital and superior longitudinal fasciculi, the external and internal border zone of the temporal and occipital horn of the lateral ventricles, and some parts of the corona radiate.51 These areas appeared pale, usually bilateral, but without definite symmetry (Figure 59-1). Although not unanimously accepted, it has been noted that the anatomic distribution of PVL correlates with the development of perforating medullary arteries and areas that represent arterial border or end zones, that arise between ventriculopetal and ventriculofugal arteries within the deep white matter (Figure 59-2).71 Immunohistochemical studies further confirm a low vessel density in the deep white matter between 28 to 36 weeks’ gestation, whereas in the subcortical white matter, the vessel density is low between 16 and 24 weeks and thereafter increases (Figure 59-3).114

Microscopic Neuropathology

The earliest recorded changes were of coagulation necrosis of all cellular elements with loss of cytoarchitecture and tissue vacuolation.33 Axonal swelling and intense activated microglial reactivity and proliferation were observed as early as 3 hours after insult.32,108 In addition, in the periphery of these focal lesions a marked astrocytic and vascular endothelial hyperplasia characterized the brain tissue reaction at the end of the first week. After 1 to 2 weeks, macrophage activity with characteristic lipid-laden macrophages was predominant over the astrocytic reactivity, with progressive cavitation of the tissue and cyst formation thereafter. During subacute and chronic stages of PVL, swollen axons calcify, accumulate iron, and degenerate particularly at the periphery of the injured zone.142 Additional minor changes were also found within the gray matter, with some diffuse neuronal loss especially in lower cortical layers, the hippocampus, and the cerebellar Purkinje cell layer. Since these early studies, many conventional neuropathology studies have noted a widespread diffuse central cerebral white matter astrocytosis, often with abnormal glial cells,90 which they called perinatal telencephalic leukoencephalopathy. From these studies, Leviton and Gilles introduced for the first time a differentiation between focal and diffuse white matter damage.89

New Neuropathologic Insights

This diffuse white matter damage is macroscopically characterized by a paucity of white matter, thinning of the corpus callosum, and in later stages, ventriculomegaly and delayed myelination.53,89 With the use of immunocytochemical techniques, the assessment of autopsy tissue has allowed further localization of cell-specific injury in white matter damage. Deep periventricular white matter is prone to show focal necrosis regionally consistent with the presumed vascular end zones/border zones, whereas in the peripheral white matter, diffuse injury could be characterized by preferential death or injury of late oligodendrocyte progenitors and immature oligodendrocytes or pre-OLs (see Chapter 58).10 Recent postmortem data support the hypothesis that in very preterm infants, blockade of maturation of oligodendrocytes, rather than their death, is the key neuropathologic hallmark in diffuse white matter damage.17,148 In addition, more recent neuropathologic studies on human preterm material have shown the extensive involvement of axonal damage,60 especially thalamocortical fibers and damage to white matter neuronal populations (GABAergic interneurons),84 and damage to the cerebellar white matter.83

Vulnerability of Oligodendroglia Cell Line.

Several lines of evidence implicate damage to immature oligodendrocytes during a specific window of vulnerability as a significant underlying factor in the pathogenesis of PVL (see Models of Encephalopathy of Prematurity). Oligodendrocyte progenitor cells proliferate and die by programmed cell death (see Chapter 58) regulated by trophic factors such as platelet-derived growth factor and insulin-like growth factor.12 The activation of cytokine receptors on the surface of oligodendrocytes can lead to the death or maturation blockade of these cells. Studies in vitro have shown that the inflammatory cytokines TNF-α and interferon-gamma are toxic to cultured oligodendrocyte progenitor cells.5 Selective injury to oligodendrocytes is mediated by induction of “death” receptors such as Fas on the surface of oligodendrocytes. Direct axonal contact appears to be another important factor for the survival and maturation of oligodendrocytes.22 Oligodendrocytes are further susceptible to oxidative damage mediated by free radicals such as reactive oxygen and nitrogen species and as a consequence of the depletion of the main antioxidant, glutathione.8 Injury-induced swelling and disruption to axons within the white matter leads to locally elevated glutamate, which also induces oligodendrocyte cell death and/or injury. Glutamate toxicity depends on the maturational stage of the oligodendrocyte and is mediated via the alpha-3-amino-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazole propionic acid (AMPA) receptor and potentially through N-methyl-d-aspartate (NMDA) receptors.34,79

Experimental data show, on the other hand, important increase in NG2 (high molecular weight, integral membrane chondroitin sulphate proteoglycan)-positive oligodendrocyte progenitor cells within the area of the injury.136 The role of this increase in NG2 cells is currently unknown, but this population is distinct from neurons, oligodendrocytes, astrocytes, and microglia. This cell population could comprise multipotent cells capable of differentiating in any other type of cells and playing a role in axonal growth and myelination, and in regeneration after injury with functional integration in neural circuitry.

Microglial Activity.

Specific immunocytochemical markers (e.g., CD68) have identified a marked increase of activated microglia in diffuse white matter injury.61 Microglia are already widely dispersed throughout the immature white matter by 22 weeks’ gestation. These cells are fully capable of producing potentially toxic inflammatory mediators, free radicals, and reactive oxygen intermediates.129 The phagocytic activity of microglia and their capacity for oxidative mediated injury are potently enhanced by inflammatory mediators (IFN-γ, TNF-α, IL-β and bacterial lipopolysaccharide [LPS]).139 Studies of preoligodendrocytes of the same maturational stage as those populated in the immature white matter of the human premature infant show that cells are exquisitely vulnerable to attack by reactive oxygen species and reactive nitrogen species produced by activated microglia.110 Presence of activated microglia inducing cell death in immature white matter, both in preoligodendrocytes as well as in astrocytes, has been widely confirmed.39,140 So far it also seems that microglia and resident mononuclear phagocytes are the primary sources for the proinflammatory cytokines in PVL brains.80

Neuronal/Axonal Damage.

Indirect assessment of axonal damage in classical PVL was done by immunostaining for beta amyloid precursor protein, a neuronoaxonal protein. Immunostaining of damaged axons was predominant in the acute phase of PVL and was no longer detectable in the chronic stage.108 Swollen axons calcify (probably owing to glutamatergic overactivation), accumulate iron, and degenerate; this has been shown to occur without overt coagulation necrosis of all tissue components.62 Axons from corticospinal tract, thalamocortical fibers, optic radiation, superior occipitofrontal fasciculus, and the superior longitudinal fasciculus may be affected and result in motor, sensory, visual, and higher cortical functions deficits. Thalamocortical projections that course through the white matter develop prior to the functional development of cortical neurons. Therefore, the ensuing disruption to these circuits and to the subcortical plate may not only affect the function, but also the density, survival, and organization of cortical neurons and the cortex itself70,86 (see Subplate Damage).

In addition, there is evidence for cell death of progenitor cells, not neural stem cells in the subventricular zone after hypoxia-ischemia.47 These destructive effects are paralleled with potential trophic reactions such as the proliferation of potentially pluripotent progenitors cells, also called polydendrocytes in the area of injury.135 These cells are known to differentiate into oligodendrocytes and, to a lesser extent, into gray matter astrocytes and potentially even neurons.118

Recent studies also suggest that preterm delivery decreases the number of interneurons in some cortical areas, suggesting that their production, migration, and/or survival is impaired.149 Activated microglia in the white matter could contribute to impairment of migration and/or survival of interneurons.91

Subplate Damage.

Damage to the early developing subplate neurons, with their critical role for the organization of the cortical plate (see Chapter 58), has long been postulated as a possible mechanism by which injury to the immature brain results in long-lasting motor and cognitive deficits.152 McQuillen et al.107 were able to show specific cell death in subplate neurons after hypoxia-ischemia in very immature animals. Lack of guidance for the thalamocortical connections ensued by the loss of subplate neurons may represent one of the major developmental disturbances after injury to the immature brain.87

The current concept of pathogenesis of encephalopathy of prematurity is based on the combination of destructive and developmental disturbances, which are schematically summarized in Figure 59-4.

Models of Encephalopathy of Prematurity: Implications for Pathogenesis

As mentioned, the etiology of white matter injury and encephalopathy of prematurity in human neonates has been widely described as multifactorial rather than linked solely to cardiovascular instability and hypoxia-ischemia. The many preconceptional, prenatal, perinatal, and postnatal factors potentially implicated in the pathophysiology of these lesions include hypoxia-ischemia, maternal infection with overproduction of cytokines and other proinflammatory agents, endocrine imbalances, genetic factors, growth factor deficiency, abnormal competition for growth factors, overproduction of free oxygen radicals, exposure to toxins, maternal stress, and malnutrition. Although some of these potentially noxious factors may suffice to permanently injure the developing brain, some researchers have developed a two-hit hypothesis in which early exposures increase the susceptibility of the brain to subsequent insults (Figure 59-5).

The development and characterization of distinct yet complementary animal models should help to unravel the complex cellular and molecular pathophysiologic mechanisms underlying perinatal white matter lesions and encephalopathy of prematurity. In available animal models or in in vitro paradigms, the insults most often used to induce white matter damage or oligodendrocyte cell death, respectively, are generally hypoxia, hypoxia-ischemia, infection, inflammatory factors, oxidative stress, or excitotoxic agents. The relevance of white matter damage produced in these animal models to human white matter injury is largely based on neuropathologic data, although some studies are also based on MRI parameters or on neurologic and behavioral deficits.35

This section focuses on the most studied models of perinatal white matter damage, highlighting their major contributions to the understanding of the pathophysiology of these lesions. The reader interested in a deeper insight will find more information and a more comprehensive bibliography in published reviews on this topic.58,111

Hypoperfusion and Hypoxia-Ischemia

Hypoxic-ischemic or hypoperfusion insults have been used in a large variety of neonatal species including rats, mice, rabbits, pigs, and dogs. In most cases, these insults produce specific gray matter damage (mimicking lesions observed in human full-term infants), which has been the focus of most of these studies, whereas observed white matter damage is generally considered as an extension of gray matter damage in the most severe cases. However, notable exceptions highlight some potentially important features of perinatal white matter damage.

In dog pups, hypoxic-ischemic insult by bilateral carotid ligation selectively induces white matter damage mimicking human PVL.160 This selective vulnerability of white matter could underlie a genetic predisposition of the dog to white matter hypoxic-ischemic damage. Modern tools of genomics could unravel important genes involved in the pathophysiology of perinatal white matter damage.

In rats, the classical Rice-Vannucci model performed on postnatal day 7 or 9 predominantly leads to gray matter lesions. However, analyses have shown the involvement of the periventricular white matter with the involvement of immature oligodendroglial and progenitor cells.9,48,137 More important, adaptation of this paradigm to more immature newborn rats (postnatal days 1 or 3) has allowed production of important lesions in the periventricular white matter with relative sparing of the classical intracortical injuries (Figure 59-6).21,107,136 These studies have also highlighted the specific involvement of subplate neurons in brain damage. Altogether, these data obtained in newborn rats further support the notion of an ontogenic window of white matter sensitivity and subplate vulnerability to insults such as hypoxia-ischemia.

Asphyxia of sheep fetuses (around 65% of gestation) has been shown to induce periventricular (focal and diffuse) and subcortical (diffuse) white matter disease, accompanied by acute astrocyte and oligodendrocyte loss, and marked reactive microgliosis.101 These studies support the concept of the association of focal (such as cystic lesions) and diffuse (such as diffuse microglial activation) white matter lesions, the pathophysiology of which is potentially distinct. Furthermore, it was shown by microdialysis that white matter glutamate levels were significantly increased following asphyxia, supporting a role of excitotoxicity in the pathogenesis of such white matter lesions (see Excitotoxicity).97

Exposure of pregnant rats15 or postnatal rat pups145 to hypoxia induces pathologic changes in the periventricular white matter that are reminiscent of human periventricular leukomalacia, with inflammation, astrogliosis, and myelination delay in the prenatal model, and white matter atrophy, ventriculomegaly, and alteration of synaptic maturation in the postnatal paradigm. Although the initial insult is a pure hypoxia, the observed effects are likely the result of the combination of different mechanisms such as hypoperfusion, ischemia, inflammation, and/or oxidative stress induced by the protracted hypoxia and the subsequent reoxygenation phase.

Infection and Inflammation

Systemic administration of LPS to immature cats, dogs, or rabbits induces white matter lesions.4,50 Systemic administration of LPS can induce a marked systemic inflammation and immune changes in the central nervous system, such as an increased expression of CD14. Furthermore, high doses of LPS can induce hypotension, hypoglycemia, hyperthermia, and lactic acidosis, all potential factors predisposing to brain damage. However, low doses of LPS, which do not induce significant hypotension, were also shown to induce white matter damage in fetal sheep.58,100 In fetal sheep, the comparison of white damage induced by cord occlusion and by LPS injection revealed distinct patterns of microglia-macrophage activation, suggesting separate or partly separate underlying mechanisms.100 On the other hand, systemic administration of LPS to newborn rats failed to induce detectable white matter lesions, although increased cytokine production and microglial activation were observed in white matter.20,45,158 These data suggest species differences that might be linked to species-related genetic susceptibility of the developing white matter to infectious-inflammatory factors. Interestingly, in vitro studies have shown that macrophages are necessary for LPS to induce preoligodendrocyte cell death.

Live infectious agents have also been used by a few research groups to produce models of white matter lesions. In pregnant rabbits, ascending intrauterine infection with Escherichia coli (E. coli) caused focal white matter damage in 6% of live fetuses,159 whereas direct inoculation of E. coli in the uterine cavity combined with early antibiotics produced focal white matter cysts in about 20% of live fetuses and diffuse white matter cell death in almost all live fetuses (Figure 59-7).31 Cystic lesions are accompanied by macrophage-microglia activation and reactive astrogliosis, whereas diffuse white matter cell death does not induce such glial responses. These results suggest that these two types of brain damage have distinct pathophysiologic mechanisms.

In addition, a study has shown that infection of pregnant mice with Ureaplasma parvum, a germ rather frequently isolated in chorioamnionitis, induces central microgliosis and disrupted brain development as detected by decreased number of calbindin-positive and calretinin-positive neurons in the neocortex, as well as myelination defect in the periventricular white matter.119

Intrauterine inoculation of Border disease virus to pregnant sheep induces decreased expression of white matter molecules, including myelin basic protein in the fetuses.3 However, the virus also infects the thyroid and the pituitary gland, raising the question of the precise etiology of the white matter damage (low thyroid hormones versus infectious-inflammatory insult).

Finally, a recent study showed that exposure of newborn mice to low doses of systemic IL-1β, induces a moderate and transient inflammatory response during the neonatal period that is sufficient to disrupt oligodendrocyte maturation, myelin formation, and axonal development.46 These white matter abnormalities are moderate during the developmental period but do persist until adulthood. They lead to permanent deficiencies in cognitive tests. The underlying molecular mechanisms include blockade of microglial activation, oligodendrocyte maturation blockade, and alterations of the transcription of genes implicated in oligodendrogenesis, myelin formation, and axonal maturation.

Excitotoxicity and Oxidative Stress

Glutamate can act on several types of receptors, including NMDA, AMPA, kainate, and metabotropic receptors. Excess release of glutamate has been suggested to represent a molecular mechanism common to some of the risk factors for brain lesions associated with cerebral palsy. In keeping with this possibility, injection of glutamate agonists into the striatum, neocortex, or periventricular white matter of newborn rodents (rats, mice, or hamsters), rabbits, or kittens produces, according to the stage of brain maturation, histologic lesions that mimic those seen in humans with cerebral palsy, such as neuronal migration disorders, polymicrogyria, cystic periventricular leukomalacia, and hypoxic-ischemic or ischemic-like cortical and striatal lesions.1,49,78,103,106

Studies exploring the pathophysiology of these excitotoxic white matter lesions in newborn rodents and rabbits have permitted the following contributions (Figure 59-8) 40,49,104,128,141:

1. Both NMDA and AMPA-kainate agonists can induce periventricular cystic white matter lesions.

2. NMDA receptor-mediated white matter lesions involve an early microglia-macrophage activation and astrocyte cell death, whereas AMPA-kainate receptor-mediated lesions involve preoligodendrocyte cell death; in addition, NMDA receptors expressed by preoligodendrocytes could participate to the injury of these preoligodendrocytes.

3. The periventricular white matter of newborn rodents and rabbits exhibits a window of susceptibility to excitotoxic insults.

4. Transient expression of NMDA receptors on white matter microglia-macrophages and transient expression of high levels of AMPA-kainate receptors on preoligodendrocytes are likely important factors to explain the window of sensitivity of the white matter to neonatal excitotoxic insults.

5. The study of NMDA receptor-mediated white matter lesions in newborn rabbits revealed that the excitotoxic white matter lesion extended into the subplate but not in the overlying neocortical layers. Based on the use of antioxidant molecules, excitotoxic white matter lesions involve excess production of reactive oxygen species, which play an important role in the pathophysiology of the lesions.

Extensive in vitro studies have confirmed the exquisite susceptibility of preoligodendrocytes to AMPA-kainate agonists and to oxidative stress.79

Combined Insults

To further support the hypothesis of a multifactorial hypothesis of perinatal brain damage (see Figure 59-5), different groups have combined insults in newborn rodents.

Pretreatment of newborn mice with systemic proinflammatory cytokines (e.g. IL-1-beta, IL-6 or TNF-alpha) before an excitotoxic insult significantly exacerbates excitotoxic white matter lesions, demonstrating a causative link between circulating proinflammatory cytokines and white matter damage.38 Results suggest that this effect of proinflammatory cytokines is more pronounced with NMDA receptor agonists when compared with AMPA-kainate receptor agonists (see Figure 59-8). The precise mechanism by which these cytokines systemically act on white matter excitotoxicity remains to be determined, but could potentially involve activation of brain cyclooxygenase or activation of microglia with increased white matter production of reactive oxygen species and cytokines.

Similarly, systemic pretreatment with IL-9, a Th2 cytokine, was shown to exacerbate NMDA receptor-mediated white matter lesions38,123 The mechanism of IL-9 toxicity involves brain mast cell degranulation and excess release of histamine. Interestingly, increased circulating levels of IL-9 around birth had been demonstrated in a subgroup of human infants who later developed cerebral palsy.117 Chronic mild stress of pregnant mice has been shown to induce a significant exacerbation of excitotoxic white matter lesions in pups. LPS was also used to sensitize the newborn brain to hypoxia-ischemia. A low dose of this endotoxin, given 4 hours before a mild hypoxic-ischemic insult in postnatal day 7 (P7) rats induced extensive brain damage, whereas each insult given separately did not induce any detectable brain lesion.45

Recent years have seen the emergence of several experimental paradigms to study white matter diseases of the preterm infant. These animal models have permitted identification of some of the potentially key cellular (e.g., preoligodendrocytes, microglia-macrophages) and molecular (glutamate, cytokines, and other inflammatory mediators, reactive oxygen species, etc.) players involved in the pathophysiology of perinatal brain damage. These studies have also delineated potential targets for neuroprotection. Future studies should incorporate imaging and behavioral studies to facilitate comparisons with the human situation. Although it is clear that studies with rodents, owing to their cost and availability, are absolutely necessary to generate and test multiple hypotheses, the use of larger models such as sheep, pigs, and monkeys will remain a key for testing in a more reliable fashion the relevance of the obtained data for the human situation.

Neuroimaging of White Matter Injury

Neonatal Sonography

Neonatal sonography is the one major bedside technique to image the neonatal brain. Leviton et al. postulated in 1990 that ultrasonographic white matter echodensities and echolucencies in low birth weight infants predicted later handicap more accurately than any other antecedent.92 Unlike intraventricular hemorrhage, damage to the white matter can have different appearances, and depending on the timing of the injury, the imaging characteristics can be nonspecific with generally an increase in echogenicity in the acute phase of the injury (Figure 59-9). In clinical practice, at least in the older preterm infant, the condition of white matter is judged by its echogenic potential as compared with that of the choroid plexus. Generally, the echogenicity found in early periventricular leukomalacia is similar in intensity to that of the choroid plexus. The echogenicity is bilateral but slightly asymmetric in appearance, can be sharply delineated, and may have nodular components. This has to be differentiated from normal peritrigonal flaring, which is perfectly symmetric and with a radial appearance. Evolution of such hyperechogenicity can be twofold, either complete disappearance or evolution into cysts and/or ventricular dilatation. Cyst formation in analog to neuropathology is a process typical for the second week (10-40 days) after the insult. DeVries et al.37 postulated an ultrasound-based classification for PVL of four grades. Increasing grades are associated with increasing neurodevelopmental handicap. Grade I is defined as transient (>7days) periventricular densities without cyst formation. If cysts develop and are few in number, localized primarily in frontal and frontoparietal white matter, this is classified as grade II. When they are widespread and extend into the parieto-occipital region they are referred to as grade III; these may grow and gradually disappear, leaving an irregularly dilated lateral ventricle. Grade IV cysts are present all the way into the subcortical area, resembling porencephaly (Table 59-1). In a pooled analysis based on data from 15 published studies, 11% of infants with small, 35% of those with medium, and 60% of those with large ultrasound-defined white matter echolucencies had an intelligence or developmental index <70,63 which outlines the importance of potentially associated microstructural alterations in cortical development after white matter injury.

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