Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia in the Neonate

Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia in the Neonate

Eduardo H. Bancalari and Michele C. Walsh

The introduction of mechanical ventilation for the management of premature infants with severe respiratory distress syndrome (RDS) in the 1960s changed the natural course of the disease, resulting in increased survival of smaller and sicker infants, many of whom had severe chronic lung damage. Northway and associates were the first to describe this condition in 1967 and introduced the term bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD).49

Most infants in this original description were born prematurely, had severe respiratory failure, and received prolonged mechanical ventilation with high airway pressures and fraction of inspired oxygen (Fio2). Their clinical and radiographic course ended with severe chronic lung changes characterized by persistent respiratory failure with hypoxemia and hypercapnia, frequent cor pulmonale, and a chest radiograph that revealed areas of increased density caused by fibrosis and collapse surrounded by areas of marked hyperinflation.

Currently, this severe form of chronic lung disease (CLD) is less common and has been replaced by a milder form of chronic lung damage that occurs in many very small preterm infants who, with increasing frequency, are surviving after prolonged periods of respiratory support. This milder form of lung damage often occurs in infants who initially have mild pulmonary disease and do not require high airway pressures or Fio2.38,55 The terms BPD and CLD have been used interchangeably, but because BPD is more specific to the neonatal lung disease, this term is preferred here.

The incidence of BPD varies widely among different centers.4 This is not only because of differences in patient susceptibility and in management, but also to discrepancies in the way BPD is defined.9 In 2001, a workshop conducted by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) proposed a definition that divides BPD into three categories based on the duration and level of oxygen therapy required (Table 77-1). Ehrenkranz and colleagues explored the validity of the NIH consensus definition in the large NICHD Neonatal Research Network database.28 Use of the consensus definition increases the number of infants diagnosed with BPD by including the group who was on oxygen at 28 days of age, but in room air at 36 weeks, to those defined as having BPD. The overall rate of BPD was increased from 46% to 77%. The assessment of severity of BPD adds richness to the outcome measure and identifies a spectrum of adverse pulmonary and neurodevelopmental outcomes. As the severity of BPD increases, the incidence of adverse events also increases. Also, the clinical criteria for administering supplemental oxygen can greatly affect the reported incidence of BPD. A physiologic test to standardize the need for supplemental oxygen has been proposed as a way of reducing the variability in diagnostic criteria.72

With increasing survival of very small premature infants, the number of patients at risk of developing BPD increases. Available data suggest that surfactant therapy for RDS decreases mortality without independently affecting the incidence of BPD, but when both end points are combined, the number of survivors without BPD is increased.58

The incidence of BPD in infants with RDS who receive intermittent positive-pressure ventilation (IPPV) is inversely related to gestational age and birth weight, and although it can occur in full-term infants, it is uncommon in infants born after 32 weeks of gestation. Figure 77-1 shows the incidence of BPD in infants between 22 and 28 weeks’ gestation born in the United States between 2003 and 2007.61

Figure 77-1 Incidence of bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD) defined as oxygen at 36 weeks’ postmenstrual age (PMA), BPD by physiologic definition,72 and severe BPD defined as oxygen greater than or equal to 30% and or positive pressure at 36 weeks’ PMA, in the Neonatal Research Network for infants born between January 1, 2003 and December 31, 2007. (Data from Stoll BJ, et al. Neonatal outcomes of extremely preterm infants from the NICHD Neonatal Research Network. Pediatrics 2010;126:443.)

Clinical Presentation

The diagnosis of BPD is based on the clinical and radiographic manifestations, but these are not specific. With rare exceptions, BPD follows the use of mechanical ventilation with IPPV during the first weeks of life. Mechanical ventilation is usually indicated for respiratory failure resulting from RDS, pneumonia, or poor respiratory effort. The development of BPD is often anticipated in an extremely premature infant when mechanical ventilation and oxygen dependence extend beyond 10 to 14 days.

The radiographic features of the more severe forms of BPD include hyperinflation and nonhomogeneity of pulmonary fields, with multiple fine or coarser densities extending to the periphery (Figure 77-2). Only a radiographic picture showing chronic pulmonary involvement, plus a clinical course that is compatible with BPD justifies this diagnosis with some degree of consistency. Once lung damage has occurred, these infants frequently require respiratory support and supplemental oxygen for weeks or months.

Presently, most of these small infants have mild respiratory disease, initially requiring continuous positive airway pressure or ventilation with low pressures and oxygen concentration, but after a few days or weeks they show progressive deterioration in their lung function and BPD develops. This deterioration may be triggered by pulmonary or systemic infections or increased pulmonary blood flow secondary to a large patent ductus arteriosus (PDA).30 In these cases, the functional and radiographic changes are usually milder, revealing more diffuse haziness without the marked changes observed in the severe forms of BPD (Figure 77-3). This entity has been termed new BPD.17,38

Most survivors show a slow but steady improvement in their lung function and radiographic changes and, after variable periods, can be weaned from respiratory support and supplemental oxygen, but most infants persist with signs of respiratory compromise. In many infants, lobar or segmental atelectasis develops, resulting from retained secretions and airway obstruction.

Infants with more severe lung damage may die of progressive respiratory failure, cor pulmonale, or acute complications, especially intercurrent infections. In these infants, severe airway damage with bronchomalacia can lead to severe airway obstruction, especially during episodes of agitation and increased intrathoracic pressure.44 Furthermore, anastomoses between the systemic and pulmonary circulations can aggravate their pulmonary hypertension.

Because of the respiratory failure, infants with BPD take oral feedings with difficulty and often require nasogastric or orogastric feeding. Weight gain is usually less than the expected normal even when they receive an amount of calories appropriate for their age. This lower weight gain can be a result of chronic hypoxia and the higher energy expenditure required by the increased work of breathing in these infants.

In more severe cases, signs of right heart failure may develop secondary to pulmonary hypertension, with cardiomegaly, hepatomegaly, and fluid retention. In these infants, the need for fluid restriction further limits the number of calories that can be provided. Right ventricular heart failure is seen less commonly than in the past, most likely because milder forms of BPD are seen today and because of the more aggressive maintenance of normal levels of oxygenation.

The diagnosis of BPD is based on the clinical and radiographic course described earlier, but these signs are not specific for any given etiology. For this reason, specific etiologies that could lead or contribute to the lung damage must be considered before concluding that the infant has BPD. Among these, one must rule out congenital heart disease, congenital pulmonary anomalies, chemical pneumonitis resulting from recurrent aspiration, cystic fibrosis, or disorders of surfactant homeostasis.


Macroscopically, the lungs of infants with severe BPD have a grossly abnormal appearance. They are firm and heavy and have a darker color than normal. The surface is irregular, often showing emphysematous areas alternating with areas of collapse (Figure 77-4). On histologic examination, the lungs are characterized by areas of emphysema, sometimes coalescing into larger cystic areas, surrounded by areas of atelectasis (Figure 77-5). Widespread bronchial and bronchiolar mucosal hyperplasia and metaplasia reduce the lumina in many of the small airways and can interfere with mucus transport (Figure 77-6). In addition, there is interstitial edema and an increase in fibrous tissue with focal thickening of the basal membrane separating capillaries from alveolar spaces. Lymphatics are usually dilated and tortuous. Often, there are vascular changes of pulmonary hypertension such as medial muscle hypertrophy and elastic degeneration. There also may be evidence of right ventricular hypertrophy and, in some cases, left ventricular hypertrophy as well.

Infants who receive antenatal steroids and surfactant and have milder forms of BPD have a more diffuse injury with less emphysema and little or no fibrosis. A characteristic morphologic change in lungs with BPD is a marked reduction in the number of alveoli and capillaries and a reduction in the gas exchange surface area.18,36,38 It is not known to what extent this alteration is reversible with increasing age.


Bronchopulmonary dysplasia occurs almost exclusively in preterm infants who receive mechanical ventilation with positive pressure; therefore, prematurity and mechanical lung overdistention have been considered important factors in the pathogenesis of BPD. Other factors that can contribute to the pathogenesis of BPD are oxygen toxicity, pulmonary or systemic infections, pulmonary vascular damage, and edema resulting from a patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) or excessive fluid administration.

Mechanical Trauma

Although some forms of chronic lung damage have been described in infants who were not ventilated, most premature infants with BPD have received mechanical ventilation, although this may not be prolonged. This, plus the frequent association between pulmonary interstitial emphysema (PIE) and BPD, has led to the conclusion that lung overdistention secondary to positive-pressure ventilation plays an important role in the pathogenesis of BPD. In fact, the lower incidence of BPD at some centers could be largely attributable to avoidance of mechanical ventilation in extremely premature infants.66 The role of the endotracheal tube itself is difficult to separate from that of mechanical ventilation, but the tube hinders the drainage of bronchial secretions and increases the risk of pulmonary infections.

Although high peak inspiratory pressure is a major factor implicated as a cause of BPD, it is difficult to determine whether the high pressures have a causal effect on the chronic lung damage or whether these high settings are required after lung damage is already established. The damaging effect of high airway pressure and tidal volume on the surfactant-deficient lung has been demonstrated in preterm lambs. Lung compliance was decreased after only a few breaths with excessive tidal volumes given before surfactant replacement.13 Experimental evidence strongly suggests that excessive tidal volumes can damage the lung, initiate an inflammatory cascade, and interfere with normal lung development.

Oxygen Toxicity

Clinical and experimental evidence suggests that pulmonary oxygen toxicity is a major factor in the pathogenesis of BPD. Although many tissues can be injured by high oxygen concentrations, the lung is exposed directly to the highest partial pressure of oxygen. The precise concentration of oxygen that is toxic to the immature lung probably depends on a large number of variables, including gestational age, nutritional and endocrine status, and duration of exposure to oxygen and other oxidants. Although a safe level of inspired oxygen has not been established, any concentration in excess of room air might increase the risk of lung damage when administered over a long period of time.

The pulmonary changes of oxygen toxicity are nonspecific and consist of atelectasis, edema, alveolar hemorrhage, inflammation, fibrin deposition, and thickening of alveolar membranes. There is early damage to capillary endothelium in animals, and plasma leaks into interstitial and alveolar spaces. Pulmonary surfactant can be inactivated, adding to the risk of atelectasis. Type 1 alveolar lining cells also are injured early, and bronchiolar and tracheal ciliated cells can also be damaged by oxygen. Total resolution after oxygen toxicity is possible if the initial exposure is not overwhelming.

Continued exposure to high inspired oxygen levels is accompanied by influx of polymorphonuclear leukocytes containing proteolytic enzymes. In addition, the antiprotease defense system is significantly impaired in infants exposed to prolonged high inspired oxygen levels, favoring proteolytic damage of structural elements in alveolar walls. This could be an important pathogenic factor in oxygen toxicity and BPD. High inspired oxygen concentration has also been shown to inhibit the normal process of alveolar and capillary formation in immature animals.

Although the cellular basis for oxygen toxicity has not been completely elucidated, the principal mechanisms involve the univalent reduction of molecular oxygen and formation of free radical intermediates. The latter can react with intracellular constituents and membrane lipids, thus initiating chain reactions that can cause tissue destruction.

To resist the detrimental effects of oxygen, the organism has evolved a number of antioxidant systems. Antioxidant enzymes such as superoxide dismutase, catalase, and glutathione peroxidase seem to play an important role in preventing the toxic effects of oxygen. Other elements, such as vitamin E, glutathione, and selenium are also part of the endogenous antioxidant mechanisms. The capacity for synthesizing these enzymes in some animal species follows a maturational trend similar to the production of surfactant; therefore animals born prematurely have lower concentrations of antioxidant enzymes than those born at term.

Loss of mucociliary function may be an additional pathogenic factor in BPD because exposure to high oxygen concentrations results in a reduction of ciliary movements.

Infection and Inflammation

Increasing evidence supports the role of antenatal and postnatal infections in the development of BPD. The role of infection appears to be especially important in very small infants in whom the occurrence of nosocomial infections is associated with a marked increase in the risk for development of BPD.55 This is even more striking when the infection occurs in an infant with a PDA.30 Evidence suggests that perinatal adenovirus and cytomegalovirus infection might also increase the risk for BPD.

Several studies have suggested an association between Ureaplasma urealyticum tracheal colonization and the development of severe respiratory failure and BPD in infants with very low birth weight, but results have not been consistent.19,34,50,73 There is also increasing evidence that maternal infections, and specifically chorioamnionitis, are associated with an increased risk of BPD in the infant.74,81

The role of inflammatory reaction in the development of BPD is receiving more attention. Inflammation could be triggered by factors such as oxygen, positive-pressure ventilation, PDA, and prenatal or postnatal infections. Increased concentration of inflammatory mediators could contribute to the bronchoconstriction and vasoconstriction and the increased vascular permeability characteristic of these infants.31 The inflammatory reaction might also be responsible for the decreased alveolarization characteristic of infants with BPD.15,38,78

Bronchoalveolar fluid examinations in infants with BPD reveal elevated neutrophil counts and increased elastase.76 Increased desmosine excretion in the urine during the first week of life has been described in infants who subsequently develop BPD, indicating increased elastin degradation resulting from lung inflammation and injury. On the other hand, higher concentrations of fibronectin have been measured in tracheal lavage fluid from infants with BPD, which could foster the development of interstitial fibrosis in these patients.

Inflammatory mediators such as chemokines, interleukin, leukotrienes, and platelet-activating factor also are found in high concentrations in lung lavage fluid of infants with BPD.5,11,31 The potential role of inflammation is supported by the reported beneficial effects of steroids in infants with BPD.23

Pulmonary Edema and Patent Ductus Arteriosus

See Chapter 83. There is an association between the presence of a PDA and an increased risk for BPD (Figure 77-7).30,55 Clinical evidence suggests that infants with RDS who receive greater fluid intake or do not show a diuretic phase during the first days of life have a higher incidence of BPD.65 This may be because high fluid intake increases the incidence of a PDA and the resultant increased pulmonary blood flow produces an increase in interstitial fluid and a decrease in pulmonary compliance.29 Combined with increased airway resistance, this can prolong the need for mechanical ventilation with higher ventilatory pressures and oxygen concentrations, increasing the risk for BPD. Moreover, the increased pulmonary blood flow can damage the pulmonary capillary endothelium and induce neutrophil margination and activation in the lung, contributing to the progression of the inflammatory cascade.69

Data from studies in preterm baboons also showed decreased alveolarization in animals that remained for a longer time with an open ductus arteriosus, supporting the role of a persistent ductus arteriosus in the pathogenesis of BPD.45

Presently, there is no agreement among clinicians regarding the role of different PDA management strategies in the development of BPD. Although most of the epidemiologic data suggest that a long persistence of a PDA is associated with an increased incidence of BPD, the results of two prospective clinical trials to evaluate whether early closure of the PDA would improve pulmonary outcome have not confirmed this hypothesis.60,68

Infants with BPD have a predisposition to fluid accumulation in their lungs. Possible causes are an increase in pulmonary vascular resistance, low plasma oncotic pressure, and increased capillary permeability that favor the extravascular accumulation of fluid. Pulmonary vascular pressure can be increased because of remodeling of the pulmonary vessels aggravated by hypoxemia and hypercapnia. In some cases, fluid accumulation is secondary to the left ventricular dysfunction that has been described in patients with chronic respiratory failure. Capillary permeability might be increased secondary to the effects of high inspired oxygen concentration, mechanical trauma, increased flow caused by a PDA, and infection on the capillary endothelium. During spontaneous breathing, the interstitial pressure in the lung is lower than normal because of the increased inspiratory effort necessary to overcome the low compliance and high pulmonary resistance. Finally, lymphatic drainage might be impaired because of compression of pulmonary lymphatics by interstitial fluid or gas and fibrous tissue, and because of the increased central venous pressure in patients with cor pulmonale.

Infants with BPD also have increased plasma levels of vasopressin and reduced urine output and free water clearance.41 This additional alteration can contribute to increased lung water in these patients. The abnormal accumulation of lung fluid in infants with BPD further compromises lung function, perpetuating a cycle in which more aggressive respiratory assistance is required, which produces further lung damage.

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