Neonatal Encephalopathy
Fig. 21.1 Fetal adaptive response to hypoxia and hypercapnia. Compensative mechanisms work in the initial phase through an increase in cerebral blood flow. If the insult persists, neuronal damage is…
Fig. 21.1 Fetal adaptive response to hypoxia and hypercapnia. Compensative mechanisms work in the initial phase through an increase in cerebral blood flow. If the insult persists, neuronal damage is…
Fig. 6.1 Preterm delivery risk factor in a specific country Aetiology of PTB is multifactorial, and numerous exposures including social, psychological, biological and genetic factors are known to be associated…
Fig. 5.1 Two CTG traces during the end of the first stage of labor. Both show prolonged decelerations; the top one shows an increased basal heart rate and reduced variation….
1. Hypoplasia/agenesis a. Vaginal b. Cervical c. Fundal d. Tubal e. Combined 2. Unicornuate a. Communicating b. Noncommunicating c. No cavity d. No horn 3. Didelphys 4. Bicornuate a. Complete…
Imaging modality Advantages Disadvantages TVS Easily available Limited information on tubal or endometrial pathology Relatively inexpensive Can be limited in obese individuals SIS Assessment of endometrial pathology Limited information on…
Pelvic inflammatory disease Prior ectopic pregnancy Surgery/trauma to fallopian tubes Endometriosis/adhesions Septic abortion/endometritis/salpingitis Ruptured appendix Inflammatory bowel disease Iatrogenic DES The most common cause of tubal infertility is PID ,…
Fig. 2.1 This schematic of the ovary depicts the developing follicle and oocyte in the ovarian cortex. The outermost layer comprises a thin layer of epithelial cells known as the…
Fig. 15.1 Workup for early RPL . This figure outlines an algorithm for the full workup of early RPL. Arrows are provided that guide the reader through various outcomes possible…
Fig. 22.1 Hysterectomy specimen demonstrating the presence of intramural, submucosal, and subserosal leiomyomas More recently, uterine myomas have been classified used the International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics (FIGO) Classification…
Hormone Structure Gene location Major site(s) of production Half-life Serum concentration GnRH Decapeptide 8p21–8p11.2 Arcuate nucleus of hypothalamus 2–4 min N/A FSH Glycoprotein with α- and β-subunits α: 6q12.21 β:…