Radiographic Service Quality
Fig. 35.1 Reasons for repeat images It is regarded as good practice for a department to audit and review TP and TC rates and the reasons for them, as they…
Fig. 35.1 Reasons for repeat images It is regarded as good practice for a department to audit and review TP and TC rates and the reasons for them, as they…
Fig. 25.1 Mammography equipment set up for x1.5 magnification view Fig. 25.2 Mammography equipment set up for x1.8 magnification view When selecting the paddle for magnification views, the practitioner should…
Fig. 24.1 Correct client position for mediolateral projection Fig. 24.2 illustrates positioning technique for this projection Fig. 24.2 Correct mediolateral positioning Lateral Images: Lateromedial Projection Region Demonstrated The medial breast…
Fig. 33.1 Image provided courtesy of Hologic An alternative to the upright stereotactic system is the prone biopsy system. This incorporates all the components of the upright unit with the…
Fig. 23.1 Strategic placement of buttons on the gantry (Source: BreastCheck, Ireland) Easy Height Adjustment of Equipment Only a light touch should be required to depress buttons and reaching the…
Fig. 17.1 PMMA phantom used to perform the AEC testing SdNR and dose should be measured in at least three different thicknesses (20, 45 and 70 mm) which are considered…
Fig. 1.1 Illustration of milk (ridge) line The glandular component of the breast develops from the ectoderm. It arises from local thickening of the epidermis, 15–20 groups of ectodermal cells…
Fig. 36.1 High quality diagnostic medio-lateral oblique images Similarly, the NHSBSP advise the following image quality criteria for cranio-caudal (CC) images Medial border should be imaged Some axillary tail should…
Fig. 27.1 Breast Anatomy demonstrating implant positioning Subglandular implant placement (left image) and subpectoral implant placement (right image) are options for breast augmentation Whilst there is no published guidance on…
View Criteria MLO Ensure the whole breast is covered. A back of the breast view (posterior) and front of breast (anterior) may be required (nipple in profile in either one…