Anorectal Malformations
Fig. 54.1 Clinical photograph of two patients with high anorectal malformations. Note the flat perineum and absence of fistula Perineal signs found in patients with low malformations include (Figs. 54.2 and…
Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia
Fig. 46.1 Diagrammatic representation of the diaphragm showing the different types and sites of hernias Bochdalek hernia: The most common type of congenital diaphragmatic hernia is a posterolateral (Bochdalek hernia)…
Fig. 68.1 a and b Clinical photographs showing a child with hypospadias. Note the dorsal hood of foreskin and a clinical photograph showing hypospadias. Note the ectopic urethral opening and…
Congenital Intestinal Stenosis and Atresia
Fig. 23.1 Operative (a) and diagrammatic (b) representation of type I intestinal atresia. There is continuity of bowel, no defect in the mesentery and an intraluminal diaphragm In type I…
Disorders of Sex Development
Previous Proposed Intersex DSD Male pseudohermaphrodite, undervirilization of a Y male, and undermasculinization of an XY male 46, XY DSD Female pseudohermaphrodite, overvirilization of an XX female, and masculinization of…
Abdominal Wall Hernias and Hydroceles
Fig. 4.1 Clinical photographs (a and b) of a large inguinoscrotal hernia They are commonly seen in approximately 3–5 % of full-term infants. Inguinal hernias are three times more common in…
Fig. 57.1 Clinical photograph of a patient with hepatoblastoma showing a large abdominal mass Less common symptoms are: decreased appetite, anorexia, weight loss, nausea, vomiting, back pain, early puberty in…