Interstitial Pregnancy
Fig. 11.1 Transvaginal ultrasound (TVUS). a An empty uterine cavity (UC) with echogenic line (arrows) leading towards gestational sac (P). b 3D TVUS rendering showed thin myometrial edge marked with…
Inadvertent Methotrexate Administration
Fig. 9.1 Note short forearms (From Seidahmed et al., A Case of methotrexate embryopathy with holoprosencephaly, expanding the phenotype, Birth Defects Research (Part A) 2006;76:138–142. Reproduce with permission.) Fig. 9.2…
Fertility After Tubal Ectopic Pregnancy
Study Type of study Medical treatment Conservative surgery HR p n Spontaneous IUPa rate (%) n Spontaneous IUPa rate (%) De Bennetot et al. [12] Prospective observational (registry) 119 76 …
Rudimentary Uterine Horn Pregnancy
Fig. 20.1 Variations of the unicorneate uterus: a communicating, b noncommunicating rudimentary horn, c rudimentary horn without a cavity, and d isolated unicorneate uterus [1] Fig. 20.2 Pregnancy in a…
Retroperitoneal Ectopic Pregnancy
Fig. 18.1 Nodular lesion adjacent to the left uterosacral ligament: ectopic pregnancy in the retroperitoneal space Fig. 18.2 a and b Mass containing the ectopic pregnancy in the retroperitoneal space…
Intramural Pregnancy
Fig. 16.1 a A transverse section of the uterus showing an empty uterine cavity (UC) on the left. The gestational sac containing an embryo (E) is seen on the right….
Heterotopic Pregnancy
Fig. 17.1 Adnexal mass and ovary surrounded by fluid and clot. (Courtesy of Elysia Moschos, MD) Fig. 17.2 Uterus with intrauterine gestational sac surrounded by free fluid. (Courtesy of Elysia…
Cesarean Scar Pregnancy
Fig. 14.1 Cesarean scar pregnancy before the injection: a Gestational sac (GS) with a yolk sac (arrow) embedded in the low, anterior uterine wall. b 3-mm myometrial layer between the…
Bleeding Ectopic Pregnancy
Fig. 6.1 Bleeding tubal ectopic pregnancy with hemoperitoneum. (Courtesy of Dr. Togas Tulandi) Fig. 6.2 Injecting dilute vasopressin solution into an adherent and bleeding ectopic pregnancy Fig. 6.3 Adhesiolysis of…