Robotic Approach to Management of Fibroids
Fig. 12.1 A three-arm approach to port placement for improved cosmesis (From Gargiulo 2011) Fig. 12.2 Standard approach to robotic trocar placement. (a) Positioning of trocar sites: (1) 8 mm…
Fig. 12.1 A three-arm approach to port placement for improved cosmesis (From Gargiulo 2011) Fig. 12.2 Standard approach to robotic trocar placement. (a) Positioning of trocar sites: (1) 8 mm…
TVS Terms and measurements In the sagittal the endometrial thickness is measured “Double endometrial thickness” Intracavitary fluid: the thickness of both single layers are measured and the sum is recorded…
Fig. 7.1 Schematic diagram of a caesarean scar defect, also known as a niche However, more shapes have been described (Figs. 7.2 and 7.3). A generally accepted definition for a…
Fig. 13.1 Embolization of the fibroids Fig. 13.2 Temporary clamping of the uterus 13.2 Uterus Circulation Uterus has a very rich blood supply through two extrinsic arterial systems, the uterine…
Fig. 9.1 Coagulation of ligament ovari proprium Fig. 9.2 Opening of ligamentar latum Fig. 9.3 Incision of bladder flap Fig. 9.4 Coagulation of uterine artery When performing a supracervical hysterectomy,…
Fig. 17.1 Cosmetic result immediately after surgery 17.2 Terminology Various terminologies have been used to describe laparoscopic surgical procedures performed through a single incision or surgical site. In 2008, an…
Fig. 16.1 Suturing mesh to vaginal apex Fig. 16.2 Opening peritoneum over the sacral promontory Fig. 16.3 Fastening the mesh to the sacral promontory with tacks Fig. 16.4 End of…
Fig. 21.1 Neuropelveologic assessment of dermatomes and trigger points of the pelvic nerves. L5 fifth lumbar root, S sacral nerve root, PN pudendal nerve, SN sacral nerve roots, GFN genitofemoral…
1st level: Basic level Diagnostic laparoscopy Sterilization Needle aspiration of simple cysts Ovarian biopsy 2nd level: Intermediate level (normal training during specialization in obs/gyn) Salpingostomies for ectopic pregnancy Salpingectomies Salpingo-oophorectomies…
Study Pain Infection Hernia Convalescence Complications Chen et al. VAS: NR NR NR 2 % (vs. 4 %) 24 h postop: 3.6 ± 2.8 vs. 5.1 ± 2.8, p = 0.011 p > 0.999 48 h postop: 1.9 ± 2.3…