Pharmacologic Agents

Pharmacologic Agents
Suzanne McMurtry Baird
Stephen D. Krau
Michael A. Belfort
Women who become critically ill during pregnancy or birth generally require medications to stabilize their condition and optimize outcomes. The goals for medication administration vary according to the patient’s specific clinical condition and assessment findings. The goals also seek to minimize potential undesirable side effects for the fetus and/or neonate. Because randomized clinical trials of medication administration to stabilize critically ill pregnant women are limited, most recommendations for dosage and administration are based on retrospective reviews, case reports, and expert opinion. This chapter discusses general principles of perinatal drug safety and examines the characteristics of select agents commonly used in critical care. It also presents select dosage recommendations specific to pregnancy, potential interactions with other medications, precautions for select drugs, and unknown maternal, fetal and/or neonatal effects.
Drug Safety
Medication errors, including infusions, are one of the most common preventable causes of harm to patients in health care agencies. Such errors account for approximately 33 percent of incident reports electronically submitted, and are the seventh leading cause of Sentinel Events reported to the Joint Commission.1,2 Reducing the risks of drug administration is a requirement for all areas of clinical practice. Data from reporting systems, published case reports, and surveys of more than 770 health care practitioners, were recently evaluated by the Institute for Safe Medication Practices, resulting in a published list of high-alert medications (Table 6-1). Medications on the list are more likely to cause significant patient harm when compared with other groups of medications and have more reported administration errors.3 Frequently, medications on the high-alert list are administered to high-risk and critically ill pregnant women. Therefore, in order to promote patient safety, a medication’s mechanism of action, correct dose, recognized drug interactions, and precautions regarding administration should be known. Safe-practice strategies to decrease the inherent risk when prescribing, dispensing, and administering these medications should also be developed in clinical agencies.
Fetal and Newborn Effects
In the critically ill gravida, fetal and newborn outcomes are usually dependent upon timely maternal stabilization. Many of the medications administered for the purpose of maternal stabilization have a direct effect on uterine blood flow or uterine activity. Some cross the placental barrier and have varying effects on the fetal heart rate (FHR). Potential effects include baseline FHR changes, suppression or exaggeration of decelerations, frequency and amplitude of accelerations, and degree of variability.4 Therefore, as a result, it is difficult for the health care provider to determine whether changes in fetal status are a result of a specific medication that has been administered, physiologic variation, or both. For example, if maternal oxygen delivery is impaired and leads to a decrease in uterine perfusion and fetal oxygenation, the electronic fetal monitor (EFM) may no longer show signs of fetal well-being. Although there are no predictive or diagnostic EFM tracings for fetal hypoxia, assessment parameters that have been associated with fetal stress include the combination of fetal tachycardia, absent or minimal baseline variability, and recurrent late decelerations. Specific information related to FHR assessment may be found in the Guidelines for Fetal Heart Rate Monitoring, which includes a description of the three-tiered classification system used to collectively interpret assessment findings. Sustained decreases in uterine perfusion may lead to further decreases in fetal oxygenation, a shift to anaerobic metabolism, accumulation of lactic acid, and metabolic acidosis. Specific EFM signs that indicate the possibility of fetal metabolic acidemia include absent baseline variability, absence of accelerations, an abnormal baseline rate (tachycardia and/or bradycardia), and recurrent late and/or prolonged decelerations.4
Table 6.1 High-Alert Medications
Classes/Categories of Medications
  adrenergic agonists, IV (e.g., epinephrine, phenylephrine, norepinephrine)
  adrenergic antagonists, IV (e.g., propranolol, metoprolol, labetalol)
  anesthesia agents, general, inhaled, and IV (e.g., propofol, ketamine)
  antiarrhythmics, IV (e.g., lidocaine, amiodarone)
  antithrombotic agents (anticoagulants), including warfarin, low-molecular-weight heparin, IV unfractionated heparin, Factor Xa inhibitors (fondaparinux), direct thrombin inhibitors (e.g., argatroban, lepirudin, bivalirudin), thrombolytics (e.g., alteplase, reteplase, tenecteplase), and glycoprotein IIb/IIIa inhibitors (e.g., eptifibatide)
  cardioplegic solutions
  chemotherapeutic agents, parenteral and oral
  dextrose, hypertonic, 20% or greater
  dialysis solutions, peritoneal and hemodialysis
  epidural or intrathecal medications
  hypoglycemics, oral
  inotropic medications, IV (e.g., digoxin, milrinone)
  liposomal forms of drugs (e.g., liposomal amphotericin B)
  moderate sedation agents, IV (e.g., midazolam)
  moderate sedation agents, oral, for children (e.g., chloral hydrate)
  narcotics/opioids IV, transdermal, and oral (including liquid concentrates and immediate and sustained-release formulations)
  neuromuscular blocking agents (e.g., succinylcholine, rocuronium, vecuronium)
  radiocontrast agents, IV
  total parenteral nutrition solutions
Specific Medications
  colchicine injection
  epoprostenol (Flolan), IV
  insulin, subcutaneous and IV
  magnesium sulfate for injection
  methotrexate, oral, non-oncologic use
  opium tincture
  oxytocin, IV
  nitroprusside sodium for injection
  potassium chloride for injection concentrate
  potassium phosphates injection
  promethazine, IV
  sodium chloride for injection (concentrate)
  sterile water for injection, inhalation, and irrigation (excluding pour bottles) in containers of 100 mL or more
IV = intravenousFrom Institute for Safe Medicine Practices. (2008). ISMP’s list of high-alert medications. Horsham, PA: Author. Retrieved from
Early in pregnancy, teratogenic exposure is a concern with medication administration. A teratogen is any chemical, substance, or exposure that may cause birth defects, permanent abnormality of structure or function, in a developing fetus. Women may be reluctant to take any medication during pregnancy due to the possibility or perceived possibility of fetal effects. In an attempt to prevent harmful medications from reaching the market, clinical drug trials to determine safety and efficacy are required for new drugs marketed and sold in the United States (U.S.) by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). The FDA places medications into risk categories regarding use during pregnancy and potential effects on the developing fetus (Table 6-2). However, because medications are not tested on pregnant women, and animal studies do not always predict effects in humans, approximately 80 percent of marketed medications have unknown teratogenic risk in pregnancy.5 Box 6-1 lists the drugs or substances suspected or proven to be human teratogens.6
Table 6.2 FDA Categories for Drug Use in Pregnancy
Category Description
A Adequate, well-controlled studies in pregnant women have not shown an increased risk of fetal abnormalities.
B Animal studies have revealed no evidence of harm to the fetus; however, there are no adequate and well-controlled studies in pregnant women.ORAnimal studies have shown an adverse effect, but adequate and well-controlled studies in pregnant women have failed to demonstrate a risk to the fetus.
C Animal studies have shown an adverse effect and there are no adequate and well-controlled studies in pregnant women.ORNo animal studies have been conducted and there are no adequate and well-controlled studies in pregnant women.
D Adequate well-controlled or observational studies in pregnant women have demonstrated a risk to the fetus. However, the benefits of therapy may outweigh the potential risk.
X Adequate well-controlled or observational studies in animals or pregnant women have demonstrated positive evidence of fetal abnormalities. Use of the product is contraindicated in women who are or may become pregnant.
From U. S. Food and Drug Administration. (1980). Federal Register, 44, 37434–37467.
Many drugs present in the bloodstream will be excreted in breast milk. The drug concentration in milk depends on many factors, such as the amount of drug in the maternal serum, the transfer of the drug across the placental barrier, its lipid solubility, its degree of ionization, its molecular size, and the extent to which it is excreted. Fetal accumulation of a drug that is transmitted in breast milk is contingent upon a variety of factors. Variations in the amount of milk formed in the breast may be altered due to decreased blood flow to breast tissue. Alterations in milk pH and composition also affect the concentrations of drugs found in breast milk.7
Drug exposure to the breast-feeding newborn is greatest when feeding or pumping occurs immediately following medication administration to the mother.7 An effective strategy to decrease the drug concentration in breast milk is to pump or feed the infant when the maternal serum levels begin to decline. Women who desire to breast-feed their infants should be encouraged not to abandon this desire due to critical illness and current medications. Nurses and lactation consultants can assist the breast-feeding woman with pumping to promote breast milk production and to relieve engorgement. Discarding the milk is advised if drug toxicity and adverse pharmacologic actions of the drug are known, or if the drug transfer is unknown.7
Neurohormonal Response to Critical Illness
Neurotransmitters in the peripheral nervous system—epinephrine and norepinephrine—are synthesized and primarily stored in nerve terminals until released by a nerve impulse. Medications that mimic the actions of epinephrine and norepinephrine are called adrenomimetic drugs. Receptors for epinephrine and norepinephrine (adrenoceptors) are selective for their respective agonists and antagonists (medications that enhance or block epinephrine and/or norepinephrine at adrenoreceptors).7
Autonomic receptors include those for acetylcholine (cholinergic) and those for catecholamines (adrenergic). The actions of catecholamines are determined by their ability to bind to three major classes of receptors: alpha (α), beta (β), and dopaminergic (Δ) (Table 6-3). Alpha receptors mediate excitation of the effector cells, whereas beta receptors provoke relaxation.7 A woman’s neurohormonal response has an important effect on the pharmacodynamics of medications used during critical illness. Heart rate, contractility, peripheral vascular tone, and metabolic changes are regulated by these endogenous changes. Also, certain diseases causing critical illness can change the receptor density, alter affinity, and change the response to agents (Table 6-4). Therefore, the pharmacologic effect is not necessarily equivalent to plasma drug concentrations, and may lead to substantial variation.8
Using Medications to Optimize Hemodynamic Stability
A thorough discussion of concepts related to hemodynamic function including oxygen transport physiology is found in Chapter 4. Review of these concepts may be helpful as the reader considers select pharmacologic agents in context with the patient’s complete physiologic condition.
Table 6.3 Physiologic Effects of Receptor Activity
Receptor Effect
A VasoconstrictionIncreased cardiac contractilityDecreased heart rate
β1 Increased heart rateIncreased cardiac contractility
β2 VasodilationRelaxed uterine, bronchial, and GI smooth muscle
Δ1 Decreased Na+ reabsorption in proximal renal tubules
Δ2 Decreased ventilatory response to hypoxiaDecreased aldosterone synthesis and release
α = alpha, β = beta, Δ = dopaminergic.
Table 6.4 Receptor Alterations Based on Disease or Condition
Disease or Condition Alteration in Receptor
Asthma Decreased β (lung, leukocytes)
Congestive heart failure Increased β (heart)
Glucocorticoid administration Increased β (heart, leukocytes)
Hyperthyroidism Increased β (heart)
Hypothyroidism Decreased β (heart)
Myocardial ischemia Increased αDecreased β (heart)
Sepsis Decreased α (liver, vasculature)
α = alpha; β = betaFrom ACOG Practice Bulletin: Clinical Management. Guidelines for Obstetrician-Gynecologists. Number 6, October 2006.
Evaluation of the patient’s intravascular volume is imperative prior to the administration of an agent that causes constriction or dilation of blood vessels. This may be accomplished using noninvasive methods; however, central hemodynamic monitoring provides more specific and reliable information regarding preload, afterload, and left ventricular contractility. Failure to ensure adequate preload prior to administration of vasoactive medication may result in circulatory insufficiency, inability to achieve effective oxygen extraction, distributive shock, and cardiovascular collapse. If hypovolemia is suspected, crystalloid solutions are used for initial volume resuscitation. Blood product replacement may also be necessary to augment volume status, replace clotting factors, and increase oxygen carrying capacity.9
The use of diuretics in obstetrics to reduce preload is typically reserved for patients with cardiogenic pulmonary edema from inadvertent fluid overload.10 A thorough discussion of the types and etiologies of pulmonary edema may be found in Chapter 9. Because excessive preload is rarely seen in combination with common critical illnesses during pregnancy, these agents should be administered with caution, especially if invasive hemodynamic data are not available. For example, the use of some tocolytic agents has been associated with accumulation of volume leading to pulmonary vascular congestion and cardiogenic pulmonary edema. Diuretics would be indicated for use in this group of women when non-cardiogenic pulmonary edema can be ruled out as a probable cause.
Severe elevation of systemic afterload may decrease cardiac output and lead to a hypervolemic state in the pulmonary vasculature. Treatment for this etiology of “pulmonary volume overload” would be to lower the systemic resistance with an afterload-reducing agent and allow the intrapulmonary pressures/volume to decrease. Nitroglycerin can be used to decrease excessive preload in a patient who requires meticulous preload adjustments during labor or postpartum. Regional anesthesia may also accomplish this goal, albeit with less precision. Diuretics in this scenario would only be indicated if systemic hypervolemia is discovered following normalization of afterload values. Diuretics are not administered to patients with pulmonary edema from excessive intrapulmonary volumes or pressures when systemic intravascular volume and afterload are normal. This is due to the high probability of undiagnosed pulmonary hypertension, which may be a life-threatening cardiac complication.
Afterload – Systemic Vascular Resistance
Systemic blood pressure is the product of cardiac output and systemic vascular resistance. Significant increases of either parameter will increase blood pressure. Conversely, a dramatic decrease in one of the two components for which the other cannot compensate results in a decrease in systemic blood pressure.
Numerous options and combinations of vasoactive medications have been studied and safely used in critically ill patients. When choosing an agent, knowledge of the specific pathophysiology associated with the disease and the drug’s pharmacologic actions should be applied. Vasoactive and inotropic medications are classified according to their capacity to activate adrenergic receptors that produce a range of physiologic actions (Table 6-5).
During stabilization, agents with a short half-life are selected for the pregnant woman due to the possibility of an immediate delivery and the desire to minimize fetal/newborn effects. Regardless of the medication or combination of medications used, the mother and fetus should be monitored frequently for desired and adverse effects. When rapid-acting vasoactive medications are administered by continuous infusion and titration, continuous, intra-arterial pressure monitoring is the preferred method for blood pressure measurement.9 Intra-arterial pressure monitoring provides a real-time measurement of blood pressure and constantly displays blood pressure approximately every 1 to 3 seconds, depending on the specific manufacturer and model of monitor. This rapidity of blood pressure measurements is necessary when titrating vasoactive medications that have a half-life of seconds rather than minutes. Such rapid-acting agents make the use of external blood pressure monitoring with automated cuff inflation and deflation unsuitable. Evaluation of the systolic and diastolic blood pressures, pulse, and mean arterial pressures allows the provider to adjust the medication administration for optimal dosing and desired effects. Hemodynamic parameters may also be monitored with a pulmonary artery catheter to assess cardiac function (e.g., cardiac output, pulmonary capillary wedge pressure, central venous pressure, pulmonary arterial pressure, pulmonary and systemic vascular resistance, left and right ventricular stroke work [index], and other parameters) before and after the administration of a rapid-acting intravenous medication (e.g., dopamine, norepinephrine). Adequate preload should be ensured before administering these agents in order to prevent a decrease in maternal cardiac output.9
Table 6.5 Vasopressor and Inotropic Agent Effects on Adrenergic Receptors
Medication Adrenergic Receptor Activation Inotropic Chronotropic Vasoconstriction
Milrinone α +++ 0 Vasodilation
Dobutamine α, β1, β2 +++ + Dose dependent
Dopamine α, β1, Δ +++ ++ Dose dependent
Epinephrine α, β1, β2 +++ +++ ++
Isoproterenol β1, β2 ++++ ++++ Vasodilation
Methoxamine α 0 0 ++++
Norepinephrine α, β1 +++ +++ ++++
Phenylephrine α, β1 + 0 ++++
Vasopressin 0 + or – + or – + to +++
α = alpha; β = beta; Δ = dopaminergic.Adapted from Marini, J. J., & Wheeler, A. P. (2006). Critical care medicine: the essentials (3rd ed.). Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
Hypotension is usually progressive if untreated and may result in profound decreases in tissue perfusion and shock. The initial response to hypotension is the release of catecholamines, resulting in an increased rate and force of myocardial contractility. Peripheral vasoconstriction will also occur, resulting in a diversion of cardiac output and decreased perfusion of non-vital organs.9 Because blood flow to the uterus is directly related to maternal blood pressure, rapid assessment and initiation of interventions as needed should be implemented to increase the woman’s blood pressure and prevent decreased oxygen delivery to the fetus. Other compensatory mechanisms occur with hypotension, including an increase in secretion of aldosterone and antidiuretic hormone (ADH), which aids in maintaining circulating volume. Cortisol release also provides increased glucose for the tissues.9
Vasopressors are agents that cause the constriction of blood vessels (Table 6-6). The hemodynamic effects of vasopressors vary and are dependent upon adrenostimulation stimulation in the heart and vascular system. Blood vessel vasoconstriction is mediated by the stimulation of alpha receptors. However, some vasopressors may also stimulate beta receptors, resulting in positive inotropic, chronotropic, and vasodilatory effects.7 The goal of vasopressor therapy is to optimize vital organ perfusion, not to obtain a particular blood pressure. A minimum mean arterial pressure of approximately 70 mmHg is generally required to perfuse the heart, brain, and kidneys. In order to achieve maximum vasopressor effects, correction of inadequate preload, severe electrolyte imbalances, and maternal acidemia should be a priority.9
Even though invasive hemodynamic monitoring may be in place when caring for pregnant women on vasopressors, noninvasive parameters of oxygenation and tissue perfusion should be frequently assessed. The use of a pulse oximeter may be unreliable in women being treated with vasopressor agents.9 Therefore, other parameters of perfusion adequacy, such as urine output, capillary refill, peripheral pulses, and skin color and warmth should be assessed. Because vasoactive agents usually increase heart rate and have arrhythmogenic potential, continuous electrocardiogram (ECG) monitoring and interpretation are necessary. An indwelling urinary catheter should be placed to monitor urine output as a reflection of renal perfusion and oxygen delivery. Caution should be used to avoid rapidly induced blood pressure changes leading to hypertensive episodes with medication administration. Acute pulmonary edema, cerebral hemorrhage, and cardiac arrest have been reported with such changes.9
Vasopressors distribute well in extracellular fluid, but poorly in fat. When determining the initial dose, the woman’s actual weight in kilograms is calculated in order to use the lowest effective dose. However, in the obese woman, ideal body weight is used. Central venous infusion with a volumetric pump is optimal, because peripheral infiltration can cause skin necrosis and ulceration. If peripheral infiltration occurs, phentolamine 5 to 10 mg in 10 to 15 mL normal saline solution should be injected directly into the site. All doses should be tapered when discontinuing a vasopressor infusion.9
Acute treatment of severe hypertension is initiated to prevent cerebrovascular or cardiovascular complications; however, recommendations as to when to initiate therapy differ greatly based on systolic and diastolic blood pressures, mean arterial pressure, or both (Table 6-7).11 Antihypertensive therapy is consistently recommended for repeated diastolic pressures above 110 mmHg. Systolic pressures above 160 mmHg are treated by some health care providers, but others may delay treatment until the patient reaches consistent values of 180 mmHg. Mean arterial pressures may also be utilized as a measurement for treatment.12,13
The choice of an agent to lower blood pressure should depend on blood pressure values as well as the suspected cause of the elevation in order to match the desired effects of the drug (Table 6-8).14,15 For example, many antihypertensives cause tachycardia. If an elevated heart rate is a causative factor for an increase in blood pressure, an agent without this effect should be considered (e.g., labetalol). Tachycardia may be a compensatory response to significant hypovolemia. In such situations, the central hypovolemia is the cause of the hypertension; thus, administration of intravenous fluids sufficient to optimize vascular volume and preload may effectively lower the blood pressure. If an elevated systemic vascular resistance is the causative factor, an agent that results in vasodilation should be administered (e.g., hydralazine).
Intravenous hydralazine, labetalol, and oral nifedipine are the most commonly used first-line medications for acute treatment of severe hypertension during pregnancy. In a meta-analysis done by Magee and colleagues, 21 clinical trials were analyzed comparing the use of hydralazine with other agents.14 The comparison suggested that oral nifedipine and intravenous labetalol have fewer side effects and the same efficacy as intravenous hydralazine.16 If the woman remains hypertensive after administration of one of these medications, rapid-acting second-line medications should be considered. Intravenous nitroglycerin or sodium nitroprusside are two medications that have been effective in lowering systemic afterload. Invasive hemodynamic monitoring with an arterial line and pulmonary artery catheter should be initiated with use of these potent vasodilating medications.9,13
Table 6.6 Vasopressors

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Drug Description Dose Contraindications Possible Maternal Side Effects Possible Fetal/Neonatal Side Effects Interactions Precautions
ephedrine sulphate First-line medication in pregnancy to counteract hypotensive effects of epidural or spinal anesthesiaStimulates both alpha and beta receptorsPeripheral actions due to release of norepinephrinePeripheral vasoconstriction with out reducing uterine blood flow↑ glycogenolysis in liver↑ oxygen consumption↑ metabolic rate 10–25 mg slow IV pushMay repeat q 15 min prn ×3 Blood pressure >130/80 mmHgAngle closure glaucomaIn conjunction with anesthesia agents that may sensitize the heart to arrhythmic action (e.g., cyclopropane or halothane) Tachycardia, headache, anxiety, tremors, dizziness, respiratory difficulty EFM: Observe for fetal tachycardia and decreased baseline variability following administration. Diuretics may decrease vascular response.Medications that decrease norepinephrine in sympathetic nerve endings (e.g., methyldopa, reserpine) may reduce vascular response. Correct blood volume depletion before administration to maintain coronary and cerebral perfusion. If administration is continued without blood volume replacement, severe peripheral and visceral vasoconstriction may occur, resulting in decreased urine output, renal perfusion, tissue hypoxia and lactic acidosis.Use cautiously in patients with hyperthyroidism, coronary heart disease, angina pectoris, cardiac arrhythmia, or diabetes.
metaraminol (Aramine) Potent sympathomimetic amine that increases systolic and diastolic blood pressures from peripheral vasoconstriction.Positive inotropic effect on heart.Use only with severe maternal hypotension unresponsive to other agents. Initial dose of 0.1 mg/minTitrate to 2 mg/min after 10 min if neededPressor effect begins in 1 to 2 minEffects last 20 min to 1 hr Hypersensitivity to sulfitesIn conjunction with anesthesia agents (e.g., cyclopropane or halothane) that may sensitize heart to arrhythmic action such as VT/VF May interact with oxytoxics and ergot medications to produce severe maternal hypertensionSinus or ventricular tachycardia Potential for reduced uterine blood flow and fetal hypoxia Use cautiously with digitalis—may cause ectopic arrhythmiasMAOIs or tricyclic antidepressants may potentiate the pressor action of sympathomimetic amines. Preferred infusion via central line. Peripheral infusion may cause abscess formation or tissue necrosis.Assess peripheral perfusion frequently.Correct blood volume depletion before administration to maintain coronary and cerebral perfusion. If administration is continued without blood volume replacement, severe peripheral and visceral vasoconstriction may occur, resulting in decreased urine output, renal perfusion, tissue hypoxia, and lactic acidosis.Give cautiously in patients with diabetes or heart or thyroid disease.May cause relapse in patients with a history of malaria.
norephinephrine (Levophed) Peripheral vasoconstriction due to alpha-adrenergic actionInotropic stimulation of heartDilates coronary arteries (β-adrenergic action)Use only with severe maternal hypotension unresponsive to other agents.IndicationsHypotension from decreased systemic vascular resistance with normal cardiac outputExamples: septic shock, spinal shock, narcotic overdoseLow Doseβeffect↑ cardiac contractility (LVSWI)↑ conduction velocity↑ heart rateHigher Doseα and βeffects↑ cardiac contractility (further)↑ stroke volume↑ cardiac workload↑ SVR Initial dose of 0.05 mcg/kg/minMust be diluted in dextrose-containing solutions before administration to prevent oxidation.Titrate to maximum dose of 1 mcg/kg/min based on patient responseInfusion should be decreased gradually.Central venous administration preferred. Peripheral infusion may result in extravasation and necrosis of the tissues. HypovolemiaHypotension from blood volume lossUse in patients with hypoxia and/or hypercarbia may result in cardiac arrhythmias.Mesenteric or peripheral thrombosisIn conjunction with anesthesia agents (e.g. cyclopropane or halothane) that may sensitize the heart to arrhythmic action such as VT/VF.Hypersensitivity to sulfites Ischemic injury due to tissue hypoxia as a result of vasoconstrictionReflex bradycardia.Anxiety, transient headache, respiratory difficulty, palpitations, angina May compromise uterine blood flow, causing fetal hypoxia and bradycardia MAOIs or tricyclic antidepressants may potentiate the pressor action of sympathomimetic amines. Arterial line placement is recommended to continuously monitor blood pressure response.Hemodynamic monitoring with a pulmonary artery catheter may be indicated.Correct blood volume depletion before administration to maintain coronary and cerebral perfusion. If administration is continued without blood volume replacement, severe peripheral and visceral vasoconstriction may occur, resulting in decreased urine output, renal perfusion, tissue hypoxia and lactic acidosis.Assess peripheral perfusion frequently.
phenylephrine hydrochloride (Neo-synephrine) Pure α agonist without cardiac stimulating propertiesUse only with severe maternal hypotension unresponsive to other agents. Initial dose of 0.1 mcg/kg/minTitrate up to 0.7 mcg/kg/min based on patient response Hypovolemia, hypotension from blood loss, hypertension Reflex bradycardia, headache, nausea, tingling in hands and feet Potential for reduced uterine blood flow and fetal hypoxiaExcreted in breast milk May interact with uterine stimulant (e.g., oxytocics) and ergot medications to produce severe maternal hypertension