Perioperative Evaluation
Jeff Peipert
Sarah Hammil
One important key to success is self-confidence. An important key to self-confidence is preparation.
—Arthur Ashe
In this country, obstetrician–gynecologists are the primary surgeons for over 3.6 million pelvic operative procedures annually (Table 45.1). These procedural volumes, when combined with the many thousand minor office and obstetric procedures, are testimony to the enormous potential physical, psychologic, and economic impact of surgery and potentially preventable adverse events on women’s health care. Importantly, nearly 50% of all adverse perioperative events are preventable. Risk prevention should be the ultimate goal of every surgeon. Assuming the role of primary care physician and surgical subspecialist for women, obstetrician–gynecologists should accept responsibility for developing, instituting, and completing all aspects of perioperative management. As an important step to improve quality of care, obstetrician–gynecologists should discuss nonsurgical options and understand appropriate surgical indications for pelvic disease processes.
Our primary goals should consist of prospective preoperative recognition, evaluation, and management of the significant clinical aspects of existing medical comorbidities and development of a flexible, multifaceted surgical skill set that increases the opportunity for safe completion of the procedure. Finally, pelvic surgeons should be capable of devising a postoperative care plan that further minimizes the risk of an adverse perioperative outcome, enhances the early recognition of acute perioperative problems, and lessens the risk and intensity of potentially catastrophic perioperative complications. This care plan should be formalized prior to entering the preanesthetic area or the operating suite, and its execution should contain enough clinical alternatives to ensure a successful result, regardless of the intraoperative findings or postoperative complications encountered.
The volumes of existing published literature on surgical alternatives and indications establish a clear message: “optimal” perioperative care is a moving target. Every treatment plan and intervention requires careful aim if the goals of improved quality and optimal patient outcome are to be attained. Mastery of these perioperative planning processes only serves to improve the individual and collective quality of patient care. Proper implementation should result in decreased individual, regional, and national health care expenditures.
Surgical Indications and Consent for Surgery
The obstetrician–gynecologist should thoroughly evaluate a patient’s reproductive tract complaints prior to entertaining the possibility of surgical management. In addition to evaluating the pelvic condition, it is vital to conduct a preoperative search for physical or psychologic comorbidities. Only when armed with this global information can the surgeon objectively present the risks, benefits, and alternatives and realistically relate the expected outcome of the entire spectrum of accepted medical and surgical options. Medical and noninvasive options for therapy should be considered prior to operative intervention. Following the failure of or mutual decision to bypass medical management, appropriate surgical management should be discussed. This information should be processed and presented to the patient (and other support persons when appropriate) clearly and respectfully, using understandable language that allows and facilitates an informed decision and consent process.
TABLE 45.1 Surgical Procedures in Obstetrics and Gynecology | ||||||||||||
Although the preoperative diagnostic period may be deemed routine by the surgeon and staff, many women consider the prediagnostic interval to be the most stressful time of treatment. This psychologic stress contributes to difficulty in understanding the importance and results of diagnostic studies or results and potentially clouds the information covered during preoperative discussions. Decisions, options, and alternatives, as they relate to the potential need for postoperative therapy, can be lost. The preoperative use of illustrative drawings, pamphlets, videos, or other visual educational materials often can be of assistance in improving patient (and family) comprehension of medical alternatives, operative indications, associated risks, and expected treatment outcomes.
Typically, this preoperative encounter (or encounters) to discuss surgical options and obtain consent is best undertaken in a private setting, completed in a manner that is conducive of a two-way flow of communication. Eye contact, a caring touch, an unhurried approach, and other reassuring physician behaviors lower communication barriers and facilitate and support a patient’s comprehension. The complexity of preoperative discussion and necessary time expenditure may vary dramatically with the surgical indications as well as with the medical alternatives to the proposed procedure. Regardless, the algorithm of care, surgical risks, and outcome expectations should be detailed, recognizing that modification may be required secondary to important or imperative patient desires (e.g., a patient desiring retention of ovaries or fertility). Regardless of the extent of preparation and best surgical technique, any unexpected or adverse intraoperative or postoperative event can alter dramatically the final surgical procedure and ultimate result. The apparently “simple” laparoscopic salpingo-oophorectomy may be complicated by uncontrolled bleeding, intestinal injury, or the finding of an ovarian malignancy. Postoperative myocardial infarction (MI), infection, or thromboembolism may occur. During an explanation of surgical risks, it is reasonable to discuss with the patient adverse events that occur at a frequency of 1% or more. All preoperative consent discussions should include discussion of the risk of death or permanent disability. The consent process also allows an opportunity for significant patient education, which has been shown to decrease the need for postoperative analgesia and improve postoperative outcomes. Unless the clinical situation is emergent or life threatening, these discussions are best undertaken at a time remote from the day of surgery. Timely entered, complete, and legible chart documentation should follow all of these discussions.
Before moving ahead with surgical intervention, the surgeon is faced with a number of other important procedural questions including the route (i.e., vaginal vs. abdominal vs. laparoscopic approach) as well as who should perform the procedure. Reported data confirm that even among subspecialists, individual surgical skills and outcomes of specific procedures can differ dramatically. These differences may relate to the surgeon’s innate technical ability, the specifics of the individual’s previous training and experience, patient selection, or factors unrelated to the physician. New training demands of subspecialties have altered the overall extent of residency surgical experience, resulting in fewer major operative procedures being completed per trainee. Coupled with the increasing ratio of physicians in practice to annual operative procedures and the increasing technical procedural subspecialization, it is easily understood how difficult it is for the pelvic surgeon to obtain, maintain, or refine new surgical skills, even in the restricted subspecialty where the surgical focus is entirely on reproductive tract procedures. These factors lend credence to the adage “no one can be all things to all people,” and each physician must individualize the decision to operate, consult, or refer. Success of many procedures is related to increasing surgical experience, surgical volume, and expertise. Arguments against consultation or referral have little scientific merit and may not be in the patient’s best interest. Although circumstances may prohibit actual patient referral, the ready availability of curbside, personal, telephone, and Internet consultation should encourage information dissemination, and utilization of available resources should improve patient care.
History and Physical Examination
Listen to women and they will tell you what’s wrong with them.
—Charles E. Flowers
Every operative procedure requiring anesthesia should be viewed as a physiologic stress test. The intensity of the stress response varies in direct proportion to the extent of the
actual surgical procedure and is associated with a clinically and biochemically measurable adverse effect. Nearly every organ system is adversely affected by general anesthesia. General anesthesia results in 20% reduction in resting heat production and an increase in body surface heat loss. These two factors increase a patient’s predisposition to hypothermia which causes an increased risk of adverse cardiac events, altered pulmonary reponse to hypercarbia and hypoxemia, impaired coagulation, and poor wound healing. The untoward anesthesia-related pulmonary effects of impaired oxygenation and altered lung mechanics are likely well tolerated by the 40 year old, but they may have catastrophic consequences in the elderly or in those with coexisting pulmonary disease. Most inhalational drugs directly create increased cardiac risk by altering myocardial oxygen supply and demand kinetics. Myocardial depression, increased arrhythmogenicity (as high as 27% incidence), and altered neural tone form the triad for predisposing women to adverse cardiovascular effects. Importantly, these risks are not lessened with spinal anesthesia compared with risks associated with general anesthesia. Reduction in renal blood supply (decreased by 30% to 70%), suppression of the immune system, ileus, and stress-related gastric ulceration represent but a few of the other quantitative adverse effects of anesthesia. Many of these effects can be correlated with the duration of operation, and every effort should be made to increase operative efficiency in an attempt to safely shorten the procedure and minimize risks.
actual surgical procedure and is associated with a clinically and biochemically measurable adverse effect. Nearly every organ system is adversely affected by general anesthesia. General anesthesia results in 20% reduction in resting heat production and an increase in body surface heat loss. These two factors increase a patient’s predisposition to hypothermia which causes an increased risk of adverse cardiac events, altered pulmonary reponse to hypercarbia and hypoxemia, impaired coagulation, and poor wound healing. The untoward anesthesia-related pulmonary effects of impaired oxygenation and altered lung mechanics are likely well tolerated by the 40 year old, but they may have catastrophic consequences in the elderly or in those with coexisting pulmonary disease. Most inhalational drugs directly create increased cardiac risk by altering myocardial oxygen supply and demand kinetics. Myocardial depression, increased arrhythmogenicity (as high as 27% incidence), and altered neural tone form the triad for predisposing women to adverse cardiovascular effects. Importantly, these risks are not lessened with spinal anesthesia compared with risks associated with general anesthesia. Reduction in renal blood supply (decreased by 30% to 70%), suppression of the immune system, ileus, and stress-related gastric ulceration represent but a few of the other quantitative adverse effects of anesthesia. Many of these effects can be correlated with the duration of operation, and every effort should be made to increase operative efficiency in an attempt to safely shorten the procedure and minimize risks.
Despite these anesthesia-enhanced risks, only a small percentage of operative deaths are attributable solely to anesthesia. Less than 18% of surgical mortality is directly attributable to the surgical procedure. The vast majority of surgical mortality (79%) can be related directly to problems created in great part from the patient’s coexisting medical disease. This mortality risk further illustrates the need to undertake a diligent preoperative search to identify and potentially modify the adverse effects of any significant coexisting medical condition.
The diagnostic power contained in a carefully obtained history and a thorough physical examination is enormous. The reproducible validity of this simple, easily obtainable evaluation is underscored when recognizing that as many as 98% of abnormalities found with preoperative laboratory and radiologic screening can be predicted by historical or physical findings.
Although studies relating to the pelvic process (i.e., urodynamics) frequently are necessary to delineate the need for surgery, attempts to obtain important historical information regarding diagnosed medical comorbidities and clinically silent medical disease are vital to direct additional preoperative evaluation. Review of pertinent medical records combined with initial direct questioning about previous hospitalizations, current treating physicians, concurrent diagnoses, use of prescribed and over-the-counter medications, and allergies will assist in the detection of coexisting medical disease. This information may be vital to the preoperative plan regarding the continuation (e.g., cardiac, hypertensive) or discontinuation (e.g., aspirin, oral contraceptives, anticoagulants) of medications. Over-the-counter and herbal medication usage can create the potential for additional untoward complications and should be evaluated in a nonjudgmental fashion (Table 45.2).
TABLE 45.2 Herbal Medicines: Possible Adverse Effects | ||
An area that should not be overlooked is the importance of determining a patient’s functional status. The functional status of any given patient, but particularly elderly patients, may be an important predictor of surgical risk. Functional status is defined as the capacity to perform activities of daily living and includes aspects of both social and cognitive functioning. Recent data reveals that these functional measures may be even more important than acute physiologic scores in predicting mortality in hospitalized patients. A patient’s performance status can be determined adequately during a thorough review of systems while also giving the clinician an opportunity to diagnose previously undetected medical disease. Although intended to cover multiple systems, simple questions as to the patient’s ability to walk a mile, climb two flights of stairs, or blow out a match from 12 inches away may suffice as a screen for significant cardiopulmonary disease. Various published functional status indices exist and can be useful tools to determine the degree of physiologic stress that a given patient can tolerate under routine circumstances. Historical information obtained by questionnaire can be considered valid; however, the presence or absence of significant symptoms should be confirmed by the clinician in the perioperative period.
A thorough multisystem physical examination is an essential part of every preoperative evaluation. Specific attention to the cardiopulmonary system assists in the detection of important coexisting disease that may alter outcome adversely and can also direct additional investigation. Every system carries some import, and abnormal findings allow
for appropriate morbidity-reducing, cost-effective adjustments in the perioperative plan.
for appropriate morbidity-reducing, cost-effective adjustments in the perioperative plan.
Laboratory Investigation
The primary goal of preoperative laboratory preparation is to obtain results that allow reduction of those inherent risks related to the proposed procedural component as well as those risks associated with occult or recognized coexisting medical morbidities. It has become apparent that a “broadly cast net” preoperative laboratory screening strategy confers little patient benefit for the following reasons: (a) the majority of laboratory abnormalities can be predicted by findings noted in the history and physical examination, and it is rare to detect an unexpected abnormality; (b) the physiologic, psychologic, and economic costs associated with the evaluation of abnormal laboratory (including false-positive) studies bring little value and rarely influence clinical care; (c) as many as 60% of abnormal preoperative test results are not known or evaluated preoperatively, creating potential liability, and multiple reports suggest that nearly 70% of ordered preoperative laboratory tests are not indicated by facts obtained in the history and physical examination.
This information reiterates the importance of the history and physical examination and suggests that a directed preoperative laboratory testing strategy (Table 45.3) for routine procedures is both safe and cost-effective. All preoperative testing should be justified based on a specific sign, symptom, or diagnosis. Obviously, special studies such as tumor markers (e.g., CA-125) are appropriate during evaluation and management of women with pelvic malignancies, because they offer diagnostic assistance, facilitate decisions regarding patient triage, are potentially prognostic, and are of significant value during postoperative management. Although care should be individualized, it has become apparent that directed preoperative laboratory testing forms a firm foundation for quality preoperative care for patients undergoing elective procedures.
TABLE 45.3 Preoperative Testing Strategy | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Although advances in blood banking technology have lessened the risk of transfusion and favorably affected the outcomes of many surgical procedures, it is apparent that women do not need to have a type and cross match performed prior to the majority of obstetric or gynecologic surgical procedures. Although maximal surgical blood order schedules have been established, they should be validated at each institution. When deemed necessary, a type and screen allows for identification of specific antibodies and assures rapid availability (≤20 min) of red blood cell products. Individual decisions regarding blood bank strategies should be related to the patient’s preoperative status (i.e., hemoglobin and hematocrit, blood volume), anticipated losses, and existing comorbidities that might
carry an early transfusion trigger. Anemia is not uncommon among women undergoing pelvic surgery. Although it may constitute an indication (menorrhagia associated with leiomyomas) or result from an indication (cervical cancer), its presence should prompt an evaluation. As deemed appropriate, a preoperative search for other causes or losses should be undertaken. Additionally, preoperative discussions regarding procedure-associated blood loss and its attendant risks represent an important aspect of informed consent.
carry an early transfusion trigger. Anemia is not uncommon among women undergoing pelvic surgery. Although it may constitute an indication (menorrhagia associated with leiomyomas) or result from an indication (cervical cancer), its presence should prompt an evaluation. As deemed appropriate, a preoperative search for other causes or losses should be undertaken. Additionally, preoperative discussions regarding procedure-associated blood loss and its attendant risks represent an important aspect of informed consent.
Critically ill patients may benefit from having their serum hemoglobin levels maintained at about 10 g/dL, but data suggest little effect of transfusion on survival in patients whose hemoglobin levels are between 8 and 10 g/dL. Aside from the special situations mentioned above, the majority of women can safely undergo elective procedures without a type and screen.
Radiologic Investigation
Routine imaging studies can be obtained safely as directed by findings of the history and physical examination. The indications for a preoperative chest radiograph are relatively straightforward and should be limited to assessment for the presence of acute, progressive, or chronic changes of cardiac or pulmonary disease. Abnormalities found on preoperative chest radiographs are associated with an increased risk of perioperative pulmonary complications. Unfortunately, unnecessary chest radiographs and many additional, sometimes unnecessary, undirected diagnostic preoperative imaging studies are obtained frequently.
Diagnostic ultrasonographic examination, pelvic and abdominal computed tomography (CT), and magnetic resonance imaging studies are performed in patients with suspected or known gynecologic malignancies. These studies may suggest the benefit of preoperative triage to a subspecialist but rarely influence the surgical approach. Their results should not be considered binding, typically contribute little to clinical care, and often add significantly to health care costs. Although the radiologist’s suggestions for additional studies are noted frequently, the astute pelvic surgeon should combine physical findings, patient symptoms, and laboratory results to develop the perioperative care plan.
Although proponents of preoperative “radiologic staging studies” suggest relative accuracy, the pelvic surgeon must recognize the subjective aspects of interpretation. In general, their routine use has not been associated with an alteration in perioperative clinical care. Although findings may alter approach, negative results do not exclude the finding of significant pathology. However, it appears that in specific situations, CT scans have a significant false-negative result rate (e.g., for the evaluation of extraovarian disease). Radiologic investigation adds little to clinical care in patients with endometrial cancer in the absence of physical findings. There is little clinical value for intravenous pyelography (IVP) to evaluate ureteral location or displacement, because it is not a substitute for intraoperative ureteral identification. In the absence of malignancy, hydronephrosis is likely related to displacement and is easily corrected or managed during the operative procedure.
A notable exception to the recommended “less is more” strategy toward preoperative radiologic investigation is an abnormal finding on a clinically indicated routine cancer screening study (e.g., mammography). In this case abnormal results may have a significant impact on clinical care, particularly in those women undergoing “elective pelvic procedures.”
Endoscopic Evaluation
There is little evidence to suggest the value of multiple endoscopic procedures prior to most routine gynecologic procedures. However, it is certainly appropriate to consider obtaining history-directed or disease-specific (e.g., inflammatory bowel disease, previous colon cancer) or recommended cancer screening endoscopic procedures prior to elective procedures. For example, endoscopy performed prior to rectovaginal or vesicovaginal fistula repair may render significant and important information and cause the physician to alter the surgical approach or initiate referral.
Cardiac Disease
Preoperative assessment to detect undiagnosed heart disease and direct appropriate perioperative treatment of women with long-standing or newly diagnosed cardiac disease is of vital importance. The majority of inhalational anesthetics are myocardial depressants, modify neural tone, and are arrhythmogenic, creating cardiac risk even in the healthy patient. Nearly 50,000 perioperative MIs occur annually. Approximately 20,000 are fatal, and hundreds of thousands of related serious extracardiac complications occur, resulting in poor outcome. The prevalence of cardiovascular disease increases directly with increasing age, and within the aging population, serious cardiac events occur regularly. Gynecologic procedures represent a significant increase in the incidence of necessary major intra-abdominal procedures in the aging population, potentially increasing the absolute risk of cardiac morbidity. Although heart disease may not be readily apparent, the answers to carefully framed historical questions can assist in unmasking occult cardiac risk factors. Gynecologists should feel compelled to become familiar with the important aspects of perioperative cardiac care in order to improve individual patient outcome.
Proper preoperative cardiac assessment requires a systematic approach, typically undertaken in close coordination with qualified consultants. Attention to history, physical findings, and the effects of comorbid diseases forms the foundation for initial evaluation. These findings
assist in the direction of ordering ancillary cardiac studies, which can clarify risk and improve predictive power for perioperative morbidity associated with the proposed gynecologic surgery. They also allow institution of a sound plan for perioperative monitoring and management. A disease-specific approach is important, specifically addressing signs, current symptoms, and management of coronary artery disease (CAD), hypertension, heart failure, valvular heart disease, arrhythmias, pacemakers, pulmonary vascular disease, and type and extent of surgery.
assist in the direction of ordering ancillary cardiac studies, which can clarify risk and improve predictive power for perioperative morbidity associated with the proposed gynecologic surgery. They also allow institution of a sound plan for perioperative monitoring and management. A disease-specific approach is important, specifically addressing signs, current symptoms, and management of coronary artery disease (CAD), hypertension, heart failure, valvular heart disease, arrhythmias, pacemakers, pulmonary vascular disease, and type and extent of surgery.
General Considerations
Particular energy should be directed preoperatively to elicit historical or physical evidence of cardiac ischemia. Important elements include angina, a history of MI, past or current signs or symptoms suggesting congestive heart failure, unexplained palpitations, evidence of previous cardiac intervention, and renal impairment. Important aspects of noncardiac diseases that increase the incidence of cardiac risk factors, including diabetes mellitus, hypertension, hypercholesterolemia, family history of CAD, and obesity, should also be evaluated. Age >70 years, MI within the preceding 12 months, and evidence of congestive heart failure on physical examination significantly increase postoperative cardiac complications in patients undergoing gastrointestinal, urologic, and gynecologic surgery. Concurrently, the pelvic surgeon should attempt to determine the patient’s “functional capacity.” The simple inability to walk three blocks or climb two flights of stairs portends a poor functional status and increased operative risk. Physical examination evaluating the patient’s overall status is mandatory. This evaluation, coupled with pertinent laboratory and radiologic information and an electrocardiogram (ECG), provides a baseline estimate as to actual perioperative cardiac risk. Numerous schema from Goldman and others intended to quantify cardiac risks have been designed, reported, and verified in an attempt to quantitate perioperative cardiac risk. The American College of Cardiology–American Heart Association (ACC-AHA) published revised practice guidelines based on qualitative analysis. The guidelines define clinical risk stratification for noncardiac surgical procedures. Noncardiac procedures with high (>5%), intermediate (1% to 5%), and low (<1%) risk of cardiac morbidity or mortality have been categorized (Table 45.5).
TABLE 45.4 Cardiac Risk Stratification for Noncardiac Surgical Procedures | ||
In the perioperative setting, coronary artery bypass surgery or other invasive interventions (i.e., coronary angioplasty) are appropriate only when they would otherwise be indicated for symptoms or to manage test-related cardiac disease not in the face of impending pelvic surgery. Specific disease states requiring strong consideration of presurgical revascularization include poorly controlled angina pectoris (despite maximal medical therapy), high-risk left main coronary artery stenosis (>50%), severe two- or
three-vessel CAD (with involvement of the proximal left anterior descending artery) with >70% stenosis, easily induced myocardial ischemia on preoperative stress testing, and left ventricular systolic dysfunction at rest.
three-vessel CAD (with involvement of the proximal left anterior descending artery) with >70% stenosis, easily induced myocardial ischemia on preoperative stress testing, and left ventricular systolic dysfunction at rest.
TABLE 45.5 Cardiac Conditions Associated with Endocarditis | ||
Cardiac Disease–Specific Approach
Coronary Artery Disease
CAD commonly occurs at a lower incidence in females than in males; however, diabetic women are risk equivalent to men. The mortality of an acute MI is greater for women and increases dramatically in the aged patient. Importantly, MIs occurring during the perioperative period carry a higher mortality risk than those occurring otherwise.
Many surgical patients have diagnosed CAD or risk factors for CAD. Women who are potential candidates for attempts at preoperative myocardial revascularization may benefit from noninvasive cardiac testing performed to determine the amount of myocardium in jeopardy, the patient’s ischemic threshold, and the objective determination of ventricular function. Test results should be used to assist in stratifying prognostic information and determining the extent and benefit of perioperative surgical or medical intervention and postoperative monitoring.
As the training and practice of obstetricians–gynecologists increasingly stresses the importance of primary care, the preoperative evaluation and the management of hypertension have become a major focus on the gynecologic patient’s problem list. Although the identification of early-stage hypertension should lead to the institution of appropriate medical therapy, the ACC-AHA guidelines suggest that those with stage II or milder hypertension (systolic blood pressure below 180 mm Hg and diastolic blood pressure below 110 mm Hg) are not at increased risk for perioperative cardiovascular complications. Surgical delay for medical treatment of women with stage I or II hypertension is not necessary or beneficial. However, elevated blood pressure in patients with stage III hypertension (systolic blood pressure 180 mm Hg or higher and a diastolic blood pressure 110 mm Hg or higher) should be controlled prior to surgery. The administration of β-adrenergic blockers in this clinical situation results in rapid, effective control of severe blood pressure elevation. β-adrenergic blockade also prevents perioperative hypo- or hypertension, either of which is associated with an increased risk of coronary ischemia. Regardless of actual measured systemic pressures, the ACC-AHA guidelines suggest that the blood pressure of patients with significant hypertension who require urgent surgery be controlled. The goal is to avoid the ischemic complications associated with perioperative blood pressure fluctuations that commonly occur in the surgical patient who has uncontrolled hypertension.
Heart Failure
Ventricular failure is an important predictor of and prognostic factor for perioperative cardiac morbidity. The initial attempt to identify women with ventricular dysfunction begins with a detailed history and organ-specific physical examination. Determination of ventricular status is mandatory in those with evidence or history of congestive heart failure, because the physiology of perioperative ventricular failure portends an ominous situation. Perioperative subspecialty consultation, pharmacologic manipulation to maximize cardiac oxygen supply–demand ratio, careful administration of intravenous fluids, and cardiac monitoring may benefit these patients. During preoperative investigation, gynecologic surgeons should not exclude the possibility of rare causes of cardiomyopathy, including hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy, because their appropriate medical management decreases morbidity.
Echocardiography, to obtain an estimate of ventricular function and to rule out anatomic abnormalities, should be considered and may be necessary for the perioperative assessment for those women with suspected, known, or history of heart failure or cardiomyopathy.
Valvular Heart Disease
Although interpretation of the physical findings can be challenging, the gynecologic surgeon should attempt to identify significant heart murmurs. Echocardiography aids in defining the anatomic abnormality and in detailing the need and benefit of antibiotic endocarditis prophylaxis (Table 45.4). Failure to diagnose any significant valvular dysfunction or to administer appropriate antimicrobial prophylaxis increases the risk of a catastrophic perioperative consequence.
Aortic stenosis poses the greatest valvular risk for poor postoperative cardiac outcome. Cardiac morbidity in women with untreated aortic stenosis undergoing noncardiac surgery approaches 10%, sufficient to persuade every pelvic surgeon to diagnose this condition. ACC-AHA practice guidelines advise postponement of elective surgery in women with severe or symptomatic aortic stenosis until valve replacement (the accepted standard intervention) can be performed. In emergent situations, aortic valvuloplasty may be employed but has less certain success.
In general, surgical correction of mitral stenosis is not indicated prior to noncardiac surgery unless the severity would warrant treatment in a nonsurgical setting. If deemed necessary, balloon valvuloplasty is an appropriate corrective option for those with severe mitral stenosis. Mild to moderate mitral stenosis requires control of perioperative heart rate to reduce the risk of heart failure.
Significant aortic regurgitation requires attention to intravascular volume control and attempts at medical afterload reduction. In contrast to mitral stenosis, bradycardia should be avoided or aggressively treated to avoid left ventricular backfill.
Mitral regurgitation most commonly is associated with papillary muscle dysfunction and mitral valve prolapse. Prior to surgical procedures, antimicrobial prophylaxis may be indicated for those with mitral valve prolapse and demonstrable clinical evidence of regurgitation or echocardiographic evidence of anatomic mitral valve leaflet abnormalities. Women with significant mitral regurgitation murmurs require careful monitoring of the left ventricular ejection fraction, because the low-resistance regurgitant valve predisposes perioperative patients to retrograde cardiac flow, resulting in pulmonary edema and high pulmonary artery pressures. Invasive perioperative cardiac monitoring may be necessary, as echocardiography tends to overestimate ejection fraction in patients with mitral regurgitation.
Patients with prosthetic mitral valves receiving systemic anticoagulants require intervention to lessen the risk of endocarditis and intracardiac coagulation. For patients at low, intermediate, and high risk of thromboembolism, the Seventh Consensus Conference on anticoagulation suggests that warfarin therapy should be stopped approximately 4 days before surgery, allowing the international normalized ratio (INR) to return to near-normal values. More specific recommendations based on an individual patient’s category of risk were also outlined by the conference and are as follows:
For patients with a low risk of thromboembolism who are undergoing an intervention that increases the risk of thrombosis, postoperative prophylaxis should be used consisting of low-dose unfractionated heparin (UFH) or a prophylactic dose of low-molecular-weight heparin (LMWH). Warfarin therapy should be restarted simultaneously. Alternatively, a low dose of UFH or a prophylactic dose of LMWH also can be used preoperatively.
Patients with an intermediate risk of thromboembolism should be covered preoperatively with a low dose of UFH or a prophylactic dose of LMWH while the INR is returning to normal. Postoperatively, therapy should be commenced with low-dose UFH or LMWH and concurrent warfarin therapy.
For patients with a high risk of thromboembolism, therapy with full-dose UFH or full-dose LMWH should be instituted approximately 2 days preoperatively. UFH can be administered as a subcutaneous injection as an outpatient or as a continuous intravenous infusion after hospital admission in preparation for surgery and can be discontinued approximately 5 hours before surgery with the expectation that the anticoagulant effect will have worn off at the time of surgery. Alternatively, subcutaneous UFH or LMWH can be used preoperatively, discontinuing therapy 12 to 24 hours before surgery with the expectation that the anticoagulant effect will be very low or have worn off at the time of surgery. In these patients, therapy with low-dose UFH or LMWH should be commenced postoperatively.
Every gynecologic surgeon will encounter perioperative cardiac arrhythmias. The majority are considered benign, but their underlying etiology should be sought aggressively because undiagnosed cardiac ischemia may initially become clinically evident as a perioperative arrhythmia. Perioperative arrhythmias may worsen existing ischemia by increasing myocardial demand or decreasing cardiac efficiency. Pulmonary disease, metabolic derangements, or drug toxicities are common causes. Monitoring and treatment is important, because an unstable arrhythmia such as atrial fibrillation occasionally may deteriorate into a life-threatening rhythm (i.e., ventricular fibrillation). In addition to conferring a therapeutic cardiac morbidity risk reduction in patients with CAD, β-blockers may reduce arrhythmia-related perioperative morbidity and mortality.
Premature ventricular contractions occurring at a rate of fewer than 6 per minute are presumably “benign.” Even short and spontaneously converting runs of ventricular tachycardia may not predispose patients to perioperative death from MI. However, underlying coronary ischemia may be unmasked by the occurrence of these rhythms, making it imperative that the underlying etiology of a perioperative arrhythmia be ascertained, even if these are not treated by antiarrhythmic agents other than β-blockade. Atrioventricular (AV) block, especially Mobitz type II or third-degree heart block, may increase operative risk. Patients with type I second-degree AV block, first-degree AV block, and left and right bundle branch blocks are usually asymptomatic, and their arrhythmias rarely contribute to postoperative morbidity and mortality. It is reasonable to consider early subspecialty consultation to diagnose and treat women who develop perioperative cardiac arrhythmias.
Patients with known or previously treated or untreated congenital heart disease or pulmonary vascular disease deserve close evaluation. Individuals with previous surgical correction of a ventricular septal defect, patent ductus arteriosis, or tetralogy of Fallot may be at increased operative cardiac risk, possibly due to decreased pulmonary vasculature reactivity to hypoxia.
Risk Stratification According to Type of Surgery
Although individually weighted, existing patient risk factors, the type and extent of operation, and the operative circumstances are important to delineate the risk of perioperative cardiac morbidity. Intuitively, the decision to operate and the choice of operation or operative approach should be made in an attempt to offer the most effective treatment while minimizing patient cardiac risk. Other medical conditions should be addressed to lessen any indirect impact on perioperative cardiac outcome.
Every surgical intervention should be based on acute or chronic patient-specific factors. Although emergent

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