Fig. 9.1
Operative vaginal delivery in a protracted second stage of labour for fetal head in right occiput posterior position: on the left, the ultrasonographic scan showing the left orbit (the squint sign) and anterior asynclitism, and on the right, the corresponding draw
Caesarean section at full dilatation (Fig. 9.2) is associated with an increased risk of major obstetric haemorrhage, prolonged hospital stay and neonatal SCBU admission when compared to completed instrumental birth [2]. Moreover, operative vaginal birth, when successful, requires reduced analgesia requirement and can be expedited more quickly [3], and women are much more likely (>80 %) to have a spontaneous vaginal birth in their next pregnancy [4, 5]. In addition, repeat CS may limit maternal choices in future pregnancy and also increases the risk of abnormal placentation that carries significant maternal risks [6].

Fig. 9.2
Caesarean section at full dilatation; the image shows, in clockwise fashion: an intrapartum ultrasound image with fetus in medial occiput posterior position, the ‘sign of the step’ on the mother’s pubic bone, the caesarean section with opened abdomen and fetus in sacral rotation and umbilical cord around the neck, the newborn with large caput succedaneum at birth
Therefore, operative vaginal birth may be the best option for the mother and baby in the second stage of labour, but it is essential that the accoucheur performs a careful, accurate and comprehensive clinical assessment to confirm that the prerequisite conditions are met for safe vaginal operative delivery.
9.4 Trends in Operative Vaginal Birth
Worldwide, there has been a general trend for a reduction in OVB and increasing caesarean birth – this is usually seen in an increasing use of caesarean sections in the second stage of labour, a decline in forceps births and a rise (but not compensatory) in ventouse birth.
For example, in the USA, there has been a reduction in all forms of OVB from 9.01 % in 1990 to 3.30 % in 2013. Within this time period, in particular the use of forceps fell sharply from 5.11 to 0.59 %, and ventouse also declined from 3.9 to 2.72 %. There has been a parallel rise in the rate of caesarean section (both elective and emergency) from 20.7 to 32.7 % [2].
In England there has been a similar reduction in the use of forceps in particular with a concomitant increase in CS rates: from 1980 to 2014, the rate of forceps declined from 11.3 of births to 7 %, whereas ventouse births increased from 0.7 to 5.8 %, but the rate of caesarean birth still increased from 9 to 26.2 % (within this, the rate of emergency caesarean section, i.e. intrapartum, increased from 5 to 15.2 %) [3].
In Australia the trend of decline of forceps has been less marked, although the rate of caesarean birth has still increased: over the period 1991–2013, forceps deliveries declined from 10 to 7 %, ventouse increased from 2.5 to 11 %, whilst rates of caesarean birth increased from 18 to 33 % [4, 5].
This is despite excellent evidence that caesarean birth significantly increases the risks for any subsequent pregnancy – rates of successful vaginal birth in a subsequent pregnancy are 80 % higher if the woman has had a primary vaginal birth, the increased risk of organ damage in a subsequent caesarean section (1/1,000), the higher rate of placenta accreta and an increase by a factor of two in the rate of stillbirth [6].
There are a number of postulated reasons as to why this has occurred, none of which have been proven.
Firstly, there may be an understandable perception among some women that a vaginal birth will lead to unacceptable risks, and to some extent, this is supported in the evidence. For example, a retrospective cohort study in Sweden of 5,236 women demonstrated that vaginal birth increases women’s risk of pelvic floor disorders 20 years after birth compared to caesarean section (functional incontinence 20 years after birth – 40.3 % vs 28.8 %; OR 1.67 [7]).
There have also been changes in women’s expectations regarding the mode of birth. Caesarean birth may be becoming more acceptable to women.
In earlier decades, there were barriers to choosing birth by elective caesarean (without an obstetric indication) – however, rates of CS without an obstetric indication have increased to 2.7 % in the USA [8] and 3 % in the UK [9], and rates are as high as 84 % in some private practices in Brazil [10].
Beyond these factors, there are no proven causes to explain why the use of caesarean section has become more prevalent and the use of OVB has declined.
9.5 Current Issues in Operative Vaginal Birth
9.5.1 Risks of the Use of Sequential Instruments or Failure
There are additional risks associated with the use of sequential instruments during attempted operative vaginal birth.
Althougha failed operative vaginal birth, using a single instrument, such as vacuum extractor, followed by caesarean section, with a normal fetal heart rate trace, does not appear to be associated with poorer neonatal outcomes [11], infants born following the use of second sequential instrument (most commonly forceps following failed ventouse) were more likely to have an umbilical artery pH <7.10 (OR 3.0), and mothers were more likely to sustain an anal sphincter tear (OR 1.8) [12].
Other studies have also demonstrated increased rates of neonatal intracranial haemorrhage following the sequential use of instruments (OR 2.0 in ventouse followed by forceps vs forceps alone) [13].
Rotational births are more likely to fail, particularly using the ventouse cup [14], and this has led to a resurgence in interest in the use of rotational (Kielland) forceps.
Since the publication of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists guideline on Operative Vaginal Birth 2005, there have been a number of publications observing that in UK practice births by Kielland forceps had a rate of adverse maternal and neonatal outcomes comparable to those by rotational ventouse and emergency caesarean section in the second stage for malposition, with a significantly lower failure rate [13].
One recent paper reported: ‘There were no cases of forceps-related neonatal trauma or hypoxic–ischemic encephalopathy and therefore contrary to earlier reports, the use of Kiellands forceps is associated with a high successful delivery rate and apparently low maternal and neonatal morbidity’ [14].
Another study from Scotland observed that: ‘neonatal admission rates after delivery by rotational forceps deliveries (3.3 %) were not significantly different from spontaneous vertex delivery (3.7 %) or ventouse delivery (3.8 %) and lower than emergency caesarean delivery (11.2 %)’ [15].
Clearly, all rotational births can be difficult, and it would be interesting to investigate whether an increase in the use of forceps for rotational births outside a small number of UK centres is either feasible or useful.
9.5.2 Training
All practitioners should be adequately trained to safely and efficiently expedite vaginal birth where required and also garner sufficient experience with a range of techniques. Notably in the UK, junior obstetricians have identified training for rotational births as one of their top three training requirements [15]. Surveys of US obstetricians after finishing residency training showed that trainees needed to perform at least 13 forceps procedures in their 4 years of training in order to be likely to use them in independent practice (positive predictive value 0.83) [16].
However, the exposure of junior obstetricians to operative vaginal birth has declined in the most recent generation of graduates. This has partly been driven by a reasonable reduction in working hours for junior obstetricians during their training. In 1991 in the UK, junior doctors were on duty for an average of 90 h a week [17]; by 2014 this had declined to a theoretical average of 48. This change has been mirrored in most other countries. Moreover, there has been an increase in senior obstetrician presence on the labour ward: in the UK there has been a move after 2005 to increase consultant physical presence to 24 h/day in larger units (>6,000 births/year) [18]. This may have the unintended consequence to further reduce the number of operative vaginal births attempted by junior obstetricians, even though the intention was to increase supervision. Although this may be the case, recent studies published in the UK have demonstrated that rates of senior obstetricians performing more complex births are still low – no more than 20 % in one study of rotational forceps births [19], and so this cannot on its own be responsible for the decline in OVB.
There is also an understandable reluctance by woman to have a complex procedure performed by an inexperienced obstetrician, however, well supervised, and an understandable reticence among other delivery ward staff to expose patients to a junior obstetrician’s learning curve. Therefore, it is vital that obstetricians use other methodologies, primarily simulation-based training, to shorten this learning curve and improve their familiarity and skills in operative.
Training and experience are likely to be symbiotic. Training can be used to teach both individual skills and more complex techniques such that trainees feel able to safely undertake these techniques on the labour ward.
Individual skills can be taught using repetition and instant feedback models – this has been shown to improve the successful placement rate of forceps blades in simulated births from 32 to 70 % [20].
More complex complete procedures can also be effectively taught: the appointment of dedicated operative birth teaching fellows has increased rates of forceps births by 62 % in some US hospitals [21].
There is good evidence that structured obstetric simulation training can improve outcomes – for example, it has been shown to reduce rates of permanent brachial plexus injury following shoulder dystocia [22], low Apgar scores and haemorrhagic ischemic encephalopathy following birth [23].
There are no data investigating changes in clinical outcomes following structured training in operative vaginal birth; however, it is reasonable to extrapolate from other intrapartum training programs that structured simulation-based packages (e.g. RCOG ROBuST training course) could improve outcomes associated with operative birth, but this would be usefully evaluated in a prospective study.
There is a place for operative vaginal birth, performed by well-trained accoucheurs, in selected women. Indications and Requirements
Indications for operative vaginal birth vary between countries. The most important indication is where the benefit outweighs the risks of operative intervention and/or continued pushing (Table 9.1).
Table 9.1
Indications for operative vaginal birth
Fetal |
Presumed fetal distress |
Maternal |
To shorten and reduce the effects of the second stage of labour on medical conditions (i.e. cardiac disease class 3 or 4 NYHA, myasthenia gravis, hypertensive crises, proliferative retinopathy, spinal cord injury patients at risk of autonomic dysreflexia, atrioventricular malformation, etc.) |
Lack of continuing progress of the fetal head following a locally recognised time limit of active second stage (in the UK 2 hours for a primiparous woman with no analgesia) | |
Maternal fatigue/exhaustion |
This list is not exhaustive, and each woman should be assessed in the context of her individual circumstances, health and labour and the options discussed. Prerequisites for Operative Birth
Before commencing any operative vaginal birth, the obstetrician should fully communicate the situation, risks and benefits to the woman and her partner in order to gain informed consent to perform an OVB. Ideally this should be recorded in written form and the RCOG provides standard consent information for OVB [24].
There are specific requirements that must be fulfilled before any attempt at OVB. These are laid out in the table below, on the Table 9.2.
Table 9.2
Requirements for operative vaginal birth
Full abdominal and vaginal examination |
The head is ≤ one-fifth palpable per abdomen |
Vertex presentation | |
The cervix is fully dilated and the membranes ruptured | |
Exact position of the head can be determined so proper placement of the instrument can be achieved | |
Assessment of caput and moulding | |
Pelvis is deemed adequate | |
Irreducible moulding may indicate cephalopelvic disproportion | |
The head is ≤one-fifth palpable per abdomen | |
Vertex presentation | |
Preparation of mother |
Clear explanation should be given and informed consent obtained |
Appropriate analgesia is in place for mid-cavity rotational deliveries. This will usually be a regional block. A pudendal block may be appropriate, particularly in the context of urgent delivery | |
The maternal bladder has been emptied recently. Indwelling catheter should be removed or balloon deflated | |
Aseptic technique | |
Preparation of staff |
Operator must have the knowledge, experience and skill necessary |
Adequate facilities are available (appropriate equipment, bed, lighting) | |
Back-up plan in place in case of failure to deliver | |
When conducting mid-cavity deliveries, theatre staff should be immediately available to allow a caesarean section to be performed without delay (less than 30 min) | |
A senior obstetrician competent in performing mid-cavity deliveries should be present if a junior trainee is performing the delivery | |
Anticipation of complications that may arise (e.g. shoulder dystocia, postpartum haemorrhage) | |
Personnel present that are trained in neonatal resuscitation |
9.6 Contraindications to Operative Vaginal Birth
Although every woman and labour should be assessed on an individual basis, there are specific relative, and absolute, contraindications to operative vaginal birth. These are laid out in the Table 9.3.
Table 9.3

Contraindications to operative vaginal birth

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