Society for Maternal-Fetal Medicine, Dugoff L, Norton ME, Kuller JA. The use of chromosomal microarray for prenatal diagnosis. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2016;215:B2-9.
One sentence should be removed from the article “The use of chromosomal microarray for prenatal diagnosis” (Consult Series #41, Society for Maternal-Fetal Medicine, October 2016).
Under the heading “When is it appropriate to perform just a karyotype? Is it necessary to do a karyotype if a microarray is being done?” (page B6, column 2), the last sentence of the first paragraph should be deleted: “We recommend against the use of CMA as a first-line test to evaluate first-trimester pregnancy losses due to limited data (GRADE 1C).”
The Summary of Recommendations table on page B8 already reflects this correction, which has been made to the text of the article at as well.