Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome: Pathophysiology and Clinical Characteristics

Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome

Pathophysiology and Clinical Characteristics


The spectrum of obstructive sleep-disordered breathing (SDB) ranges from habitual snoring to upper airway resistance syndrome (UARS), obstructive hypoventilation to intermittent occlusion of the upper airway as seen in obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS). Habitual snoring (‘always,’ ‘frequently,’ or ≥3 nights per week) may be associated with increased respiratory effort, without apnea, sleep disruption, or gas exchange alteration. The upper airway resistance syndrome (UARS) is characterized by increasingly negative intrathoracic pressures during inspiration that lead to arousals and sleep fragmentation, in the absence of readily perceived apneas, hypopneas, or oxygen desaturations. Obstructive hypoventilation is a pattern of persistent partial upper airway obstruction associated with hypercapnia and/or hypoxemia rather than cyclic discrete obstructive apneas.

Obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSA) is defined by the American Thoracic Society (ATS)1 as ‘a disorder of breathing during sleep characterized by prolonged partial upper airway obstruction and/or intermittent complete obstruction (obstructive apnea) that disrupts normal ventilation during sleep and normal sleep patterns.’

Sleep apnea in children was well described as early as 1976 by Guilleminault et al.2,3 Sleep-disordered breathing occurs in children of all ages, from neonates to adolescents, with a peak prevalence between 2 and 8 years of age. Habitual snoring occurs in 5% to 12% of children; the prevalence of SDB is estimated at 4% to 11%,4 and the prevalence of OSA is estimated at 1% to 4%.57 SDB is more common among boys and among children who are heavier.4


Transition to the sleep state normally results in elevation of upper airway resistance, mainly due to reduction in airway diameter, resulting from the reduced tone of the pharyngeal dilator and constrictor muscles. Normal sleep is characterized by relative hypoxemia and hypercapnia, particularly during REM sleep, when compared to wakefulness. This normal phenomenon is magnified in patients with underlying pulmonary (such as nocturnal asthma) or upper airway (such as OSA) disease. This is the result of the following physiologic factors:8

Children with OSA tend to have a narrow upper airway. The patency of the upper airway is determined by both anatomic and physiologic factors. The site of obstruction in children tends to be more distal than in adults, typically involving the oropharynx and hypopharynx. Magnetic resonance imaging of upper airway structures confirmed that children with OSA have significantly larger adenoids and tonsils than those of controls.9 Arens et al. described the region in which these two lymphoid tissues overlap to constitute the site with the smallest airway diameter as the ‘overlap region.’ The upper airway is rich in neural receptors, which play a part in controlling baseline muscle tone. Any loss in this tone, as occurs at sleep onset, contributes to increased pharyngeal resistance. During inspiration, many dilator upper airway muscles exhibit phasic respiratory activity. This phasic activation of the muscles of the nose, pharynx, and larynx occurs before diaphragm and intercostal muscle activity, suggesting pre-activation of the upper airway muscles in preparation for the development of negative pressure.

The Starling Resistor Theory

Under conditions of negative inter-luminal pressure, collapse of the upper airway occurs variably during inspiration. The pattern of flow on the driving pressure occurs in ‘Starling resistors,’ which are a specific model of ‘collapsible tube’ behavior (Figure 27-1).8 The model predicts that, under conditions of flow limitation, maximal inspiratory airflow is determined by the pressure changes upstream (nasal) from the collapsible site of the upper airway and is independent of the downstream (hypopharyngeal and tracheal) pressure generated by the diaphragm. The upper airway can be represented as a tube with a collapsible segment, the resistance of which is zero. The segments upstream and downstream from the collapsible segment each have a fixed diameter, resistance, and pressure. The upstream pressure can be approximated by the nasal pressure and the downstream pressure can be approximated by the hypopharyngeal pressure. In this model of the upper airway, inflow pressure at the airway opening (the nares) is atmospheric, and downstream pressure is equal to tracheal pressure. Collapse occurs when the pressure surrounding the collapsible segment of the upper airway (critical tissue pressure = Pcrit) becomes greater than the pressure within the collapsible segment of the airway. In normal subjects with low upstream resistance or sub-atmospheric critical tissue pressure, hypopharyngeal pressure never drops to critical pressure; thus, airflow is not limited and is largely determined by negative tracheal pressure. However, if hypopharyngeal pressure falls below critical pressure, maximal inspiratory flow reaches its maximum limitation, and becomes independent of downstream pressure swings. Under these circumstances, nasal resistance and critical pressure determine maximal inspiratory flow as described by the following equation:


where VImax is maximal inspiratory flow; PN is nasal pressure; Pcrit is critical tissue pressure; RN is nasal resistance. Airflow will become zero (i.e., the airway will occlude) when nasal pressure falls below critical pressure.

Normal infants and children have a narrower upper airway than adults. Nevertheless, they snore less and have fewer obstructive apneas. This could be due to either structural differences or differences in neuromotor regulation of the upper airway. It is difficult to determine critical pressure in normal children, as their upper airway is very resistant to collapse. Marcus et al. have shown that Pcrit in children correlated with the severity of OSA.10

The upper airway in children with OSA is more collapsible compared with control subjects during wakefulness and sleep, and under general anesthesia. Several mechanisms might lead to more airway collapse in these subjects, including: decreased motor tone, increased airway compliance, and excessive inspiratory driving pressures caused by proximal airway narrowing. This increased propensity of the airway to collapse should be reflected by increased motion of airway boundary during respiration as negative upper airway intraluminal pressure is increased. Using respiratory-gated magnetic resonance imaging to quantify changes in shape and airway cross-section area during tidal breathing in children with OSA, compared with control subjects, it has been shown that fluctuations in airway area during tidal breathing are significantly greater in subjects with OSA compared with control subjects.11

Resistive pressure loading is a probable explanation, although increased airway compliance may be a contributing factor. Studies using denervated upper airways have shown that when upper airway muscle function is decreased or absent, the airway is more prone to collapse.12,13 Children have active upper airway dynamic responses to both negative pressure pulses and hypercapnia during sleep.14 Normal children compensate for their smaller upper airway by increasing the ventilatory drive to their upper airway muscles. This compensatory mechanism may be absent or diminished in children with OSA.

Physiological Consequences of OSA

Intermittent hypoxemia during sleep is common in children with OSA. Intermittent hypoxemia may contribute to the increase in pulmonary pressure and the development of cor pulmonale; however, this effect will probably be more prominent with chronic hypoxemia. The more potentially serious consequence of intermittent hypoxemia is the behavioral and cognitive adverse effect on the brain. The relationship between the degree and duration of hypoxemia and neurological and cardiopulmonary outcome is not yet known.

Sleep fragmentation is a well-established consequence of OSA in adults, but is much less determined in children. While arousal from sleep is a protective reflex mechanism that restores breathing, an increase in the number of arousals per hour of sleep (arousal index) may cause sleep fragmentation and sympathetic activation.

Alveolar hypoventilation or ‘obstructive hypoventilation’ is the result of long periods of increased upper airway resistance and hypercapnia, with or without hypoxemia. Intermittent elevations in PCO2 can exacerbate the effect of intermittent hypoxemia on neural tissue, and can affect cerebral circulation and vasomotor activity.

The Etiology of OSA

The etiology of OSA in children is multifactorial, and is probably a combination of abnormal airway structure, decreased neuromuscular control, and other factors such as genetic, hormonal, and metabolic (Figure 27-2).

Airway structure is an important factor in pediatric OSA. Bony structure and soft tissue are two major contributing factors in determining upper airway patency.

Genetic syndromes that are associated with OSA include those producing micrognathia and those producing midfacial hypoplasia.

Pierre Robin sequence, consisting of micrognathia and posterior displacement of the tongue and soft palate, is frequently associated with sleep-disordered breathing, presenting in early infancy, in the first few weeks of life.

Treacher Collins syndrome, caused by mutations in the region of 5q32-32.2 that codes for the treacle protein, is characterized by mandibular hypoplasia, malar hypoplasia, antimongoloid slanting palpebral fissures, malformation of the auricles, and coloboma of the eyelid.

Midfacial hypoplasia syndromes include Crouzon syndrome, Apert syndrome, and Pfeiffer syndrome.

Achondroplasia, an autosomal dominant skeletal dysplasia, is associated with OSA as the most common respiratory complication. About two-thirds of patients with achondroplasia present OSA.

Children with Down syndrome frequently present OSA because of their craniofacial structure: maxillary hypoplasia and small nose with low nasal bridge. In addition, recurrent upper airway infections result in adenotonsillar hypertrophy.15 Children with Arnold–Chiari malformation may be at risk for developing both central and obstructive sleep apnea due to brainstem compression affecting respiratory drive, and/or activation of the pharyngeal and laryngeal muscles that are enervated by the ninth and tenth cranial nerves.

Children with Prader–Willi syndrome, consisting of hypotonia, obesity, hypogonadism, and mental retardation, might also present OSA. In children with mucopolysaccharidoses, OSA is caused as a result of deposition of mucopolysaccharides in the airways, including the tongue, pharynx, trachea, and bronchi.

The high prevalence of habitual snoring in first-degree relatives of children with OSA, and documented familial aggregation of OSA, suggest a familial predisposition to this condition.16,17 African-Americans are at greater risk than Caucasians when controlling for age, sex, and BMI, indicating ethnicity as another risk factor for OSA.18

Prematurity was also identified as a risk factor for OSA.5,19 Former preterm infants are at increased risk to develop OSA in early infancy, possibly due to facial asymmetry, greater incidence of muscle hypotonia, or nasal obstruction following prolonged intubation.20

Adenotonsillar hypertrophy is the most common etiology of OSA in children, making adenotonsillectomy the first-line treatment at this age. The fact that most children significantly improve following surgery21 proves their role in the etiology of OSA in children. However, the fact that cure is not achieved in all children22 indicates that other factors are involved. The tonsils and adenoids increase in size from birth to about 12 years of age, and are largest in relation to the underlying upper airway size between 3 and 6 years of age.23 The correlation between adenotonsillar size and OSA is not strong. While the severity of obstructive events was related to the size of the adenoids in one study,24 other studies have failed to show a correlation between adenotonsillar size and OSA severity.25

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