Maternal illness in pregnancy

  • Chapter Contents

  • Thromboembolic disease 190

    • Pathogenesis of thromboembolism in pregnancy 190

    • Thromboembolism in inherited and acquired anticoagulation deficiencies 190

    • Clinical presentation and diagnosis of thromboembolic disease 191

    • Diagnostic evaluation test for thromboembolism 191

    • Management of thromboembolism during pregnancy 191

      • Anticoagulation 191

      • Therapy for acute deep vein thrombosis–thrombophlebitis 191

      • Anticoagulation for labour and delivery 191

      • Therapy for pulmonary embolus 192

      • Inferior vena cava interruption 192

      • Thrombolytic therapy 192

    • Management of women with a history of prior thromboembolism 192

  • Hypertension 192

    • Clinical presentation 192

      • Chronic hypertension 192

  • Pre-eclampsia 192

  • HELLP syndrome 193

  • Eclampsia 193

  • Heart disease 193

    • Valve disease 194

    • Peripartum cardiomyopathy 194

    • Myocardial infarction 194

  • Diabetes mellitus 194

    • Intrauterine fetal death 194

    • Screening for gestational diabetes and impaired glucose tolerance 195

    • Management of diabetic pregnancy 195

    • Labour and the puerperium 195

    • Breastfeeding and effects on glycaemic control 195

  • Thyroid disease 195

  • Neurological disorders in pregnancy 196

  • Antiepileptic drugs 196

    • Stroke 197

    • Subarachnoid haemorrhage 197

    • Cerebral venous thrombosis 197

    • Multiple sclerosis (MS) 197

      • Labour and delivery 197

      • Breastfeeding 198

  • Renal disease and pregnancy 198

    • Asymptomatic bacteriuria 198

    • Acute pyelonephritis 198

  • Renal transplantation and pregnancy 198

  • Haematology 198

    • Physiological changes during pregnancy 198

    • Iron-deficiency anaemia 198

    • Folate-deficiency anaemia 198

    • Haemoglobinopathies 199

      • Sickle-cell disease 199

      • Thalassaemias 199

      • Gestational thrombocytopenia and immune thrombocytopenic purpura 199

  • Malignant disease and pregnancy 199

  • Respiratory disease 199

  • Rheumatological disorders 200

    • Rheumatoid arthritis 200

    • Systemic lupus erythematosus 200

    • Antiphospholipid syndrome 200

  • Liver disease 200

    • Intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy/obstetric cholestasis 201

    • Acute fatty liver of pregnancy 201

    • Viral hepatitis 201

  • Gastroenterology 201

    • Inflammatory bowel diseases 201

      • Pharmacological treatment 201

      • Biliary tract disease 201

    • Common gastrointestinal symptoms in pregnancy 202

  • Psychiatric diseases 202

    • Postpartum depression 202

  • Drugs of misuse 202

    • Effects of drug use on the mother 202

    • Opioids 203

    • Cocaine and amphetamines 203

  • How are pharmacological agents handled in pregnancy and breastfeeding? 203

    • The placenta 203

    • Timing and dosing of drug exposure during pregnancy 203

    • Pharmacotherapy during lactation 204

Good maternal health is necessary for the best pregnancy outcome. Women with chronic diseases, or those who become unwell during pregnancy, are often unable to make the optimal adaptations to pregnancy and therefore the best pregnancy outcome is compromised.

In this chapter are discussed medical conditions and illnesses which may be acquired during pregnancy, as well as chronic medical conditions and the way they may affect the health of mother and fetus.

Of most relevance to a neonatologist is the way maternal illness affects fetal development and the impact on neonatal health.

Women with chronic medical conditions should receive prepregnancy advice before embarking on pregnancy to ensure they are on safe and effective treatments and aware of the implications their condition may have on pregnancy.

The first part of this chapter will focus on serious conditions that can lead to the most unwanted outcome, maternal and perinatal death. Thereafter the focus will be on the most prevalent illnesses.

In each section are discussed the pathophysiology of the disease, its prevalence and incidence, the clinical presentation, appropriate diagnostic tools, best management and outcomes. Where appropriate the impact on breastfeeding will also be discussed.

Thromboembolic disease

Venous thromboembolic events are a leading cause of maternal morbidity and mortality in the developed countries. This is in contrast to the developing world in which haemorrhage and complications from hypertensive disorders are the leading causes of maternal death. Fatal pulmonary embolism, although a rare complication of pregnancy, continues to be the leading cause of pregnancy-related mortality in western Europe and the USA as other causes of maternal mortality (haemorrhage, sepsis) have declined. More obesity in pregnancy, as well as higher caesarean delivery rates, over the past several decades has had an impact on this increased risk of complications for venous thromboembolism.

During pregnancy, the risk for venous thromboembolism is increased sixfold over the non-pregnant state and increases to 20-fold in the immediate puerperium.

Pathogenesis of thromboembolism in pregnancy

Pregnancy evokes a physiologically hypercoagulable state that is protective against haemorrhage at the time of delivery and placental separation. The hypercoagulable state of pregnancy is provoked by thrombin-mediated fibrin generation. The procoagulant changes of pregnancy include an increase in plasma concentration of coagulation factors and fibrinolysis inhibitors, reduced venous flow and increased venous dilatation. Physiological increases in all coagulation factors occur during pregnancy, with the exception of factors XI and XIII, which are frequently decreased. In addition, free protein S levels fall and acquired resistance to activated protein C develops during pregnancy. Risk for thromboembolism is further increased by compression of the inferior vena cava and iliac veins by the gravid uterus, promoting stasis. By 25–29 weeks’ gestation, venous flow velocity is reduced by approximately 50% in the legs and does not return to normal non-pregnancy flow velocity until around 6 weeks postpartum. During pregnancy, local damage to pelvic veins may occur during vaginal and especially caesarean delivery and this provides an increased risk for thrombosis. When these physiological coagulation changes combine with genetic predisposition conditions such as thrombophilias, socioenvironmental factors and other medical factors (obesity, inactivity and caesarean section), the risk for thromboembolism is increased.

Most deep venous thrombosis (DVT) occurs in the antepartum period, equally distributed across all trimesters, whereas most pulmonary embolism occurs in the postpartum period.

Thromboembolism in inherited and acquired anticoagulation deficiencies

Thrombophilias are disorders of homeostasis that predispose to thrombotic events. The prevalence of inherited thrombophilias depends on the population and/or ethnicity. Approximately 15% of the western population is affected by a thrombophilia. Approximately 50% of cases of venous thromboembolism in pregnancy are associated with inherited or acquired thrombophilias. The absolute risk of venous thromboembolism for pregnant women with antithrombin III deficiency is reported to be as high as 40–68% ( ; ). Protein C, in its active form, is responsible for inactivation of factors V and VIII and activation of fibrinolysis. Protein S is a vitamin K-dependent, naturally occurring inhibitor of haemostasis that is synthesised and released from the endothelium and shows autosomal dominant inheritance. It is a cofactor for protein C in the neutralisation of activated factor V and in fibrinolysis. The incidence of thromboembolism has been reported to be 2.5% per year for protein C-deficient individuals, and 3.5% per year for those with protein S deficiency ( ). Protein C deficiency is also autosomal dominant, and the heterozygous trait results in plasma protein C levels of 55–65% of normal. During pregnancy, an incidence of DVT up to 25% has been reported for heterozygote protein C-deficient individuals. The risk for stillbirth is also increased in women with these protein deficiencies ( ). Activated protein C resistance results from a point mutation in the factor V gene (the factor V Leiden mutation; FVL) and is the most frequent aetiology for thrombosis. The gene mutation is inherited as an autosomal dominant trait and is particularly prevalent in the white population. Heterozygosity for the FVL gene defect confers a five- to 10-fold increased risk for thrombosis.

Acquired thrombophilias include antiphospholipid antibodies and lupus anticoagulant. These conditions are typically diagnosed in women with recurrent pregnancy loss rather than thromboembolism. However, both disorders should be considered as risk factors for thromboembolism during pregnancy, and they may also increase the risk of thromboembolic disease in the fetus. For antiphospholipid antibody syndrome, the absolute risk for thrombosis has been reported to be as high as 30% ( ).

Clinical presentation and diagnosis of thromboembolic disease

During pregnancy, venous thromboembolism may present with symptoms of DVT, or pulmonary embolism. The most common symptoms of DVT are pain, tenderness and swelling of the lower extremity. In pregnancy, 85% of DVT cases present in the left leg. This is due to the abrupt right-angle drainage of the left iliac vein that leads to more venous stasis in the left leg.

Clinical signs of a suspected DVT include heat, redness and swelling. The signs and symptoms result from obstructed venous return and/or in combination with vascular inflammation. The risk of pulmonary embolism is greater with femoral or iliac thrombosis and can occur without obvious swelling. Symptoms of pulmonary embolus include dyspnoea, pleuritic chest pain, cough and haemoptysis. Clinical signs include tachycardia, tachypnoea, crepitations, fever, pleuritic rub, cyanosis and the development of an accentuated second heart sound and gallop rhythm. Massive pulmonary embolism, defined as obstruction of more than 50% of the pulmonary circulation, may present with syncope, representing cardiovascular collapse, and recognised with hypotension.

Diagnostic evaluation test for thromboembolism

Doppler flow studies with compression sonography are the primary non-invasive tests used in the diagnosis of DVT. Compression ultrasonography has a sensitivity of 97% and a specificity of 94% for the diagnosis of symptomatic, proximal DVT in the general population. Doppler combined with real-time ultrasound and colour flow have become the diagnostic studies of choice in cases of suspected proximal vein thrombosis ( ). Imaging provides additional information about venous compressibility.

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) has a sensitivity for thrombi above the knee of nearly 100% and has a place in the evaluation of the patient suspected of having a pelvic thrombus with a negative Doppler/ultrasound examination. A chest X-ray to rule out other diagnoses is a first step in investigating the breathless pregnant patient. Computed tomography (CT) scanning, unlike ultrasonography and MRI, is associated with fetal as well as maternal radiation exposure.

D-dimer is a specific degradation product of cross-linked fibrin. Levels of D-dimer are increased in the presence of thrombi, but also increase with the progression of normal pregnancy and are therefore of little positive diagnostic value. Guidelines for the evaluation of pulmonary embolism in pregnancy attempt to balance diagnostic efficacy, decreasing maternal morbidity and mortality and minimisation of fetal exposure to ionising radiation. The most commonly used non-invasive study is the ventilation–perfusion scan (V/Q scan). Ventilation–perfusion lung scanning delivers a higher fetal dose of radiation (100–370 µGy) than does CT pulmonary angiography (PA) (3–131 µGy). Perfusion scanning alone in women with a normal chest X-ray reduces radiation exposure ( ). Although helical CT gives good diagnostic sensitivity for pulmonary embolus, there are concerns about the future risk of maternal breast cancer following helical CT to the chest. Pulmonary embolus is however a life-threatening condition and pregnancy must not interfere with the most appropriate investigations when a pulmonary embolism is suspected.

Management of thromboembolism during pregnancy


Anticoagulation is the treatment of established DVT or pulmonary embolism occurring during pregnancy and the puerperium, and for prophylaxis against venous thromboembolism in women with a history of earlier thromboembolic episodes. Anticoagulation is also indicated for those women considered to be at risk because of the presence of a thrombophilic state. Low-molecular-weight heparin (LMWH) is the anticoagulant of choice for treatment of thromboembolism during pregnancy, and management requires an individualised, well-planned approach. Heparin does not cross the placenta and is not excreted into breast milk, giving the advantage over warfarin, which crosses the placenta and poses teratogenic fetal risk with exposure in the first trimester. LMWH preparations have more uniform activity, predictable dose–response, dose-independent mechanisms of clearance and longer plasma half-life than unfractionated heparin. An additional advantage of LMWH is that laboratory monitoring or dose adjustment is only required for those with high-risk thrombotic conditions such as metal heart valves or newly started on therapeutic LMWH.

Therapy for acute deep vein thrombosis–thrombophlebitis

Anticoagulation during pregnancy must be tailored to meet the needs of the women, especially peripartum. The current management approach for acute DVT during pregnancy is with twice-daily weight-based dosing of LMWH. However, in most pregnant women except those who are very overweight or underweight or those with impaired renal function, dose adjustments are not necessary.

Anticoagulation for labour and delivery

Anticoagulated patients are at risk of bleeding at the time of delivery. If a therapeutically anticoagulated patient needs an emergency caesarean section, the preferred method of anaesthesia is a general anaesthetic.

During the postpartum period, anticoagulation can usually be resumed within 6 hours of delivery, but discussion with the anaesthetist is necessary regarding timing of removal of neuraxial anaesthesia.

In the postpartum period, anticoagulation with warfarin is an alternative to heparinisation. A therapeutic warfarin range is considered to be at a target international normalised ratio (INR) of 2.0–3.0 for oral anticoagulation in a patient with a first-time DVT. Warfarin is continued at a therapeutic dose for 6 months after a thromboembolic event, or until 6 weeks postpartum, whichever is the longer. No significant levels of warfarin appear in breast milk; therefore, women can breastfeed on warfarin. Warfarin is associated with a higher risk for bleeding complications than heparin, and requires close monitoring of the INR.

Postthrombotic syndrome occurs in up to 60% of patients after a DVT. Wearing a compression stocking on the affected leg after the acute event reduces the risk of this complication ( ).

Therapy for pulmonary embolus

Acute treatment for pulmonary embolism during pregnancy includes prompt therapeutic anticoagulation with LMWH. Care coordination and management strategies are dictated by the critical nature of the woman’s illness and her haemodynamic status.

Inferior vena cava interruption

Inferior vena cava interruption with filters to prevent recurrent thromboembolism is very rarely indicated. Difficulties retrieving filters have led to significant morbidity and therefore their insertion should be reserved for extraordinary situations when anticoagulation is required but not possible or is ineffective.

Thrombolytic therapy

Thrombolytics, such as streptokinase, urokinase and tissue plasminogen activator, have been used in the treatment of major pulmonary embolism during pregnancy. When there is haemodynamic collapse due to pulmonary embolus, the life-saving potential of thrombolytics generally exceeds the potential complications of haemorrhage ( ).

Management of women with a history of prior thromboembolism

Women with a history of DVT or pulmonary embolism during a prior pregnancy or while on oral contraceptives are at increased risk for recurrent thrombosis during subsequent pregnancies. Fifteen to 25% of thromboembolic events in pregnancy are recurrent events ( ). The risk of recurrent thromboembolism in women with a prior pregnancy-related event has been reported to be 4–12%.

The usual treatment regimen for women with a prior DVT includes thromboprophylaxis with LMWH throughout pregnancy until 6 weeks postpartum. Thromboprophylaxis should be considered for those with a history of unprovoked thrombosis, morbidly obese pregnant women (body mass index >40) and those confined to bed for prolonged periods (e.g. premature rupture of membranes, placenta praevia). The use of pneumatic compression devices for the prevention of pregnancy-related thrombosis has not been well studied and the risks are primarily extrapolated from perioperative data ( ). Pulmonary embolism after caesarean delivery is much higher than after vaginal delivery by a factor of 2.5–20 ( ). The duration of thromboprophylaxis after caesarean section for this high-risk group has not been studied. As the risk of peripartum DVT is highest during the first week or so postpartum, it is not unreasonable to continue mechanical means with a compression stocking or boot, or with low-dose LMWH for the first week after delivery.


Women can become pregnant with hypertension (chronic hypertension: 2–4% of pregnancies) or develop hypertension during pregnancy (gestational hypertension: 4%), or develop hypertension in association with proteinuria (pre-eclampsia: 4% of first-time pregnancies). Approximately 20% of women with pre-existing hypertension go on to develop pre-eclampsia. Hypertension during pregnancy is defined as a diastolic blood pressure of 90 mmHg or greater on two occasions more than 4 hours apart or a single diastolic blood pressure above 110 mmHg ( ).

In normal pregnancy there is an increase in heart rate and cardiac output with a fall in total peripheral resistance. Cardiac output rises until the 24th week of pregnancy, by which time it has increased by approximately 45%. The rise in cardiac output does not keep pace with the fall in systemic vascular resistance and maternal blood pressure therefore tends to fall during the first and second trimester until about the 20th week, when it reaches its nadir. From this time total systemic vascular resistance begins to rise and so maternal blood pressure also rises gradually.

Clinical presentation

Chronic hypertension

Women with essential hypertension tend to be older, parous and likely to have a family history of hypertension. In pregnancies where pre-eclampsia does not develop, the risk of a poor outcome (intrauterine growth restriction, preterm delivery, maternal renal and vascular problems) is directly proportional to the degree of hypertension and the number of antihypertensives that need to be used to control it. Most chronic hypertension is mild or moderate (<160/110 mmHg), and a good outcome can be expected unless pre-eclampsia develops. Antihypertensive medication can sometimes be discontinued in the first and second trimester because of the fall in blood pressure secondary to the physiological changes of pregnancy. The recent UK National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) guideline (2010) on the management of hypertension in pregnancy suggested that women with chronic hypertension should have a target blood pressure between 130/80 and 150/100 mmHg. This pragmatic recommendation protects the mother from cardiovascular end-organ damage while preventing reduced uteroplacental perfusion pressure that may lead to reduced fetal growth. There is no robust evidence to recommend beta-blockers, calcium channel blockers, methyldopa or any other antihypertensive over another. To some extent the choice is guided by clinician familiarity and maternal tolerance.


Pre-eclampsia is a multisystem disorder unique to humans and exclusively associated with pregnancy ( ). It is defined as a syndrome developing after 20 weeks of gestation, characterised by hypertension (a diastolic pressure of at least 90 mmHg on two consecutive occasions at least 4 hours apart) and proteinuria (>300 mg/24 hours). Across the world pre-eclampsia and eclampsia probably account for up to 50 000 maternal deaths per annum, the vast majority in the developing nations.

Pre-eclampsia develops in women predisposed to cardiovascular disease and who also have poor development of their placenta. The poorly perfused placenta appears to be the source of factors that lead to maternal vascular injury. This leads to a microangiopathy, which results in hypertension, multiorgan dysfunction and, on occasion, a consumptive coagulopathy ( ).

At present, there is uncertainty about the most effective prophylaxis against pre-eclampsia. Little can be done effectively to prevent pre-eclampsia. A meta-analysis of trials that tested the efficacy of low-dose aspirin (LDA) to prevent pre-eclampsia revealed a 15–20% decrease in incidence in those who received aspirin prophylaxis ( ). Another Cochrane publication showed that calcium supplementation approximately halves the risk of pre-eclampsia ( ). There is no additional benefit from magnesium, garlic, fish oil, antioxidant vitamins or folic acid.

Once pre-eclampsia has developed, it will progress at a variable rate until the fetus and placenta have been delivered. If a woman presents at term (>37 weeks), labour should be induced to prevent serious deterioration in the maternal and/or fetal condition. At earlier gestations, antenatal management aims to be conservative in order to prolong pregnancy and improve fetal maturity while attempting to avoid the development of severe maternal complications or fetal compromise.

Maternal investigations to assess the severity of pre-eclampsia include measures of renal and liver function and a platelet count. The assessment of fetal well-being should involve growth scans, assessment of liquor volume and umbilical artery Doppler velocimetry. Some women with pre-eclampsia have no evidence of fetal compromise while others have minimal maternal symptoms or signs but significant fetal compromise. Although control of blood pressure alone will do little or nothing to prevent disease progression, there is an increased risk of stroke, cardiac failure and abruption when hypertension exceeds 170/110 mmHg. By preventing significant rises in blood pressure, antihypertensives may help to allow a clinically useful period of fetal development and thus improve neonatal outcome.

A variety of antihypertensive agents are available; all act by different mechanisms. The new NICE (2010) guideline suggests the use of labetalol or nifedipine slow-release as first-line treatments ( ). When beta-blockers are given in high dose and throughout pregnancy for the treatment of chronic hypertension, they can be associated with intrauterine growth restriction ( ). The judicious use of beta-blockers in doses more usually prescribed since 2000 has not had the same association with fetal growth restriction. Angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors should not be used in pregnancy as they are teratogenic ( ). ACE inhibitors do not appear to be secreted in breast milk in a clinically significant quantity and therefore they have a role in the management of postpartum hypertension.

Intravenous hydralazine or labetalol is the mainstay for the acute control of severe hypertension prior to delivery or in the immediate postpartum period. Acute hypotension must be avoided as uteroplacental blood flow can be compromised, leading to fetal compromise. Labetalol is a risk factor for neonatal hypoglycaemia and babies should be monitored.

HELLP syndrome

In 1982, Weinstein first used the term HELLP (haemolysis, elevated liver enzymes and low platelet count) syndrome to describe a particularly severe and rapidly progressive form of pre-eclampsia. Elevated liver enzymes and low platelets are common features of pre-eclampsia, but haemolysis is unusual. The importance of recognising haemolysis rests largely on the need to place women affected by HELLP at high risk of maternal and fetal mortality.


Eclampsia is the development of seizures in association with pre-eclampsia. In the UK, eclampsia occurs uncommonly, affecting 5/10 000 pregnancies. While the term ‘pre-eclampsia’ suggests there is a progressive deterioration in the maternal condition to the point of eclampsia, almost 40% of eclamptic seizures occur before either hypertension or proteinuria is documented. About 40% of cases of eclampsia occur antepartum, 15% intrapartum and 45% postpartum, usually within the first 24 hours. The pathophysiology of the seizures is likely to be multifactorial; cerebral vasospasm causing both ischaemia and overperfusion have been observed, leading to disruption of the blood–brain barrier and cerebral oedema. Rarely, cortical blindness can occur.

There is clear evidence that magnesium sulphate is the drug of choice to prevent recurrent eclampsia in a woman who already has had an eclamptic seizure ( ). demonstrated that the use of magnesium sulphate in women with pre-eclampsia halved the incidence of eclampsia. At the dosage given in the trial there appeared to be no short-term serious harmful effects on either the mother or the baby. The recommendation is to use magnesium sulphate in women with severe pre-eclampsia and in those who have had an eclamptic seizure.

Heart disease

Owing to the major physiological changes to the heart in pregnancy, symptoms and signs of healthy pregnancy are often mistaken for pathology. The commonest reason for cardiological referral during pregnancy is the detection of a murmur that proves to be an innocent flow murmur in 90% of cases, due to the 50% increase in cardiac output. The other common presentation is with palpitations. The majority are due to benign arrhythmias such as ventricular and atrial unifocal ectopics that do not require treatment. Serious dysrhythmias are rare. The principles of treatment are no different from in non-pregnant patients, with the exception of some dysrhythmic agents that may be restricted because of insufficient safety data. Adenosine and direct current cardioversion can be used safely during pregnancy and are well tolerated by the fetus. Beta-blockers are first-line treatment to prevent supraventricular arrhythmias ( ).

Heart disease in pregnancy is the leading cause of maternal mortality in the UK ( ). In developed countries, the incidence of heart disease in pregnancy has declined over the last 50 years owing to the dramatic reduction in the incidence of rheumatic fever that followed the introduction of penicillin ( ). In contrast, congenital heart disease in pregnancy is increasingly common because of the advances in paediatric cardiac surgery and medical therapy which have taken place over the last 30 years, which mean that more affected women are surviving into the reproductive age. The risk of a child inheriting polygenic cardiac disease is varied according to the parent’s condition, being 3% in conditions such as tetralogy of Fallot but as high as 10–18% with atrial septal defect, coarctation of the aorta and aortic stenosis ( ).

Decisions about embarking on pregnancy with congenital heart disease need to balance the desire for children against the risk of mortality and morbidity. In the most serious conditions, women with Eisenmenger syndrome, primary pulmonary hypertension and inoperable cyanotic heart disease have a 30–50% risk of maternal mortality during pregnancy.

Valve disease

In general, pregnant women tolerate valvular regurgitation better than stenosis. This is because the reduced systemic vascular resistance improves forward flow and limits the effects of regurgitation. Stenosis, in contrast, creates a fixed impediment to the increase in cardiac output that accompanies pregnancy and labour, possibly precipitating pulmonary oedema and arrhythmias. In the UK, calcific degeneration of congenital bicuspid aortic valves is the leading cause of stenosis encountered in pregnancy. Pregnancy in women with artificial heart valves is a major dilemma. Most cardiologists currently recommend a tissue valve for women wanting to have children as, unlike mechanical valves, they avoid the need for anticoagulation, but they wear out more quickly.

Peripartum cardiomyopathy

Peripartum cardiomyopathy is a poorly understood condition, with an incidence of 1 : 1500 to 1 : 4000 live births. It has been defined clinically as the onset of cardiac failure with no identifiable cause in the last month of pregnancy or within 5 months after delivery, in the absence of heart disease before the last month of pregnancy ( ). It is associated with older maternal age, greater parity, black race, pre-eclampsia and multiple gestations ( ). Diagnosis rests on the echocardiographic identification of new left ventricular systolic dysfunction during a limited period around parturition, in a woman with symptoms and signs of heart failure and when other causes of cardiomyopathy have been excluded. All patients usually exhibit cardiomegaly on chest X-ray. Endomyocardial biopsy demonstrates myocarditis in up to 76% of patients, and may be necessary where the diagnosis is unclear. Treatment of peripartum cardiomyopathy includes diuretics to decrease pulmonary congestion and volume overload and vasodilators to reduce afterload. Hydralazine is the drug of choice prepartum, in addition to nitrates ( ). ACE inhibitors are the mainstay of treatment postpartum, even in mothers who are breastfeeding. The beta-blocker carvedilol has been shown to improve overall survival in pregnant women with dilated cardiomyopathy. Atrial arrhythmias should be treated with digoxin, which may also be used for its positive inotropic effect ( ). The benefits of class 3 (amiodarone) and class 4 (verapamil) agents needs to be balanced against their side-effects: fetal hypothyroidism and premature delivery, fetal bradycardia, heart block and hypotension respectively. Patients with poor cardiac function, as evidenced by an ejection fraction <35%, are at risk of thromboembolism and anticoagulation may be considered ( ).

After stabilisation of the mother’s symptoms, in most cases induction and vaginal delivery can be attempted in consultation with consultant obstetrician and anaesthetic staff ( ). The advantages of vaginal delivery are minimal blood loss, greater haemodynamic stability, avoidance of surgical stress and less chance of postoperative infection and pulmonary complications. Effective pain management is a necessity to avoid further increases in cardiac output from pain and anxiety.

Myocardial infarction

Ischaemic heart disease in pregnancy is uncommon, occurring in an estimated 1 in 10 000 deliveries ( ). Myocardial infarction is more common during the third trimester or puerperium of either the first or second pregnancies. occurs within 2 weeks of labour or delivery, mortality may be as high as 45% ( ). Patients typically present with ischaemic chest pain in the presence of an abnormal electrocardiogram (ECG) and elevated cardiac enzymes. Symptoms may often be masked or unclear during labour and delivery, and the ECG and cardiac enzymes can be insensitive. Cardiac-specific troponin I is a more sensitive indicator of myocardial infarction than creatinine kinase muscle–bone serum concentrations, which increase during normal labour ( ).

Management of myocardial infarction must involve early coronary angiography. In the immediate postpartum period, spontaneous coronary artery dissection is the most common cause of myocardial infarction. The pathophysiological mechanisms responsible in the coronary arteries are similar to those responsible for aortic dissection, although the exact pathogenesis remains unclear. Most women with peripartum coronary artery dissection have no risk factors for coronary artery disease, but most affect the left anterior descending artery ( ). Treatments include coronary stenting and emergency coronary artery bypass grafting.

Diabetes Mellitus (see Ch. 22 for management of the infant of a diabetic mother)

In the UK 2–5% of pregnant women have diabetes. Most of these pregnancies are due to gestational diabetes, and the rest are due to either type 1 or type 2 diabetes. The prevalence of type 2 diabetes is increasing throughout the world. Diabetes in pregnancy is associated with risks to the woman and to the developing fetus. Miscarriage, pre-eclampsia and preterm labour are more common in women with pre-existing diabetes. In addition, diabetic retinopathy can worsen rapidly during pregnancy. Stillbirth, congenital malformations, macrosomia, birth injury, perinatal mortality and neonatal hypoglycaemia are more common in offspring of women with diabetes.

Women with gestational diabetes have an increased risk of developing type 2 diabetes in later life. For this reason all women need postpartum assessment of glucose tolerance at more than 6 weeks postpartum. Advice on lifestyle and diet will reduce the future risk of diabetes.

In preconception counselling women with established diabetes should be informed that establishing good glycaemic control before conception and continuing this throughout pregnancy will reduce the risk of miscarriage, congenital malformation, stillbirth and neonatal death. These risks can be reduced, but not eliminated.

Overall the risk of congenital anomalies is three to five times greater in women with diabetes than in the general population and is related directly to the percentage of glycosylated haemoglobin at the time of conception ( ). The mechanism of this teratogenic effect is unclear, but appears to relate to glucose control and lipid levels.

Intrauterine fetal death

Despite advances in antenatal monitoring, women with poorly controlled diabetes still have an increased incidence of intrauterine fetal death, especially beyond the due date. The underlying mechanism has not been elucidated, but relates to glucose control as reflected in the glycosylated haemoglobin.

Screening for gestational diabetes and impaired glucose tolerance

There are few conclusive data to support a screening programme for gestational diabetes in all age group mothers, as only small numbers of young and lean women will go on to develop gestational diabetes. What has been shown is that 75 g oral glucose loading is an appropriate mode of testing. If the screening test is abnormal, then the pregnant mother should go on to have an oral glucose tolerance test. The diagnostic criteria are shown in Figure 11.1 .

Fig. 11.1

Revised World Health Organization criteria for 75 g oral glucose tolerance test during pregnancy.

Management of diabetic pregnancy

Just as outside pregnancy the aim is to keep to a normal blood glucose level, diet, insulin and oral hypoglycaemic agents are the key components of diabetic management. A meta-analysis into large randomised controlled trials comparing oral hypoglycaemic and insulin demonstrates that there were no differences in glycaemic control or pregnancy outcomes, including incidence of babies that were large for gestational age, caesarean sections and increased birthweight ( ).


The aim is to provide sufficient energy for both mother and fetus, which amounts to 30–35 kcal/kg of non-pregnant ideal body weight. Daily carbohydrate consumption should be in the region of 220–240 g, providing at least 45% of the necessary calorie intake. Detailed and ongoing advice from an experienced dietician is important to the success of dietary management. The first line of treatment for gestational diabetes is diet; if this approach fails, then hypoglycaemic therapy is considered.

Oral hypoglycaemic agents

If diet fails to control gestational diabetes, then metformin is the next line of treatment ( ). Metformin counteracts the excessive insulin resistance of gestational diabetes without risk of hypoglycaemia. It has been shown to be as effective as insulin in the management of gestational diabetes and with regard to pregnancy outcome ( ). Metformin does cross the placenta, but does not appear to be harmful to the developing fetus. Follow-up studies of offspring exposed to metformin in utero are ongoing, but after 2 years do not show differences compared with those exposed to insulin.


Women with gestational diabetes who are not controlled by diet or metformin may need additional insulin. Increasingly, pen-type syringes are being used to deliver insulin, typically with three doses of short-acting insulin preprandially and one dose of a long-acting insulin at night. The newer insulin analogues appear suitable for pregnancy. Continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion may provide the best glucose control of diabetic pregnant women.

Labour and the puerperium

Preterm delivery is more common in diabetic pregnancy, and, if steroids are given to promote fetal lung maturity, the hyperglycaemic effect requires extra monitoring, but not usually a sliding scale of insulin.

Women with well-controlled diabetes, no vascular disease and a normally grown fetus appear to be at no more risk than non-diabetic counterparts and may be allowed to carry at least to the due date. With a macrosomic fetus and poor glucose control, early delivery may be contemplated to reduce the risk of stillbirth.

During labour women with type 1 diabetes can be treated with an insulin sliding scale, 10% glucose solution and hourly blood glucose monitoring. Once the baby is delivered the rate of insulin infusion should be reduced, or stopped if the woman has insulin-requiring gestational diabetes or type 2 diabetes. Insulin requirements fall back to prepregnancy levels as soon as the placenta has been delivered.

Breastfeeding and effects on glycaemic control

Women with insulin-treated pre-existing diabetes are at increased risk of hypoglycaemia in the postnatal period, especially when breastfeeding. Women with gestational diabetes should discontinue hypoglycaemic treatment after birth. Women with pre-existing type 2 diabetes who are breastfeeding can resume or continue to take hypoglycaemic agents following birth.

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