Infectious diseases

12.1 Infectious diseases

Infectious diseases presenting with fever and rash

Infectious diseases of childhood are a significant cause of illness in children, especially in the first years of life. Globally, infection is responsible for the majority of the more than 10 million childhood deaths that occur each year. Many of these infections are preventable by immunization and the high mortality rate is compounded by malnutrition and low birth weight (see Chapter 11.2). In resource-rich countries such as Australia, infectious diseases are the commonest cause of admission to hospital and amongst the commonest reasons for a child to consult a general practitioner. The burden of infectious diseases falls mainly on infants and the preschool child and disproportionately on Indigenous children.

Many infections and related conditions manifest as fever and rash, and a timely and accurate diagnosis is important. This chapter discusses some of the more important and common of these conditions, highlighting the epidemiological and clinical features that may point to a specific diagnosis, as well as the complications, treatment and prevention. Other causes of fever and rash include drug reactions, toxins and autoimmune diseases and these are discussed in related chapters (see Chapters 13 and 21).

The child with rash and fever needs careful assessment. The most important aspect is identifying potentially life-threatening conditions, of which meningococcal septicaemia (also known as meningococcaemia; see Chapter 12.3) is the most common and important. Meningococcal septicaemia may occur in isolation or together with meningococcal meningitis. It progresses rapidly, has a high mortality, and requires prompt identification and aggressive treatment. Meningococcal disease should be considered in any febrile child with signs of shock even if there is no rash. Other indicators of severe illness include pallor, meningism, abnormal cry, lack of eye contact and failure to respond to normal social clues. Early in the illness, the typical non-blanching rash may be absent in up to a third of cases, may be difficult to find (so undress the child fully and remember to look at the conjunctivae and palate), or initially may be maculopapular with subtle petechial elements. The meningococcus replicates rapidly in the bloodstream and the rash may evolve very quickly. A non-blanching petechial rash is not specific for meningococcal infection; only about 10% of children with a petechial rash have meningococcal disease and the remainder have viral infections, other bacterial infections, or have suffered minor trauma. Early treatment is potentially life-saving; intravenous or intramuscular antibiotics should be given immediately if the diagnosis is suspected and prior to urgent transfer to hospital (Fig. 12.1.1).

The terminology used to describe infections causing fever and rash can be confusing and some terms are largely of historical interest. An exanthem (from the Greek exanthema, ‘a breaking out’) usually refers to a widespread rash, often of viral origin. An enanthem refers to small spots on the mucous membranes, such as Koplik’s spots seen in measles. In the early 20th century, prior to immunization, six common exanthems of childhood were categorized. Historically these were known as ‘the six diseases of childhood’ (Table 12.1.1). This numerical terminology is still used occasionally, although the existence of the ‘fourth disease’ is questionable.

Measles (rubeola, morbilli)

Measles is a leading cause of childhood mortality, and in 2008 caused an estimated 164 000 deaths globally, or nearly 18 deaths per hour. Malnourished and vitamin A-deficient children are at increased risk. More than 95% of measles deaths occur in low-income countries and there are over 20 million measles cases per year. There is a highly effective vaccine and increased measles immunization coverage has resulted in a decline by over 75% in total deaths between 2000 and 2008. Most deaths result from bacterial complications. Even in resource-rich countries, measles has a significant mortality rate, approaching 1 in 25 000. From 1978 to 1992, about 10 Australian children died from measles each year, as a result of acute encephalitis or pneumonia. With increasing immunization coverage, the number of deaths fell to 1–2 per year from 1992, and there have been no deaths since 1995, when a second preschool dose of measles vaccine was introduced.

In resource-rich countries, most cases are imported or occur in unimmunized children. Measles is caused by measles or morbillivirus, an RNA virus with high infectivity and virulence that is thought to have evolved from the virus that causes rinderpest in cattle. However, humans are the only hosts of measles virus. Infection results in significant suppression of T-cell immune responses, with increased susceptibility to diarrhoea and respiratory illness, and an increased overall infection-related mortality for up to a year following measles. Measles can be a life-threatening infection in the immunocompromised (e.g. oncology patients) and suspected cases require strict infection control.


Roseola infantum (exanthem subitum, sixth disease)

Prevention and treatment

There is no vaccine and no specific antiviral treatment for HHV-6 and HHV-7 infections (aciclovir is ineffective).

Aug 4, 2016 | Posted by in PEDIATRICS | Comments Off on Infectious diseases

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