Birth defects, prenatal diagnosis and teratogens

10.1 Birth defects, prenatal diagnosis and teratogens

Birth defects

A birth defect is any abnormality, structural or functional, identified at any age, that began before birth, or the cause of which was present before birth. Examples of structural birth defects include spina bifida and cleft lip. Duchenne muscular dystrophy and Huntington disease are examples of functional birth defects.

With continued advances in obstetric and paediatric medicine, birth defects have become the most important cause of perinatal and post-neonatal mortality in developed countries.

Birth defects:


Birth defects can be caused by a wide variety of mechanisms including:

Table 10.1.1 provides a framework for thinking about causes of birth defects. Most have a multifactorial basis, reflecting interaction between genes, environment and chance events within the developing embryo and fetus.

Table 10.1.1 Causes of birth defects

Mechanism Example Cause
Whole chromosome missing or duplicated Down syndrome Trisomy 21
Turner syndrome Monosomy X (XO)
Part of chromosome deleted or duplicated Cri du chat syndrome Deletion 5p
Cat eye syndrome Duplication 22q
Sub-microscopic deletion or duplication of chromosome material Williams syndrome Deletion 7q
Velocardiofacial syndrome Deletion 22q
Charcot–Marie–Tooth disease 1A Duplication 17p
Mutation in single gene Smith–Lemli–Opitz syndrome 7-Dehydrocholesterol reductase
Holt–Oram syndrome TBX5
Apert–Crouzon–Pfeiffer syndrome Fibroblast growth factor receptor 2
Consequence of normal imprinting Prader–Willi syndrome Maternal uniparental disomy or paternal deletion for 15q12
Imprinting errors Beckwith–Wiedemann syndrome Multiple mechanisms resulting in overexpression of IGF-2
Angelman syndrome Mutations in UBE3A gene
Multifactorial/polygenic: one or more genes and environmental factors Isolated heart malformations, neural tube defects and facial clefts Complex interactions between genes and environment
Non-genetic vascular and other ‘accidents during development’ Poland anomaly Subclavian artery ischaemia
Oculoauriculovertebral dysplasia Stapedial artery ischaemia
Uterine environment Talipes, hip dysplasia, Oligohydramnios, twins
Plagiocephaly Bicornuate uterus
Maternal environment Mental retardation Maternal phenylketonuria
Caudal regression Maternal diabetes mellitus
Wider environment Fetal rubella syndrome Rubella infection in pregnancy
Fetal alcohol syndrome Maternal alcohol ingestion
Microcephaly High-dose X-irradiation
Limb deficiency Thalidomide

IGF-2, insulin-like growth factor 2; TBX5, T-box transcription factor 5.


Major birth defects:

The birth prevalences of the more common birth defects are shown in Table 10.1.2. They represent the frequency with which the defect occurred during development (its incidence), less the spontaneous loss of affected fetuses during pregnancy. An almost equal number of additional major abnormalities, particularly of the heart and urinary tract, will be recognized by 5 years of age during clinical examinations or because of symptoms.

Table 10.1.2 Prevalence of some common birth defects

Defect Rate per 1000 births*
Malformations of heart and great vessels 12.0
Developmental hip dysplasia 6.9
Hypospadias 3.7
Talipes equinovarus 2.2
Hypertrophic pyloric stenosis 1.9
Down syndrome 1.8
Cleft lip with or without cleft palate 1.1
Spina bifida 0.9
Anencephaly 0.7
Renal agenesis and dysgenesis 0.6
Tracheo-oesophageal fistula, oesophageal atresia and stenosis 0.4
Abdominal wall defects: exomphalos and gastroschisis 0.6

* Rate per 1000 births including terminations of pregnancy, stillbirths and live-births.

Source: South Australian Birth Defects Register 1986–2003.

Minor birth defects:

Infants free of minor defects have a low incidence of major malformations, approximately 1%. Those with one, two or three minor defects have risks of major malformations of 3%, 10% and 20%, respectively.

Birth defect/congenital malformation registers

Birth defects registers were established in many countries following the ‘thalidomide tragedy’ in which hundreds of children were born with a range of anomalies following maternal use of thalidomide in pregnancy as an antiemetic.

image Clinical example

Susan and Craig’s first child, Anna, was diagnosed soon after birth with a significant congenital heart defect (tetralogy of Fallot) that required surgery. No concerns had been raised at the mid-trimester ultrasound. Anna was also noted to have a number of minor birth defects, including unusually shaped ears, and a hemivertebra in the thoracic spine, seen on chest X-ray.

The family was referred to a clinical geneticist for an opinion regarding the possibility of an underlying genetic condition to account for Anna’s health issues. The geneticist also noted that Anna had relatively long, slender fingers and that her mother reported frequent nasal regurgitation of milk during feeds, suggesting palatal dysfunction. This combination of issues raised the possibility of a condition called velocardiofacial syndrome, caused by a microdeletion on chromosome 22q. A chromosome array was arranged, which confirmed the diagnosis.

Some 90% of children with this condition are the first person in their family to be affected. However, 10% have inherited the condition from an undiagnosed, mildly affected parent. The recurrence risk for further pregnancies differs significantly between these two situations. Craig was found also to have the microdeletion on chromosome 22q and, when his medical history was taken, he reported having required serial plastering for talipes as an infant, had struggled academically at school and was now being treated for depression, all of which can be features of this condition.

Given the wide variability of potential medical issues associated with velocardiofacial syndrome, a number of screening tests were arranged for Anna and Craig to detect any previously unrecognized birth defects. This included renal ultrasonography, immune function tests, serum calcium levels, thyroid function tests, eye and hearing reviews, and spine X-rays and cardiology review for Craig. The potential long-term consequences of the condition were discussed with the family and they were put in touch with the local support group. Anna was referred to a general paediatrician for ongoing medical and developmental follow-up. It was discussed with the family that there would be a 50% chance that any further children they conceived would also inherit the condition, but that they might experience more or less severe medical issues.

A range of reproductive options was discussed with the couple, including sperm donation, prenatal diagnosis and pre-implantation genetic diagnosis. Anna required multiple hospitalizations in the first few years of life related to her condition, which placed a great deal of stress on the family. Subsequently, in the couple’s second pregnancy, they chose to have chorionic villus sampling (CVS) with testing for the microdeletion to assess whether the fetus had inherited velocardiofacial syndrome. The results showed that the fetus had not inherited the condition and a healthy boy was subsequently born.

Registers serve a number of purposes, including:

Prenatal diagnosis

Prenatal diagnosis refers to testing performed in pregnancy aimed at the detection of birth defects in the fetus. Depending on the type of birth defect identified, the gestation of the pregnancy and the perceptions of the parents, prenatal detection of a birth defect may allow:

The number of prenatal tests available and the range of birth defects that may be detected are expanding rapidly. Many chromosome abnormalities, structural anomalies, enzymatic and single-gene defects are already potentially detectable prenatally. Advances in knowledge regarding the aetiology of birth defects and technical aspects of testing will expand this range further. Despite these advances, the majority of birth defects remain undetected until after birth.

In our society, it is an individual decision whether or not to utilize prenatal testing in a pregnancy. The provision of antenatal care must therefore ensure that parents are able to make informed decisions about testing and are supported throughout the testing process.

Aug 4, 2016 | Posted by in PEDIATRICS | Comments Off on Birth defects, prenatal diagnosis and teratogens

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