Chapter Contents
Part 1: New perspectives in neonatal nutrition 278
Nutritional programming 278
Nutrition during fetal life 278
‘Biological clock’ of fetal development 279
Adaptations to extrauterine nutrition 279
Biological consequences of depriving babies of enteral feeds after birth 279
Non-nutritional consequences of enteral feeding 280
Individual nutrients: physiology and dietary needs of term and preterm infants 280
Proteins and amino acids 280
Fat 284
Carbohydrate 286
Energy 287
Water 288
Nucleotides 288
Macrominerals 288
Trace metals 290
Vitamins 291
Part 2: Feeding the full-term baby 297
Breastfeeding 297
Nutritive aspects of human milk 297
Nutritional adequacy of breast milk as the sole diet for healthy term babies 302
Optimal duration of exclusive breastfeeding 303
Antibacterial aspects of human milk 303
Breast milk hormones 304
Enzymes in human milk 304
Other factors in breast milk 304
Human immunodeficiency virus and other viruses in breast milk 304
Maternal aspects of breastfeeding 305
Artificial feeding for the normal term infant 305
General considerations 305
Recommended dietary allowances for formula-fed infants 305
Milk volume 305
Artificial volume 305
Practical aspects of formula feeding 306
Breast versus formula 306
Part 3: Feeding low-birthweight infants 309
General considerations 309
Choice of diet 309
Human milk 309
Nutritional considerations 309
Infection and necrotising enterocolitis 310
Allergy 310
Gastrointestinal ‘tolerance’ 310
Developmental scores 310
Long-term cardiovascular health 310
Types of breast milk 311
Preterm milk 311
Expressed donor milk 311
Drip breast milk 312
Fortified human milk 312
Human milk banking 312
‘Term’ infant formulas 312
Special preterm infant formulas 313
Diets for preterm infants: overview 313
Route of administration of feeds 315
Feeding schedules 315
Psychosocial aspects 316
Postdischarge nutrition 316
The term growth-retarded infant 318
New perspectives in neonatal nutrition
- Mary Fewtrell
- Sirinuch Chomtho
Since the first edition of this textbook there have been major conceptual changes in neonatal nutrition. Previously, the main objective in feeding infants was meeting nutritional needs, preventing nutritional deficiencies and promoting growth. However, increasing evidence shows that early nutrition has biological effects on the individual with important implications for later health. Thus, the way infants are fed may influence clinical course and prognosis. For instance, in preterm infants, early nutrition may influence propensity to life-threatening diseases such as necrotising enterocolitis (NEC) ( ) and systemic sepsis, and, in the long term, have a major impact on cognitive function ( ) and disease risk in later life – notably cardiovascular disease ( ).
Until recently, early nutritional practice was underpinned largely by observational or physiological studies, or by small clinical trials designed to test for the effects of specific products on nutritional status, growth and tolerance. Our new understanding of the importance of early nutrition has emerged with the application of the pharmaceutical trial model to nutritional interventions. Randomised trials have now produced an evidence base for many areas of nutritional practice, based on short-term and, importantly, long-term efficacy and safety testing.
Nutritional programming
The concept that there are sensitive periods in early life when insults or stimuli may have long-term or lifetime effects is known as ‘programming’ ( ), and has been recognised for over a century. The evidence that nutrition could operate as a programming agent was first shown in animals in the early 1960s ( ). Animal studies have shown that nutrition during critical periods in early life can programme outcomes such as changes in metabolism, endocrine function, gut function, size, body fatness, blood pressure, insulin resistance, blood lipids, learning, behaviour and longevity ( ). Over the past few years, the long-term findings from large-scale randomised intervention studies in human infants have been emerging, showing that human infants, like other species, are programmed by early diet to a major degree. Early diet can have long-term effects on blood pressure ( ), insulin resistance ( ), blood lipids ( ), tendency to obesity ( ), bone health ( ), atopy ( ), cognitive function ( ) and brain structure ( ). The effect sizes are large; in the case of cardiovascular risk factors (blood pressure, blood lipids, insulin resistance), the programming effects of early nutrition are greater than non-pharmacological interventions in adult life, such as exercise and weight loss. These new findings must now be factored into the design of modern nutritional practices and are considered further in the following sections.
Nutrition during fetal life
An understanding of fetal nutritional physiology is vital to clinical practice. From analysis of ‘reference fetuses’ of different gestational ages, it is possible to calculate daily fetal nutrient accretion rates ( ; ) and to use these as a basis for studying postnatal nutrition and its disorders. For example, the intrauterine accretion of calcium and phosphorus is substantially higher than that which can be supplied by a standard formula or mature breast milk to premature infants. Several other nutrients are laid down late in gestation, so that the preterm infant has low body stores. One example is body fat. By mid-gestation, body fat content is less than 1% of body weight; at 28 weeks, 3.5%; at 34 weeks, 7.8%; and at term, 15%. During the last month of intrauterine life, the fetus lays down about 7 g of fat per day ( ). Carbohydrate stores are also laid down relatively late. estimated liver glycogen to be about 1 g/100 g of tissue at 31 weeks and 4 g/100 g at term. calculated total body carbohydrate to be 9 g at 33 weeks and 34 g at term. These data have been used to calculate the ability of infants of different gestations to withstand starvation and maintain glucose homeostasis after birth.
Total body water falls progressively from over 95% of body weight in the first trimester to around 75% at term ( ) and continues to fall throughout infancy.
Lipid-soluble vitamins are transferred across the placenta by simple or facilitated diffusion ( ), hence fetal blood concentrations of such vitamins correlate well with those in the mother, with the exception of vitamin E, for which fetal blood levels are around 30% of maternal values ( ). These vitamins accumulate in fetal tissues throughout pregnancy. Blood concentrations, and perhaps body stores, are reduced in preterm infants and those of poorly nourished mothers. Water-soluble vitamins are transported against concentration gradients, mostly by active transport: fetal blood levels of vitamins B 1 , B 2 , B 6 , B 12 , folate and vitamin C are two- to fourfold higher than those in maternal blood. Preterm babies and babies of undernourished mothers have lower blood levels of water-soluble vitamins at birth ( ).
‘Biological clock’ of fetal development
Intermediary metabolism
Throughout fetal life there is a progressively changing picture of enzymatic differentiation ( ). Certain enzymes of amino acid metabolism develop late, including those concerned with the synthesis of cysteine from methionine, taurine from cysteine and tyrosine from phenylalanine, with degradation of tyrosine and production of urea ( ). As a result, low-birthweight (LBW) infants might be expected to have increased dietary requirements for certain amino acids (such as cysteine and taurine; and be at risk for possibly deleterious accumulation of others (such as phenylalanine, tyrosine and methionine; Ch. 34.3 ).
Key enzymes in gluconeogenic pathways (e.g. phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase) may not develop until near or even just after term delivery ( ). A constant transplacental glucose infusion renders gluconeogenesis relatively unimportant in utero, and the fetal liver is more concerned with the storage of glucose as glycogen; phosphorylase and glucose 6-phosphatase ensure immediate glucose release after birth and defer the need for gluconeogenesis until around 24–48 hours of age; in contrast, the preterm neonate, born with low stores of liver glycogen ( ) and reduced gluconeogenic ability, is at risk of hypoglycaemia ( Ch. 34.1 ).
Gastrointestinal tract
See Chapter 29 .
Adaptations to extrauterine nutrition
Adaptation to feeding after birth involves major postnatal changes in gut structure and function and in intermediary metabolism. Although the fetal intestine is structurally mature by 25 weeks’ gestation and capable of digesting and absorbing milk feeds, motor activity develops more slowly, and may limit the tolerance to enteral feeds.
Postnatally, enteral feeding appears to play a key part in triggering gut development. Studies on piglets and rats show marked structural and functional changes in the gastrointestinal (GI) tract and its adnexae following feeding – changes not seen in unfed animals. These effects are not confined to the gut: for example, enteral feeding may cause increased responsiveness to glucose by pancreatic β cells. Enteral feeding is not a new experience for the newborn infant: by the end of pregnancy, the fetus is swallowing about 500 ml of amniotic fluid daily, providing up to 3 g of protein ( ), a similar fluid intake and about 25–50% of the protein intake of the breastfed infant at term. Enteral feeding in utero contributes to fetal nutrition and may help to prepare the gut for extrauterine feeding.
The following factors are important in regulating the adaptation of the intestine to extrauterine nutrition:
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Endocrine secretion. Corticosteroids and thyroxine are critical triggers for gut development. Adrenalectomy, hypophysectomy and thyroidectomy in animals delay gut maturation, whereas administration of glucocorticoids or thyroxine prior to delivery causes elongation of microvilli, increases the activities of the brush-border enzymes sucrase, enteropeptidase and alkaline phosphatase, and induces pancreatic enzyme secretion postnatally.
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Intraluminal factors. These may be endogenous (secreted by the GI tract) or exogenous (dietary nutrients), and act either directly on the cells of the GI tract or indirectly via effects on hormone secretion. For example, in neonatal rats, enteral feeding with sucrose increases intestinal sucrase and isomaltase, whereas lactose increases gut lactase, a finding consistent with the observed tolerance of preterm infants to lactose despite the late development of lactase in infants born at term. Surges in plasma levels of gut hormones can be induced by small, nutritionally insignificant volumes of milk, leading to the concept of minimal enteral feeding, where small volumes of milk are used to promote intestinal maturation and adaptation even when the infant is too sick to tolerate full enteral nutrition. However, although intraluminal factors undoubtedly influence GI development, they do not provide the sole trigger for ontogenetic changes, as normal maturational patterns of enzymes may occur in surgically bypassed segments of gut ( ).
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Minimal enteral feeding (trophic feeding) has been demonstrated to produce more ordered patterns of gut motility ( ) and more rapid gut transit times ( ). Altough some studies have suggested that minimal enteral feeding can promote intestinal maturation, enhance feeding tolerance and decrease the time taken to reach full enteral feeds, a recent systematic review and meta-analysis ( ) of trophic feeding in very-low-birthweight (VLBW) infants, including data on 754 infants from nine randomised controlled trials (RCTs), concluded that there was no evidence for an effect of trophic feeding on feed tolerance or growth rate in VLBW infants; nor was there a statistically significant effect on the incidence of NEC (relative risk (RR) 1.07 (95% confidence interval (CI) 0.667–1.70). The authors concluded that further large pragmatic controlled trials are required, particularly in high-risk groups such as those born growth-restricted with absent or reversed end-diastolic flow in the umbilical artery.
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Breast milk hormones and growth factors (see Chapter 16 part 2 ). A large number of substances present in human milk have been demonstrated to play a role in regulating the adaptive changes that accompany the transition to enteral feeding. These include bombesin, somatostatin, epidermal growth factor, insulin-like growth factors IGF-1 and IGF-2 and nucleotides. In many cases these substances undergo only limited degradation in the stomach and appear to retain bioactivity in the intestine. Although they may not be essential for survival, the higher incidence of GI disease in infants fed formula raises the possibility that these compounds may contribute to the protective effect of human milk.
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Bacteria. Studies on the GI flora of infants fed human milk or formula suggest that the indigenous microflora are an important factor in GI development and function (see later), altering the activities of various enzymes.
Biological consequences of depriving babies of enteral feeds after birth
Exclusive intravenous feeding in rats results in decreased weight of the small intestine, pancreas and oxyntic area of the stomach, associated with a significant reduction in small-intestinal DNA and a dramatic reduction in antral gastrin content; in contrast, animal studies have shown that other organs not directly concerned with nutrition, such as spleen and testes, remain unaffected ( ) and demonstrated intestinal mucosal atrophy during parenteral nutrition, with concomitant reduction in brush-border enzyme activities. These effects may be related to the very low concentrations of circulating gut hormones found in human infants deprived of enteral feeding.
Although after short periods of parenteral nutrition in neonates tolerance to enteral feeds usually increases rapidly (in the absence of structural anomaly of the gut), it remains to be established whether prolonged avoidance of enteral feeding could deprive the neonate of critical signals for gut development.
Non-nutritional consequences of enteral feeding
When a neonate is fed, dynamic alterations occur in splanchnic blood flow, with a significant increase in velocity, which is 35% greater in formula-fed term infants than in breastfed infants. Fasting velocities are also higher in formula-fed infants ( ). In preterm infants, there is a significant correlation between the increase in mean superior mesenteric artery blood flow seen after a test feed and subsequent early tolerance of enteral feeds ( ). Preterm infants fed hourly have higher preprandial blood flow in the superior mesenteric artery, with no significant postprandial change, whereas those fed 3-hourly show lower preprandial blood flow and significant postprandial hyperaemia, with a longer latency and smaller amplitude after expressed breast milk than after preterm formula ( ). These findings suggest that both the frequency and composition of feeds influence splanchnic blood flow in preterm infants. Changes may also occur in pulmonary function, with decreased tidal volume, minute ventilation and compliance in VLBW infants randomised to intermittent versus continuous feeds ( ).
Individual nutrients: physiology and dietary needs of term and preterm infants
Calculation of the nutrient requirements for term infants has traditionally been based on the composition of breast milk. However, the precise dietary intake of breastfed babies is unknown, and there is ongoing uncertainty over what should be regarded as an ideal pattern of growth during infancy, with data from animals and now humans increasingly suggesting that accelerated early growth may be associated with adverse effects on later health ( ). Thus, appropriate dietary goals continue to be disputed. The EC Directive Compositional Criteria for Infant Formulae ( ) are shown in Table 16.1 . All infant formula manufacturers in the UK are required by law to comply with these.
Minimum | Maximum | ||
Energy | |||
kJ | 293 | 250 | 295 |
kcal | 70 | 60 | 71 |
Protein (g) | 1.3 | 1.1 | 2.1 |
Lactose (g) | 7 | 2.8 | NS |
Total carbohydrate (g) | 5.5 | 10.0 | |
Fat (g) | 4.2 | 2.6 | 4.1 |
Vitamins (µg) | |||
A | 60 | 35 | 127 |
D | 0.01 | 0.63 | 1.92 |
E * | 0.35 | 0.5 † | 1.2 † |
K | 0.21 | 2.4 | NS |
Thiamin | 16 | 35 | 212 |
Riboflavin | 30 | 48 | 212 |
Nicotinic acid | 230 | 150 | NS |
Pyridoxine | 6 | 22.5 | 124 |
B 12 | 0.01 | 0.06 | NS |
Folic acid | 5.2 | 6.25 | 35 |
Biotin | 0.76 | 1.0 | 5.3 |
C | 3.8 | 6.25 | 22.1 |
Minerals | |||
Sodium (mg) | 15 | 12.5 | 41.3 |
Potassium (mg) | 60 | 37.5 | 112 |
Chloride (mg) | 43 | 30 | 112 |
Calcium (mg) | 35 | 30 | 97 |
Phosphorus (mg) | 15 | 15 | 65 |
Magnesium (mg) | 2.3 | 3.0 | 10.6 |
Iron (mg) | 0.76 | 0.18 | 0.89 |
Iodine (µg) | 7 | 6.25 | 35 |
Zinc (mg) | 0.295 | 0.3 | 1.1 |
Copper (µg) | 39 | 21 | 74 |
* mg (TE), tocopherol equivalents; NS, not specified.
† minimum 0.5/g polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA), maximum 1.2/g PUFA.
LBW babies are not a homogeneous population: their requirements and tolerance of individual nutrients are influenced by gestation, postnatal age and concomitant illness. Nevertheless, there is some international consensus on the advisable intakes for each nutrient. This field was comprehensively reviewed by the Committee on Nutrition of the European Society for Paediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition ( ), and by a panel of international experts ( ), who considered separately the needs of infants above or below 1000 g; a summary of the recommendations by these panels for intakes of individual nutrients is shown in Table 16.2 . The scientific and clinical basis for current recommendations for the desirable nutrient intakes in preterm infants is illustrated below.
per kg/day | per 100 kcal | per kg/day | per 100 kcal | per kg/day | per 100 kcal | |
Energy | ||||||
kcal | 110–135 | 130–150 | 110–130 | |||
kJ | ||||||
Protein (g) | 4.0–4.5 <1 kg | 3.6–4.1 <1 kg | 3.8–4.4 | 2.5–3.4 | 3.4–4.2 | |
3.5–4.0 1–1.8 kg | 3.2–3.6 | |||||
Fat (g) | 4.8–6.6 | 4.4–6.0 <40% MCT | 6.2–8.4 | 4.1–6.5 | 5.3–7.2 | |
Linolenic acid (mg) | 385–1540 | 350–1400 | ||||
Linoleic/ALA | 5–15.1 | 5–15 | 5–15 | |||
ALA (mg) * | >55 (0.9% FA) | >50 | ||||
DHA (mg) * | 12–30 | 11–27 | ge21 | ge16 | ge18 | ge16 |
AA (mg) | 18–42 | 16–39 | ge28 | ge22 | ge24 | ge22 |
Carbohydrate (g) | 11.6–13.2 | 10.5–12 | 9–20 | 6.0–15.4 | 7–17 | 5.4–15.5 |
Lactose | ||||||
Oligomers | ||||||
Sodium (mg) | 69–115 | 63–105 | 69–115 | 46–88 | 69–115 | 53–105 |
Potassium (mg) | 66–132 | 60–120 | 78–117 | 52–90 | 78–117 | 60–106 |
Chloride (mg | 105–177 | 95–161 | 107–249 | 71–192 | 107–249 | 82–226 |
Calcium (mg) | 120–140 | 110–130 | 100–220 | 67–169 | 100–220 | 77–200 |
Phosphate (mg) | 60–90 | 55–80 | 60–140 | 40–108 | 60–140 | 46–127 |
Magnesium (mg) | 8–15 | 7.5–13.6 | 7.9–15 | 5.3–11.5 | 7.9–15 | 6.1–13.6 |
Iron (mg) | 2–3 | 1.8–2.7 | 2–4 | 1.33–3.08 | 2–4 | 1.5–3.6 |
Zinc (mg) | 1.1–2.0 | 1.0–1.8 | 1.0–3.0 | 0.67–2.3 | 1.0–3.0 | 0.77–2.7 |
Copper (µg) | 100–132 | 90–120 | 120–150 | 80–115 | 120–150 | 92–136 |
Selenium (µg) | 5–10 | 4.5–9.0 | 1.3–4.5 | 0.9–3.5 | 1.3–4.5 | 1.0–4.1 |
Manganese (µg) | <27.5 | 6.4–2.5 | 0.7–7.5 | 0.5–5.8 | 0.7–7.5 | 0.5–6.8 |
Iodine (µg) | 11–55 | 10–50 | 10–60 | 6.7–46.2 | 10–60 | 7.7–54.5 |
Vitamin A (IU: 1 µg RE = 33.33 IU) | 400–1000 | 360–740 | 700–1500 | 467–1154 | 700–1500 | 538–1364 |
Vitamin D (IU) | 800–1000 | 150–400 | 100–308 | 150–400 | 115–364 | |
Vitamin E (mg α-TE) | 2.2–11 | 2–10 | 6–12 † | 4.0–9.2 | 6–12 † | 4.6–10.9 |
Vitamin K (µg) | 4.4–28 | 4–25 | 8–10 | 5.3–7.7 | 8–10 | 6.2–9.1 |
Vitamin C (mg) | 11–46 | 10–42 | 18–24 | 12.0–18.5 | 18–24 | 13.8–21.8 |
Thiamin (µg) | 140–300 | 125–275 | 180–240 | 120–185 | 180–240 | 138–218 |
Riboflavin (µg) | 200–400 | 180–365 | 250–360 | 167–277 | 250–360 | 192–327 |
Pyridoxine (µg) | 45–300 | 41–273 | 150–210 | 100–162 | 150–210 | 115–191 |
Niacin (µg) | 380–5500 | 345–5000 | 3.6–4.8 | 2.4–3.7 | 3.6–4.8 | 2.8–4.4 |
B 12 (µg) | 0.1–0.77 | 0.08–0.7 | 0.3 | 0.2–0.23 | 0.3 | 0.23–0.27 |
Folate (µg) | 35–100 | 32–90 | 25–50 | 17–38 | 25–50 | 19–45 |
Taurine (mg) | 4.5–9.0 | 3.0–6.9 | 4.5–9.0 | 3.5–8.2 | ||
Inositol (mg) | 4.4–53 | 4–48 | 32–81 | 21–62 | 32–81 | 25–74 |
Choline (mg) | 8–55 | 7–50 | 14.4–28 | 9.6–21.5 | 14.4–28 | 11.1–25.5 |
* Ratio of AA to DHA should be in the range of 1.0–2.0 to 1 (wt/wt) and eicosapentaenoic acid supply should not exceed 30% of DHA supply.
Proteins and amino acids
The protein intake per kilogram bodyweight for the human infant is greater than for adults. In mammals, the protein content of milk correlates highly with postnatal growth rate. Nine amino acids are considered essential in human nutrition: arginine, lysine, leucine, isoleucine, valine, methionine, phenylalanine, threonine and tryptophan. However, because of the late development of certain enzymes of amino acid metabolism, the newborn infant may have a temporarily increased requirement for cysteine and histidine, and perhaps for taurine (see below).
Digestion and absorption
Luminal hydrolysis results in the breakdown of most large-molecular-weight proteins into peptides and amino acids. Most peptides are then hydrolysed by peptidases on the microvillus membrane prior to transport through the membrane, but some are absorbed intact. Although pepsin secretion is lower in preterm than term infants at birth, it is unaffected by the type of diet ( ). The activity of brush-border peptidases is also low in preterm infants at birth, but increases rapidly.
Protein requirements for term babies
These are discussed further in Chapter 16, part 2 . The EC Directive guidelines recommend that formulas containing unmodified cow’s milk protein should contain 1.1–2.1 g of protein per 100 ml of reconstituted feed. As growth velocity falls during infancy, there is a progressively decreased need for protein intake per kilogram of bodyweight. In recent years, there has been increasing speculation over the role of excess infant protein intake and increased risk of later obesity ( ); hence there have been moves to lower the protein intakes of term infants.
Estimating the protein requirements for the preterm baby
That the rapid growth in preterm babies might greatly increase the need for dietary protein has been appreciated for over 40 years. The increasing survival of extremely preterm and extremely low-birthweight (ELBW) infants, and the appreciation that these infants often acquire substantial nutrient deficits accompanied by compromised growth during early postnatal life, has led to a re-evaluation of their protein requirements. Recent recommendations take account of a number of factors and serve as a model for the investigation of requirements for other nutrients.
Relation of protein intake to growth
Previous recommendations were based largely on estimated requirements to match the growth rate of a fetus of equivalent postconceptional age. Weight gain and linear growth are the traditional measures of nutritional status. demonstrated that preterm infants gained weight more rapidly on high-protein-containing formulas than on human milk, and showed that weight gain was greater in preterm infants fed a formula supplying 4 g/kg/24 h rather than 2 g/kg/24 h. High intakes of protein may also result in an increase in linear growth and a greater rate of increase in head circumference ( ; ). Weight gain approximating to that in utero can be achieved at approximately 3 g/kg/day protein intake ( ; ). Intakes of protein less than 3–3.5 g/kg/day can support intrauterine rates of weight gain, but only when accompanied by very high energy intakes, which then promote a much higher body fat than would be seen in the fetus.
Newer recommendations also recognise the need for compensation of the initial protein gap and early catch-up growth. Recent studies have highlighted the cumulative deficits in protein and energy intakes seen in preterm infants, particularly the smallest and sickest infants during early postnatal life. Even beyond this ‘transition’ period, actual intakes rarely match those recommended due to various clinical conditions ( ).
A factorial approach
Protein requirements may be derived using a combination of values for body composition and for nitrogen retention, obtained from balance studies. The results from a number of such studies show that protein gain increases linearly with intakes between approximately 2 and 4.5 g/kg/24 h ( ; ). These calculations involve making assumptions about desirable postnatal growth performance, but the results emphasise that, in order to achieve the accretion of nitrogen at the same rate as seen in utero during the second half of gestation – estimated to be approximately 1.7g/kg/day, although this falls at the end of gestation – the preterm infant requires substantially greater intakes of protein than would be obtained by a term infant fed on breast milk. In a sick infant in whom a temporary period of reduced nutritional intake is necessary, it is important at least to prevent catabolism. Theoretically, a protein intake of 0.7 g/kg/24 h will result in a reduction of protein turnover to the point of equilibrium (that is, zero gain and zero loss), and from a pragmatic point of view this should be the minimum acceptable daily intake.
There is also increasing focus on matching the lean body mass and protein gain of the fetus rather than simply weight gain. Fetal weight gain consists predominantly of lean body mass, such that, at term, lean body mass represents about 87% of weight. In contrast, postnatal weight gain contains a much higher proportion of fat. Hence it is generally considered that lean body mass gain is preferable to weight gain in the evaluation of postnatal growth.
Assessment of protein undernutrition
A low concentration of plasma protein is a traditional index of protein malnutrition. Preterm infants fed on human milk (banked or own mother’s) may develop hypoproteinaemia after the second month of postnatal life, and this is prevented by protein supplementation ( ). Intakes in the range 3–4.5g/kg/day will achieve acceptable plasma albumin and transthyretin concentrations ( ).
Assessment of protein ‘overload’
showed that, compared with a breastfed control group of infants receiving 2.0 g protein per kilogram per day, a formula-fed group receiving 4.4 g protein per kilogram per day demonstrated azotaemia, a lower blood glucose, hyperaminoacidaemia (especially phenylalanine) and metabolic acidosis, and regained birthweight more slowly. However, balance and stable isotope studies ( ) have emphasised that the amount of energy absorbed is critical for the rate of protein synthesis. If energy intake is low, high protein intakes cannot be utilised and the infant’s metabolic machinery is stressed; in contrast, diets with high available energy and large protein intakes, of at least 4 g/kg/24 h, result in increased nitrogen retention and growth, without metabolic strain. For this reason, it is conventional to express protein (and indeed other nutrient requirements) in relation to energy intake ( Table 16.2 ) as well as in absolute terms.
Short- and long-term outcome studies
Arguably the most important issue is whether early protein intake could have longer term consequences, either adverse or beneficial. A recent systematic review ( ) identified five RCTs comparing different protein intakes in preterm infants and reported improved weight gain and higher nitrogen accretion in infants receiving formulas with higher protein content (>3 but <4 g/kg/day). None of the studies examined cognitive outcome. However, a study in 495 ELBW infants ( ) suggested that in-hospital growth velocity had a significant impact on neurodevelopment and growth outcomes at 18–22 months postterm. In another study, preterm infants randomised to receive a preterm formula containing 2 g/100 ml protein showed both better short-term growth than those fed a standard term formula containing 1.45 g/100 ml and improved neurodevelopment 7.5–8 years later ( ). Finally, a recent observational study reported that higher protein and energy intake during the first week of life in ELBW infants was associated with higher Bayley mental developmental index (MDI) scores at 18 months and with a lower likelihood of restricted linear growth. Each 1 g/kg/day increase in protein during week 1 was calculated to be associated with an 8.2-point increase in Bayley MDI ( ).
Despite increasing evidence supporting the clinical benefits of an adequate protein intake, a study by cautioned that excessive intakes could have adverse effects. A total of 304 infants below 2000 g were randomised to 2% or 4% protein diets, providing, respectively, 3.0–3.6 and 6.0–7.2 g protein per kilogram per day. Infants below 1300 g in the high protein intake group had a markedly higher incidence of low IQs (below 90) by Stanford–Binet score at 5 years of age. The incidence of strabismus in infants below 1700 g fed on a high protein intake was also increased.
Protein quality
All protein supplies are not equal and it is recognised that net protein utilisation (N retained/N intake) differs with different feeding regimens. Whey proteins have a lower concentration of aromatic amino acids (tyrosine and phenylalanine) than are found in caseins; the studies by were performed with high-casein formulas (like cow’s milk), but most modern formulas are whey-predominant, reducing the possibility of hypertyrosinaemia and hyperphenylalaninaemia. Whey is also a good source of cysteine, a potentially essential amino acid in the newborn period (see above). However, there are still considerable differences in the protein composition of modern infant formulas compared with breast milk. A large part of this difference relates to the lower concentration of α-lactalbumin and higher concentration of β-lactoglubulin in bovine milk. It is now possible to make whey fractions from bovine milk with lower β-lactoglubulin and higher α-lactalbumin. These fractions contain higher concentrations of essential amino acids, particularly tryptophan and cysteine. Their addition to infant formulas may result in plasma amino acid patterns closer to those seen in breastfed infants, and allow a reduction in the total protein levels, with potential benefits for the infant’s growth pattern ( ; ).
Amino acid composition
There is increasing focus on amino acid requirements rather than protein requirements, on the basis that infants require specific amino acids, not proteins. Little is known about the optimal intakes of specific amino acids. However, a different amino acid composition of protein may well alter the total amount required. Breastfed infants have higher plasma and urine taurine concentrations and a higher rate of synthesis of bile acids than those fed on formula; the latter may partially explain the better fat absorption of infants fed human milk rather than formulas ( ). Rhesus monkeys fed a taurine-deficient formula for the first 6 or 12 months of life show abnormal retinal structure, although the abnormalities show some degree of spontaneous regression by 12 months even when the animals remain on the deficient diet ( ). A randomised trial of taurine supplementation in formula-fed preterm infants ( ) showed no effect on growth, behaviour or electroretinograms, but some evidence of more rapid auditory maturation in the supplemented group at the equivalent of term (as assessed by brainstem-evoked response). More recently, have shown that preterm infants with the highest plasma taurine concentrations during the neonatal period have better numeracy skills during adolescence and better development of the related parietal cortical grey matter. Thus, it seems prudent to add taurine to LBW formulas to achieve concentrations similar to those of breast milk.
Glutamine is used as a fuel by the small intestine and as a precursor for the synthesis of purine and pyrimidine bases. Numerous studies in animals and adult humans have demonstrated that it has beneficial effects on the GI tract, including the maintenance of structure and function during parenteral nutrition. A systematic review that included data from 2365 preterm infants who participated in seven randomised trials of either enteral or parenteral glutamine supplementation concluded there was no evidence of a beneficial effect of supplementation on mortality or short-term morbidity. The single study that assessed longer term outcomes found no effect on neurodevelopment at 18 months’ corrected age ( ).
Arginine is a precursor for the synthesis of nitric oxide, which in turn is important as a regulator of vascular perfusion. Plasma arginine concentrations have been found to be inversely related to the severity of respiratory distress syndrome, and low concentrations have been reported in infants who develop NEC. A single randomised trial of arginine supplementation (1.5 mmol/kg/day, given either enterally or parenterally) versus placebo in preterm infants found a significantly reduced incidence of NEC in supplemented infants (RR 0.24; 95% CI 0.10–0.61), with no adverse effects. However, given the high incidence of NEC in the study population, the data are insufficient at present to support a practice recommendation. A multicentre randomised controlled study of arginine supplementation in preterm neonates is needed, focusing on the incidence of NEC, particularly the more severe stages (2 or 3).
Digestion and absorption
Fat provides about half the energy for infants fed human milk, and its digestion commences in the stomach, catalysed by lingual lipase and gastric lipase ( ). Gastric lipolysis is quantitatively greater in the infant than in the adult, and the output and activity of lipases in the preterm infant are equal to those of adults maintained on a high-fat diet. Although gastric function and the production of lipase are unaffected by infant diet, the extent of fat digestion is greater in babies fed human milk (25%) than formula (14%), probably because of the structural differences between triglyceride in human milk fat globules and that in formula fat particles. Both lingual and gastric lipases are able to penetrate the milk fat globule membrane and digest triglyceride without disrupting its structure. The contribution of pancreatic lipases is relatively lower in infants than in adults. However, the bile salt-stimulated lipase (BSSL) present in human milk may contribute significantly to fat digestion. BSSL is present in high quantities even in the milk of mothers who deliver prematurely, and its concentration is independent of milk volume. Unlike gastric and pancreatic lipases, BSSL shows no positional or fatty acid specificity and is able to produce free fatty acids which are more easily absorbed than mono- or diglycerides at the low bile salt concentration seen in newborn infants.
The products of fat digestion are absorbed, resynthesised as triglycerides and secreted mainly into the lymphatic system as chylomicrons, and thence into the blood via the great veins. The foregoing applies to long-chain triglycerides, which are best absorbed if they are unsaturated. In contrast, medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs: 8–10 carbon atoms to the chain) are handled quite differently: their digestion is largely independent of bile salts; they are well absorbed, hydrolysed or intact, and pass to the liver via the portal system. Faecal fat excretion in newborn infants is greater in infants fed on cow’s milk than in those fed on human milk or vegetable fats.
Most modern formulas contain a mixture of animal and vegetable oils, adjusted to mimic the pattern of fatty acid saturation and chain lengths found in breast milk. When compared with human milk, such fat mixtures have a reduced content of fatty acids esterified to glycerol in the 2 position and an increase in those esterified in the 1 and 3 positions. The latter undergo hydrolysis in the gut, releasing palmitic acid, which is poorly absorbed and tends to form calcium soaps; this may be partly responsible for the harder stools seen in formula-fed infants, and could influence calcium absorption. A recent review identified nine publications in preterm or term infants in which ‘standard’ infant formulas containing high palmitate concentrations were compared with either low palmitate formulas or formulas containing a modified synthetic fat blend (Betapol) with a high proportion of fatty acids esterified in the 2 position to mimic that found in human milk ( ). Standardised results from these studies were consistently positive in favour of the low/synthetic palmitate groups with respect to intestinal fractional absorption of fat, palmitic acid and calcium. Total body bone mass was also significantly higher in two studies ( ; ), suggesting that increased calcium absorption results in measurable biological effects in the short term ( ). However, follow-up of one of these cohorts at age 10 years found no persisting effect of the intervention on bone mass, suggesting that any effect may be transient (Fewtrell et al. unpublished observations).
Fat requirements
Because there are clinical and physiological ceilings on the amount of dietary energy that it is desirable to supply as carbohydrate or protein, a minimum of around 30% of dietary energy needs to be supplied as fat. Linoleic and alpha-linolenic acids are essential fatty acids for the development of the brain and for prostaglandin synthesis. Essential fatty acid deficiency is also associated with skin lesions and retarded growth.
Two other dietary factors are important for lipid metabolism. Carnitine plays a key role by facilitating transport of long-chain fatty acids across the mitochondrial membrane prior to their oxidation ( ). Carnitine deficiency during the neonatal period has been reported in infants who experience intrapartum hypoxia and acidosis ( ). Preterm and small-for-gestational age (SGA) infants may have impaired endogenous carnitine synthesis, and if carnitine intake is deficient (as in total parenteral nutrition (TPN)) plasma and tissue concentrations fall. Nevertheless, there is currently insufficient evidence to judge whether such infants are put at clinical risk from a low-carnitine diet is uncertain. A randomised trial found that preterm infants who received supplemental carnitine in parenteral nutrition did not demonstrate any reduction in apnoea of prematurity, ventilatory requirements or need for supplemental oxygen therapy compared with those who received placebo ( ). Standard formulas usually contain similar concentrations of carnitine to those in breast milk, but some preterm formulas have additional carnitine.
Choline is required for phospholipid and acetylcholine synthesis ( ). About half the choline requirement is derived from the diet. Human and cow’s milk-based diets provide a sufficient intake.
Inositol, a six-carbon cyclic polyalcohol sugar, is a component of membrane phospholipids, and compounds containing inositol are important in signal transduction. Breast milk, particularly colostrum, contains high concentrations, whereas the levels in infant formulas are lower and intravenous feeding solutions have none. At present, it is recommended that all preterm infants receive supplementation based upon the level of inositol in human milk. A systematic review of three RCTs of inositol supplementation in preterm infants concluded that supplementation results in a statistically significant and clinically important reduction in the risk of chronic lung disease, retinopathy of prematurity (stage 4 or needing therapy), intraventricular haemorrhage (grade III–IV) and death ( ). The authors suggest a multicentre RCT of appropriate size is required to confirm these findings.
Essential fatty acid requirements
Two groups of long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (LCPUFAs, i.e. polyunsaturated fatty acids with greater than 18-carbon chain length) have received increasing interest in recent years: these are homologues of linoleic acid of the n-6 series (dihomogammalinolenic acid, arachidonic acid) and of α-linolenic acid of the n-3 series (eicosapentaenoic acid, docosahexaenoic acid (DHA)). The LCPUFAs are synthesised from the precursor essential fatty acids by a process of chain elongation and desaturation ( Fig. 16.1 ). They are found in high concentrations in the phospholipids of cell membranes, notably in the central nervous system ( ). In addition, arachidonic acid, dihomogammalinolenic acid and eicosapentaenoic acid are precursors for eicosanoids – important modulators and mediators of a variety of essential biological processes.

Rapid accumulation of LCPUFAs in the brain, particularly DHA, occurs from the third trimester to 18 months postpartum ( ). Human milk contains both the precursor essential fatty acids and adequate LCPUFAs for structural lipid accretion ( ), but infant formulas traditionally contained only the parent essential fatty acids, the assumption being that the infant could synthesise LCPUFAs from these. However, term and preterm infants fed on formulas which contain minimal LCPUFAs have been shown to have lower red cell LCPUFAs and lower LCPUFAs in the phospholipids of the cerebral cortex and subcutaneous tissues than infants fed breast milk ( ; ; ). Largely on the basis of the biochemical data, recommended several years ago that formulas for LBW infants should be enriched with metabolites of both linoleic and linolenic acids, approximating the levels typical of human milk; indeed, the majority of preterm and term infant formulas now contain preformed LCPUFAs. However, although there is clear evidence that supplementing infant formulas with LCPUFAs results in biochemical improvement, there is less evidence of lasting clinical benefits; recently updated systematic reviews concluded there was no evidence for a clinical benefit of LCPUFA supplementation of term ( ) or preterm ( ) infant formula. In the most recent and largest trial conducted in this field, preterm infants (<33 weeks’ gestation) were randomised to receive either high DHA (1% of total fatty acids) versus a typical current DHA intake (0.3%) achieved by a combination of supplementing mothers who were expressing milk for their infant and the use of DHA-supplemented formulas. No effect of high-dose supplementation was seen overall at 18 ( ) or 26 months’ ( ) corrected age, although girls had significantly higher Bayley MDI at 18 months. Longer term follow-up studies are currently in progress, testing for effects of LCPUFAs on health outcomes, including cardiovascular risk as well as cognitive function.
Term babies
The EC Directive guidelines ( ) recommend that the fat content of infant formulas should lie between 2.6 and 4.1 g per 100 ml of feed. The guidelines also specify levels for alpha-linoleic acid (not less than 12 mg/100 kcal) and linoleic acid (300–1200 mg/100 kcal), with the linoleic/alpha-linoleic ratio between 5 and 15, for term infant formulas. However, there is currently no requirement to add LCPUFAs, although, if added, their content shall not exceed 1% of total fat for n-3 LCP and 2% of total fat for n-6 LCP. Furthermore, the DHA content shall not exceed that of the n-6 LCP and the eicosapentaenoic acid content shall not exceed the DHA content.
Preterm babies
The main problem with dietary fat in preterm infants is the increased tendency to steatorrhoea. Reduced fat absorption in LBW infants relates to:
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reduced pancreatic lipase and carboxylic ester hydrolase activity
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reduced bile acid pool size and secretion rate: the duodenal bile acid concentration may well be below the critical level for micelle formation
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possible reduction in activity or excretion of lingual lipase.
Fat absorption from fresh breast milk is approximately 90%, but the observed range is enormous. found that fat absorption from expressed breast milk fell to 55% in VLBW infants fed pasteurised milk, and to around 45% when the milk was boiled. These data may reflect loss of the bile salt-stimulated lipase found in human milk due to heat treatment.
A controversial issue is the addition of large quantities of MCTs to specially designed preterm infant formulas, largely because such babies absorb palmitic acid (n-16) poorly. The MCT content of human milk is low (less than 2% total fatty acids), whereas modern preterm formulas may contain up to 40% of the fat in this form. MCTs may spare dietary nitrogen and enhance calcium and magnesium absorption ( ). However, a review that included eight small randomised trials of MCT versus long-chain triglycerides in preterm infants concluded there was no evidence for an effect of MCT on short-term growth, GI intolerance, or NEC, although larger studies would be required to confirm these findings and to examine longer term outcomes ( ).
The carbohydrate in human milk is almost entirely lactose, which provides 40% of ingested energy ( ). Other carbohydrates, e.g. sucrose and maltodextrins, may be hydrolysed efficiently by active brush-border sucrase, maltase and isomaltase, even in preterm infants, and starch or glucose polymers can be digested by salivary and pancreatic amylase, by amylase present in human milk, and by intestinal mucosal hydrolases.
Dietary lactose undergoes one of two processes: hydrolysis into glucose and galactose by the intestinal brush-border lactase, followed by absorption of glucose and galactose, or fermentation in the colon, with production of various gases and short-chain fatty acids. Energy from the latter can be absorbed, compensating at least in part for the inefficiency of dietary energy utilisation. Short-chain fatty acids administered into the colon have also been shown to stimulate intestinal growth following gut resection in animal models, and prevent mucosal atrophy after resection and TPN. There is controversy over the possible role of lactose fermentation in the development of NEC. However, although there are some experimental data linking excessive carbohydrate fermentation in the small intestine with an inflammatory condition resembling NEC, there is little evidence that colonic lactose fermentation is a primary factor.
Galactose and glucose are absorbed by the same carrier mechanism, and more than 90% reaches the portal vein. Most galactose is removed by the liver on first pass, and appears to be preferentially used for glycogen synthesis rather than conversion to glucose.
There is currently intense interest in the prebiotic role of oligosaccharides in human milk. Prebiotics are defined as non-digestible food ingredients that selectively stimulate the growth and/or activity of one or more bacteria in the colon, and therefore benefit the host. They promote the bifidogenic-dominant colonic microflora observed in breastfed infants, which in turn protects the infant from enteropathogenic bacteria. Human milk contains hundreds, if not thousands, of oligosaccharides; the composition is genetically determined with wide interindividual variation, making it difficult to define (and therefore to mimic) the oligosaccharide content of breast milk. Cow’s milk formulas traditionally contained no oligosaccharides, but, in recent years, oligosaccharide mixtures such as GosFos (a mixture of 90% galacto-oligosaccharides with 10% fructo-oligosaccharides) have been added. Randomised trials of supplementation of formula with oligosaccharides have shown enhanced colonisation with beneficial intestinal flora in both term and preterm infants, but there is less evidence for effects on clinical outcome ( ).
Term infants’ requirements
The EC Directive recommendation ( ) for carbohydrate intake is that it should be between 5.5 and 10.0 g per 100 ml of reconstituted feed, and that the lactose content should be above 2.7 g/100 ml ( Table 16.1 ). Other carbohydrate sources that are permitted in modern formulas are maltose, sucrose, glucose, maltodextrin, glucose syrup and precooked or gelatinised starch.
Preterm infants’ requirements
It is difficult to infer from physiological studies which carbohydrate is optimal for LBW infants. Lactose may enhance gut absorption of calcium and magnesium and may encourage a favourable gut flora; excessive intakes may result in diarrhoea and metabolic acidosis, yet in practice a high lactose intake in preterm infants is usually well tolerated.
One approach in the design of preterm formulas is to use lactose as the principal carbohydrate source, but to replace a proportion of the carbohydrate with glucose polymers in order to prevent excess osmolality (see Table 16.2 for recommended intakes).
The fundamental energy ( E ) equation is:
E intake + E stored = E expended + E excreted
Energy expended may be subdivided further:
E expended = E BMR + E activity + E synthesis + E thermoreg
where E stored is the energy deposited during growth, E BMR is the basal energy requirement, E activity is the additional cost of muscular activity, E synthesis is the metabolic cost of growing (excluding energy stored in new tissue) and E thermoreg is the energy cost of maintaining body temperature.
Traditionally, the tools used to derive these values have been energy balances and indirect calorimetry (energy expenditure calculated from oxygen consumption and carbon dioxide production) performed under different experimental conditions during rest. More recently, the ‘doubly labelled water method’ has been used to measure total energy expenditure over periods of several days. This non-invasive method depends on monitoring the differential disappearance from the body of two stable (non-radioactive) isotopes, 18 O and deuterium, both administered orally as labelled water.
There has been dispute over which conversion factors should be used for either human or cow’s milk to derive the metabolisable energy content (the gross energy of the food from bomb calorimetry minus the energy lost in the stools and urine) from macronutrient concentrations. Although not entirely appropriate to the milk-fed neonate, the conventional Atwater conversion factors derived by are commonly used.
Term infants’ requirements
The EC Directive guidelines recommend that formula should contain similar energy contents to those reported in human milk, i.e. 60–71 kcal/100 ml of reconstituted feed. However, from studies employing the doubly labelled water method, suggested that infants fed on human milk may receive lower energy intakes than those commonly reported and those employed in modern formulas – they obtained a value of 58 kcal/100 ml at 3 months; this may explain why modern formula-fed term infants grow faster than their breastfed counterparts.
Term SGA infants have been reported to have energy expenditures 5–10% higher than infants who are appropriate for gestational age, and may therefore benefit from increased energy to promote catch-up growth. In one study, a high-energy formula resulted in a marginal increase in weight gain and head growth ( ). However, it is likely that both extra energy and protein are required simultaneously.
Preterm infants’ requirements
The energy requirements for preterm infants cannot be calculated without some consideration of the desired composition of weight gain, as the deposition of different types of tissue incurs different energy costs. For example, 9 kcal are stored in each gram of fat, compared with 4 kcal per gram of protein. Thus, a weight gain high in fat will require more energy to be stored than one high in protein. As previously mentioned, the ratio of energy to protein is important in determining the relative amount of lean tissue versus fat which is deposited. These considerations are not just theoretical, as the different diets used for preterm infants do result in variations in the composition of tissue deposited ( Fig. 16.2 ). At present it is not known whether it is best to aim for a weight gain with 15% fat (as in the fetus) or nearer 40% fat (as in a term infant), and, unless this can be shown to have implications for future health, one might argue that it is academic. The results to date have been conflicting: and both found no differences in growth at 2 or 3 years of age in preterm infants who had shown wide differences in adiposity as infants. However, reported that greater adiposity at birth was a predictor of greater fatness at 6 years of age. In our own randomised trial of diet in preterm infants we found major differences in growth rates between diet groups during the neonatal period, but no differences in either growth ( ) or body fat mass or lean mass ( ) between diet groups at follow-up in childhood or early adult life ( ).

All the components of the energy equation have been either measured or estimated in preterm infants, in order to calculate the optimal energy intake. The daily energy cost of activity is around 10 kcal/kg; the cost of thermogenesis, 10 kcal/kg/24 h (depending on thermal environment); and, at growth rates of 15 g/kg/24 h, the cost of tissue synthesis is about 10–20 kcal/kg ( ; ). The remaining component of energy expenditure, basal metabolic rate (BMR), cannot be measured in preterm infants as it requires at least a 12-hour fast. However, total energy expenditure, which includes all four of these components, has been measured over 5 days with both the doubly labelled water method and indirect calorimetry in four preterm infants ( ) growing at a mean rate of 15 g/kg/24 h, and was 58 kcal/kg/24 h (range 57–60). Other studies making measurements over 24-hour periods have produced similar figures, in the range 50–70 kcal/kg/24 h. If these figures are entered into equation (2):
E expended = E BMR + E activity + E synthesis + E thermoreg
57 − 70 ? 10 10 − 20 10
a value for BMR of between 17 and 40 g/kg/24 h is obtained ( ).
In order to estimate energy requirements, it is necessary to consider both the energy stored and energy excreted. In the study by , energy stored was 59 kcal/kg/24 h (which is about twice the figure for in utero energy deposition and substantially higher than ideal estimates for preterm infants, owing to the increased fat deposition seen postnatally). Energy losses in the stools have been estimated to be around 10–30 kcal/kg bodyweight, but massive losses may occur (well in excess of 50% of intake) in sick babies with an immature gut. If these figures are entered into equation (1):
E intake = E stored + E expended + E excreted

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