
7.1 Imaging


The tools of the radiologist include plain radiography, fluoroscopy (screening), intravenous, intracavity and gastrointestinal contrast media, angiography, nuclear medicine, ultrasonography, computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Interventional radiology uses imaging for procedures such as abscess drainage, sclerosis of vascular malformations, biopsy and intravenous access.

There are many differences between imaging the child and imaging the adult. Radiologists rely heavily on the expertise of medical radiation technologists and sonographers in acquiring diagnostic images in sick or injured children. The child’s physical and psychological welfare during diagnostic imaging must be considered. Imagine how the typical 2-year-old child, scheduled to have a micturating cysto-urethrogram, would react when introduced to a stranger wielding a catheter. Cooperation from young children is not possible when procedures are long and/or invasive; sedation is needed for many.

Paediatric ailments often differ from those of the adult. Congenital disease as well as acquired disease must be considered in the differential list of diagnoses. History-taking and clinical examination of infants and children is not easy; thus, information from imaging is crucial in certain situations. Radiation protection is important both for the child and for society as a whole; a child is 2 to 10 times more radiosensitive than an adult. Some specific disease states and syndromes are associated with increased susceptibility to injury from radiation (e.g. ataxia telangiectasia).

Radiation protection is provided by the following measures:

Measures 2–4 are the responsibility of the radiologist and radiographer, but the clinician is responsible for choosing imaging studies carefully. The radiologist should be available for discussion of appropriate imaging for a given diagnostic consideration.

The equipment in the department of radiology should be calibrated to provide images requiring low-dose irradiation but still provide good diagnostic detail. Factors for image production from CT should be modified to suit the size and age of the patient. Dose measurements are expressed in units termed gray (Gy) (absorbed dose; 1 Gy equals 100 rad) or sievert (Sv) (equivalent dose; 1 Sv equals 100 rem in the old terminology).

Every person is exposed to background radiation from the world around them and from cosmic rays. Radon gas provides the major source of background dose. Total annual background dose, per person, therefore depends heavily on the geographical location, and is estimated to be 2–3 mSv (Table 7.1.1). This does not include medical exposure, predominantly from CT, which in the USA has recently doubled the average per person background dose to 4–6 mSv. For comparison, two radiographs of the chest give 0.02–0.08 mSv – less radiation than received on a round trip by air across the Pacific Ocean.

Table 7.1.1 Estimated equivalent background radiation for various imaging procedures

Study Estimated equivalent background assuming background of 2.5 mSv/year
Chest X-ray, 2 views 3 days
Abdominal X-ray, 2 views 1 week
Extremity X-ray, 2–3 views 5 hours
Skull series X-ray, 3 views* 3 weeks
Upper gastrointestinal series* 6–12 months
Barium enema* 8–16 months
MCU (VCUG) 1–7 weeks
Chest CT 12–18 months
Abdominal CT 2 years
Cranial CT 8–12 months

CT, computed tomography; MCU, micturating cystourethrography; VCUG, voiding cystourethrography.

* From adult data.

Conversely, advances in imaging have made diagnosis far more accurate and safe than in the past. Radiologists can often demonstrate the likely cause(s) for a child’s symptoms and signs, enabling timely medical or surgical treatment.

Paediatric radiologists play an important intermediary role between paediatrics and radiology, in both the conduct and the interpretation of an examination. They are the clinician’s friend and the patient’s advocate. Imaging has to be problem-oriented. The most important information on a requisition form, apart from the child’s name and age, is the question to be answered. The next most important items are the legible name and contact number of the person asking the question. In this age of computerization, conversation on the telephone or, better still, face to face is invaluable when a complicated situation arises. The paediatric radiologist should do the least investigation to achieve the most information about a child’s condition.

In concluding this introductory section, we note that reliable evidence-based information, to support many of the recommendations that are in print regarding appropriate algorithms for paediatric imaging, is difficult to access. There are few clinical situations and ethical guidelines that allow performance of several studies on a child simply to compare their utility. Clinical information is frequently incomplete; ‘comparable’ studies are rarely comparable. Furthermore, local traditions, practitioners in the area, available facilities and economic conditions usually prevail in decision-making. If you have any question about the appropriate imaging for your patient, ask for help from a radiologist who is experienced in paediatric diagnosis. With these caveats, and encouragement to you, the reader, to challenge algorithms when they seem less than sensible, the following sections outline appropriate imaging considerations for particular situations, and are arranged anatomically, for easy reference.


Acute head trauma, all ages

See Chapter 3.6.

Aug 4, 2016 | Posted by in PEDIATRICS | Comments Off on Imaging

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