Incidence per 10,000
Wallis et al.
United States
Zwart et al.
Liu et al.
Andersgaard et al.
Sweden, Norway, Denmark
Knight et al.
United Kingdom
The rate of eclampsia has decreased in the industrialized countries in recent decades, despite the stable incidence of hypertensive disorders of pregnancy. The rate of eclampsia in the United Kingdom decreased from 4.9/10,000 deliveries (95 % CI 4.5–5.4) in 1992 to 2.7 cases per 10,000 deliveries (95 % CI 2.4–3.1) in 2005 [51]. This 45 % decrease reflects a continued temporal decline over the past century, with reductions of over 90 % observed since the 1920s [57]. In the United States, the age-adjusted frequency of eclampsia decreased nonsignificantly from 10.4 per 10,000 deliveries between 1987 and 1995 to 8.2 per 10,000 deliveries between 1996 and 2004 [117]. This reduction can be attributed to improved access to antenatal care, inpatient management of preeclampsia with severe features and appropriate timing of delivery, and the use of magnesium sulfate (MgSO4) [3].
Eclampsia occurs in 2–3 % of women with preeclampsia with severe features who are not receiving antiseizure prophylaxis and in up to 0.6 % of women with preeclampsia without severe features (previously referred to as “mild” preeclampsia) [106].
7.2 Pathophysiology of Eclampsia
The etiology of eclamptic convulsions is unknown, and there are many unanswered questions regarding the pathogenesis of the cerebral manifestations. Several theories and etiologic mechanisms have been implicated as possible etiologic factors, but none of these have been conclusively proven.
Cerebral autoregulation is a mechanism for maintenance of constant cerebral blood flow during changes in blood pressure; this is hypothesized to be altered in eclampsia. Cerebral blood flow normally remains relatively constant when cerebral perfusion pressure ranges between 60 and 120 mmHg [9]. In this normal range, the elevations in blood pressure result in vasoconstriction of the cerebral vessels, whereas vasodilation occurs as BP decreases.
Studies with Doppler ultrasound have outlined a picture of the cerebral hemodynamics in both normal pregnancy and preeclampsia. In normal pregnancy, the systolic velocity and resistance index in the middle cerebral artery both decrease approximately 20 % over gestation [9], whereas the cerebral perfusion pressure (CPP) increases by 50 % from early pregnancy to term (Figs. 7.1, 7.2, 7.3, and 7.4).

Fig. 7.1
Change in middle cerebral artery (MCA) systolic velocity (cm/sec) during normal gestation. Individual datapoints from each of the patients are depicted by the + symbols (Reproduced from Belfort et al. [9])

Fig. 7.2
Change in middle cerebral artery (MCA) mean velocity (cm/sec) during normal gestation. Individual datapoints from each of the patients are depicted by the + symbols (Reproduced from Belfort et al. [9])

Fig. 7.3
Change in middle cerebral artery (MCA) cerebral perfusion pressure (mmHg) during normal gestation. Individual datapoints from each of the patients are depicted by the + symbols (Reproduced from Belfort et al. [9])

Fig. 7.4
Change in middle cerebral artery (MCA) resistance index (RI) during normal gestation. Individual datapoints from each of the patients are depicted by the + symbols (Reproduced from Belfort et al. [9])
The Doppler-derived data have also been confirmed by magnetic resonance imaging studies that show that the middle and posterior cerebral artery diameters remain static during normal late pregnancy, whereas the flow (which in this stance is proportional to the velocity) decreased by approximately 20 % [123]. Cerebral autoregulation is very efficient during pregnancy, and despite a significant increase in perfusion pressure, the cerebral blood flow changes by a much smaller percentage. A small decrease in cerebral resistance is seen in normal pregnancy, as blood pressure increases within the normal range, and this is believed to the result of prostacyclin release as the vessel walls are distended. However, as pressure increases out of the normal range (in preeclamptic women without headache), a physiologic increase in cerebral resistance occurs to limit perfusion and should not be regarded as pathologic change [11, 12] (Fig. 7.5).

Fig. 7.5
Cerebral flow index and cerebral perfusion index data from women with mild preeclampsia (without headache) (Reproduced from Belfort et al. [11])
Once cerebral perfusion pressure exceeds 130–150 mmHg, the autoregulatory mechanism fails [107]. The normal compensatory vasoconstriction may fail in extreme hypertension resulting in cerebral overperfusion, which may or may not be accompanied by vasospasm and ischemia when vascular integrity is breached [9, 13, 78]. Belfort et al. compared cerebral perfusion in 72 women with preeclampsia without severe features and 120 women with preeclampsia with severe features [13] (Fig. 7.6). A significant proportion of severe preeclamptics have high perfusion pressure (52 %) versus only a minority of preeclamptic patients without severe features. Overall they showed that in preeclampsia with severe features, the resistance is abnormally high, whereas it is within the normal range in women with mild preeclampsia [13].

Fig. 7.6
Middle cerebral artery (MCA) perfusion pressure (mmHg) in patients with preeclampsia with severe features versus preeclampsia without severe features (Reproduced from Belfort et al. [9])
As a result of overperfusion, segments of the cerebral vessel are believed to become dilated and increasingly permeable with exudation of plasma, leading to focal cerebral edema, compression of brain tissue and blood vessels, and ultimately decreased cerebral blood flow [107].
Hypertensive encephalopathy and cerebral overperfusion are now believed to be the more likely model for the most cases of eclampsia not associated with hemorrhage, as opposed to cerebral ischemia and vasospasm [9, 106]. Hypertensive encephalopathy is an acute clinical condition resulting from abrupt severe hypertension and subsequent significant increases in intracranial pressure [122, 123]. On the basis of cerebral imaging, hypertensive encephalopathy and eclampsia share many clinical, radiologic, and pathologic features. In patients with hypertensive encephalopathy and some patients with eclampsia, there is failure of normal cerebral blood flow autoregulation [33, 34, 92]. There are two theories proposed for these cerebral abnormalities: forced dilation and vasospasm [34]. The forced dilation theory suggests that the vasogenic edema frequently seen in eclampsia is caused by a loss of cerebrovascular autoregulation [11, 12, 111]. Normal physiologic cerebral vasoconstriction initially controls downstream pressure and volume flow with increasing blood pressure. When the upper limit of autoregulation is reached, forced vasodilation starts to occur as the capacity of the local artery is overwhelmed (either by the duration or extent of the hypertensive stimulus), allowing for local overperfusion with subsequent interstitial or vasogenic edema [11, 12, 34, 111]. The vasospasm theory proposed that cerebral overregulation occurs in response to acute severe hypertension with resultant cerebral underperfusion, ischemia, cytotoxic edema, and infarction [34, 112, 122]. Recently Van Veen et al. conducted a study comparing dynamic cerebral autoregulation in 20 patients with preeclampsia versus 20 healthy pregnancy women [113]. They showed that impaired dynamic cerebral autoregulation does not correlate with blood pressure (corroborating the same finding for static autoregulation demonstrated by Belfort et al. [9, 11, 12]), which might explain why cerebral complications such as eclampsia can occur without sudden or excessive blood pressure.
Hinchey et al., in 1996, linked eclampsia to a condition that they called reversible posterior leukoencephalopathy syndrome [46]. This syndrome comprised a variety of symptoms and signs including headache, visual disturbances, altered mental status, and seizures, as well as radiologic features of cerebral edema, which was mainly seen in the occipital lobes and posteriorly in the brain. This concept has persisted, but the syndrome itself was renamed as posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome (PRES) [44] (Fig. 7.7).

Fig. 7.7
MRI of the brain revealing posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome (PRES). Arrows point at vasogenic edema that is considered reversible
The reason PRES seems to mainly affect the parieto-occipital lobes is not known at present [42, 46, 53, 92]. It is possible that this may be related to decreased sympathetic innervation in the vertebrobasilar arteries (as compared to the internal carotid arteries) [56], leading to overwhelming of the autoregulatory capacity during acute hypertension at a lower pressure than in those areas that have more dense sympathetic innervation [25, 56].
The long-term consequences of eclampsia and preterm preeclampsia (gestational age <37 weeks) have been studied by Aukes et al. who have shown that remote preterm preeclampsia is associated with an increased prevalence of cerebral white matter lesions on MRI when compared to control patients (who had normotensive gestation or term preeclampsia) [6, 7].
It is difficult to make a case that these white matter lesions were caused by PRES, however, since the lesions are mainly found in the frontal part of the brain (not only in the posterior regions) and also occur in patients who did not have seizures. It is more likely that there is an underlying predisposition for preeclamptic women to develop cerebrovascular disease in later life [119].
In summary, many women with eclampsia will have evidence of vasogenic edema on brain imaging usually in the occipital and parietal lobes. While not confirmatory, this provides good circumstantial evidence that hypertensive encephalopathy plays a central role in the pathogenesis of eclamptic convulsions. The long-term consequences of eclampsia (and severe preeclampsia) are unclear, but there are data to suggest last effects.
7.3 Clinical Diagnosis
Convulsions in association with hypertension (with or without proteinuria) in a currently, or recently, pregnant woman suggest the diagnosis of eclampsia [107]. The hypertension may not necessarily be in the severe range, and a high level of suspicion is required so as not to overlook this diagnosis. In patients, who develop eclampsia, there is a wide spectrum of signs reported, ranging from no preceding signs to mild to severe hypertension, minimal to severe proteinuria, and absent to generalized edema [104, 107]. Some degree of hypertension is almost always present but may be absent in 16 % of the cases [74]. Hypertension may be severe (systolic ≥160 mmHg and/or diastolic ≥110 mmHg) in 20–54 % of cases [37, 74] or mild (systolic blood pressure between 140 and 160 mmHg and diastolic between 90 and 110 mmHg) in 30–60 % of cases [37, 74]. Severe hypertension is more common in patients who develop eclampsia in the antepartum period (58 %) and especially in cases who develop eclampsia at 32 weeks or earlier (71 %) [74].
Proteinuria (protein to creatinine ratio ≥0.3 or ≥300 mg per 24 h urine collection or dipstick at least +1 only if other quantitative methods are not available) may also be associated with eclampsia [74]. Mattar and Sibai showed in a series of 399 patients with eclampsia that severe proteinuria (equal or greater than 3+ on dipstick) only occurred in 48 % of the cases and that proteinuria was absent in 14 % [74]. Abnormal weight gain (with or without clinical edema) in excess of 2 lbs per week in the third trimester might be the only sign preceding eclampsia. In the same study, edema was absent in 26 % of the 399 eclamptic patients [74].
Most women have premonitory symptoms in the hours before the initial seizure. These include persistent occipital or frontal headaches, blurred vision, photophobia, epigastric or right upper quadrant pain, and altered mental status, and 59–75 % of women who develop eclampsia have at least one of these symptoms (Table 7.2). Patients report headache as their major preceding complaint in 50–75 % of cases, whereas visual changes have been reported in 19–32 % of the patients [23, 37, 50]. In a systematic review that included 59 studies involving more than 21,000 women with eclampsia from 26 countries, the most common antecedent signs and symptoms were hypertension (75 %), headache (66 %), visual disturbances (scotomata, loss of vision [cortical blindness], blurred vision, diplopia, visual field defect, photophobia) (27 %), and right upper quadrant or epigastric pain (25 %) [14]. In 25 % of cases, the patients were asymptomatic prior to the seizure(s) [14].
Table 7.2
Symptoms in women with eclampsia
Katz et al. (n = 53) |
Chamets et al. (n = 89) |
Douglas and Redman (n = 325) | |
Headache |
64 % |
70 % |
50 % |
Visual changes |
32 % |
30 % |
19 % |
Right upper quadrant, epigastric pain |
Not reported |
12 % |
19 % |
At least one |
Not reported |
75 % |
59 % |
Eclampsia is generally manifested by a generalized tonic-clonic seizure or by coma. At the onset, there is usually an abrupt loss of consciousness, often associated with a scream or shriek, and muscle stiffening in the arms, legs, chest, and back [94]. The patient may appear cyanotic during this tonic phase, which may last from a few seconds to approximately a minute. Following the hypertonicity, the patient’s muscles will usually begin to jerk or twitch for an additional 1–2 min. During this clonic phase, the patient may bite her tongue and express frothy and bloody sputum. The postictal phase begins once the twitching movements end. This is usually followed by a deep sleep, deep breathing, and gradual return to sentience. On awakening the patient will often complain of a headache. Most patients begin to recover responsiveness within 10–20 min after the generalized convulsion. Focal neurologic deficits are generally absent although there may be memory deficits. On examination there may be increased deep tendon reflexes, visual perception deficits, altered mental status, and cranial nerve deficits [94].
7.4 Time of Onset
Eclamptic convulsion can be antepartum, intrapartum, or postpartum. The frequency of antepartum eclamptic convulsion has been reported to be 38–53 % [23, 37, 50, 74]. Mattar and Sibai reported that most cases of eclampsia develop at or beyond 28 weeks (91 %). The same study showed that 7.5 % of patients who develop eclampsia develop it between 21 and 27 weeks of gestation and that in 1.5 % eclampsia occurs at 20 weeks of gestation or earlier [74].
If eclampsia develops before 20 weeks of gestation, the coexistence of molar pregnancy needs to be ruled out [81, 102]. Although rare, several case reports have described eclampsia during the first trimester without the coexistence of molar pregnancy [74, 81], and for this reason, eclampsia should be ruled out at any gestation in pregnant women who have had a seizure [102]. Women with early eclampsia may be misdiagnosed with a seizure disorder, hypertensive encephalopathy, or thrombotic thrombocytopenia purpura. Women in whom a convulsion(s) is associated with hypertension and/or proteinuria during the first half of pregnancy should thus be considered eclampsia unless proven otherwise [104]. All women with early gestation eclampsia (first half of pregnancy) should have ultrasound examination of the uterus to rule out a molar pregnancy. Also extensive medical evaluation and neurologic examination should be performed for these patients to rule out other etiologies such as meningitis, cerebral abscess, encephalitis, cerebral hemorrhage or thrombosis, cerebral vasculitis, thrombotic thrombocytopenia purpura (TTP), brain tumor, and metabolic disease; it is always wise to rule out chemical and drug (legal and illicit) exposures [104, 107].
The incidence of postpartum eclampsia ranges from 11 to 44 %, and most of the postpartum eclampsia occurs during the first 48 h following delivery [23, 37, 50, 74, 102]. However, eclampsia can and does develop beyond 48 h and has been reported as late as 23 days postpartum [23, 50, 74]. Late postpartum eclampsia is defined as eclampsia that occurs beyond 48 h but within 4 weeks of delivery [62, 102]. Approximately 56 % of these women will demonstrate signs and symptoms of preeclampsia during labor or immediately postpartum, whereas others will show these clinical findings for the first time more than 48 h after delivery (44 %) [62]. Late postpartum eclampsia can develop despite the use of prophylactic intra- and postpartum (at least 24 h) magnesium sulfate in previously diagnosed women with preeclampsia [23, 62]. Therefore, women with convulsion(s) associated with hypertension and/or proteinuria and/or with headaches or visual disturbances 48 or more hours after delivery should be considered to have eclampsia unless otherwise proven and should be treated as for eclampsia [23, 62, 102]. In these cases, an extensive neurological evaluation including CNS examination, cerebrovascular testing, and brain imaging (MRI and/or CT depending on the circumstances) and routine laboratory tests (CBC and platelets, liver function, renal function and electrolytes, and coagulogram) are usually instituted at a minimum, with further more sophisticated testing (lumbar puncture, EEG, and angiography) used as dictated by initial findings [23, 62, 102].
7.5 Neurodiagnostic Study
Several neurodiagnostic tests, such as electroencephalography (EEG), computerized tomography (CT), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging (DWI), cerebral Doppler velocimetry, and cerebral angiography (both traditional and MRI angiography), have been studied in women with eclampsia.
There is limited information on EEG in eclampsia. In general, despite the fact that the EEG is almost always acutely abnormal in patients with eclampsia, none of the identified patterns are pathognomonic for eclampsia [107]. Review of the EEG literature has shown that postictal EEG abnormalities are common in eclamptic women and the EEG almost always becomes normal with prolonged postpartum follow-up [18]. The reliability of these studies has been questioned given methodological issues, and the fact that all but one were published between 1955 and 1984. There are no more recent EEG studies available in which more modern equipment and practices have been used.
Lumbar puncture is not helpful in the diagnosis and management of patients with eclampsia and may be dangerous if the patient has acutely elevated intracranial pressure. For this reason, such a test should only be ordered when the differential diagnosis absolutely requires it and the benefit outweighs the risk [107].
CT and MRI studies performed following seizure activity in preeclamptic patients usually reveal the presence of edema and infarction within the subcortical white matter and adjacent gray matter (mostly in the parietal and occipital lobes). Other CT and MRI findings have been summarized in Table 7.3.
Table 7.3
Computed tomography scan and magnetic resonance imaging findings in complicated eclampsia
Diffuse white matter low-density areas |
Patchy areas of low density |
Occipital white matter edema |
Loss of normal cortical sulci |
Reduced ventricular size |
Acute hydrocephalus |
Cerebral hemorrhage |
Intraventricular hemorrhage |
Parenchymal hemorrhage |
Cerebral infarction |
Low-attenuation areas |
Basal ganglia infarction |
In uncomplicated eclampsia (i.e., no cerebral hemorrhage, hydrocephalus, or congenital anomaly), cerebral imaging findings are similar to those found in patients with hypertensive encephalopathy. The classic findings are referred to as posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome (PRES) [53]. In a small series of eclamptic patients studied by Brewer and colleagues, 46 of 47 patients (97.9 %) revealed PRES on CT or MRI with or without contrast [17].
Within the past two decades, magnetic resonance diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI) and apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) mapping have become more commonly used and reported, and this facilitates the discrimination between vasogenic and cytotoxic forms of cerebral edema [24]. DWI takes advantage of strong diffusion gradients that detect changes in water molecule distribution in cerebral tissue. In the presence of infarction, cytotoxic edema is caused by sodium pump failure, and the resultant reduction in proton diffusion elicits hyperintense (“bright”) signal on DWI (Fig. 7.8). Conversely, vasogenic edema is characterized by increased extracellular fluid with enhanced water diffusion, and this may be seen as normal or decreased signal brightness on DWI. While it is generally a reliable way of distinguishing vasogenic from cytotoxic edema, occasionally a hyperintense signal may be seen in DWI in patients who do not have cytotoxic edema, and this has been dubbed “T2 shine-through” (Figs. 7.9 and 7.10). Thus, specialist in radiology expertise may be required to determine whether DWI hyperintensity is due to restricted diffusion or to T2 shine-through, prior to instituting specific therapy or counseling regarding a prognosis.

Fig. 7.8
Diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI) – increased signal indicating cytotoxic edema in bilateral parasagittal parietal lobes

Fig. 7.9
T2 signal – Arrows show bilateral occipital-parietal lobe increased signal indicating cytotoxic edema

Fig. 7.10
T2 signal – Arrows show bilateral parietal lobe increased cortical and subcortical signal demonstrating vasogenic edema
This issue is usually resolved by estimation of the underlying ADC in the region of interest since ADC map is independent of T2 effects and can be used to determine whether diffusion is restricted or free in the area of interest. A decreased ADC map that corresponds to hyperintense areas on the DWI confirms restricted diffusion, while an elevated ADC results from water molecules with increased diffusional motion and thus represents vasogenic edema.
In two small series [61, 123], the frequency of vasogenic edema and cytotoxic edema in eclamptic patients was estimated. Cerebral edema (mostly vasogenic) was present in up to 93–100 % of these women. Concurrent foci of infarction and cytotoxic edema, as evidenced by reduced apparent diffusion coefficient (restricted diffusion), were present in six of 27 patients studied by Zeeman and colleagues [123] and in three of 17 eclamptic and preeclamptic women studied by Loureiro and associates [61]. In addition five of six women reported by Zeeman and colleagues [123] and four of 17 women reported by Loureira et al. [61] had persistent abnormalities on repeat MRI testing 6–8 weeks later, suggesting that these lesions might not be reversible.
Uncomplicated eclampsia (full recovery) is usually a clinical diagnosis and does not require cerebral imaging diagnosis and management. However, cerebral imaging is indicated for patients with focal neurologic deficits, prolonged coma, fever, suspicion of TTP, or other imitators of preeclampsia and those who develop seizures with a therapeutic MgSO4 level or who are unresponsive to MgSO4 therapy [107]. We also recommend that all postpartum eclampsia be investigated with cerebral imaging.
In these patients, hemorrhage and other serious abnormalities requiring specific pharmacologic therapy or surgery must be excluded. Cerebral imaging also might be helpful in cases of atypical eclampsia including normotensive and/or non-proteinuric eclampsia, onset of eclampsia before 20 weeks of gestation (after excluding molar pregnancy) or after delivery, and in women who may have known antiphospholipid syndrome or autoimmune disease [107]. Advances in MRI and magnetic resonance angiography, as well as in cerebral vascular Doppler velocimetry, may aid our understanding regarding the pathogenesis and improving long-term outcome of this condition [106].
It is important to distinguish PRES (an overperfusion syndrome with forced cerebral vasodilatation) from reversible cerebral vasoconstriction syndrome (RCVS), which is different in etiology (vasospasm) [39]. RCVS is characterized by recurrent thunderclap headaches, seizures, strokes, and nonaneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage [39]. RCVS seems to be associated with constriction and/or dilation of large or medium arteries, while PRES does at the level of distal arterioles and capillary. An overlap between these two syndromes represents a continuum in them. Postpartum cerebral angiopathy is another ill-characterized RCVS, usually occurring within 30-day duration of uncomplicated pregnancy and delivery. The diagnosis is confirmed by angiography (Fig. 7.11) [39].

Fig. 7.11
Cerebral arteriogram demonstrating cerebral vasoconstriction. Arrows show diffused vasoconstriction in small blood vessels
7.6 Differential Diagnosis
As discussed above, a differential diagnosis (Table 7.4) should be considered. The diagnosis and management of these diagnoses are beyond the scope of this chapter.
Table 7.4
Differential diagnosis of eclampsia
Seizure disorders |
Hemorrhage |
Reversible cerebral vasoconstriction syndrome |
Vasculitis, angiopathy |
Hypertensive encephalopathy |
Thrombotic thrombocytopenia purpura |
Amniotic fluid embolism |
Hypoglycemia, hyponatremia |
Postdural puncture syndrome |
Ruptured aneurysm |
Arterial embolism, thrombosis |
Angiomas |
Hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy |
7.7 Maternal and Perinatal Outcome
7.7.1 Maternal
The overall maternal death rate associated with eclampsia varies from 0.4 % to as high as 7.2 % in developed countries. In developing nations with limited access to tertiary medical centers and specialist expertise, maternal mortality has been reported to be as high as 14 % [37, 41, 69, 84].
A retrospective analysis of 990 cases of eclampsia in Mexico before 1992 reported a case mortality rate of 13.9 % (138/990). The subgroup of women with eclampsia prior to 28 weeks of gestation had the highest risk of maternal death (12/54 [22 %]). Multiple seizures occurring outside of a hospital setting and lack of prenatal care were important risk factors [59]. In another study by McKay and associates, 790 of 4,024 pregnancy-related deaths (19.6 %) in 1979 and 1992 were considered due to preeclampsia-eclampsia, with 49 % of these 790 considered to be due to preeclampsia-eclampsia, and fully 49 % of those 790 were associated with eclampsia [69]. In this series, the risk for death from preeclampsia or eclampsia was higher for women older than 30 years, for those without prenatal care, and for black women; the greatest risk for death was found among women with pregnancy ≤28 weeks of gestation. In a recent population-based cohort study from Canada that included 1,481 cases of eclampsia between 2003 and 2009, the case mortality rate was reported as being 0.34 % (5/1,481) [58].
The primary drivers of eclampsia-associated maternal morbidity are placental abruption (7–10 %) (Lo’pez-LIera et al. 1992,1993; [59, 60, 74, 104]), disseminated intravascular coagulopathy (7–11 %) (Lo’pez-LIera et al. 1992, 1993; [59, 60, 74, 104]), pulmonary edema (3–5 %), acute renal failure (5–9 %), aspiration pneumonia (2–3 %), and cardiopulmonary arrest (2–5 %) (Lo’pez-LIera et al. 1992, 1993; [59, 60, 74, 104]). Acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) and intracerebral hemorrhage are rarely reported complications of eclampsia in those series from developed countries (Pritchard et al. 1984; [37, 74]).
7.7.2 Fetal and Neonatal
Perinatal mortality and morbidities remain high in eclamptic pregnancies. The reported perinatal death rate in recent series ranged from 5.6 to 11.8 % [37, 55, 104]. A population-based cohort study from Canada reported fetal death rates in eclamptic and non-eclamptic pregnancies of 10.8 and 4.1 per 1,000 total births, respectively; neonatal death rates were 7.5 and 2.2 per 1,000 live births, respectively [58]. Although the perinatal mortality and morbidity rates secondary to eclampsia are large part a reflection of the gestational age and maternal condition, the primary risks to the fetus are placenta abruption, fetal growth restriction (FGR), and complications of prematurity secondary to indicated delivery at the extremes of gestational age and hypoxia secondary to maternal convulsions [29, 84, 96]. The rate of preterm delivery is about 50 %, with about 25 % of cases occurring before 32 weeks of gestation [37, 104]. A number of retrospective and prospective studies have assessed both short- and long-term outcomes of infants of eclamptic mothers. Sibai et al. followed 28 preterm infants and 14 full-term infants for up to 50 months [96]. The majority of the infants were small for gestational age or intrauterine growth restricted; however, by a mean of 20.6 months, nearly all of the infants had appropriate growth velocity with respect to weight, length, and head circumference. In terms of long-term neurologic sequelae, these authors found that observed major deficits mirrored those anticipated in premature or anomalous infants born to non-eclamptic women [96]. In another published cohort from Sweden, similar outcomes were observed. Of note, in these authors’ study intervals, there were no differences in either maternal or perinatal outcomes over the time intervals examined (1973–1979, 1980–1989, and 1990–1999) [88]. Similar findings have been observed in other retrospective analyses, with higher perinatal morbidity and mortality at the extremes of gestational age in developing nations [55, 43].
7.8 Management
7.8.1 Prevention and Prophylaxis
Due to our sparse knowledge about the pathogenesis of eclampsia, the strategies for prevention are limited. In addition, the onset of eclampsia is not reliably predicted by maternal characteristic, gestational age, or antepartum status [1]. The management goals in eclampsia involve timely diagnosis and treatment of preeclampsia with appropriate pharmacologic agents to prevent eclampsia and the prevention of intracranial hemorrhage, cerebral edema, stroke, and recurrent seizures in women with established eclampsia [1].
A great deal of effort has been directed at the identification of demographic factors, biochemical analytes, or biophysical findings, alone or in combination, to predict the development of preeclampsia. Although there are some encouraging findings, these tests are not yet ready for clinical use [16, 22, 38]. In addition, even if a test were reliably able to predict the future onset of preeclampsia, we do not yet have any absolute way of preventing the development of preeclampsia. It is clear that the antioxidants vitamin C and vitamin E are not effective interventions to prevent preeclampsia or adverse outcomes from preeclampsia in unselected women at high or low risk of preeclampsia [89, 90]. Calcium supplementation (1.5–2 g/day) may be useful to reduce the severity of preeclampsia in populations with low calcium intake (<600 mg/day), but this finding is not relevant to a population with adequate calcium intake [47]. The administration of low-dose aspirin (60–80 mg) to prevent preeclampsia has been examined in a meta-analysis of more than 30,000 women, and it appears that there is slight effect to reduce preeclampsia and adverse perinatal outcomes. These findings are not relevant to low-risk women but may be relevant to populations at very high risk in whom the number to treat to achieve the desired outcome will be substantially less [21, 28, 91, 116]. In the United States, daily low-dose aspirin (81 mg/day) beginning in the late first trimester is recommended to women with a medical history of early-onset preeclampsia and preterm delivery at less than 34.7 weeks of gestation or preeclampsia and/or for women who have experienced preeclampsia in more than one prior pregnancy [49]. There is no evidence that bed rest or salt restriction reduces preeclampsia risk [40, 75].
Current management to prevent eclampsia is based on early detection of gestational hypertension or preeclampsia and the subsequent use of preventive strategies that include close monitoring (in-hospital or outpatient), use of antihypertensive therapy, timely delivery, and the prophylactic use of magnesium sulfate during labor and immediately postpartum in those considered to have preeclampsia (mostly with severe features) [103]. These management schemes are based on an assumption that the clinical course in the development of eclampsia follows a progressive process that begins with weight gain followed by hypertension and proteinuria, which is followed by the onset of convulsion or coma [95]. This clinical course may be true in some women who develop eclampsia; however, data from large series of eclamptic women from the United States and Europe indicate that approximately 20–40 % of eclamptic women do not have any premonitory signs or symptoms before the onset of convulsion [20, 50, 95, 97, 104]. In a review of 179 consecutive cases of eclampsia by Sibai et al. [98], factors either associated with, or at least partially responsible for, the failure to prevent eclampsia were physician error (36 %), failure of magnesium sulfate to prevent seizure (13 %), late postpartum onset (12 %), early onset (<21 weeks [3 %]), abrupt onset (8 %), and lack of prenatal care (19 %) [98].

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