Common Neonatal Procedures

Common Neonatal Procedures

Steven A. Ringer

James E. Gray

Invasive procedures are a necessary but potentially risk-laden part of newborn intensive care. To provide maximum benefit, these techniques must be performed in a manner that both accomplishes the task at hand and maintains the patient’s general well-being.


A. Consideration of alternatives. For each procedure, all alternatives should be considered, and risk—benefit ratios should be evaluated. Many procedures involve the placement of indwelling devices made of plastic. Polyvinylchloride-based devices leach a plasticizer, Di(2-ethylhexyl)-phthalate (DEHP), which may be toxic over a long-term exposure. Alternatives exist and devices that are DEHP-free should be used for procedures on neonates whenever possible.

B. Monitoring and homeostasis. Ideally, the operator should delegate another care provider to be responsible for the ongoing monitoring and management of the patient during a procedure. This person’s primary focus should be on the patient rather than the procedure being performed. They must assess cardiorespiratory and thermoregulatory stability throughout the procedure and apply interventions when needed. For sterile procedures, a particularly important function is ensuring the integrity of the sterile field. Continuous monitoring can be accomplished through a combination of invasive (e.g., arterial blood pressure monitoring) or noninvasive (e.g., oximeter) techniques. This monitoring can most effectively be standardized through the use of a procedure checklist so that the monitoring caregiver can ensure that each step is appropriately completed and documented by sign-off on the part of all providers at the conclusion of the procedure.

C. Pain control. Treatment of procedure-associated discomfort can be accomplished with pharmacologic or nonpharmacologic approaches (see Chap. 67). The potential negative impact of any medication on the patient’s cardiorespiratory status should be considered. Oral sucrose (e.g., 24% solution, 0.2—0.4 mL/kg) is very effective in reducing pain of minor procedures and blood drawing. It can also be used as an adjunctive therapy for more painful procedures when the patient can tolerate oral medication. Morphine or fentanyl is commonly administered before beginning potentially painful procedures. The use of neonatal pain scales to assess the need for medication is recommended.

D. Informing the family. Other than during true emergencies, we notify parents of the need for invasive procedures in their child’s care before we perform them. We discuss the indications for and possible complications of each procedure. In addition, alternative procedures, where available, are also discussed. Informed consent should be obtained for procedures with a significant degree of invasiveness or risk.

E. Precautions. The operator should use universal precautions, including wearing gloves, impermeable gowns, barriers, and eye protection to prevent exposure to blood and bodily fluids that may be contaminated with infectious agents.

F. The safety pause. Before beginning any procedure, the entire team should take a “safety pause” or “time out” to ascertain that the correct procedure is to be performed on the correct patient and, if appropriate, on the correct side (e.g., thoracostomy tube, central venous catheter placement). This pause should be incorporated into the checklist for the procedure.

G. Education and supervision. Individuals should be trained in the conduct of procedures before performing the procedure on patients. This training should include a discussion of indications, possible complications and their treatment, alternatives, and the techniques to be used. For some procedures, there are mannequins or other options for simulation training, which also offer the opportunity to refine team skills. Experienced operators should be available at all times to provide further guidance and needed assistance.

H. Documentation. Careful documentation of procedures enhances patient care. For example, noting difficulties encountered at intubation or the size and positioning of an endotracheal tube used provides important information if the procedure must be repeated. We routinely write notes after all procedures, including unsuccessful attempts. We document the date and time, indications, performance of the safety pause, monitoring, premedication for pain control, the techniques used, difficulties encountered, complications (if any), and results of any laboratory tests performed.


The preparations for withdrawing blood depend somewhat on the blood studies that are required.

A. Capillary blood is drawn when there is not a need for many serial studies in close succession.

  • Applicable blood studies include hematocrit, blood glucose (using glucometers or other point-of-care testing methods), bilirubin levels, electrolyte determinations, and, occasionally, blood gas studies.

  • Techniques

    • The extremity to be used should be warmed to increase peripheral blood flow.

    • Spring-loaded lancets minimize pain while ensuring a puncture adequate for obtaining blood. The blood should flow freely, with minimal or no squeezing. This will ensure the most accurate determination of laboratory values.

    • Capillary punctures of the foot should be performed on the lateral side of the sole of the heel, avoiding previous sites if possible.

    • The skin should be cleaned carefully with an antiseptic such as alcohol or povidone-iodine before puncture to avoid infection of soft tissue or underlying bone.

B. Venous blood for blood chemistry studies, blood cultures, and other laboratory studies can be obtained from a peripheral vein of adequate caliber to enable access and withdrawal of blood. The antecubital and saphenous veins are often promising sites. For blood cultures, the area should be cleaned with an alcohol or iodine-containing solution; if the position of the needle is directed by using a sterile-gloved finger, the finger should be cleaned in the same way. A new sterile needle should be used to insert the blood into the culture bottles.

C. Arterial blood may be needed for blood gases, some metabolic studies, and when the volume of blood needed would be difficult to obtain from a peripheral vein and no indwelling catheter is available. Arterial punctures are usually carried out by using the radial artery or posterior tibial artery. Rarely, the brachial artery is used when no other site is available. Radial artery punctures are most easily done using a 25- to 23-gauge butterfly needle and transillumination often aids in locating the vessel. After performing an Allen test to ensure collateral perfusion, the radial artery is visualized and entered with the bevel of the needle facing up and at a 15-degree angle against the direction of flow. (Recently, it has become controversial whether or not the Allen test should be considered the standard of care, especially regarding the interpretation of an abnormal test.) If blood is not obtained during the initial insertion of the needle, it can be advanced until the artery is transfixed, and then slowly withdrawn until blood flow occurs.

D. Catheter blood samples

  • Umbilical artery or radial artery catheters are often used for repetitive blood samples, especially for blood gas studies.

  • 2. Techniques

    • A needleless system for blood sampling from arterial catheters should be used. Specific techniques for use vary with the product and the manufacturer’s guidelines should be followed.

    • For blood gas studies, a 1-mL preheparinized syringe or a standard 1-mL syringe rinsed with 0.5 mL of heparin is used to withdraw the sample. The rate of sample withdrawal should be limited to 1.5 mL/minute to avoid altering downstream arterial perfusion.

    • The catheter must be adequately cleared of infusate before withdrawing samples to avoid false readings. After the sample is drawn, blood should be cleared by infusing a small volume of heparinized saline-flushing solution.


The insertion and management of intravenous catheters require great care. As in older infants, hand veins are used most often, but veins in the arms, foot, ankle, and scalp can be used. Transillumination of an extremity can help identify a vein, and newer devices that enhance the detection of veins may be even more useful.


A. Because bladder taps are most often used to obtain urine for culture, a sterile technique is crucial. Careful cleaning with an antiseptic such as alcohol or an iodine solution over the prepubic region is essential.

B. Technique. Bladder taps are done with a 5- to 10-mL syringe attached to a 22- or 23-gauge needle or to a 23-gauge butterfly needle. Before the tap, one should try to determine that the baby has not recently urinated. Ultrasonographic guidance is useful. One technique is as follows:

  • The pubic bone is located by touch.

  • The needle is placed in the midline, just superior to the pubic bone.

  • The needle is inserted and aimed at the infant’s coccyx.

  • If the needle goes in >3 cm and no urine is obtained, one should assume that the bladder is empty and wait before attempting again.


A. Technique

  • The infant should be placed in the lateral decubitus position or in the sitting position with legs straightened. The assistant should hold the infant firmly at the shoulders and buttocks so that the lower part of the spine is curved. Neck flexion should be avoided so as not to compromise the airway.

  • A sterile field is prepared and draped with towels. Chlorhexidine should not be used to sterilize the skin prior to an LP as it is specifically not intended to be introduced into the central nervous system.

  • A 22- to 24-gauge spinal needle with a stylet should be used. Use of a nonstyleted needle, such as a 25-gauge butterfly needle, may introduce skin into the subarachnoid space and is to be avoided.

  • The needle is inserted in the midline into the space between the fourth and fifth lumbar spinous processes. The needle is advanced gradually in the direction of the umbilicus, and the stylet is withdrawn frequently to detect the presence of spinal fluid. Usually, a slight “pop” is felt as the needle enters the subarachnoid space.

  • The cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) is collected into three or four tubes, each with a volume of 0.5 to 1.0 mL.

B. Examination of the spinal fluid. CSF should be inspected immediately for turbidity and color. In many newborns, normal CSF may be mildly xanthochromic, but it should always be clear.

  • Tube 1. Cell count and differential should be determined from the unspun fluid in a counting chamber. The unspun fluid should be stained with methylene blue; it should be treated with concentrated acetic acid if there are numerous red blood cells (RBCs). The centrifuged sediment should be stained with Gram and Wright stains.

  • Tube 2. Culture and sensitivity studies should be obtained.

  • Tube 3. Glucose and protein determinations should be obtained.

  • Tube 4. The cells in this tube should also be counted if the fluid is bloody. The fluid can be sent for other tests (such as polymerase chain reaction amplification for herpes simplex virus [HSV], etc.).

C. Information obtainable

  • When the CSF is collected in three or four separate containers, an RBC count can be measured on the first and last tubes to see if there is a decrease in the number of RBCs/mm3 between the first and last specimens. In fluid obtained from a traumatic tap, the final tube will have fewer RBCs than the first; more equal numbers suggest the possibility of an intracranial hemorrhage. CSF in the newborn may normally contain up to 600 to 800 RBCs/mm3.

  • White blood cell (WBC) count. The normal number of WBCs/mm3 in newborns is a matter of controversy. We accept from 5 to 8 lymphocytes or monocytes as normal if there are no polymorphonuclear WBCs. Others accept up to 25 WBCs/mm3 as normal, including several polymorphonuclear cells. Data obtained from high-risk newborns without meningitis (see Table 66.1) show 0 to 32 WBCs/mm3 in term infants and 0 to 29 WBCs/mm3 in preterm infants

    with approximately 60% polymorphonuclear cells to be within the normal range. Higher WBC counts are generally seen with gram-negative meningitis than with group B streptococcal disease; as high as 50% of the latter group will have 100 WBCs/mm3 or less. Because of the overlap between normal infants and those with meningitis, the presence of polymorphonuclear leukocytes in CSF deserves careful attention. Ultimately, the diagnosis depends on culture results and clinical course.

    Table 66.1 Cerebrospinal Fluid Examination in High-risk Neonates without Meningitis




    White blood cell count (cells/mL)

    No. of infants









    Standard deviation






    ± 2 Standard deviations



    Percentage of polymorphonuclear cells



    Protein (mg/dL)

    No. of infants









    Glucose (mg/dL)

    No. of infants









    Glucose in cerebrospinal fluid divided by blood glucose (%)

    No. of infants









    From Sarff LD, Platt LH, McCracken GH Jr. Cerebrospinal fluid evaluation in neonates: comparison of high-risk neonates with and without meningitis. J Pediatr 1976;88(3):473-477.

Jun 11, 2016 | Posted by in PEDIATRICS | Comments Off on Common Neonatal Procedures

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