
16.1 Anaemia


The prime function of haemoglobin is tissue oxygen delivery. Hence anaemia threatens this critical bodily function. Acutely, severe anaemia can lead to hypoxic tissue injury, and chronic anaemia can lead to growth failure and organ dysfunction as a result of chronic hypoxia or failure of compensatory mechanisms. The physiology of tissue oxygen delivery is critical to understand, as it enables the clinician to understand the concepts of relative anaemia and to determine appropriate treatment of the anaemic patient.




where 1.34 is a constant and represents the amount of oxygen carried by 1 g normal haemoglobin.

The key issues in this basic physiological equation are that:

the parameters are multiplied, such that small decreases in cardiac output and haemoglobin and haemoglobin saturation lead to an overall large decrease in tissue oxygen delivery. Thus patients with cardiac disease may tolerate less reduction in haemoglobin before developing tissue hypoxia, and hence often have considerable urgency in treating their anaemia. No single haemoglobin (Hb) level can be used as an indication for transfusion therapy as these other factors need to be considered.

in the presence of anaemia, cardiac output must be increased to maintain tissue oxygen delivery (Hb saturation cannot be increased above 100%). Failure of this compensatory mechanism or limitation of cardiac output by another disease will result in tissue hypoxia. Cardiac output is determined by cardiac stroke volume and heart rate. Therefore, heart rate is an important measure of the stress the anaemia is placing on the patient’s cardiac reserve. All anaemic patients should have their vital signs, especially heart rate and respiratory rate, assessed as part of their initial medical evaluation, and these parameters should be used to monitor progress and response to therapy.

Hb saturation is normally close to 100% in children without cyanotic congenital heart disease or significant lung pathology. Thus, in otherwise well children with severe anaemia, or children in whom the Hb saturation is measured as 99–100%, inspired oxygen therapy makes little if any contribution to improving tissue oxygenation. Recovery of red cell mass (and hence Hb) is the most effective therapy.

in children with cyanotic congenital heart disease or pulmonary pathology, the natural compensation for reduced Hb saturation is to increase Hb concentration. Hence, if a child with cyanotic congential heart disease who usually has a relatively increased Hb was to develop a ‘relative anaemia’, they might develop symptoms of anaemia at Hb levels that would be considered normal in most children. Treatment of ‘relative anaemia’, if required, is based on the same principles as treatment of ‘true anaemia’.

Clinical presentations

Children with anaemia most often present with pallor (reflecting the reduced Hb) or signs of reduced exercise tolerance (reflecting inability to increase tissue oxygen delivery to meet the demands of exercise). Reduced exercise tolerance manifests differently according to age. In infants, poor feeding is often described. In older children, shortness of breath on exertion or generalized lethargy are more common. Alternatively, incidental finding of anaemia when full blood examination has been performed for another indication is also very common.

Once the presence of anaemia has been confirmed, thorough history-taking and examination of the patient is required. Patient age and the duration of symptoms is important as a first step in determining the likely aetiology of the anaemia.

In addition, during the history and examination, other key considerations are:

Information that assists in answering these questions is shown in Table 16.1.2.

Table 16.1.2 Relevant information required on history and examination for patients with anaemia

Critical question Information obtained on history and examination
Cardiac decompensation Exercise tolerance
Heart rate and respiratory rate
Signs of congestive heart failure
Altered conscious state, irritability, restlessness
Aetiology Duration of symptoms (bone marrow failure and haematinic deficiency usually have a longer duration of symptoms)
Family history (hereditary spherocytosis, G6PD deficiency, haemoglobinopathies and others are inherited causes of anaemia. Maternal history (e.g. veganism may be associated with B12 deficiency in infants)
Birth and neonatal history (blood loss at birth, birth asphyxia and maternal blood group compatibility are all important in assessing neonatal anaemia. Jaundice at birth may give a clue to an episodic haemolytic disorder in older children)
Presence or absence of jaundice (haemolysis)
Drug exposure: as a cause of haemolysis, or bone marrow suppression
Blood loss: trauma, recent surgery, iatrogenic in neonates, epistaxis, menstrual loss
Dietary history: iron deficiency can be predicted in infants less than 12  months of age fed cow’s milk, or in toddlers who have failed to transfer to solid foods adequately
Multilineage cytopenias Bruising or bleeding, especially petechiae (thrombocytopenia)
Infection, mouth ulceration (neutropenia)
Associated disease Gastrointestinal symptoms (e.g. coeliac disease, inflammatory bowel disease)
Joint or bone pain (e.g. leukaemia, sickle cell disease, arthritis)
Renal disease
Infection: as a primary cause (e.g. malaria), a precipitant of acute deterioration in a more chronic anaemia, or a trigger to acute haemolysis
Neurological disorders, developmental delay/regression, failure to thrive may reflect functional B12 deficiency in infants. Pica may be associated with iron deficiency
Eating disorders in older children
Bleeding disorders

Initial investigations

Progressive selective investigation, guided by the history, the clinical findings and the result of the blood count, is recommended. The first investigation will be a blood count, which automatically includes red cell indices (full blood examination (FBE) or complete blood count (CBC)), reticulocyte count and examination of the blood film. These initial investigations will usually allow classification of the anaemia. The presence or absence of polychromasia on the blood film, and the reticulocyte count, enable the anaemia to be classified as regenerative or aregenerative. This is a most important initial decision to be made. The red cell indices, in particular the mean corpuscular volume (MCV), and the blood film, enable the anaemia to be classified by red cell size into microcytic, normocytic and macrocytic. Finally, the blood film enables any specific red cell morphology to be determined, and confirms the platelet and leukocyte parameters. At this stage, a probable aetiology is likely and thus the direction of further investigations can be determined.

In the interpretation of these initial tests, there are a number of important considerations. First, sample integrity is vital, and preanalytical variables such as a clotted or inadequately mixed specimen can cause significant erroneous results. If the results do not match the clinical findings, repeat testing should always be considered. Second, MCV also varies with age. MCV is highest in the neonate (98–118 fL), falls to its lowest value between 6 and 24  months of age (79–86 fL, then increases progressively throughout childhood (75–92 fL). A low MCV indicates microcytosis and a high MCV indicates macrocytosis. Reticulocyte counts may be expressed as a percentage of the total red cell count (3–7% in the neonate, thereafter 0–1%), or more usually as an absolute count (normally 20–100   ×  109/L). If expressed as a percentage, the reticulocyte count can be misleading, so an absolute count is preferable. An increased reticulocyte count indicates active regeneration of red cells, seen after blood loss, haemolysis or in response to correct haematinic therapy. Blood loss and previous haematinic therapy can usually be excluded on history, so that an increased reticulocyte count is often suggestive of haemolysis. A low reticulocyte response in the presence of anaemia indicates a lack of marrow response, because of a deficiency of the necessary iron or vitamins or inappropriate therapy for the anaemia, or inability to respond, such as marrow aplasia or infiltration.

Examination of the blood film

This is as important as the evaluation of the red cell indices, leukocyte count and platelets. The presence of abnormal red cell size, shape, inclusions, Hb content, and evidence of regeneration will usually suggest the cause of the anaemia and direct the next stage of investigation. The presence of abnormal leukocytes or abnormal platelet numbers may suggest a specific diagnosis such as leukaemia. Examples of a normal blood film and blood films in some conditions associated with anaemia are shown in Figure 16.1.1. Further investigations are suggested by the algorithms in Figures 16.1.2 and 16.1.3.

Specific disease entities

Disorders of stem cell proliferation

Pluripotential stem cell failure (aplastic anaemia)

Normal marrow function is dependent on stem cell renewal and maturation of all cell lines. Failure of stem cell proliferation and differentiation results in aplastic anaemia. Both genetically determined and acquired forms occur (Table 16.1.3).

Fanconi anaemia

Fanconi anaemia, the commonest of the genetic forms of aplastic anaemia, is recessively inherited and is characterized by a variable phenotype, progressive marrow failure and an increased risk of malignancy. There appear to be multiple gene defects in this condition, which explains the diversity of clinical manifestations.

Approximately 75% of children have congenital abnormalities, with a wide range of defects. The commonest are café-au-lait spots, short stature, microcephaly and skeletal anomalies, with thumb and radial hypoplasia or aplasia being most characteristic. Renal anomalies, stenosis of auditory canals, micro-ophthalmia, hypogenitalism and a variety of anomalies of the gastrointestinal tract may also occur. The child shown in Figure 16.1.4 has many features of this disorder.

The diagnosis may be suspected at birth if there are congenital abnormalities. Haematological abnormalities are rare at birth. Pancytopenia develops gradually, usually by the age of 10 years. Onset is earlier in boys than girls. Macrocytosis is followed by thrombocytopenia, neutropenia, then anaemia. Bone marrow aspirate and trephine show hypoplasia or aplasia.

In contrast, infants with the thrombocytopenia–absent radius (TAR) syndrome are severely thrombocytopenic at birth and have radial anomalies without thumb abnormalities.

The diagnosis of Fanconi anaemia is established by special chromosome studies of lymphocytes. Chromosomes from patients with Fanconi anaemia show markedly increased spontaneous and alkylating agent (cells incubated with mitomycin C or diepoxybutane) induced chromosomal breaks, gaps, rearrangements, exchanges and endoreduplication. Antenatal diagnosis is possible.

Androgen therapy may produce long remissions of the anaemia but has little effect on thrombocytopenia and neutropenia. Its use is associated with masculinization and is therefore undesirable in young children, particularly girls. Granulocyte–macrophage colony-stimulating factor has been used with some success. Bone marrow transplantation offers the only possibility of cure of the aplasia. Supportive care with transfusions and antibiotics is required for patients without a marrow donor, but death from infection, bleeding or the development of leukaemia usually occurs within a decade of diagnosis.

Acquired aplastic anaemia

A number of agents may cause marrow failure, either in a dose-dependent fashion (irradiation and cytotoxic drugs) or in an idiosyncratic fashion. Some viral infections are associated with marrow suppression. No cause is identified in about 50% of children with marrow failure. Fanconi anaemia must be excluded by cytogenetic studies, as not all affected individuals have congenital abnormalities.

Common causes are:

Presentation is with the gradual onset of pallor, lethargy and bruising. There may be a history of recent infection. Physical examination reveals little other than pallor, bruising, petechiae and oral mucosal bleeding. Importantly there is no enlargement of liver, spleen or lymph nodes, but there may be fever and focal infection associated with the neutropenia.

The blood shows a pancytopenia with a normocytic anaemia without regeneration. Bone marrow aspirate and trephine biopsies reveal absent or decreased haemopoiesis.

Initial management depends on the severity and clinical manifestations of the aplasia. Potentially causative agents must be removed. Infections are treated vigorously. Supportive red cell and platelet transfusions are given as required. The general principles of transfusion therapy in aplastic anaemia are to avoid HLA sensitization by using leukocyte-depleted cellular products, and to minimize alloimmunization by minimizing donor exposure through the appropriate selection of blood products. Early referral to a tertiary centre is vital. Although a small number of children will recover within a few weeks, bone marrow transplantation from an HLA-compatible sibling is generally regarded as the treatment of choice for severe aplastic anaemia, particularly in those aged under 5  years. Only 30% of children will have a matched sibling donor. For the remainder, antithymocyte globulin, together with granulocyte colony-stimulating factor and cyclosporine, produces improvement or complete recovery in about two-thirds of children. Onset of response may not occur for 2–3  months after initiation of therapy, and supportive care during this time is vital. For those failing to respond, unrelated donor transplantation is an option and a donor search should be initiated early.

Red cell aplasia (erythroid stem cell failure)

Isolated aplasia of red cells results in a normocytic normochromic anaemia without reticulocytosis. The platelets and white blood cells are normal. Congenital and acquired forms occur.

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