Normal Labor, Delivery, Newborn Care, and Puerperium

Normal Labor, Delivery, Newborn Care, and Puerperium

Kirsten J. Lund

James McManaman

The editors wish to acknowledge the contributions of Dr. Dwight J. Rouse and Elaine St. John to this chapter in the last edition of this text.

Normal Labor


The course of normal human labor and delivery comprises a complex relationship between several dynamic parameters, including uterine contractions, cervical dilation, fetal descent, and elapsed time. Once the diagnosis of labor is made correctly, one can apply empiric models of progress in labor to identify labor abnormalities and apply effective interventions.

The onset of labor in humans occurs around 280 days, or 40 weeks, from the first day of a patient’s last menstrual period (LMP). Because the estimated date of confinement (EDC), or “due date,” is associated with much anticipation and planning on the part of patients, care must be taken to educate the patient about the uncertainties inherent in setting the EDC as well as to ensure that the assignment of the due date is based on accurate medical data, insofar as this is possible. Individual variation accounts for a range for the onset of labor that spans 2 weeks on either side of the best estimated EDC; spontaneous labor between 38 and 42 weeks is considered normal. It is then the responsibility of the health care provider, when estimating a date of confinement, to take an accurate menstrual and contraceptive history in order to avoid assigning an incorrect date. If the patient’s cycle length is anything other than 28 days, the EDC must be adjusted accordingly, as much of the variation in cycle length is associated with the follicular, or preovulatory, phase. If conception occurs while the patient is using, or had recently been using, hormonal contraception, the date of ovulation may again be something other than 14 days after the LMP. If so, early ultrasound may be warranted in order to date the pregnancy more accurately and avoid mis-timing of medical interventions. While such attention to detail may seem insignificant at the time, many interventions including unnecessary tocolysis and unindicated induction of labor may result from an inaccurately dated pregnancy.

The physiology of normal labor in humans remains incompletely understood. Evidence from sheep models suggests that the causative event in labor onset is a fall in maternal serum progesterone, concomitant with a rise in estrogens, all triggered by fetal adrenal cortisol production. However, a dramatic decrease in serum progesterone at term is not seen in humans, and an intact fetal hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis does not seem necessary for labor to occur, as observed in pregnancies complicated by fetal anencephaly where the average delivery date is 39 6/7 weeks. Research in murine models suggests a role for prostaglandin synthesis in the onset of labor, although such data are again limited by interspecies differences. It is likely that the human uterus, a muscular organ with significant resting tone outside of pregnancy, is under negative inhibition during the bulk of pregnancy, and only near term is that negative inhibition lifted, thus enabling coordinated uterine contractions to occur. Because
of the relatively poor understanding of the physiology of human labor, effective treatments for preterm labor and for induction of labor have remained elusive.

Figure 2.1 Flow sheet for following labor progress. (From
Chua S, Arulkumaran S. Poor prognosis in labor, including augmentation, malpositions and malpresentations. In: James DK, Steer PJ, Weiner CP, et al., eds. High risk pregnancy, 2nd ed. London: Harcourt Brace, 1999:1105
, with permission.)

Stages of Labor

Clinically recognizable labor is typically divided into three stages, each with statistically derived normative rates and durations. Many of these labor values were elucidated by Emanuel Friedman, who in the 1950s published his studies of hundreds of normal and abnormal labors and plotted cervical dilation and fetal descent against time. The resulting graphic labor curve was used to recognize individual labor patterns that deviated from normal and to guide the nature and timing of interventions. A more recent evaluation of labor and delivery patterns takes into account changes in both medical management of labor (including higher induction rates, more use of oxytocin and regional anesthesia, and higher rates of continuous fetal monitoring) and in patient characteristics (including increased body mass index [BMI] and decreased smoking rates, both of which have contributed to an increase in fetal size) and suggests a significantly longer duration of the active phase of labor among the contemporary population. Regardless, the very practice of tracking labor in a formal fashion appears to improve labor outcome. In a World Health Organization study of 35,484 women, use of a “labor curve” or partogram (Fig. 2.1) and an agreed on labor management protocol was associated with a reduction in the percentage of prolonged labors, the proportion of labors requiring augmentation, and postpartum sepsis.

The first stage of labor consists of the time between the onset of regular contractions associated with cervical change and the occurrence of complete cervical dilation. The first stage is further divided into latent and active phases. Although the distinction between the two phases can be difficult to make, the latent phase of labor is characterized by a slower rate of cervical dilation despite strong, regular uterine contractions. The latent phase can normally last up to 14 hours in multigravid patients and up to 20 hours in nulligravidas. In the active phase of labor, there is a more rapid change in cervical dilation. Patients may move extremely rapidly through active labor, although the lower limit of normal for cervical change is about 1 cm per hour for nulliparous women.

In the majority of patients, the transition between the latent and active phases occurs at some time between 3 and 5 cm of cervical dilation, although it is possible, particularly in multigravid patients, to see a patient who is 5-cm dilated and still in the latent phase of labor. It is also critical for the clinician to accurately distinguish between latent phase labor, during which incremental cervical change is occurring (although slowly), and dysfunctional uterine contractions, a condition characterized by no change in cervical dilation despite strong, painful uterine contractions. Such dysfunctional contractions do not constitute labor, and treating them as such may lead to unnecessary intervention.

The second stage of labor is defined as the interval between complete cervical dilation and delivery of the baby. This stage is characterized by descent of the fetal presenting part; maternal sensation of pelvic pressure as this descent progresses; and maternal expulsive efforts, which in concert with uterine contractions effect delivery of the baby. The duration of the second stage varies with parity, ethnicity, fetal size, and the presence or absence of regional anesthesia and can range from only minutes to as much as 3 hours.

Finally, the third stage of labor comprises that time period between delivery of the baby and delivery of the placenta and may take up to 30 minutes, although usually is much shorter.

Mechanics of Labor

Human labor differs from that of other mammals, not only with regard to physiology but also in the way in which the
fetus moves through and out of the birth canal. The mechanism of human labor is complicated by two main evolutionary changes: increased brain size and changes in pelvic shape due to bipedal posture. Both present challenges to the “fit” between the fetal skull and the maternal pelvic outlet. Whereas labor complications in other mammals are mostly related to malpresentations, labor dystocia in humans may occur simply due to fetal head position or subtle differences in the shape of the maternal pelvis. Therefore, it is critical for the obstetrician to understand the anatomy of the pelvis as well as how to assess the presentation, lie, and position of the fetus.

Figure 2.2 The pelvic inlet AP diameter is estimated from the diagonal conjugate.


Clinical assessment of the pelvis involves manual evaluation of the pelvic inlet, midpelvis, and outlet (Figs. 2.2, 2.3).

  • Pelvic inlet—The transverse diameter of the pelvic inlet averages 13 cm. It cannot be measured clinically, but a narrow transverse inlet is a very rare cause of abnormal labor progress. The anteroposterior (AP) diameter of the inlet is more important. It is estimated clinically by determining the distance between the lower margin of the symphysis pubis and the sacral promontory. This value is known as the diagonal conjugate. The obstetric conjugate—or true AP diameter—is 1.5 to 2.0 cm shorter. The pelvic inlet is an adequate size for a normal fetus if the diagonal conjugate is 12 cm or greater.

    Figure 2.3 The transverse diameter of the midpelvis is estimated by evaluating the distance between the ischial spines.

  • Midpelvis—The specific diameters of the midpelvis cannot be measured clinically. Contraction of the midpelvis is suspected if the ischial spines are quite prominent (or the sacrosciatic notch is less than two fingerbreadths wide), the pubic arch is narrow, the pelvic sidewalls converge, or the sacral concavity is quite shallow.

  • Pelvic outlet—The transverse diameter of the pelvic outlet should be greater than 8 cm. This diameter can be estimated by placing a fist on the perineum to measure the distance between the ischial tuberosities.

Consideration of these measurements allows assignment to one of the various pelvic types and thus an appreciation of how and where labor may be stalled if the pelvis is not favorable for childbirth. Careful evaluation of the midpelvis is most important, as those women found to have a contracted midpelvis are poor candidates for forceps-assisted vaginal delivery. However, because the fetal skull has the ability to mold, and because overall fetal size is variable, borderline pelvimetry is not a contraindication to a trial of labor.

Fetal Orientation

Clinicians who provide care for women in the third trimester of pregnancy should assess the orientation of the fetus at each visit. Early detection of abnormal fetal orientation can increase the success of interventions to correct this; for example, the chance of successful external cephalic version of a breech fetus is greater if the version is performed prior to the onset of labor.

The fetal lie is the relationship between the sagittal plane of the fetus and the mother. The vast majority of patients in labor have a longitudinal fetal lie, although risk factors including multiparity and uterine or fetal anomalies may increase the rate of transverse or oblique lie. Fetal presentation refers to the part of the fetus that is closest to the pelvic inlet. Most often, the fetus is in cephalic presentation,
and of those, the majority are in a vertex (posterior fontanel as the presenting landmark) presentation. Other presentations include brow and face. Breech presentation is classified into several subcategories: complete (hips and knees flexed), frank (hips flexed, knees extended), and incomplete or footling (one or both lower extremities presenting). Finally, fetal position describes the relationship of a presenting part to the maternal pelvis. For purposes of describing fetal position, the point of reference in a vertex presentation is the occiput; for a breech, it is the sacrum; and in face presentations, it is the chin (or mentum). The reference point is described in its relationship to the maternal pelvis. Thus, with a vertex presentation, the occiput on the maternal left side of the pelvis, and the fetal sagittal suture transverse in the pelvis, the position is left occiput transverse, abbreviated as LOT.

Figure 2.4 Leopold maneuvers. First maneuver: The uterine contour is outlined; the fundus is palpated, allowing identification of the fetal parts. Second maneuver: By palpation of the sides of the maternal abdomen, the location of the fetal back is determined. Third maneuver: The presenting part is grasped, identified, and evaluated for engagement. Fourth maneuver: With palpation toward the pelvis, the identity of the presenting part is confirmed, and flexion or extension of the fetal head is evaluated.

The clinician can often determine fetal lie and presentation by manual palpation of the gravid uterus. This process was formalized in four discrete maneuvers described by Leopold in the late 19th century (Fig. 2.4). Fetal position generally cannot be determined by external examination but rather by vaginal examination and direct palpation of the fetus during active labor or by ultrasound investigation.

Cardinal Movements of Labor

From the perspective of the fetus, labor involves movement progressively downward through the pelvis by the following cardinal movements, described for a vertex presentation (Fig. 2.5).

  • Engagement occurs days to weeks prior to labor for primigravidas and at the onset of labor for multigravidas.

    Figure 2.5 Cardinal movements of labor. A: Engagement. B: Flexion. C: Descent and internal rotation. D, E: Extension. F: External rotation.

  • Flexion of the neck allows the occiput to lead, thus presenting the smallest diameter of the fetal head to the pelvic inlet.

  • Descent is progressive as the cervix thins and the lower uterine segment lengthens.

  • Internal rotation occurs during descent. The occiput rotates from transverse to either a posterior or anterior position to pass the ischial spines.

  • Extension occurs as the fetal head distends the perineum and the occiput passes beneath the symphysis.

  • External rotation of the head after delivery to a transverse position allows the shoulders to rotate internally to an AP position.

Initial Patient Evaluation and Hospital Admission

Women should be advised at each antepartum visit of the circumstances under which they should seek evaluation for labor. These include:

  • Possible rupture of membranes. In 10% of pregnancies, rupture of the membranes precedes the onset of labor. This presents as fluid leaking through the cervix and out of the vagina. The differential diagnosis includes urine leakage, vaginal infections, and passage of cervical mucus. Because prolonged rupture of the membranes is associated with higher rates of maternal and neonatal infection, optimal treatment of ruptured membranes at term is prompt induction of labor.

  • Regular, painful uterine contractions. Although regular uterine contractions often signal the onset of labor, it can be difficult to distinguish true latent labor from false labor, or Braxton-Hicks contractions. The contractions of false labor tend to be more irregular both in intensity and in interval and the associated discomfort limited to the lower abdomen and groin. They usually abate with time, analgesia, or sedation. The contractions of true labor are progressive in intensity and are often associated with pelvic pressure as well as abdominal and back pain. In many cases, the only way to confirm the diagnosis of true labor is observation over several hours and serial examinations of the cervix.

  • Significant vaginal bleeding. A small amount of blood mixed with mucus is a normal sign of early cervical dilation. This is called a bloody show. However, heavy vaginal bleeding may indicate placental abruption or an undiagnosed placenta previa.

  • Pain greater than anticipated in the back, abdomen, or pelvis. Again, this may signal an untoward event such as placental abruption or, in the case of a patient with previous uterine surgery, uterine scar dehiscence.

A careful history will elucidate whether there may be an indication for hospital admission. Physical examination may confirm the diagnosis, although as noted, the diagnosis of labor may take observation over time. If the woman is having contractions, their time of onset and frequency should be recorded. Questions should focus on spontaneous rupture of the membranes, presence or absence of bleeding, and fetal activity. The patient’s prenatal record should be reviewed in detail with particular attention to the reliability of the EDC; the details of any previous pregnancies; and past medical, surgical, and social history. Prenatal laboratory data should include blood type (with documentation of appropriate Rh(D) immune globulin administration); hemoglobin/hematocrit; screening for gestational diabetes, if indicated; cervical cytology; rubella antibody status; and infection screening to include syphilis, hepatitis B, gonorrhea, Chlamydia, and HIV status as well as group B streptococcal (GBS) status.

The admission physical examination should include vital signs, auscultation of heart and lungs, and a brief neurologic examination with particular attention to deep tendon reflexes. Fetal orientation should be determined, and the uterus should be palpated or monitored to determine the presence, frequency, and intensity of contractions. A clinical assessment of fetal weight should be performed, and fetal heart tones should be assessed either by auscultation or via electronic monitoring, with specific attention to the response of the fetal heart rate to the uterine contractions.

The external genitalia should be examined for herpetic lesions. If membrane rupture is suspected, this can be confirmed or ruled out by speculum examination. Pooling of amniotic fluid in the vagina or direct visualization of fluid leakage through the cervix is highly suggestive of ruptured membranes. A sample of the pooled fluid is collected and subjected to microscopy and pH testing. Amniotic fluid is relatively basic (compared with normal vaginal secretions that have a pH <4.5) and will turn nitrazine paper blue (although blood will as well). An air-dried sample of amniotic fluid on a slide will show, under the microscope, a characteristic “fern” pattern (Fig 2.6). Because cervical mucus and maternal serum can also demonstrate a fern pattern, care must be taken when collecting the sample.

An internal digital examination may be performed to assess the state of the cervix as well as fetal station and position. It may be appropriate to defer this examination in the case of ruptured membranes if the patient is not clinically deemed to be in active labor, due to the possibility of increasing risk for chorioamnionitis. Digital examinations
are contraindicated in undiagnosed vaginal bleeding, as such an examination in the case of a placenta previa can lead to life-threatening hemorrhage. The internal examination includes attention to the following: dilation of the internal cervical os; assessment of consistency (soft or firm); degree of effacement (Fig. 2.7); orientation of the cervical os with respect to the vaginal axis (posterior, midplane, or anterior); and identification, station, position, and attitude, if applicable, of the presenting fetal part. Station is defined as the relationship between the lowest presenting bony part and the maternal ischial spines (Fig. 2.8). Position is determined by noting the orientation of a chosen fetal part—occiput, sacrum, or mentum—relative to the maternal pelvis (Fig. 2.9). Fetal attitude refers to the position of the fetal head relative to the fetal chest and the presence or absence of lateral flexion of the head (Figs. 2.10,2.11,2.12). Clinical pelvimetry should be performed as described previously.

Figure 2.6 Typical ferning pattern of dried amniotic fluid (400×). (Original photo courtesy of Dr. Dwight Rouse.)

Figure 2.7 Degree of cervical effacement. A: No effacement. B: 75% effacement. C: 100% effacement.

Management of Labor

Management of the First Stage of Labor

The primary management goals in the first stage of labor are to monitor fetal well-being; support the woman through what can be a lengthy, uncomfortable period; and offer intervention as it becomes appropriate. One of the most important steps a clinician can take in the management of labor is to accurately diagnose whether a patient is, or is not, in active labor. Randomized trials have shown that patients in early latent labor who are encouraged to labor at home or to walk have less need for oxytocic agents and anesthesia than those who are admitted directly to the hospital. If a patient has an indication, whether fetal or maternal, for admission to the hospital in early labor, she should be encouraged to maintain as much freedom of movement as possible. Because all forms of monitoring, be it intermittent auscultation, external fetal monitoring, or internal monitoring, can be accomplished in a lying, sitting, or upright position, the only time a healthy woman’s movement must be limited is after she has received analgesia or anesthesia and would not be steady on her feet. Patients should be free to position themselves as they like except for the supine position. In the supine position, the gravid uterus may compress the vena cava, leading to decreased venus return, decreased cardiac output, and compromised blood flow to the uterus and other organs. This has been called the supine-hypotension syndrome of pregnancy.

Figure 2.8 Stations of the fetal head. At the 0 station, the fetal head is at the bony ischial spines and fills the maternal sacrum. Positions above the ischial spines are referred to as –1 through –5, referring to the number of centimeters that the head is positioned above the spines. As the head descends past the ischial spines, the stations are referred to as +1 through +5 (head visible at the introitus).

Figure 2.9 Fetal position. The orientation of the presenting vertex within the maternal pelvis.

Figure 2.10 A, B: The bones, sutures, fontanelles, and clinically important diameters of the fetal head.

Figure 2.11 Fetal attitude and dimensions of a term-size fetus. A: Full flexion presents the smallest circumference of the fetal head to the narrower planes of the pelvis. B: Military attitude usually changes to full flexion with descent into the pelvis. C: Brow presentation usually converts to full flexion or a face presentation, as the occipitomental diameter is too large for all except the largest pelves to accommodate. D: Face presentation shows dimensions that allow descent through the pelvis, unless the chin is posterior. Persistent mentum posterior must be delivered by cesarean section.

Vital signs should be monitored at least every 4 hours or more frequently as clinically indicated. Placement of an intravenous line is not necessary for all women in labor. However, women who are dehydrated or for whom nausea, a common symptom in labor, prevents adequate ongoing oral hydration may benefit from intravenous hydration. It is prudent to establish intravenous access for administration of fluids and medication, should they be necessary, in women at increased risk of postpartum hemorrhage (such as those patients with prior postpartum hemorrhage, prolonged labor, or overdistended uterus).

In most women, laboratory evaluation on presentation in labor can be minimized and tailored to risk factors pertinent to the patient or to the patient population. Although in many units it is customary to perform routine admission blood type and antibody screen, hemoglobin and hematocrit, and syphilis serology, the necessity and cost-effectiveness of repeating these tests in healthy women who have received adequate prenatal care is debatable. If a woman exhibits signs or symptoms of preeclampsia such as hypertension, visual disturbances, or hyperreflexia, appropriate laboratory workup should be pursued. Patients without prenatal care, or for whom such records will not be obtainable during their hospital stay, should have laboratory evaluation for blood type and Rh status; hemoglobin/hematocrit; rubella antibody titer; and hepatitis B, syphilis, and HIV screening.

Patients with positive screening cultures for GBS or who have had a previously affected infant should be given prophylactic intravenous antibiotics during labor in order to decrease the risk of transmission to the fetus and resulting neonatal GBS sepsis. If screening cultures are not available, a risk-based treatment strategy is recommended by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC). Prophylaxis is given for any of the following: labor prior to 37 weeks, rupture of membranes greater than 18 hours, or clinical evidence
of maternal intrauterine infection. The consensus treatment in patients without allergies is penicillin G, 5 million units initially followed by 2.5 million units every 4 hours until delivery. Acceptable alternatives include ampicillin; cefazolin (for patients with a nonanaphylactoid response to penicillin); or in cases of grave penicillin allergy, clindamycin, erythromycin, or vancomycin (depending on demonstrated antibiotic susceptibilities). (Further description of GBS infection is presented in Chapter 19

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