When children or adolescents present with a change in mental status, respiratory depression, gastrointestinal complications, or pancreatitis, consider alcohol abuse as an underlying cause
Michael S. Potter
Anthony Slonim MD
What to Do – Gather Appropriate Data, Interpret the Data
Alcohol abuse is becoming more and more prevalent in the pediatric population, and children are being introduced to alcohol at younger ages than before. Approximately 40% of nonautomotive accidental deaths are attributed to alcohol abuse, and alcohol, as a legal drug, contributes to more deaths in young people than all illegal drugs combined. Therefore, pediatricians need to be familiar with the effects of alcohol overdose syndrome and the complications of chronic exposure.
Because alcohol depresses the central nervous system, euphoria, grogginess, talkativeness, impaired short-term memory, and an increased pain threshold are commonly exhibited in patients suffering from alcohol overdoses. Respiratory depression can occur if serum levels are significant. Furthermore, alcohol inhibits the normal operation of the pituitary antidiuretic hormone. When alcohol is consumed in a large quantity at one time, gastrointestinal complications are not uncommon. Acute erosive gastritis is the most common of these complications, and it manifests itself as epigastric pain, anorexia, vomiting, and guaiac-positive stools. Be aware, however, that vomiting and midabdominal pain can also be the result of acute alcoholic pancreatitis. If elevated serum amylase and lipase levels are detected, then a diagnosis of acute alcoholic pancreatitis becomes more likely.