Ventriculoperitoneal Shunt Taps, Percutaneous Ventricular Taps, and External Ventricular Drains

Ventriculoperitoneal Shunt Taps, Percutaneous Ventricular Taps, and External Ventricular Drains

Joshua Casaos

Rajiv R. Iyer

Edward S. Ahn

Hydrocephalus is often discovered in infancy and while not all infants with hydrocephalus require surgical intervention, this determination is based on the presence of signs and symptoms of elevated intracranial pressure (ICP). Elevation in ICP can manifest as rapidly increasing or abnormally large head circumference,j a bulging fontanelle, splayed cranial sutures, apneas and bradycardias, developmental delay, or other signs of neurologic dysfunction (1). If elevated ICP is a concern, patients with hydrocephalus are often managed by surgical implantation of a ventriculoperitoneal (VP) shunt, which allows CSF to be diverted from the ventricular system of the brain to the peritoneal cavity (2, 3). VP shunts typically consist of three main components: a proximal ventricular catheter, a flow-regulating valve (programmable or nonprogrammable), and a distal peritoneal catheter (Fig. 46.1) (4).

Several types of VP shunts are available and they are implanted in the operating room by a neurosurgeon. While full-term infants with hydrocephalus can undergo VP shunting, preterm neonates are often too small to tolerate a fully functional shunt, so a temporizing device is needed. In these cases, a ventriculosubgaleal shunt (VSGS) is placed, which diverts CSF from the ventricular system into the subgaleal space of the scalp (2, 5). Alternatively, a ventricular access device with a subcutaneous reservoir can be implanted and tapped periodically (see Chapter 57). Once infants reach a sufficient weight, typically 2,000 to 2,500 g, the temporizing device can be replaced with a fully functional VP shunt if CSF diversion is still required.

Certain scenarios may preclude distal shunt insertion into the peritoneum, such as abdominal infection (necrotizing enterocolitis in infants) or a history of multiple prior abdominal surgeries with poor peritoneal fluid reabsorption. In these cases, alternative distal catheter sites can be considered, such as the right atrium of the heart, pleural cavity, and others.


VP shunt dysfunction can occur due to abnormalities in any component of the system (proximal catheter, valve, distal catheter). Patients with dysfunctional shunts demonstrate signs and symptoms of elevated ICP, as well as diagnostic imaging that is often concerning for enlarged ventricles. Concern for obstruction or infection may be an indication for investigation of the functionality of a shunt with a shunt tap. This procedure can be performed relatively quickly at
the bedside and can serve both diagnostic and therapeutic purposes.

FIGURE 46.1 VP shunt components consisting of a proximal catheter and stylet (A), a flow-regulating valve (B), and a distal peritoneal catheter (C).

C. Equipment (Fig. 46.2)

1. Sterile gown, gloves, drapes, mask

2. Hair clippers (if necessary)

3. Antiseptic (Betadine, chlorhexidine, DuraPrep, etc.)

4. 25-gauge butterfly needle with associated tubing

5. 3-, 5-, 10-, or 20-mL syringes depending on ventricular size, ICP

6. CSF collection tubes

7. Optional: manometer: a physical manometer, often used for lumbar punctures, can be attached to butterfly tubing to directly measure ICP in cm H2O. This can also be approximated with the shunt tubing length held vertically after the tap.

D. Preprocedure Care

1. Obtain informed consent (risk of hemorrhage, infection, shunt malfunction)

2. Check labs for hematologic abnormalities that can alter clotting function (i.e., coagulation factors, platelets, etc.)

3. Position infant such that shunt valve is easy to access (Fig. 46.3)

FIGURE 46.3 Radiograph demonstrating location of proximal catheter and shunt reservoir (yellow arrowhead).

a. Ancillary staff and parents may assist with infant positioning

4. Check insertion site for infection

Dec 15, 2019 | Posted by in PEDIATRICS | Comments Off on Ventriculoperitoneal Shunt Taps, Percutaneous Ventricular Taps, and External Ventricular Drains

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