Timing of birth and adverse pregnancy outcomes in cases of prenatally diagnosed vasa previa: a systematic review and meta-analysis


The ideal time for birth in pregnancies diagnosed with vasa previa remains unclear. We conducted a systematic review aiming to identify the gestational age at delivery that best balances the risks for prematurity with that of pregnancy prolongation in cases with prenatally diagnosed vasa previa.

Data Sources

Ovid MEDLINE, PubMed, CINAHL, Embase, Scopus, and Web of Science were searched from inception to January 2022.

Study Eligibility Criteria

The intervention analyzed was delivery at various gestational ages in pregnancies prenatally diagnosed with vasa previa. Cohort studies, case series, and case reports were included in the qualitative synthesis. When summary figures could not be obtained directly from the studies for the quantitative synthesis, authors were contacted and asked to provide a breakdown of perinatal outcomes by gestational age at birth.


Study appraisal was completed using the National Institutes of Health quality assessment tool for the respective study types. Statistical analysis was performed using a random-effects meta-analysis of proportions.


The search identified 3435 studies of which 1264 were duplicates. After screening 2171 titles and abstracts, 140 studies proceeded to the full-text screen. A total of 37 studies were included for analysis, 14 of which were included in a quantitative synthesis. Among 490 neonates, there were 2 perinatal deaths (0.4%), both of which were neonatal deaths before 32 weeks’ gestation. In general, the rate of neonatal complications decreased steadily from <32 weeks’ gestation (4.6% rate of perinatal death, 91.2% respiratory distress, 11.4% 5-minute Apgar score <7, 23.3% neonatal blood transfusion, 100% neonatal intensive care unit admission, and 100% low birthweight) to 36 weeks’ gestation (0% perinatal death, 5.3% respiratory distress, 0% 5-minute Apgar score <7, 2.9% neonatal blood transfusion, 29.2% neonatal intensive care unit admission, and 30.9% low birthweight). Complications then increased slightly at 37 weeks’ gestation before decreasing again at 38 weeks’ gestation.


Prolonging pregnancies until 36 weeks’ gestation seems to be safe and beneficial in otherwise uncomplicated pregnancies with antenatally diagnosed vasa previa.

AJOG at a Glance

Why was this study conducted?

The optimum time of delivery in pregnancies diagnosed with vasa previa is unclear. Recommendations from individual studies differ, and guidelines suggest delivery within broad periods of 2 to 3 weeks.

Key findings

The overall rate of complications in cases with prenatally diagnosed vasa previa decreased until 36 weeks’ gestation and remained generally low thereafter.

What does this add to what is known?

This study analyzed the complications of vasa previa by each discrete gestational week at birth. The findings of this study could add greater specificity to existing guidelines.


Vasa previa is an uncommon condition of pregnancy affecting between 1 in 2000 and 1 in 5000 pregnancies, however, the true incidence is difficult to estimate because there are scarce reports in the literature. The most common risk factors for vasa previa include a low-lying placenta (seen in 61.5% of diagnosed cases of vasa previa), pregnancies conceived via assisted reproduction techniques (28.2% of diagnosed cases), and multiple gestation (8.9% of diagnosed cases). , Vasa previa can be caused by velamentous cord insertions, coursing of vessels between a bilobed placenta or succenturiate lobe, or when fetal vessels follow a boomerang orbit.

Pregnancies affected by vasa previa present a considerable threat to the fetus. Because the fetal blood vessels are embedded within the fetal membranes, rupture of the amniotic sac during (or before) labor can lead to fetal hemorrhage, exsanguination, and death. , In addition, as the fetus descends into the pelvis, the pressure on the unsupported vessels can cause fetal asphyxia. To reduce these complications, it is vital to make a diagnosis during the antenatal period. Oyelese et al showed that the survival rate in cases of diagnosed vasa previa is approximately 97%, whereas in undiagnosed cases, the survival rate is approximately 40%. As such, some studies have recommended routine sonographic screening for vasa previa, especially in pregnancies with risk factors such as a low-lying placenta, to allow for close monitoring and scheduling of an elective cesarean delivery before membrane rupture.

Although delivering the fetus before membrane rupture is key to the management of vasa previa, it is also important to consider that neonates delivered at earlier gestational ages are more likely to be affected by complications of prematurity. The safest time to deliver should therefore be considered the gestational age that most appropriately balances the risks for prematurity with the risks associated with the onset of labor. The ideal window of delivery remains unclear and the recommendations differ. Some observational studies have suggested delivery as early as 33 weeks’ gestation, whereas others have proposed that birth can potentially be delayed until 37 weeks’ gestation. In addition, a purely theoretical decision-tree analysis advocated that scheduled delivery at 34 to 35 weeks’ gestation would lead to the highest quality-adjusted life-years. Guidelines from leading institutions are largely based on expert opinion and similarly do not have consistent recommendations; they also generally suggest delivery within a broad window of 2 to 3 weeks. , , This breadth allows ample room for interpretation and could lead to delivery at either late-preterm or early-term gestations, each of which carries a unique set of risks. This highlights the need for a more specific, evidence-based recommendation for the timing of delivery in pregnancies diagnosed with vasa previa.

In this systematic review, we aimed to identify the gestational age at which the rate of perinatal complications was the lowest, which is likely to represent the safest time to deliver in pregnancies affected by vasa previa.


We conducted a systematic review of studies with prenatally diagnosed vasa previa. The protocol for this review was registered with the International Prospective Register of Systematic Reviews (under identifier CRD42020186416), and the results were reported according to the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-analyses guidelines.

Eligibility criteria, information sources, and search strategy

Given the rarity of vasa previa, studies included in this review were cohort studies, case series, and case reports. Because of the limited literature on neonatal outcomes from pregnancies affected by vasa previa, conference abstracts were not strictly excluded from the eligibility criteria; however, they were excluded if they were too brief to draw relevant conclusions from or if they did not contain enough data on the outcomes of interest. Studies were only included if they were available in English and if they were human studies. Studies only proceeded to the quantitative synthesis if they had more than 5 cases and if a detailed breakdown of complications by gestational age was available.

A systematic search of the Ovid MEDLINE, PubMed, CINAHL, Embase, Scopus, and Web of Science databases from inception to January 2022 was performed to identify studies that analyzed prenatally diagnosed cases of vasa previa and neonatal outcomes. The reference lists of relevant studies were also searched to identify any additional studies that may not have been captured in the initial searches.

A combination of medical subject heading terms and key terms and variants of “prenatally diagnosed,” “vasa previa,” “delivery,” “cesarean,” and “outcomes” were used to search the aforementioned databases. Variations of search terms were combined with the Boolean operator “OR,” and the different elements of the Population, Intervention, Comparator, and Outcome framework were combined with the Boolean operator “AND.” The complete search strategy is included in Appendix A .

Study selection

The study selection process was performed using Covidence systematic review software (Veritas Health Innovation, Melbourne, Australia). After duplicates were removed, 2 independent reviewers (G.N. and S.J.M.) screened the title and abstract of each study for eligibility; studies that were considered relevant by both reviewers, and all studies over which there was disagreement, proceeded to the next stage of screening. Full texts of these studies were then assessed for eligibility by the same 2 independent reviewers with strict adherence to the predefined inclusion and exclusion criteria. Disagreements were discussed, and any persistent conflicts were resolved through discussion with a third reviewer (D.L.R.).

Studies used in the qualitative synthesis were excluded from the quantitative synthesis if they had a sample size <5, because the presence of outcomes in studies with smaller sample sizes were likely to cause overly significant shifts in the proportions. When data breakdown by gestational age was not reported, authors were contacted and additional data were requested. Per the eligibility criteria, if sufficient data could not be obtained, the study was excluded from the quantitative analysis.

Data extraction

Two authors (G.N. and S.J.M.) independently extracted the author names, year of publication, study design, sample sizes, and outcomes directly from the manuscripts. In addition, for the quantitative synthesis, the counts of relevant outcomes at each gestational age were also extracted, either directly from the manuscript or from a raw data set requested from authors. Gestational ages were grouped as <32 weeks, 32 weeks (ie, 32+0 to 32+6 weeks), 33 weeks, 34 weeks, 35 weeks, 36 weeks, 37 weeks, and ≥38 weeks. Once the extraction was complete, the spreadsheets were then directly cross-checked between the 2 authors to identify any discrepancies; these were resolved through consensus among the authors.

Assessment of risk of bias

The quality assessment was completed using the National Institutes of Health Study Quality Assessment Tools, as recommended by Ma et al, for nonrandomized studies. The tool for observational cohort and cross-sectional studies was used for cohort studies, and the tool for case series was used for both case series and case reports. These checklists were completed by 2 independent reviewers (G.N. and S.J.M.) and compared. Discrepancies were again resolved through discussion. Study quality was globally rated as poor, fair, or good.

Outcomes of interest and data synthesis

Data extracted from each study for the quantitative analysis included the total number of neonates delivered at each gestational age and the number of neonates with the outcomes of interest These included perinatal mortality, respiratory distress syndrome (RDS) requiring intubation, Apgar scores <7 at 5 minutes, neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) admission, low birthweight (<2500 g), and neonatal blood transfusions. We then analyzed the aggregate rates of each outcome of interest overall and by gestational age. Pooled proportions of different adverse pregnancy outcomes, overall and stratified by gestational age, were calculated with random-effects models using inverse-variance weights and the arcsine transformation to achieve stabilization of the variances. Publication bias was investigated by inspection of funnel plots and the Egger’s test for outcomes reported by 10 studies or more. Finally, we performed a sensitivity analysis of the aggregate rates of adverse pregnancy outcomes and included only studies considered to be of good quality to investigate the impact of studies at high risk of bias on the results. Analyses were conducted with the package metafor in the statistical software package R (R Core Team, Vienna, Austria).


Study selection

A total of 3435 studies were identified through the search, 1264 of which were duplicates. After screening 2171 titles and abstracts, 140 studies were deemed potentially relevant and were included in the full-text screen, but 9 reports could not be retrieved. A further 94 were then excluded because of disagreement with the predefined eligibility criteria or irrelevance. This left 37 studies to be included in the systematic review. The study selection process is presented in Figure 1 , and the characteristics of included studies are included in Supplemental Table 1 .

Figure 1

PRISMA flow diagram

PRISMA, Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses

Mitchell. Timing of birth in cases of antenatally diagnosed vasa previa. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2022.

Three studies were excluded from the quantitative synthesis because they had a study sample size of <5. , , Of the remaining 34 studies, 4 presented a data breakdown by gestational age. , , , The remaining 30 studies only reported the total incidence of complications across all deliveries and did not specify the gestational age at which these occurred. , , , , , , , Authors of these articles were contacted to request the breakdown of complications by gestational age. A total of 19 authors either could not be contacted, did not respond, or did not have the data that we requested available. , , , , , , , , , , The corresponding author of 1 study reported that their data was included in another, larger study and so this was treated as a duplicate and was removed from the quantitative synthesis. A total of 10 sets of raw, stratified data were obtained from corresponding authors. , , , , , , , , , Hence, 14 studies were included in the quantitative synthesis. , , , , , , , , , ,

Risk of bias

In total, there were 3 case reports, 21 case series, and 13 cohort studies. The scoring and overall rating of the studies are shown in Supplemental Tables 2 and 3 .

In terms of case series and case reports, the criterion that was consistently poor was the use of statistical analysis; however, reviewers believed that this was not necessary in most cases given the small sample sizes and the descriptive nature of the series. Fifteen of the 21 case series were rated as good, and 6 were rated as fair. All 3 case reports were rated as fair.

There were some criteria that consistently were not applicable to cohort studies. These included variation in the amount or level of an exposure (because one can only have vasa previa or not), whether outcome assessors were blinded (because most studies were retrospective), and whether there was a sample size justification (this was considered unnecessary because most studies included all consecutive cases within a reasonable period). Overall, 6 cohort studies were rated as good, and 7 were rated as fair.

There was difficulty in assessing the overall quality of conference abstracts because of the lack of essential information for this. For this reason, it was difficult for the global assessments of conference abstracts to exceed fair.

Qualitative synthesis

The most commonly reported outcomes included perinatal mortality, , , , , , , RDS requiring intubation, , , , , , , , , , 5-minute Apgar scores <7, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , requirement for blood transfusion by the neonate, , , , , , , , , , , , NICU admission, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , and low birthweight. , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

The number of cases of vasa previa in the included studies ranged from 2 to 586 with a mean of 63.7 and a median of 23. Three of the 37 studies were prospective, 2 of which were case series and 1 was a cohort study. , , Broadly, cohort studies that compared the outcomes of prenatally diagnosed vasa previa with vasa previa that was undiagnosed prenatally reported a reduced risk of neonatal mortality among diagnosed cases. , , , Studies comparing women without vasa previa with women with vasa previa demonstrated an increased risk for neonatal mortality, RDS requiring intubation, and a need for neonatal blood transfusions. Perinatal mortality ranged from 0% to 16.6% in the studies analyzing prenatally diagnosed vasa previa. NICU admission was a common event for neonates delivered from pregnancies affected by vasa previa with the rates ranging from 53.5% to 100%.

Other complications of prematurity were also included in a small number of studies. Six studies reported on intraventricular hemorrhage (IVH) (0%–16.7%), , , , 2 studies reported on cases of bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD) (0.02%–8.7%), , and 5 studies reported cases of necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC) (0%–8.7%). , , , , However, there was not enough data available to perform a quantitative analysis on these neonatal outcomes.

Of the 37 included studies, 14 provided recommendations on the timing of delivery, which ranged from 33 to 37 weeks’ gestation. The most common recommendations were 34 to 35 weeks , , and 35 weeks’ gestation. , , Only 1 study suggested delivery earlier than this at 33 to 34 weeks’ gestation. Broader recommendations included 34 to 36 weeks, 34 to 37 weeks, and 35 to 37 weeks’ gestation. , Some studies also proposed delivery at 35 to 36 weeks , and 36 weeks’ gestation.

Of note, although all studies largely defined vasa previa as fetal vessels running unprotected over or close to the internal cervical os, 4 studies defined the distance of the fetal vessels to the internal cervical os explicitly. , , , , , , Six studies defined vasa previa as fetal vessels within 2 cm of the cervical os, and the last defined close proximity as being within a distance of 4 cm.

Quantitative synthesis

A total of 490 neonates across the 14 studies were included in the analysis. This included 44 (9.0%) neonates born before 32 weeks’ gestation, 20 (4.1%) born at 32 weeks, 34 (6.9%) born at 33 weeks, 122 (24.9%) born at 34 weeks, 145 (29.6%) born at 35 weeks, 80 (16.3%) born at 36 weeks, 33 (6.7%) born at 37 weeks, and 12 (2.4%) bor at 38 weeks’ gestation or later. Figure 2 demonstrates the unweighted pooled rates of perinatal complications, whereas Supplemental Table 4 summarizes the rates (numerically) of different perinatal complications. Supplemental Figure 1 presents the forest plots of the inverse-variance weighted proportions of the morbidity outcomes overall, and Supplemental Figure 2 presents the proportions by gestational age at birth. Meta-analyses were not possible for the outcome of perinatal mortality given the low number of events.

Figure 2

Pooled rates of adverse pregnancy outcomes

Numbers and percentages provided in Supplemental Table 4 .

NICU , neonatal intensive care unit

Mitchell. Timing of birth in cases of antenatally diagnosed vasa previa. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2022.

There was no evidence of publication bias for the outcomes of respiratory distress requiring intubation, Apgar score <7 at 5 minutes, low birthweight, and blood transfusion (Egger’s test P values .196, .833, .132, and .817, respectively) ( Supplemental Figures 3 , A, B, D, and E, respectively). There was some evidence of small study effects for the outcome of NICU admission with a tendency of smaller studies reporting lower rates of NICU admission (Egger test P value.033) ( Supplemental Figure 3 , C). A sensitivity analysis restricted to good quality studies showed similar trends as those of the main analysis ( Supplemental Table 5 and Supplemental Figure 4 ).

Perinatal mortality

There were 2 cases of perinatal mortality, both of which occurred before 32 weeks of gestation, and were caused by complications of prematurity (4.6% of births in this age bracket). The cumulative incidence of perinatal death after the diagnosis of vasa previa was 4.1 per 1000 (95% confidence interval, 0.5 to 14.7 per 1000).

Respiratory distress syndrome requiring intubation

The highest rate of RDS was, unsurprisingly, among neonates born <32 weeks of gestation with an incidence of 91.2%. RDS affected 47.1% of neonates born at 32 weeks, 44.0% born at 33 weeks, 27.5% born at 34 weeks, and 21.1% born at 35 weeks. This further decreased to 5.3% at 36 weeks (5.7%), rose to 16.7% at 37 weeks, and then decreased again to 0.0% at 38 weeks or later.

Apgar score <7 at 5 minutes

The highest rate of Apgar scores <7 at 5 minutes occurred at 33 weeks of gestation (14.7%). In contrast, the lowest rate was at 36 weeks and 38 weeks or later (both 0%). The incidence of 5-minute Apgar scores <7 at other gestational ages was 11.4% before 32 weeks, 10.0% at 32 weeks, 4.2% at 34 weeks, 4.2% at 35 weeks, and 9.1% at 37 weeks.

Neonatal intensive care unit admission

All neonates born before or at 32 weeks required an admission to the NICU. The lowest rate of NICU admission was 0.0% at 38 weeks or later followed by 29.2% at 36 weeks. Other rates of NICU admission included 94.1% at 33 weeks, 86.9% at 34 weeks, 64.7% at 35 weeks, and 31.8% at 37 weeks’ gestation.

Low birthweight

All neonates delivered at <32 weeks and at 32 weeks’ gestation had low birthweight. This steadily declined at each subsequent gestational week to 90.5% at 33 weeks, 84.1% at 34 weeks, 48.3% at 35 weeks, 30.9% at 36 weeks, 16.7% at 37 weeks, and 0.0% at 38 weeks’ gestation.

Neonatal blood transfusion

The highest incidence of transfusions occurred at <32 weeks’ gestation (23.3%). Neonatal blood transfusion at other gestational ages was relatively uncommon with an incidence of 0.0% at 32 weeks, 5.9% at 33 weeks, 0.9% at 34 weeks, 2.2% at 35 weeks, 2.9% at 36 weeks, 3.6 % at 37 weeks, and a slight rise to 8.3% at 38 weeks or later.


Principal findings

In this systematic review, we analyzed 37 studies. The qualitative synthesis identified relevant neonatal outcomes relating to vasa previa, including perinatal mortality, RDS, 5-minute Apgar scores <7, NICU admissions, low birthweight, and requirement for neonatal blood transfusion; other complications of prematurity (including IVH, BPD, and NEC) were less commonly reported neonatal outcomes. Moreover, the qualitative synthesis reiterated the importance of a prenatal diagnosis of vasa previa.

A total of 14 studies were included in the quantitative synthesis to investigate the gestational age with the lowest rate of complications. This analysis found a downward trend in the rate of complications until 36 weeks’ gestation; this gestational age saw no perinatal deaths or 5-minute Apgar scores <7, low rates of RDS (5.3%) and blood transfusion (2.9%), and relatively low rates of NICU admission (29.2%) and low birthweight (30.9%). At 37 weeks’ gestation, the rates of most complications slightly increased again (RDS, 5-minute Apgar score <7, blood transfusions, and NICU admission), but generally remained low. The lowest absolute risk of complications seemed to be at 38 weeks’ gestation or later when the rate of all complications was 0.0%, except for neonatal blood transfusion (8.3%). However, it must be considered that there was only a small number of neonates born after 38 weeks (n=12), which was likely because of guidelines suggesting delivery before this time. The small sample size at 38 weeks’ gestation and later significantly limits the reliability of the conclusions about the rates of adverse outcomes at these gestational ages; hence, it cannot be confidently stated that delivery at this time is safe. Given the decrease in complications until 36 weeks and the small increase in complications at 37 weeks, this may suggest that waiting until late preterm may be the best time to deliver in otherwise uncomplicated pregnancies with prenatally diagnosed vasa previa.

In total, there were 2 neonatal deaths (0.4% of all neonates in this study), both of which were caused by complications of prematurity. Because we only included cases of vasa previa with a prenatal diagnosis, the low rate of perinatal mortality is in line with previous studies demonstrating much lower death rates in cases diagnosed prenatally than in those without a prenatal diagnosis.

When examining the safest time to deliver in cases of prenatally diagnosed vasa previa, it is also important to consider the individual patient. For example, some women may be at higher risk for preterm premature rupture of membranes (PPROM) than others; a relevant predictor of PPROM is short cervical length, which can be assessed using a transvaginal ultrasound. Hence, this relatively simple assessment could provide valuable patient-specific information about the risk of fetal vessel rupture at earlier gestational ages and subsequently guide the timing of delivery. Recent literature has also suggested elective hospitalization for women in the weeks before a planned delivery, which would allow closer monitoring for signs of preterm labor and timely access to an emergency cesarean delivery if indicated. However, data to endorse this as standard practice are lacking, and the cost-effectiveness of this strategy has not been adequately explored.

Comparison with existing literature

There have been some recent systematic reviews on vasa previa that have explored risk factors and neonatal outcomes in cases of vasa previa. , , This review differs from these in that we examined a broader range of outcomes and included both a qualitative and quantitative synthesis.

We found 14 studies that provided recommendations on the timing of delivery in cases of vasa previa. Suggestions ranged from as early as 33 to 34 weeks’ gestation up until 37 weeks of gestation. Half of the 14 studies recommended delivery at 35 weeks’ gestation or earlier. , , , , , , , One study recommended 36 weeks’ gestation. The remaining studies proposed a window of time that extended to at least 36 weeks’ gestation, but also included gestations at 35 weeks or earlier. , , , Our data suggest that it is generally safe and beneficial to prolong otherwise uncomplicated pregnancies with a diagnosis of vasa previa to at least 36 weeks’ gestation, which is slightly later than most recommendations made by previous studies.

Another important resource to compare these findings with are current guidelines. The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists and the Society for Maternal-Fetal Medicine both recommend birth at 34 to 37 weeks’ gestation, and the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (United Kingdom) and the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists recommend delivery at 34 to 36 weeks’ gestation. , , Given the lack of large studies to base these recommendations on, most guidelines rely on expert consensus of a gestational age period at which the rates of adverse neonatal outcomes are usually low in high-resource settings. Our finding of relatively low complication rates at 36 weeks’ gestation supports these guidelines and could also add greater specificity.

Strengths and limitations

Existing literature on this topic commonly analyzed the cohort as a whole and reported mean event rates. This study analyzed the rate of complications at each discrete gestational age and the trends in these adverse outcomes and stratified neonatal outcomes in cases of vasa previa by gestational age to find the age with the lowest rate of complications.

There were also weaknesses in this study. Because the incidence of vasa previa is low, there is only limited literature available. Although this study combined results of many previous studies, the stratified data from some of the largest studies could not be obtained. This left us with a relatively small sample (490 cases) from which to obtain reliable estimates and this potentially introduced some bias into our results. Future studies should hence focus on prospective data collection through multicenter collaborations to increase the confidence and have clear and uniform criteria for a vasa previa diagnosis.

When interpreting these results, it is important to consider that not all outcomes are equal in severity and that individual patients would likely have differing opinions on which risks (prematurity or vasa previa) they are more willing to take. However, the rates of all complications seem to be well balanced at 36 to 36+6 weeks, thereby minimizing the need for subjective data interpretation. Moreover, long-term outcomes were not reported and therefore could not be accounted for in this study. For example, neonates born with RDS are at risk of developing bronchopulmonary dysplasia. Prolonged fetal anemia, which could be secondary to preterm delivery or fetal hemorrhage, can lead to ischemic brain lesions and, consequently, neurodevelopmental delay or other forms of disability. These could form further important considerations that women and clinicians may have to take into account during the decision-making process regarding the timing of birth.

Because the data we received from authors were aggregate patient data, we were unable to obtain the indications for delivery, including whether the delivery was planned or emergent. This is a limitation to our study, because emergent or medical indications for earlier delivery may bias the data toward more complications. A subgroup analysis examining emergent deliveries and the specific indications before planned deliveries would have been valuable but was not possible for this review. Formal meta-analysis techniques were used to consider clustering and intra- and between-study variability in the calculation of weights and in the assessment of statistical heterogeneity. Further adjustments for clustering are only possible in individual participant data meta-analyses, which were outside the scope of this study. It was also unclear which particular management protocols were being followed in most studies. We acknowledge that the comparison of management protocols could also have been of great interest, but we lacked the data to do so.

This study only analyzed pregnancies that had been diagnosed prenatally. One of the most significant prognostic markers for poor neonatal outcomes in pregnancies affected by vasa previa is the lack of a prenatal diagnosis; these pregnancies are likely to be prolonged until the labor occurs spontaneously or until birth is indicated for other reasons, which places the fetus at high risk for exsanguination. Unfortunately, the benefits of screening the general population remain unclear and routine antenatal screening is currently not performed in many settings. However, with advances in ultrasound technology and guidelines for more thorough evaluation of high-risk pregnancies, many cases can be identified. ,


In otherwise uncomplicated cases of prenatally diagnosed vasa previa, perinatal mortality is low and it seems safe and beneficial to prolong pregnancy until 36 weeks’ gestation. Given the possible small increase in complications at term, 36 to 36+6 weeks’ gestation may represent the gestational age that best balances the risks of complications from vasa previa with those of prematurity.

Supplementary Data

Appendix A

Search strategy (PubMed and SCOPUS)

(“vasa praevia”[All Fields] OR “vasa previa”[All Fields] OR “vasa previa cases”[All Fields] OR “vasa previa diagnosis”[All Fields] OR “vasa previas”[All Fields] OR “bilobed placenta”[All Fields] OR “bilobed placentas”[All Fields] OR “foetal blood vessel”[All Fields] OR “fetal blood vessels”[All Fields] AND (“deliver”[All Fields] OR “deliver babies”[All Fields] OR “delivery”[All Fields] OR “caesarean”[All Fields] OR “caesarean birth”[All Fields] OR “caesarean births”[All Fields] OR “caesarean born”[All Fields] OR “caesarean childbirth”[All Fields] OR “caesarean delivered”[All Fields] OR “caesarean delivery”[All Fields] OR “cesarean”[All Fields] OR “birth”[All Fields] OR “births”[All Fields] OR “time”[All Fields] OR “time factor”[All Fields] OR “timing”[All Fields] OR “delay”[All Fields] OR “delays”[All Fields] OR “delayed”[All Fields] OR “gestational age”[All Fields] OR “foetal age”[All Fields] OR “fetal age”[All Fields] OR “foetal maturity”[All Fields] OR “fetal maturity”[All Fields] OR “manage”[All Fields] OR “management”[All Fields]

Search strategy (Ovid Medline, EMBASE via Ovid, and PubMed via Ovid)

[(Vasa praevia∗) OR (Vasa previa∗) OR (Vasa Previa/) OR (Velamentous cord) OR (Bilob∗ placenta) OR (Succenturiate lobe∗) OR (foetal blood vessel) OR (fetal blood vessel)] AND [(Deliver∗) OR (exp Delivery, Obstetric/) OR (caesarean∗) OR (birth)] OR [(Time factors/) OR (timing) OR (time) OR (delay∗)] OR [(Gestational Age/) OR (gestational age∗) OR (fetal age∗) OR (foetal age∗) OR (fetal matur∗) OR (foetal maur∗)] OR (manag∗)

Search strategy (CINAHL)

[(Vasa pr#evia) OR (velamentous cord) OR (bilob placenta) OR (succenturiate lobe) OR (f#etal blood vessel) OR (MH “Blood Vessels/AB/US”)] AND [(deliver∗) OR (MH ∗caesarean section/MT/UT) OR (C#esarean) OR (MHcesarean section+/UT/MT) OR (MH “Cesarean section, elective) OR (birth) OR (MH “childbirth, premature”) OR (MH “prepared childbirth) OR (MH “Pregnancy Outcomes”) OR (MH “Childbirth”) OR [(MH “Time”) OR (time) OR (MH “time factors”) OR (MH “time series”) OR (MH “treatment delay”) OR (MH “treatment complications, delayed” OR (delay) OR [(MH “gestational age) OR (gestational age) OR (F#etal age) OR (F#etal matur∗)] OR [(MH “management”) OR (MH “Management of labour)

Search Strategy (Web of Science)

((“vasa praevia”OR “vasa previa”OR “vasa previa cases” OR “vasa previa diagnosis” OR “vasa previas” OR “bilobed placenta” OR “bilobed placentas” OR “fetal blood vessel” OR “fetal blood vessels” OR “foetal blood vessels”) AND (“deliver” OR “deliver babies” OR “delivery” OR “caesarean” OR “caesarean birth” OR “caesarean births” OR “caesarean born” OR “caesarean childbirth” OR “caesarean delivered” OR “caesarean delivery” OR “cesarean” OR “birth” OR “births” OR “time” OR “time factor” OR “timing” OR “delay” OR “delays” OR “delayed” OR “gestational age” OR “foetal age” OR “fetal age” OR “foetal maturity” OR “fetal maturity” OR “manage” OR “management”))

Supplemental Figure 1

Forest plots presenting meta-analyses of the overall proportions with random-effects models (studies with n ≥ 5)

A, Respiratory distress syndrome requiring intubation at birth; B, Apgar scores <7 at 5 minutes; C, NICU admission; D, Low birthweight; E, Neonatal blood transfusion.

NICU , neonatal intensive care unit.

Mitchell. Timing of birth in cases of antenatally diagnosed vasa previa. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2022.

Supplemental Figure 2

Forest plots presenting meta-analyses of proportions with random-effects models (studies with n ≥ 5)

A, Respiratory distress syndrome requiring intubation at birth; B, Apgar scores <7 at 5 minutes; C, NICU admission; D, Low birthweight; E, Neonatal blood transfusion.

NICU , neonatal intensive care unit.

Mitchell. Timing of birth in cases of antenatally diagnosed vasa previa. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2022.

Supplemental Figure 3

Funnel plots of different adverse perinatal outcomes

A, Respiratory distress syndrome requiring intubation at birth (Egger’s test P value of.196); B, Apgar scores <7 at 5 minutes ( P value of.833); C, NICU admission ( P value of.033); D, Low birthweight ( P value of.132); E, Neonatal blood transfusion ( P value of.817).

NICU , neonatal intensive care unit.

Mitchell. Timing of birth in cases of antenatally diagnosed vasa previa. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2022.

Supplemental Figure 4

Pooled rates of adverse pregnancy outcomes

Sensitivity analysis restricted to studies considered to be of good quality or low risk of bias.

NICU , neonatal intensive care unit.

Mitchell. Timing of birth in cases of antenatally diagnosed vasa previa. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2022.

Supplemental Table 1

Table of included studies

First author Year Country No. of neonates Study design Population/s Outcomes obtained Results Included in quantitative synthesis? Recommended delivery time
Isotton et al 2019 Brazil 2 Case report N/A RDS, Apgar Score, NICU admission, birthweight, maternal outcomes Both neonates (100%) required NICU admission. 0% of neonates with an Apgar score <7 at 5 min No
Mabuchi et al 2010 Japan 2 Case report N/A RDS, Apgar Score, NICU admission, birthweight 1 infant had Apgar scores <7 at 5 min, requiring NICU admission, and intubation. No
Gandhi et al 2008 United States 6 Case series (retrospective) Cases of vasa previa in twin gestations over a 2-year period from an unspecified single obstetrical practice. RDS, NICU admission, length of stay in hospital, hyperbilirubinemia 1/6 (17%) infants required intubation because of RDS Yes 34–35 wk
Catanzarite et al 2001 United States 10 Case series (prospective) Cases of vasa previa prospectively collected at Sharp Mary Birch hospitals from January 1991 to December 1998. Perinatal mortality, Apgar score, birthweight, indication of delivery 0% perinatal mortality, 0% incidence of Apgar score <7 Yes
Daly-Jones et al 2017 United Kingdom 20 Case series—Abstract (prospective) Cases of vasa previa attending an unspecified center over a 5-year period (2012–2016). Perinatal mortality Fetal mortality was 5% for cases detected prenatally No
Attilakos et al 2017 United Kingdom 47 Case series—Abstract (retrospective) Cases of vasa previa collected via the United Kingdom Obstetric Surveillance System from all UK hospitals between Dec 2014 and Dec 2015 Perinatal mortality Perinatal mortality from prenatally diagnosed Vasa Previa was 13% (6/47; 95% CI, 5%–25%). No
Bronsteen et al 2013 United States 67 Case Series (retrospective) Cases of vasa previa that delivered at William Beaumont Hospital, Royal Oak, MI from January 1, 1990 to June 30, 2010. Perinatal mortality, NICU admission, blood transfusion, antepartum bleeding, elective or emergent delivery There were 3 perinatal deaths, 2 neonatal and 1 antenatal, giving a mortality rate of 4.5%. No 35 wk
Catanzarite et al 2016 United States 115 Case series (retrospective) Prenatally diagnosed cases of vasa previa with delivery at Sharp Mary Birch Hospital for Women and Newborns from July 2003 to June 2015. Perinatal mortality, RDS, Apgar score, birthweight, blood transfusion, IVH, NEC, newborn length of stay, fetal anomalies, umbilical pH RDS was diagnosed in 57.1% of singletons and 65.7% of twins. There were no perinatal deaths caused by ruptured vasa previa (95% CI, 0%–3.1%). One singleton neonate required urgent transfusion after delivery. No 34–35 wk
Dunn et al 2017 United States 19 Case series—Abstract (retrospective) Cases of vasa previa referred to 2 tertiary hospitals from 2010 to 2016. Perinatal mortality, Apgar score, NICU admission, maternal blood loss, ICU admissions 68% of neonates required NICU admission, the average 5-min Apgar score was 9. Only 1 fetus expired, but death was attributed to complications from a pericardial teratoma before delivery. No
Golic et al 2012 Germany 18 Case series (retrospective) Cases of antenatally diagnosed vasa previa in a perinatal center from January 1999 through July 2010 Perinatal mortality, Apgar Score, birthweight, blood transfusion, umbilical artery pH 5.6% of neonates had an Apgar score <7 at 5 min. Perinatal mortality was 0% and no neonates required blood transfusions. Yes 35–37 wk (risk adapted)
Kulkarni et al 2018 United States 39 Case series (retrospective) Cases of vasa previa from a single MFM service (Morristown Medical Center and Overlook Medical Center) between 2009 and 2017. 33 cases were diagnosed prenatally with ultrasound. Perinatal mortality, RDS, Apgar Score, length of time spent in NICU, birthweight, blood transfusion, indication of delivery 0% of neonates had Apgar score <7 at 5 min; 25.6% of infants developed RDS. None of the cases diagnosed prenatally required transfusions. No 35–36 wk
Rebarber et al 2014 United States 29 Case series (retrospective) Cases of vasa previa from a single ultrasound unit between June 2005 and June 2012. Perinatal mortality, Apgar scores, length of stay in hospital, birthweight, indication for delivery Neonatal mortality was 0% No 34–35 wk
Westcott et al 2020 United States 113 Case series (retrospective) Multicenter retrospective review of cases of prenatally diagnosed vasa previa on transvaginal ultrasound in the New York City MFM research consortium centers between 2012 and 2018. Perinatal mortality, RDS, NICU admission, birthweight, sepsis, IVH, NEC, PDA, bronchopulmonary dysplasia, hyperbilirubinemia 66.7% of infants were admitted to NICU. The most common complications were jaundice (37%), RDS (44%), IVH (7%), PDA (7%), and 6% had sepsis. 45% of infants had no complications. There was 1 neonatal death (1.3%) caused complications of prematurity. Yes
Romero et al 2011 United States 12 Case series—Abstract (retrospective) Cases of vasa previa diagnosed between 2007 and 2010 at the University of Michigan Medical Center Perinatal mortality, Apgar Score, NICU admission, birthweight, blood transfusion, NEC, IVH, hyperbilirubinemia 41.7% of neonates had RDS with intubation, 8.3% incidence of neonatal death, and a NICU admission rate of 66.7%. Yes
Swank et al 2016 United States 71 Case series (retrospective) Cases of vasa previa that delivered between January 1, 2000 and December 31, 2012, at 9 maternal-fetal medicine practices. RDS, Apgar Score, blood transfusion, NICU admission, NEC, IVH, periventricular leukomalacia, neonatal sepsis There were no neonatal deaths. One neonate required blood transfusion, 20% of neonates had RDS. Overall, the average stay in the NICU was 12.6 d. Yes 33–34 wk
Lee et al 2000 United States 21 Case series (retrospective) Suspected cases of vasa previa identified by searching a customized database from William Beaumont Hospital between January 1991 and December 1998. 3 cases had resolved vasa previa. Perinatal mortality, RDS, Apgar Score, blood transfusion, IVH, length-of-stay of neonatal hospitalization, Perinatal mortality occurred in 16.6% of infants. One cause was not unidentifiable and the other 2 deaths (twins) were attributed to severe hypovolemic shock because of vasa previa. No
Oyelese et al 2004 United States, United Kingdom, Israel 155 Cohort study (retrospective) Cases of vasa previa ascertained by women registering with the Vasa Previa Foundation web site or through discharge diagnoses from 5 large hospital obstetrical services. Perinatal mortality, Apgar score, blood transfusion In 61 cases (39%), vasa previa was diagnosed prenatally; 59 of 61 (97%) infants from these pregnancies survived compared with 41 of 94 (44%) in cases not diagnosed prenatally ( P <.001). No 35 wk (or earlier if lungs mature)
Smorgick et al 2010 Israel 9 Cohort study (retrospective) Cases of vasa previa ascertained from a computerized database of the medical records of patients diagnosed as having “vasa previa” and “bleeding vasa previa” from January 1988 to December 2007 at the hospital center Apgar Score, birthweight, umbilical cord pH In cases without prenatal diagnosis, there was a higher proportion of neonates with Apgar score <5 compared with cases diagnosed prenatally (66.7% vs 10%; P <.05). Perinatal mortality and 10-min Apgar scores <5 decreased from 25% to 0% and from 50% to 33.3% ( P >.05). Intrauterine fetal death caused by ruptured vasa previa occurred in 1 pregnancy (5.3%) over the 20-year period. Yes 34–37 wk
Yerlikaya-Schatten et al 2019 Austria 19 Case series (retrospective) All cases with vasa previa from January 2003 to December 2017 from an unspecified center. Perinatal mortality, Apgar score, blood transfusion, birthweight No fetal death and nil blood transfusions required. Yes 35–37 wk
Sullivan et al 2017 Australia 65 Cohort study (prospective) Cases of vasa previa ascertained from the Australasian Maternity Outcomes Surveillance System between May 1, 2013 and April 30, 2014, in hospitals in Australia with >50 births per year. 267 maternity units participated. Perinatal mortality, Apgar score, blood transfusion, NICU admission, birthweight, indication for delivery, betamethasone received, resuscitation required There were no perinatal deaths for women diagnosed prenatally with vasa previa. Admission to NICU was 53.3% in prenatally diagnosed neonates. 3.3% of neonates had a 5-min Apgar score <7. No 36 wk (if hospitalized and clinically stable)
Zhang et al 2020 United Kingdom 21 Case series (retrospective) Cases of vasa previa from prospective screening undertaken at the Fetal Medicine Unit at Medway Maritime Hospital, Gillingham, UK, between January 2012 and June 2018. Perinatal mortality, NICU admission, blood transfusion, preterm birth, small for gestational age, elective or emergency cesarean delivery, postpartum hemorrhage In pregnancies with a prenatal diagnosis of vasa previa, the incidence of neonatal death was 4.8%. In pregnancies with vasa previa there was a higher prevalence of preterm birth <32 wk, admission to NICU, neonatal blood transfusion, neonatal death, and a longer length of stay in the neonatal unit than in those without vasa previa. 100% of neonates from pregnancies with vasa previa required admission to the NICU compared with 16.6% of those without. No
Akolekar et al 2018 United Kingdom 13 Cohort study—Abstract (retrospective) Cases of vasa previa in a large maternity unit from May 2011 to October 2016 Perinatal mortality, gestational age, NICU admission, birthweight, length of stay Of 13 deliveries, there was 1 neonatal death (8% mortality). The neonatal admission rate was 92.8%. No
Erfani et al 2019 United States 136 Cohort study (retrospective) Cases of vasa previa from 5 US referral institutions between January 2011 and July 2018. Cohorts compared were patients with unresolved vasa previa on secondary assessment or resolved vasa previa. 117 cases had persisting vasa previa and 19 resolved Perinatal mortality, Apgar score, NICU admission, blood transfusion, vaginal bleeding, preterm labor, premature rupture of membrane, gestational age 3.5% of unresolved vasa previa required blood transfusion. 3.4% had a 5-min Apgar score <7. Perinatal mortality was 0%. Yes
Hasegawa et al 2015 Japan 21 Cohort study (retrospective) Cases of vasa previa managed between January 2005 and October 2013. Cohorts compared were patients with vasa previa admitted to hospital and patients managed as outpatients until elective cesarean delivery. Apgar score, NICU admission, umbilical artery pH, low birthweight, emergency or elective cesarean delivery. Admission to the neonatal intensive care unit was required in 73% of the admitted patients because of preterm birth and/or low birthweight, and in 33% of the outpatients, because of ventricular septal defect and apnea. Yes 35–36 wk
Weintraub et al 2012 Israel 237 Cohort Study—Abstract (retrospective) Comparison of all pregnancies of women with vasa previa with those of women without vasa previa over an unspecified time period Perinatal mortality, Apgar score, congenital malformations, cesarean delivery, placental abruption, intrauterine growth restriction, premature rupture of membranes OR of 2.3 for Apgar scores <7 after 5 min for patients with vasa previa (1.4–3.8; P <.003). OR of 4.7 (2.8–7.9; P <.001) for perinatal mortality when patients with vasa previa are compared with patients without vasa previa No
Yeaton-Massey et al 2019 United States 586 Cohort study (retrospective) Cases of vasa previa ascertained from the California birth cohort from 2007 to 2012. Apgar score, birthweight Neonates of women with vasa previa had a lower average birthweight, were more often small for gestation age (10.9% vs 8.6%), and more often had a 5-min Apgar score <5 (1.4% vs 0.5%) when compared with neonates of women without vasa previa. No
Melcer et al 2018 Israel 28 Cohort Study (retrospective) Cohorts compared patients complicated by vasa previa before and after the implementation of screening protocol. 33 cases were prenatally diagnosed following the implementation of the screening protocol (1988–2007 vs 2008–2016). Perinatal mortality, Apgar score, NICU admission, blood transfusion, need for resuscitation, umbilical cord pH, estimated blood loss, length of postoperative hospitalization stays The incidence of 5-min Apgar score <5 in the prescreening cohort was 27.8% vs 3% in the postscreening cohort. 27.8% required blood product transfusion vs 18.2% in the postscreening cohort. Admission to NICU increased from 44.4% to 54.5% after the implementation of the screening protocol. Yes
Nohuz et al 2017 France 8 Case series (retrospective) Cases of vasa previa that gave birth at a tertiary university hospital in France from January 1, 2011 to December 31, 2015. RDS, Apgar score, birthweight, blood transfusion, umbilical venous pH, blood loss from surgery No case of perinatal death occurred. No transfusion was necessary for the newborn nor the mother. 10% of neonates (1/10) required intubation for RDS. Yes
Fujita et al 2020 Japan 9 Case series—Abstract (retrospective) Cases of vasa previa from April 2000 to April 2019 at St Mary’s hospital. Perinatal mortality, Apgar score, blood transfusion, gestational age at delivery There were 8 cases of prenatally diagnosed vasa previa. There were no cases of neonatal mortality or need for blood transfusion. No
Wiafe et al 2020 Ghana 3 Case series (retrospective) Cases of vasa previa detected prenatally within an unspecified 9 mo at Komfo Anokye Teaching Hospital. Perinatal mortality, Apgar score, NICU admission, birthweight, gestational age at delivery There was 1 neonatal mortality with low Apgar scores in the same case; 0% of cases had low birthweight. No 35 wk
Tachibana et al 2021 Japan 55 Cohort study (retrospective) Cases of vasa previa diagnosed prenatally between March 2010 to February 2021 at Osaka City University Hospital. Cohorts compared type 1 vasa previa with nontype 1 vasa previa. Perinatal mortality, Apgar score, birthweight, blood transfusion, congenital disorders, gestational age at delivery No neonates required a blood transfusion. There was no clinical difference in neonatal outcomes between the types of vasa previa. Mean gestation age of delivery was 35.1 wk. Yes
Gross et al 2021 Austria 21 Case series (retrospective) Cases of vasa previa prenatally diagnosed from May 1, 2008 to December 31, 2019. Perinatal mortality, Apgar score, birthweight, blood transfusion, gestational age at delivery Mean gestational age of delivery was 35.2 wk (SD, 1.8). None of the fetuses or neonates died or required blood transfusions. Yes
Konishi et al 2020 Japan 29 Case series—Abstract (retrospective) Cases of prenatally diagnosed vasa previa from 2010 to 2019 at Osaka City University Hospital. Blood transfusion, gestational age at delivery No neonates required a blood transfusion. No
La et al 2021 Australia 25 Case series Cases of prenatally diagnosed vasa previa from January 1, 2007 to December 31, 2017, at a tertiary referral hospital in New South Wales. Perinatal mortality, Apgar score, NICU admission, birthweight, blood transfusion, gestational age at delivery There were no cases of perinatal death, need for blood transfusion or Apgar scores <7 (0%). The NICU admission rate was 64% and the median gestational age at delivery was 36 wk (IQR, 34–37 wk) No
Liu et al 2021 China 157 Cohort study (retrospective) Cases of vasa previa that gave birth at a tertiary hospital in West China between January 1, 2013 and December 31, 2019. Cohorts compared were prenatally diagnosed and not prenatally diagnosed vasa previa. Perinatal mortality, RDS, Apgar score, NICU admission, birthweight, IVH, gestational age In cases with prenatally diagnosed vasa previa compared with cases without prenatal diagnosis there were higher rates of neonatal mortality (9.7% vs 1.3%; P =.035) and NICU admission (55.9% vs 35.5%; P =.038), and lower rates of Apgar scores <7 (1.3% vs 6.5%; P =.134). Mean gestational age at delivery for prenatally diagnosed vasa previa was 33.4 wk. No 34–36 wk
Toscano et al 2021 United States 23 Cohort study—Abstract (retrospective) Cases of prenatally diagnosed vasa previa from 2011 to 2020 at a single tertiary care University center. Cohorts compared prenatally diagnosed vasa previa and matched controls with spontaneous preterm labor. Neonatal mortality, Apgar score, NICU admission, birthweight, blood transfusion, NEC, sepsis Compared with neonates born spontaneously preterm, neonates of pregnancies complicated by vasa previa required higher ventilatory support (56.5% vs 19.6%; P <.1). No
Trostle et al 2021 United States 131 Cohort study—
Abstract (retrospective)
Cases of prenatally diagnosed vasa previa from 2012 to 2018 at New York City MFM Research Consortium centers. Cohorts compared resolved vasa previa with persistent vasa previa. Neonatal mortality, rates of neonatal death, birthweight, NICU admission Median gestational age at delivery of persistent vasa previa was 35 wk (34–35.3). The rate of NICU admission was 70.8% and 8.8% of cases required blood transfusion. There was 1 case of neonatal death (rate of 0.9%) No

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Aug 28, 2022 | Posted by in GYNECOLOGY | Comments Off on Timing of birth and adverse pregnancy outcomes in cases of prenatally diagnosed vasa previa: a systematic review and meta-analysis

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