The Placenta and Fetal Membranes

The Placenta and Fetal Membranes

Berthold Huppertz1 and John C.P. Kingdom2

1 Department of Cell Biology, Histology and Embryology, Gottfried Schatz Research Center, Medical University of Graz, Graz, Austria

2 Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Mount Sinai Hospital, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

The placenta was already recognized and venerated by the early Egyptians, while it was the Greek physician Diogenes of Apollonia (c. 480 BC) who first ascribed the function of fetal nutrition to the organ. Aristotle (384 to 322 BC) reported that the chorionic membranes fully enclose the fetus, but it was only in 1559 during the Renaissance that Realdus Columbus introduced the term ‘placenta’, derived from the Latin for a flat cake.

Structural characteristics of the human placenta

Placental shape

On the gross anatomical level, the placenta of eutherian animals can be classified according to the physical interactions between fetal and maternal tissues [1]. Such interactions may be restricted to specific sites or may be found covering the whole surface of the chorionic sac and the inner uterine surface. On this gross anatomical level, the human placenta is classified as a discoidal placenta, confining interactions to a more or less circular area (Fig. 2.1a).

Image described by caption.

Fig. 2.1 Schematic representation of the structural characteristics of the human placenta. (a) The human placenta displays a discoidal shape. (b) The materno‐fetal interdigitations are arranged in villous trees bathing in maternal blood that floats through the intervillous space. (c) The haemochorial type of placentation results in a materno‐fetal barrier composed of villous trophoblast in direct contact with maternal blood. (d) Fetal and maternal blood flows are arranged in a multivillous flow. CT, cytotrophoblast; FC, fetal capillary; FEn, fetal endothelium; FEr, fetal erythrocyte; MC, mesenchymal cells; MEr, maternal erythrocyte; ST, syncytiotrophoblast.

Materno‐fetal interdigitations

The next level of classification is based on the interdigitations between maternal and fetal tissues [1]. In the human placenta maternal and fetal tissues are arranged is such a way that there are three‐dimensional tree‐like structures called villous trees of fetallly derived tissues that float in a vascular space filled with maternal blood. Like the structure of a tree with leaves, the placental villi repeatedly branch into progressively smaller and slender gas‐exchanging villi (Fig. 2.1b). On the maternal side blood vessels are eroded, resulting in an open circulation of maternal blood within the vascular space of the placenta. The placental villi are in direct contact with maternal blood with no intervening layer of maternal endothelial cells.

Materno‐fetal barrier

Following implantation of the blastocyst within the decidualized endometrium, the outer trophoblast cells gradually erode into the surrounding maternal uterine stroma, breaching capillaries to direct maternal blood towards the placenta where the developing villi are forming. At the cellular level, this type of implantation is termed invasive placentation [1]. The fetally derived epithelial layer, termed villous trophoblast, covers the placental villi; it comes into direct contact with maternal blood and functions as the placental barrier between maternal and fetal tissues (Fig. 2.1c).

This type of placentation is termed haemomonochorial since on the maternal side blood makes direct contact rather than via blood vessels (haemo) while on the fetal side there is a single intact layer of trophoblast (monochorial) between maternal blood and the fetal vascular compartment (Fig. 2.1c).

Vascular arrangement

The diffusion efficiency of the human placenta depends on the extent of elaboration and development of the placental villi, with the more specialized terminal villi being the site of maximal diffusional exchange. An additional important determinant is the direction of maternal and fetal blood flows in relation to each other [1]. The optimal design is counter‐current, but due to the complex arrangement of the human placental villous trees, this is less efficient than in some other species, such as the guinea pig. The variable flow pattern in humans has been termed multivillous flow (Fig. 2.1d).

Macroscopic features of the term placenta


The placenta displays typical macroscopic features after delivery at term [1]. The term placenta shows a round disc‐like appearance, with the insertion of the umbilical cord in a slightly eccentric position on the fetal side of the placenta. The average measurements of a delivered placenta at term are as follows: diameter 22 cm, central thickness 2.5 cm, and weight 450–500 g. One has to keep in mind, though, that considerable variation in gross placental structure can occur in normal term pregnancies. In part, this is due to the fact that the human placenta comprises 30–50 operational units termed placentomes, whose aggregated shape may vary without compromise to the function of individual units.

Tissue arrangements

The tissues of the term placenta display a specific organization [1]. On the fetal side of the placenta, the amnion covers the chorionic plate. The amnion is assembled by a single‐layered cuboidal epithelium fixed to an avascular layer of mesenchymal tissue. Beneath the amnion, the chorionic mesenchymal tissue layer contains the chorionic plate vessels that are direct continuations of those within the umbilical cord. These chorionic plate vessels penetrate to supply the fetally derived vessels within the villous trees where the capillary system, between arteries and veins, is located within the so‐called gas‐exchanging terminal villi. Hence, the chorionic vessels connect the fetal circulation (via the umbilical cord) with the placental circulation within the villous trees of the placenta. The villous trees hang down from the chorionic plate, floating within a vascular space filled with maternal blood. The villous trees are connected via a major trunk (stem villus) to the chorionic plate and display multiple sites of branching, finally ending in terminal villi. On the maternal side of the placenta, the basal plate is located (Fig. 2.1b). It is an artificial surface generated by separation of the placenta from the uterine wall during delivery. The basal plate is a colourful mixture of fetal trophoblasts and maternal cells of the decidua, all of which are embedded in trophoblast‐secreted matrix‐type fibrinoid, decidual extracellular matrices, and blood‐derived fibrin‐type fibrinoid. At the placental margin, chorionic plate and basal plate fuse with each other, thereby closing the intervillous space such that the remainder of the uterine cavity is lined by the fetal membranes or chorion laeve.

Placental development

Trophoblast lineage

At the transition between morula and blastocyst, the trophoblast lineage is the first to differentiate from the inner cell mass or embryoblast (Fig. 2.2) [1]. Following attachment of the blastocyst to the endometrial epithelium, further differentiation of the trophoblast occurs. Exact knowledge of the underlying molecular processes in the human is still lacking, but at this stage the first event is the creation of an outer layer of fused trophoblast cells, termed the outer syncytiotrophoblast. This outer syncytiotrophoblast generated by fused trophoblasts is in direct contact with maternal tissues and thus is the first layer from the conceptus to encounter and subsequently penetrate the uterine epithelium capillaries (Fig. 2.2).

Schematic diagram with parts labeled embryoblast, cytotrophoblast, syncytiotrophoblast, endometrial gland and capillaries, uterine decidual stroma, and uterine epithelium.

Fig. 2.2 During implantation of the blastocyst, trophoblast cells in direct contact with maternal tissues syncytially fuse and give rise to the syncytiotrophoblast. Only this multinucleated tissue is able to penetrate the uterine epithelium and to implant the developing embryo.

Prelacunar stage

At day 7–8 post conception, the blastocyst has completely crossed the uterine epithelium to become embedded within the decidualized endometrial stroma. The developing embryo is completely surrounded by the growing placenta, which at that stage consists of the two fundamental subtypes of the trophoblast. The multinucleated syncytiotrophoblast is in direct contact with maternal tissues, while the mononucleated cytotrophoblast as the stem cell layer of the trophoblast is directed towards the embryo.

All the differentiation and developmental stages of the placenta described so far take place before fluid‐filled spaces within the syncytiotrophoblast develop. This is why this stage is termed ‘prelacunar’ [1].

Lacunar stage

At day 8–9 post conception, the syncytiotrophoblast generates a number of fluid‐filled spaces within its mass (lacunar stage) [1]. These spaces flow together forming larger lacunae, and finally embed parts of the syncytiotrophoblast (trabeculae) that cross the syncytial mass from the embryonic to the maternal side.

At the end of this stage, at day 12 post conception, the process of implantation is completed. The developing embryo with its surrounding extraembryonic tissues is completely embedded in the decidualized endometrium, and the syncytiotrophoblast surrounds the whole surface of the conceptus. Mesenchymal cells derived from the embryo spread over the inner surface of the trophoblast (extraembryonic mesoderm), thus generating an additional mesenchymal layer on top of the inner surface of the trophoblast, termed chorion.

The development of the lacunar system subdivides the placenta into its three compartments.

  1. The embryonically oriented part of the trophoblast together with the extraembryonic mesoderm (chorion) will develop into the chorionic plate.
  2. The trabeculae will become the anchoring villi, attaching the placenta proper to the uterine wall. The side branches growing out of the trabeculae will develop into floating villi. The lacunae surrounding the villi will turn into the intervillous space that will subsequently fill with maternal blood at the end of the first trimester.
  3. The maternally oriented part of the trophoblast together with components of maternal decidual tissues will develop into the basal plate.

Early villous stage

Very early in pregnancy, specific types of villi develop as the forerunners of the placental villous tissues seen later in pregnancy [1]. Starting at day 12 post conception, proliferation of cytotrophoblast pushes trophoblasts to penetrate the syncytial trabeculae, reaching the maternal side of the syncytiotrophoblast by day 14. Further proliferation of trophoblasts inside the trabeculae (day 13) stretches the trabeculae, resulting in the development of syncytial side branches filled with cytotrophoblasts (primary villi).

Shortly after, the mesenchymal cells from the chorion follow the cytotrophoblast and penetrate the trabeculae and the primary villi, thus generating secondary villi with a mesenchymal core. At this stage, there is always a complete cytotrophoblast layer between penetrating mesenchyme and syncytiotrophoblast.

Around day 20–21 post conception, vascularization (development of new vessels from haemangioblastic precursor cells) within the villous mesenchyme gives rise to the formation of the first placental vessels (tertiary villi). Only later will the proximal connection to the vascular system of the embryo proper be established via the umbilical cord.

Placental villi are organized in villous trees that cluster together into a series of spherical units known as lobules or placentomes. Each placentome originates from the chorionic plate by a thick villous trunk stemming from a trabecula. Continuous branching of the main trunk results in the formation of floating villi that branch and end freely as terminal villi in the intervillous space.

Trophoblastic cell columns

During penetration of the syncytial trabeculae, the cytotrophoblasts reach the maternal decidual tissues while the subsequently penetrating mesenchymal cells do not infiltrate to the tips of the trabeculae [1]. Hence, at the tips of the anchoring villi multiple layers of cytotrophoblasts develop, referred to as trophoblastic cell columns (Fig. 2.3) [1]. Only those cytotrophoblasts remain as proliferative stem cells that are in direct contact with the basement membrane separating trophoblast from mesenchyme of the anchoring villi.

Image described by caption.

Fig. 2.3 Schematic representation of the developing embryo and its surrounding tissues at about 8–10 weeks of pregnancy. The amnionic cavity with the embryo inside is marked off by the amnion that has already contacted the chorion. From the chorion, villous trees protrude into the intervillous space where some villi have direct contact with the basal plate (anchoring villi). At these sites trophoblastic cell columns are the source for all extravillous trophoblast cells invading maternal tissues. Interstitial trophoblast cells derived from these columns invade endometrium and myometrium, while a subset of these cells penetrates the uterine arteries and veins first as intramural and then as endovascular trophoblast cells. Onset of maternal blood flow into the placenta starts in the upper regions of the placenta (the abembryonic pole) where development is slightly delayed. The locally high concentrations of oxygen contribute to the regression of villi at the abembryonic pole. This in turn leads to the formation of the smooth chorion, the fetal membranes.

Subtypes of extravillous trophoblast

The formation of cell columns does not always result in a complete layer of trophoblastic shell but rather may be organized as separated columns from which extravillous trophoblasts invade into maternal uterine tissues (Fig. 2.3). All these cells migrate as interstitial trophoblast into the decidual stroma [1]. The interstitial trophoblast invades the whole thickness of the decidua and penetrates the inner third of the myometrium. Here, invasion normally stops and no extravillous trophoblast can be seen in the outer third of the myometrium.

Following this main direction of invasion, extravillous trophoblasts may invade via other specific routes. One subset of interstitial trophoblasts penetrates the walls of uterine spiral arteries and veins (intramural trophoblast), finally reaching the vessel lumen (endovascular trophoblast) (Fig. 2.3) [2]. Another subset of interstitial trophoblasts penetrates the walls of uterine glands, finally opening such glands towards the intervillous space (endoglandular trophoblast) (Fig. 2.4) [3]. Finally, some of the interstitial trophoblasts may fuse and thus develop into multinucleated trophoblast giant cells (Fig. 2.4) at the boundary between endometrium/decidua and myometrium [1].

Diagram of trophoblast differentiation and subtypes, with arrows from Trophoblast of blastocyst to Cytotrophoblast and Syncytiotrophoblast. The latter branches further to Villous syncytiotrophoblast.

Fig. 2.4 Trophoblast differentiation and subtypes. The trophoblast lineage is the first to develop at the blastocyst stage. From this stage onwards, further differentiation leads to the generation of the syncytiotrophoblast and subsequently to the two main trophoblast types of placental villi, villous cytotrophoblast and villous syncytiotrophoblast. The trophoblast cells that start to invade maternal tissues are termed extravillous trophoblast. From the interstitital trophoblast all other subtypes of extravillous trophoblast develop.

Plugging of spiral arteries

Invasion of extravillous trophoblasts is the ultimate means to transform maternal arteries into large‐bore conduits to enable adequate supply of oxygen and nutrients to the placenta and the fetus [1,2]. However, free transfer of maternal blood to the intervillous space is only established at the end of the first trimester of pregnancy [4]. Before that, the extent of invasion and thus the number of endovascular trophoblasts is so great that the trophoblasts aggregate within the arterial lumen, plugging the distal segments of the spiral arteries (Fig. 2.3). Hence, before about 12 weeks of gestation, the intervillous space contains mostly a plasma filtrate that is free of maternal blood cells. To aid in nutritional support of the embryo, glandular secretion products from eroded uterine glands (histiotrophic nutrition) add to the fluids filling the intervillous space (Fig. 2.3) [3,5].

The reason for such paradoxical plugging of already eroded and transformed arteries may be because the lack of blood cells keeps the placenta and the embryo in a low oxygen environment of less than 20 mmHg in the first trimester of pregnancy. This low oxygen environment may be necessary to drive angiogenesis and at the same time reduce formation of free radicals that could damage the growing embryo in this critical stage of tissue and organ development [6].

Onset of maternal blood flow

At the end of the first trimester trophoblastic plugs within the spiral arteries break up to allow maternal blood cells to enter the intervillous space, thereby establishing the first arterial blood flow to the placenta (haemotrophic nutrition) [4]. The inflow starts in those upper parts of the placenta that are closer to the endometrial epithelium (the abembryonic pole of the placenta) (Fig. 2.3) [6]. These sites are characterized by a slight delay in development since the deeper parts at the embryonic pole have been the first to develop directly after implantation (Fig. 2.3). Therefore, at these upper sites the plugs inside the vessels contain fewer cells, enabling blood cells to penetrate the plugs earlier, and blood flow starts at these sites first, maybe even weeks prior to the embryonic pole. Because of the massive increase in oxygenation at this time (around weeks 8–10) at the abembryonic pole, placental villi degenerate in larger parts and the chorion becomes secondarily smooth. The regression leads to the formation of the fetal membrane or chorion laeve [6]. The remaining part of the placenta develops into the chorion frondosum, the definitive disc‐shaped placenta.

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